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The various options for removing carbon dioxide (CO2) from power plant exhaust gases are reviewed. An absorption-stripping system using amine solutions and dissolution of gaseous CO2 into deep ocean waters is a feasible choice with a marginal cost of electricity below 15%.  相似文献   

In this survey the earth is viewed from the astrophysical perspective, i.e. using global mean values of environmental parameters. The role of carbon dioxide is described in the processes of energy transfer from the earth's surface to space, which determine “global climate” as measured by the mean surface temperature. Analogies and differences between the problems of the terrestrial atmosphere and those of the solar and stellar atmospheres are examines, both in the computation of model atmosphere and in remote sensing of atmospheric temperature and composition. Subsequently, the temporal astrophysical perspective, with a review of the evolution of CO2 abundance and climate on astrophysical or geological time scales, on earth as on Venus (the runaway greenhouse) and on Mars is introduced. Variation of CO2 may have been critical to the maintenance of an environment in which life could originate and evolve, and may itself have been affected by life. On human time scales, the recent and continuing increase in atmospheric CO2 raises new problems, which are briefly surveyed. It is argued, that the differential greenhouse effect of increased CO2 in the earth's atmosphere is essentially identical to the “blanketing effect” of spectral lines on the temperature structure of stellar atmospheres. The methods used by astrophysicists in such studies are reviewed and compared with those used to evaluate the differential greenhouse effect of CO2 in radiative-convective models of the earth's atmosphere. The latter methods remain relatively crude, but recent results by different authors are in reasonably good agreement; however, the astrophysical perspective, i.e. the use of one-dimensional global mean models, remains a gross simplification of the real complexity of the earth's climate system, which is also true in stellar atmospheres.  相似文献   

Calculations indicate that there may be a potential climatic problem due to the release of CO2 from burning fossil fuels. However there is insufficient scientific evidence to predict the impact because the available models are not well enough understood and do not take into account many feedback mechanisms. Therefore, we have calculated atmospheric temperature changes versus latitude with the simpler Manabe-Wetherald radiative-convective model and compared it to the results of their general circulation model. In addition, we have determined the changes in several physical quantities, such as cloud abundance and surface albedo, required to compensate the temperature rise related to increased CO2 concentrations.  相似文献   

The seasonal variation of 222Rn concentrations in the air of tunnels constructed during World War II at Nagano City has been investigated. The determination of 222Rn concentrations in tunnel air was performed using a solid-state nuclear track detector technique. The monthly radon concentrations changed smoothly, decreasing towards winter and increasing towards summer, and it was found that the concentrations strongly correlate with the temperature difference between the inside and the outside of the tunnel. In the innermost areas of the tunnel, the maximum concentration was observed in July, its value being about 6500 Bq m (-3). The concentrations of radon in the tunnel air decrease exponentially towards the openings of the tunnel, which indicates that the radon concentration in the tunnel is basically governed by diffusion and mixing of radon gas with air. These observations lead to the conclusion that the seasonal variation of the radon concentration in the tunnel air is mainly caused by a convection current due to a stack effect induced by the temperature difference between the tunnel air and the outside air.  相似文献   

Based on the China high resolution emission gridded data (1 km spatial resolution), this article is aimed to create a Chinese city carbon dioxide (CO2) emission data set using consolidated data sources as well as normalized and standardized data processing methods. Standard methods were used to calculate city CO2 emissions, including scope 1 and scope 2. Cities with higher CO2 emissions are mostly in north, northeast, and eastern coastal areas. Cities with lower CO2 emissions are in the western region. Cites with higher CO2 emissions are clustered in the Jing-Jin-Ji Region (such as Beijing, Tianjin, and Tangshan), and the Yangtze River Delta region (such as Shanghai and Suzhou). The city per capita CO2 emission is larger in the north than the south. There are obvious aggregations of cities with high per capita CO2 emission in the north. Four cities among the top 10 per capita emissions (Erdos, Wuhai, Shizuishan, and Yinchuan) cluster in the main coal production areas of northern China. This indicates the significant impact of coal resources endowment on city industry and CO2 emissions. The majority (77%) of cities have annual CO2 emissions below 50 million tons. The mean annual emission, among all cities, is 37 million tons. Emissions from service-based cities, which include the smallest number of cities, are the highest. Industrial cities are the largest category and the emission distribution from these cities is close to the normal distribution. Emissions and degree of dispersion, in the other cities (excluding industrial cities and service-based cities), are in the lowest level. Per capita CO2 emissions in these cities are generally below 20 t/person (89%) with a mean value of 11 t/person. The distribution interval of per capita CO2 emission within industrial cities is the largest among the three city categories. This indicates greater differences among per capita CO2 emissions of industrial cities. The distribution interval of per capita CO2 emission of other cities is the lowest, indicating smaller differences of per capita CO2 emissions among this city category. Three policy suggestions are proposed: first, city CO2 emission inventory data in China should be increased, especially for prefecture level cities. Second, city responsibility for emission reduction, and partitioning the national goal should be established, using a bottom-up approach based on specific CO2 emission levels and potential for emission reductions in each city. Third, comparative and benchmarking research on city CO2 emissions should be conducted, and a Top Runner system of city CO2 emission reduction should be established.  相似文献   

The seasonal variation of 222Rn concentrations in the air of tunnels constructed during World War II at Nagano City has been investigated. The determination of 222Rn concentrations in tunnel air was performed using a solid-state nuclear track detector technique. The monthly radon concentrations changed smoothly, decreasing towards winter and increasing towards summer, and it was found that the concentrations strongly correlate with the temperature difference between the inside and the outside of the tunnel. In the innermost areas of the tunnel, the maximum concentration was observed in July, its value being about 6500 Bq m (-3). The concentrations of radon in the tunnel air decrease exponentially towards the openings of the tunnel, which indicates that the radon concentration in the tunnel is basically governed by diffusion and mixing of radon gas with air. These observations lead to the conclusion that the seasonal variation of the radon concentration in the tunnel air is mainly caused by a convection current due to a stack effect induced by the temperature difference between the tunnel air and the outside air.  相似文献   

Birth weight is an important indicator of overall infant health and a strong predictor of infant morbidity and mortality, and low birth weight (LBW) is a leading cause of infant mortality in the United States. Numerous studies have examined the associations of birth weight with ambient air pollution, but the results were inconsistent. In this study, a spatial statistical technique, geographically weighted regression (GWR) is applied to explore the spatial variations in the associations of birth weight with concentrations of ozone (O3) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in the State of Georgia, USA adjusted for gestational age, parity, and six other socioeconomic, behavioral, and land use factors. The results show considerable spatial variations in the associations of birth weight with both pollutants. Significant positive, non-significant, and significant negative relationships between birth weight and concentrations of each air pollutant are all found in different parts of the study area, and the different types of the relationships are affected by the socioeconomic and urban characteristics of the communities where the births are located. The significant negative relationships between birth weight and O3 indicate that O3 is a significant risk factor of LBW and these associations are primarily located in less-urbanized communities. On the other hand, PM2.5 is a significant risk factor of LBW in the more-urbanized communities with higher family income and education attainment. These findings suggest that environmental and health policies should be adjusted to address the different effects of air pollutants on birth outcomes across different types of communities to more effectively and efficiently improve birth outcomes.  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo examine associations between short/medium-term variations in black smoke air pollution and mortality in the population of Glasgow and the adjacent towns of Renfrew and Paisley over a 25-year period at different time lags (0–30 days).MethodsGeneralised linear (Poisson) models were used to investigate the relationship between lagged black smoke concentrations and daily mortality, with allowance for confounding by cold temperature, between 1974 and 1998.ResultsWhen a range of lag periods were investigated significant associations were noted between temperature-adjusted black smoke exposure and all-cause mortality at lag periods of 13–18 and 19–24 days, and respiratory mortality at lag periods of 1–6, 7–12, and 13–18 days. Significant associations between cardiovascular mortality and temperature-adjusted black smoke were not observed. After adjusting for the effects of temperature a 10 μg m 3 increase in black smoke concentration on a given day was associated with a 0.9% [95% Confidence Interval (CI): 0.3–1.5%] increase in all cause mortality and a 3.1% [95% CI: 1.4–4.9%] increase in respiratory mortality over the ensuing 30-day period. In contrast for a 10 μg m 3 increase in black smoke concentration over 0–3 day lag period, the temperature adjusted exposure mortality associations were substantially lower (0.2% [95% CI: − 0.0–0.4%] and 0.3% [95% CI: − 0.2–0.8%] increases for all-cause and respiratory mortality respectively).ConclusionsThis study has provided evidence of association between black smoke exposure and mortality at longer lag periods than have been investigated in the majority of time series analyses.  相似文献   

Comparative studies of the effects of various air pollutants on lung collagen biosynthesis have been performed. A hitherto unexpected synergism between the oxidant air pollutants ozone or nitrogen dioxide and a respirable-sized aerosol of ammonium sulfate was observed during controlled exposures of rats to these substances. In an assay system, measuring collagen biosynthesis by lung minces prepared from rats exposed for 1 week to either filtered air or to these pollutants gases, dose-response curves to either O3 or NO2 are altered in the presence of 5 mg/m3 of (NH4)2SO4 aerosol. These observations may have broad implications for the appropriate evaluation of laboratory data in the setting of ambient air quality standards and/or the setting of threshold limit values for maintenance of occupational health and safety.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide exchange was studied in the photosynthetic apparatus of Siberian spruce (Picea obovata Ledeb.), Siberian larch (Larix sibirica Ledeb.), and weeping birch (Betula pendula Roth.) in a mature spruce forest. Parameters of CO2 balance in different weather were characterized quantitatively on the basis of daily measurements of CO2 exchange in needles and leaves of woody plants. The percent ratios of the components of carbon balance in needles and leaves of woody plants depending on daily photosynthetic fixation of carbon were determined. In summer, trees consumed 210 kg CO2/ha (57 kg C/ha) in variable weather and 117 kg CO2/ha (32 kg C/ha) in cloudy weather. Species specificity of CO2 consumption was revealed, and the effects of environmental factors on the assimilatory activity of trees were determined.  相似文献   

The regulation of the emissions of 'traditional' primary air pollutants (fluorides, sulfur dioxide) has changed the pattern of exposure of ecological systems, with greatly reduced exposure close to sources, but with a smaller effect in some remote areas. Measurements show that recovery is occurring at some sites, in fresh water chemistry (reduced acidity) and in sensitive biota (sustainable fish populations). However, the pattern of change in exposure has not always been simply related to emission reductions. An understanding of responses to recent changes will improve our predictions of the response to future emission changes, both locally and globally. As exposure to 'traditional' pollutants is reduced, the potential for other pollutants to have effects becomes more evident. In the aqueous phase, we need to understand the role of soluble and suspended organics, but this also means explicit recognition of the possibility of phase exchange, and the role of photolytic reactions on plant, soil, and water surfaces. Do highly reactive free radicals in the atmosphere, formed by the action of sunlight on volatile organic compounds, have direct effects on plants? Organic compounds and heavy metals may be bioactive as gases and particles, but for many potentially toxic compounds, the experimental evidence for biotic response is very limited. To evaluate the potential effects of pollutants, we need to understand the pathways by which airborne pollutants enter and react within ecosystems. For vegetation, we have to consider bidirectional fluxes, and distinguish among uptake through stomata, through leaf surfaces, or through roots. There are several challenges for the future. (1) Can we devise experiments that permit exposure of vegetation to gases, particles, and/or aqueous pollutants at 'realistic' concentrations? (2) Can we include the potential interactions with photolytically derived free radicals, and the dynamics of exchange? (3) How do we allow for responses to pollutant mixtures, or the simultaneous exposure to pollutants in gas, particle, and aqueous phases? The recognition of the importance of the dynamic exchange of pollutants between phases will be the key to the development of effective experimental approaches to evaluating cause-effect relationships between pollutant mixtures and ecosystem responses.  相似文献   

We have conducted measurements of naturally occurring radionuclides (7)Be, (210)Pb and (210)Po in air at ground level at Chilton, Oxfordshire, England. The sampling and analysis regime for the latter two isotopes has been optimised to minimise uncertainties in measurement due to decay of (210)Po and in-growth of (210)Pb during the sampling and analysis period. Analysis times were reduced by using Cerenkov counting to assay the (210)Bi daughter of (210)Pb. Monthly data collected over a four-year period are presented and discussed. (7)Be activity concentrations appear to peak in spring. (210)Pb activity concentrations also follow a seasonal trend reflecting different (222)Rn emanation rates from soil during winter and summer. Data for (210)Po show no such trend.  相似文献   

Activity concentrations of the long-lived natural radionuclides 226Ra, 228Ra, 210Pb, 40K and of 7Be in surface air were measured twice monthly at a semi-rural location 10 km north of Munich (FRG) for at least three years. For the time interval 1983–1985, all values were found to be distributed log-normally, with geometric means (in μBq m−3) of 1·2 for 226Ra, 0·5 for 228Ra, 580 for 210Pb, 12 for 40K and 3500 for 7Be. Reflecting their common origin, the activity concentrations of 226Ra and 40K are correlated with surface air dust concentrations (geometric mean 59 μg m−3). Seasonal variations of 210Pb and 7Be air activity concentrations are established for the time interval 1978–1985.The contribution of local soil activity to the air activity concentrations of these radionuclides and of natural uranium is discussed. Resuspension factors are found to be of the order of 10−9m−1.  相似文献   

Long-term air quality data with high temporal and spatial resolutions are needed to understand some important processes affecting the air quality and corresponding environmental and health effects. The annual and diurnal variations of each criteria pollutant including PM2.5 and PM10 (particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 μm and 10 μm, respectively), CO (carbon monoxide), NO2 (nitrogen dioxide), SO2 (sulfur dioxide) and O3 (ozone) in 31 provincial capital cities between April 2014 and March 2015 were investigated by cluster analysis to evaluate current air pollution situations in China, and the cities were classified as severely, moderately, and slightly polluted cities according to the variations. The concentrations of air pollutants in winter months were significantly higher than those in other months with the exception of O3, and the cities with the highest CO and SO2 concentrations were located in northern China. The annual variation of PM2.5 concentrations in northern cities was bimodal with comparable peaks in October 2014 and January 2015, while that in southern China was unobvious with slightly high PM2.5 concentrations in winter months. The concentrations of particulate matter and trace gases from primary emissions (SO2 and CO) and NO2 were low in the afternoon (~ 16:00), while diurnal variation of O3 concentrations was opposite to that of other pollutants with the highest values in the afternoon. The most polluted cities were mainly located in North China Plain, while slightly polluted cities mostly focus on southern China and the cities with high altitude such as Lasa. This study provides a basis for the formulation of future urban air pollution control measures in China.  相似文献   

Climate change is one of the focuses to mitigate greenhouse effect and reduce carbon dioxide emissions.First,the paper summarizes on the carbon dioxide emission factors and methods suitable to the situation in China.Second,it analyzes the primary energy-related carbon dioxide emissions during the period between 1995 and 2005 from different fossil fuels and different zones.The trend of primary energy-related carbon dioxide emissions from 1995 to 2005 is"first decreasing and later increasing."Seven regions-Liaoning,Shanxi,Hebei,Shandong,Henan,and Jiangsu-and most of the provinces(cities or regions)were found to have similar trends regarding total carbon dioxide emissions in China.The annual carbon dioxide emissions and the growth ratio of these seven regions are much higher compared to those of the other 24 provinces(cities or regions).Finally,this paper puts forward some suggestions to reduce carbon dioxide.  相似文献   

Multi-pollutant air pollution (i.e., several pollutants reaching very high concentrations simultaneously) frequently occurs in many regions across China. Air quality index (AQI) is used worldwide to inform the public about levels of air pollution and associated health risks. The current AQI approach used in China is based on the maximum value of individual pollutants, and does not consider the combined health effects of exposure to multiple pollutants. In this study, two novel alternative indices – aggregate air quality index (AAQI) and health-risk based air quality index (HAQI) – were calculated based on data collected in six megacities of China (Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shjiazhuang, Xi'an, and Wuhan) during 2013 to 2014. Both AAQI and HAQI take into account the combined health effects of various pollutants, and the HAQI considers the exposure (or concentration)-response relationships of pollutants. AAQI and HAQI were compared to AQI to examine the effectiveness of the current AQI in characterizing multi-pollutant air pollution in China. The AAQI and HAQI values are higher than the AQI on days when two or more pollutants simultaneously exceed the Chinese Ambient Air Quality Standards (CAAQS) 24-hour Grade II standards. The results of the comparison of the classification of risk categories based on the three indices indicate that the current AQI approach underestimates the severity of health risk associated with exposure to multi-pollutant air pollution. For the AQI-based risk category of ‘unhealthy’, 96% and 80% of the days would be ‘very unhealthy’ or ‘hazardous’ if based on AAQI and HAQI, respectively; and for the AQI-based risk category of ‘very unhealthy’, 67% and 75% of the days would be ‘hazardous’ if based on AAQI and HAQI, respectively. The results suggest that the general public, especially sensitive population groups such as children and the elderly, should take more stringent actions than those currently suggested based on the AQI approach during high air pollution events. Sensitivity studies were conducted to examine the assumptions used in the AAQI and HAQI approaches. Results show that AAQI is sensitive to the choice of pollutant irrelevant constant. HAQI is sensitive to the choice of both threshold values and pollutants included in total risk calculation.  相似文献   

The historic development of the scientific interest in monitoring CO2 in the atmosphere is the subject of this article. Particular emphasis is placed upon activities initiated by the USA in the 1950s which led to the establishment of the Mauna Loa Observatory and further developed into the existing world-wide monitoring system for air constituents and air pollution operated under the auspices of the World Meteorological Organization, a major contributer to the Global Environmental Monitoring System of the UN Environment Programme. Recent studies on the feasibility of monitoring the background level of CO2 at stations throughout the world have indicated considerable difficulties resulting from the influences of the biosphere. These problems have led WMO to adopt new criteria for CO2 monitoring station locations which are presented in a discussion of future needs and plans for global monitoring of CO2 in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

To study respiratory health effects of long-term exposure to ambient air pollutant mixture, we observed 7058 school children 5-16 years of age living in the four Chinese cities of Lanzhou, Chongqing, Wuhan, and Guangzhou. These children were enrolled from elementary schools located in eight districts, one urban district and one suburban district in each of the above cities. Ambient levels of PM(2.5), PM(10-2.5), total suspended particles (TSP), SO(2), and NO(x) were measured in these districts from 1993 to 1996. Based on a cluster analysis of arithmetic mean concentrations of PM(2.5), PM(10-2.5), (TSP-PM(10)), SO(2), and NO(x), we classified these children into four ordinal categories of exposure to ambient air pollutant mixtures. We tested for exposure-response relationships using logistic regression models, controlling for relevant covariates. We observed monotonic, positive relationships of exposure to the pollutant mixture with prevalence rates of cough with phlegm and wheeze. Other outcomes were not associated with the exposure in a monotonic exposure-response pattern. Even so, odds ratios for cough, phlegm, bronchitis, and asthma in the higher exposure district clusters were all higher than in the lowest exposure district cluster. We found evidence that exposure to the pollutant mixtures had adverse effects on children living in the four Chinese cities.  相似文献   

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