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Diatoms have been regularly used as bioindicators to assess water quality of surface waters. However, diatom-based indices developed for a specific geographic region may not be appropriate elsewhere. We sampled benthic diatom assemblages in the upper Han River, a subtropical river in China, to evaluate applicability of 14 diatom-based indices used worldwide for water quality assessment. A total of 194 taxa from 31 genera were identified in the dry season and 139 taxa from 23 genera in the wet season. During the dry season, significant relationships were found for all but one of the diatom-based indices (Index Diatom Artois–Picardie) with one or more physical and chemical variables including nutrients and ion concentrations in river waters. The Biological Diatom Index (IBD) and diatom-based eutrophication/pollution index (EPI-D) were strongly related to trophic status and ionic content, while Watanabe’s Index was related to organic pollution and conductivity. Yet, the diatom indices showed weak relationships with physical and chemical variables during the wet season. It suggests that diatom-based indices developed in Europe can be applied with confidence as bioindicators of water quality in subtropical rivers of China, at least during base-flow conditions.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The Ganges River is one of the biggest transboundary streams in the Indian sub-continent. The significant part of this waterway channel drains one of...  相似文献   

为解析再生水补水对城市内河水质的影响,以合肥市塘西河为例,采用一维水动力水质模型,结合模糊模式识别方法,研究再生水补水位置、水质和补水量对塘西河水质的影响。模拟结果表明:再生水补水改变了河流水动力特征、污染物负荷及其扩散降解过程,影响河流水质空间分布,且对补给点附近的河流水质影响最为显著;通过模糊模式识别分析发现,补给点越靠近上游对河流水质的改善作用越大,提高补水水质或增大补水水量均可进一步改善河流水质。  相似文献   

李海云  梁籍  郭逍宇 《环境工程学报》2017,11(12):6309-6320
运用聚类分析、判别分析和主成分/因子分析方法来研究潮白河流域再生水补水河段地下水水质的时空变异情况。对地下水进行剖面分析(剖面A为平行于水流场方向,剖面B垂直于水流场方向)。地下水研究结果表明除NO3-、NH4+和Mn2+外,其余指标均达到地表水Ⅱ类标准。剖面A的季节判别中由于淋溶作用筛选出pH和TDS,正确率为77.5%,说明研究区在近岸区。同时,剖面B的季节变异由于远离河岸的土壤蓄水层中氧化还原作用使得Fe3+、Mn2+、Na+、NO2-、CODMn和TP被判别出,正确率为74.4%。此外,由于非冻土期土壤蓄水层中频繁的淋溶作用和活跃的生化反应识别出CODMn、HCO3-、NO2-、pH、SO42-、Cl-、Na+和Ba2+表征了非冻土期剖面A的空间变异,而判别正确率为100%的F-、Na+和HCO3-则表征了冻土期剖面A的空间变异。冻土期剖面B的TDS和TP以及非冻土期剖面B的TN和K+的判别正确率均为100%。再生水对近岸带的影响较远岸带显著。该分析结论可归因于再生水的污染、土壤蓄水层矿物盐岩溶解污染、工农业废水排放的点源污染和降水及流域水土流失所造成的非点源污染的综合作用。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Urbanization has caused severe negative impacts on intra-urban river water bodies. In this paper, 22 physicochemical parameters were measured at 20...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Rapid economic development in coastal areas has gradually increased the risk of coastal water quality deterioration. The assessment methods of coastal...  相似文献   

Microbial contamination of fresh produce can present a severe risk to public health. By conducting a rigorous survey of irrigation waters, the impacts of fecal contamination on the quality of produce could be assessed. In this study, surface waters were observed to be contaminated with Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp., and somatic coliphages. Culture methods show that out of 373 irrigation water, soil, and vegetable samples collected for a 1-year period, 232 (62.20%) were found positive for E. coli, 213 (57.26%) for somatic coliphages, and 2 (0.53%) for Salmonella spp. Out of 190 water samples, 167 (87.9%) were found to have E.coli, 174 (91.6%) have somatic coliphages, and 1 (0.5%) with Salmonella spp. In soil samples, 36 of 91 (39.6%) have E. coli, 31 (34.0%) have somatic coliphages, and none with Salmonella spp. Lastly, out of 92 vegetable samples, 29 (31.5%), 8 (8.7%), and 1 (1.1%) were found to have E. coli, somatic coliphages, and Salmonella spp., respectively. Molecular analysis confirmed the presence of bacterial contaminants. Seasonal weather conditions were noted to have an effect on the presence and number of these fecal indicator organisms. The observed data suggest that contaminated irrigation water may greatly affect the quality of fresh produce from these agricultural operations.  相似文献   

In order to assist and optimize the operation of a clean water diversion project for the medium-sized inland rivers in Chaohu, China, an integrated hydrodynamic and water quality model was used in this study. Sixteen diversion scenarios and five sewage interception scenarios were defined to assess the improvement of water quality parameters including ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N), total phosphorus (TP) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) under different diverted water flows, diverting times, diverting points, diverting routines and sewage interception proportions. An index of pollutant removal rate per unit diverted water flow (PRUWF) was proposed to evaluate the effect of the clean water diversion. Results show that operating conditions played important roles in water quality improvement of medium-sized inland rivers. The optimal clean water diversion was operated under the conditions of a flow rate of 5 m3/s for 48 h with an additional constructed bridge sluice. A global sensitivity analysis using the Latin Hypercube One-Factor-at-a-Time (LH-OAT) method was conducted to distinguish the contributions of various driving forces to inland river water restoration. Results show that sewage interception was more important than diverted water flow and diverting time with respect to water quality improvement, especially for COD.  相似文献   

孟加拉国是“一带一路”重要节点国家,经济社会快速发展,正从“最不发达国家”进入到“发展中国家”行列。同时,孟加拉国是全世界砷污染最严重的国家之一,其地下水砷污染形成过程与环境地球化学机制、人群砷暴露途径与风险水平、砷中毒机制与控制原理等在全球范围内具有重要研究价值。此外,孟加拉国政府和国际社会为控制饮用水砷污染开展了大量工作,已取得很好的成效。以饮用水砷污染及其健康风险控制为目标,制定科学、合理、有效的砷污染控制策略,对于孟加拉国在全国范围内从根本解决饮用水安全问题具有重要意义。  相似文献   

北京城市水系水环境模拟及情景分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市水系是流域水环境管理中最为脆弱的控制点.针对城市水系水动力条件差、有机污染和富营养化严重的问题,应用QUAL2K模型模拟、预测城市水系水环境的时空变化,并在此基础上探讨北环水系水环境管理和污染防治的合理有效方案.结果显示,经过多次调整后的模型模拟的匹配度达到了0.9135,水温、溶解氧、COD、TN、TP和Chl-...  相似文献   

基于聚类分析和水质标识指数的水质评价方法   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
为探讨一种适用于大尺度、多断面和长时间的水质评价方法,用层次聚类分析将2006~2008年海河5个监测断面的165个水质样本分为20组,并用方差分析验证了结果的可靠性。用综合水质标识指数表示水质样本的综合特征,与单因子评价法相比,该方法充分考虑了最差水质因子的影响,避免了单因子评价法以偏概全的缺陷,且分辨率高。将评价结果分解到各断面,结果表明:密云水库、官厅水库和于桥水库的水质处于II~III类水之间,可满足作为饮用水水源水的要求,三岔口断面大部分时间为IV~V类水,张家口八号桥断面全年有6个月以上水质属于劣V类。  相似文献   

A good water quality bio-indicator should be sensitive to different forms of water degradation in any geographical area, and effectively track water quality changes in time. We investigated whether the presence of a bird, the dipper (Cinclus cinclus), in 47 reaches of 35 streams of central Italy was affected by stream pollution as assessed by the Extended Biotic Index. Data from the literature and interviews with ornithologists furnished information about past dipper presence and water quality in the study streams. In 93.3% of cases dippers occurred in unpolluted reaches. The dipper was absent from 93.7% of polluted or strongly polluted streams. Dippers disappeared from 50% of the study streams for which past information was available. In a few streams dippers disappeared after the quality of water had degraded. Water quality degradation in the study area, especially in the hill streams, is causing dipper areale to contract to higher altitudes. Dipper is a good water quality bio-indicator for Mediterranean streams.  相似文献   

A polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based method was developed to differentiate between pathogenic and nonpathogenic Escherichia coli (E. coli). A pathogenicity marker, linked to the deletion of the ygfB gene, was identified in 80% of the clinical E. coli isolates tested. This marker, combined with the malic acid dehydrogenase gene, formed the duplex PCR that was subsequently used to screen E. coli isolates recovered from two secondary wastewater treatment plants (STPs) and a river site. All waters samples are used to irrigate dairy farm pasture in the West Gippsland region of Victoria, Australia. Results from three consecutive months of sampling (December 2001 and January and February 2002) indicated that Longwarry STP showed 8, 8, and 0% pathogenic E. coli; Pakenham STP showed 0, 12.5, and 33%; and the Bunyip river site showed 20, 12, and 25% respectively.  相似文献   

黄浦江水质的模糊数学综合评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在黄浦江的水质综合评价中,采用基于加权平均模型的模糊数学综合评价法进行评价,取得了良好的效果。研究结果表明,黄浦江水质基本属于Ⅲ~Ⅳ类水,偏Ⅳ类。并尝试采用SPSS统计软件进行多元统计分析,深入探讨各污染指标之间的相互关系,更好地了解黄浦江水质的污染特性。通过SPSS统计软件的相关分析结果表明,所选择的7项污染指标是有代表性的。  相似文献   



The aim of this paper was to develop a new recreational water quality index (RWQI) as a tool to ensure the health of swimmers and to take practical decisions.


RWQI was elaborated with epidemiological data, and we carried out an exhaustive study of the different guidelines for recreational waters proposed by different organisations around the world. Different parameters were chosen, considering, as a priority, the swimmer??s contact and the possibility of ingestion of water during the recreational activity. Furthermore, rating curves were established for pH, chemical oxygen demand, nitrate, phosphate, detergents, enterococci, total coliforms, faecal coliforms and Escherichia coli.

Results and conclusions

The index was applied to the data set on water quality of the Potrero de los Funes River (San Luis, Argentina), generated during 2 years (2009?C2010). Following the RWQI values classification, most of the Potrero de los Funes water samples fell in the good quality range during the study period.  相似文献   

Benthic diatoms are the main component in many aquatic ecosystems such as streams, creeks and rivers, and they function as important primary producers and chemical modulators for other organisms in the ecosystems. In this study, the composition of benthic diatoms was investigated and further explored the primary physicals and chemicals affecting their temporal variations in the upper Han River, China. There were seasonal variations in physical and chemical variables in waters over the sampling period of 2007–2010. Water temperature (t), chemical oxygen demand, total nitrogen, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), silica and fluoride were much higher in the high flow season (i.e., July or August) than these in the base flow season. Three species Achnanthidium minutissimum (composed of 10.7 % of the total diatom abundance), Achnanthidium pyrenaicum (11.9 %), and Achnanthidium subatomus (12.7 %) accounting for more than 5 % of the total diatom abundance were persistently dominant in all seasons, while the other two prostrate and motile species including Eolimna minima and Nitzschia dissipata also dominant in the base flow season. The species richness always peaked in autumn with significant difference with summer (p?<?0.01), and density of benthic diatom varied and peaked in April. Analyses indicated that the temporal variation in benthic diatom communities was strongly related to t, nitrogen, organic pollutants (indicated by COD and DOC), and hydrological regime. The research will expand the understanding of water chemistry monitoring, and improve watershed- scale management and conservation efforts in the upper Han River, China.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic activities are increasingly impacting the quality of urban surface water, particularly in regions undergoing intensive urbanization, such as Guangzhou of South China with a large urban stream network. To examine such impacts, we conducted field sampling on December 24, 2010, May 24, 2011, and August 28, 2011, representative of the low-, normal-, and high-flow periods, respectively. The first sampling was timed immediately after the closing of the 16th Asian Games (November 12–27, 2010) and the 10th Asian Para Games (December 12–19, 2010) held in Guangzhou. Assessments based on a pollution index method showed that the urban streams under investigation were extremely polluted, with direct discharge of untreated domestic sewage identified as the main pollution contributor. In addition, stream water quality around urban villages with high population densities was worse than that within business districts away from the urban villages. Pollution control measures implemented in preparation for the Asian Games were effective for urban streams within the business districts, but less effective for those adjacent to the urban villages. However, short-term efforts may not be able to achieve sustainable urban water quality improvements. In the case of Guangzhou, minimizing or even eliminating direct point-source inputs to the urban streams is perhaps the best option.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - This study evaluates the characteristics of water along the Swat River, Northern Pakistan. For this purpose, water samples (n = 30) were...  相似文献   

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