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对自制的斯珀绿系列劳保用品类的美容美发产品的效果作了进一步研究,比较了斯珀绿系列用品与市售一般劳保用品的使用效果,说明在劳保用品使用上,更具有其优越性。  相似文献   

劳动保护用品的现状和改进对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以劳动保护用品的功效,用安全工程学的原理,阐述了使用劳保用品的必要性,同时根据劳保用品使用现状,分析了原因,提出了改进对策。  相似文献   

为进一步加强劳保用品行业的自律管理,推动诚信建设,规范劳保用品市场,净化劳保用品的交易环境,为广大用户放心购买,安全使用劳保用品提供便利.浙江省特种劳动防护用品经营单位换发证工作已全面展开。  相似文献   

<正>浙江省是劳保用品生产和消费大省,全省各级管理部门对劳保用品的生产、销售和使用都非常重视,浙江省安全健康防护用品行业协会成立之初就把协助政府加强劳保用品质量监管作为重点工作。  相似文献   

上海铁路局安监室和上海空间软件系统有限公司根据铁路内部劳保用品使用需要,不久前研发了一套劳保用品规范管理软件一《劳动保护安全监督管理信息系统》。该系统能显著减轻安监、物资等部门管理的工作量,提高管理质量,使各项劳保用品发放标准的执行更加到位,数据统计准确及时,信息反馈渠道畅通快捷,并加强了劳保用品生产厂商的认证登记,使采购过程透明化、公开化,杜绝暗箱操作,保证市场运作的公平、公开、公正。该软件经过测试和应用,反映很好,目前已顺利通过了专家的评审。  相似文献   

<正>前不久,笔者随同某企业工会、安监、劳动人事等部门组成的劳保用品佩戴使用情况专项检查组到生产一线检查职工劳保用品佩戴情况时发现,由于企业的强制性要求,职工上班基本上都带上了工作服、口罩、护目镜、手套、统靴、毛巾等劳保用品,但是劳保用品带到现场后却存在使用不规范,甚至带而不用的现象,令人堪忧。比如,有些职工干活时把本该戴上的口罩挂在胸前或者耳朵上,原因是嫌戴上口罩太热或呼吸不舒服;有些职工在进行电焊、切割作业时不戴护目镜,而是侧着身子迷着眼睛,这不仅存在安全  相似文献   

前不久,笔者随同某企业工会、安监、劳动人事等部门组成的劳保用品佩戴使用情况专项检查组到生产一线检查职工劳保用品佩戴情况时发现,由于企业的强制性要求,职工上班基本上都带上了工作服、口罩、护目镜、手套、统靴、  相似文献   

劳动防护用品(简称劳防用品,亦称劳保用品)在计划经济时期,由若干专业生产企业生产,由国营专业商业垄断经营,由工矿企业使用单位的安技部门用公款购买,按照1963年劳动部公布的《国营企业职工个人防护用品发放标准》的规定,免费向劳动者提供,并要求劳动者在劳动生产期间使用。人们对它的认识比较浅薄,无论是生产厂家、经营企业、使用单位都没有倾注太多的关心,人们看重劳保用品的是社会效益,结果给劳保用品生产企业和经营企业带来了很大的经济效益,如北京市劳保商店当时一年的营业额相当于王府井百货大楼一年的营业额。从我国政府实行改革开放政策以后,随着市场经济机制的逐步建立,劳保用品被迅速推入市场经济的大潮中,发展迅猛,势不可挡。劳  相似文献   

郑州铁路局于1992年开始,实施了新的劳保用品采购供应管理办法,1996年又进一步强化了劳保用品供应管理措施,取得了显著的成效。 1992年以前,由于企业对劳保用品缺乏科学管理,少数基层单位盲目购进质次价高的劳保用品,既加大了企业成本支出,又不利于保障职工的安全和健康;有的基层单位不是把劳保用品作为保证职工作业过程中安  相似文献   

为进一步推进中国劳保用品行业品牌建设工作,提高劳保用品企业品牌意识和自主创新能力,中纺协会安全健康防护用品委员会不久前发出通知,要求各会员企业尤其是工业生产型企业要以科技创新为动力.发挥科技优势,在创新上下功夫.努力开发一批科技含量高、防护效果好、市场受欢迎的有自主知识产权的品牌劳防用品。委员会将在广泛征求行业意见的基础上,并通过国家权威检测部门检验,提名一批企业的品牌为2008年全国劳保用品行业推荐品牌。通过活动,进一步促进国产劳保用品的升级换代和档次的提升。  相似文献   

介绍了河南天宏焦化公司采用可赛新金属修补系列产品,对煤气负压管道裂纹进行修补,取得了良好效果,避免了煤气负压管道普通焊补作业的危险性和停机检修对生产造成的诸多不利因素,实现了煤气负压管道补漏作业的安全高效.同时,对可赛新金属修补系列产品的技术性能作了介绍.  相似文献   

火灾中聚合物材料的燃烧过程产生的热解产物,从而增加化学分析谱图的复杂性,对助燃剂鉴定造成干扰。针对常见的聚合物材料开展了一系列燃烧实验,对其在燃烧过程中的热解机理进行了分析,并通过汽油存在条件下的聚合物材料燃烧实验分析了热解对汽油辨识产生的干扰。  相似文献   

《Safety Science》2005,43(10):751-770
Coefficients of friction were measured periodically over a period of 30 months on the surfaces of five types of floor coverings in a new sport complex. The resulting time series were analysed with regard to both systematic and random short- and long-term effects of wear and maintenance. For detailed information about the involved wear mechanisms, two test sites characterized by different levels of pedestrian traffic were investigated for each floor covering. The systematic trends observed in time series of mean coefficients of friction were consistent with measured surface roughness parameters and could be divided into three categories, depending on the predominant wear mechanisms: smoothing of rough surfaces was accompanied by average monthly reductions of 0.007–0.014 in the coefficients of friction, measured under wet conditions, while mechanical polishing combined with coating by care products caused average changes between 0.002 and 0.006 per month. Progressive scratching and roughening of an initially smooth floor surface continuously increased the measured coefficients of friction by 0.003 per month. The cumulative long-term effects of surface wear exceeded the random variations in time series of mean coefficients of friction, characterized by a repeatability standard deviation of 0.006 and a reproducibility standard deviation of 0.020, respectively. For one specific floor covering, seasonal variations with an amplitude of 0.015 were observed in the time series of measured coefficients of friction.  相似文献   

In 2013, the European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE) celebrates its 60th anniversary. EFCE has continually promoted scientific collaboration and supported the work of engineers and scientists in thirty European countries. As for its mission statement, EFCE helps European Society to meet its needs through highlighting the role of Chemical Engineering in delivering sustainable processes and products. Within this organizational framework the Loss Prevention Symposium series, organized throughout Europe on behalf of the Loss Prevention Working Party of the EFCE, represents a fruitful tradition covering a time span of forty years. The tri-annual symposium gathers experts and scientists to seek technical improvements and scientific support for a growingly safer industry and quality of life. Following the loss prevention history in this paper, a time perspective on loss prevention and its future is presented.  相似文献   

经C60、N-甲基甘氨酸和间硝基苯甲醛反应得到N-甲基-2-(3-硝基苯基)吡咯烷[3′,4′∶1,2][60]富勒烯(MNPF)反应液,旋转蒸发干燥得质量分数为23%的MNPF粗品,采用柱色谱法批量分离其中的MNPF。确定了柱色谱法批量分离MNPF的最佳工艺条件:二硫化碳为流动相,柱层析用硅胶(37~48μm)为固定相,色谱柱直径5cm,高径比为6∶1,最大上样量为23 g。此时分离所得MNPF纯度达99%,回收率为92.3%。  相似文献   

This paper numerically modeled previous experimental results and quantitatively revealed the attenuation effect of a barrier material on a blast wave. Four fluids were considered in the present study: the detonation products, water, foamed polystyrene, and air. These fluids were modeled by Jones-Wilkins-Lee (JWL), stiffened gas, and ideal gas equations of state. A mixture of water and foamed polystyrene was used as a barrier to encircle a 0.1 kg mass of spherical pentolite, and the interface problem between the barrier and the blast wave was investigated. The simulation parameters were the radius and the water volume fraction of the barrier. To elucidate the effect of the barrier, we conducted two series of numerical simulations; one without a barrier, and another with a barrier of 50 or 100 mm in outer radius and 0–1 in the water volume fraction. Peak overpressure, positive impulse, and pressure history all agreed well with the previous experimental results. We focused on the energy transfer from high-pressure detonation products to other fluids. The sum of the kinetic energies of the detonation products and the barrier induced by the blast wave could quantitatively estimate the attenuation effect of the blast wave and was minimized when the water volume fraction was 0.5, as was the case in the previous experiment.  相似文献   

"环保贷"是由财政资金建立风险补偿资金池为生态环保类项目提供贷款增信和风险补偿,引导金融资本进入生态环保领域的一款绿色金融产品。本文总结了江苏省"环保贷"政策的运行方式、支持范围、实施成效,在此基础上,深入分析了"环保贷"业务进展中存在的产品方案有待完善、合作银行仍然偏少、宣传推广力度仍需加强等问题,并针对性提出了"完善产品方案,提高贷款期限""扩充合作银行,提高‘环保贷’规模""加强宣传工作,提升‘环保贷’知名度"等政策建议。  相似文献   

The problem of toxic smoke in case of an accident with fire scenario is particularly severe in long tunnels and immediate effects from combustion product exposure often include fatalities. Notwithstanding extensive studies on fire simulation in tunnel, there is still a substantial lack of information on the different toxic products from combustion of light or heavy vehicles. In particular, there is a need for reliable test methods suitable to provide toxic products yields connected to defined accidental fire scenarios. In this paper, experimental runs in a laboratory scaled tunnel, simulating accidental fires of different heat release rates allowed firstly to characterize the thermal profiles in pool and car fires and to compare results by an analytical pool fire model. Results were compared as well with those obtained in a real scale tunnel, so as to quantitatively assess the scaling effect. A series of experiments was performed simulating an accidental scenario including pool fire from collision between a light vehicle and a HazMat heavy vehicle. An extensive set of experimental data allowed performing with good accuracy and reproducibility a complete characterization of toxic gases from car model fires, together with carbon monoxide and oxygen trends. The results obtained under different heat release rates allowed evidencing the dependence of the yields of toxic gases upon the considered scenario. Based on the intrinsic toxicity data of identified compounds, it is possible to draw practical conclusions, useful to assess the potential hazard associated to exposure to toxic smoke in road tunnel.  相似文献   

A study of the initial stage of the low-temperature oxidation of coal is important, not only for the prevention for fires in coal industry, but also in reducing emissions of hazardous gases. A batch reactor was introduced and a series of simulated experiments of coal oxidation was carried out in this paper. The time-dependent rates of CO emission and oxygen consumption during oxidation experiments of coal samples with different particle size ranges were obtained simultaneously from the measurements of CO and O2 concentration in the reactor. The experimental results show that the rate of CO emission presents three stages in the duration of coal oxidation. Based on the rates of oxygen consumption, the reaction order and reaction rate were obtained from the reaction rate equation. These results indicate that the reaction regime switches during coal oxidation in confined spaces. The initial decrease of reaction rate is due to the decrease of the active sites in coal. While the decrease of reaction rate in the following period of coal oxidation is attributed to the reaction-inhibition mechanism of oxidation products. And it is mainly represented by the chemisorption sequence of coal oxidation. The oxidative activity of coal can be restored when the oxidation products are evacuated. A mechanism of low-temperature oxidation of coal in confined spaces was also suggested.  相似文献   

随着信息化的推进和信息产业的发展 ,信息交换已经成为信息社会人们享用信息的主要途径 ;信息系统的不断扩大、电子政务的不断深化、信息共享范围的不断增加 ,都对信息安全提出了越来越高的要求。信息安全产品的不断涌现 ,部分信息安全产品趋于成熟 ,信息安全产业作为一种新型的产业正在逐渐形成并呈现出高增长的势头 ;信息产品市场应用需求相对集中 ,市场主体相对分散的特性要求信息安全服务要逐步完善 ,信息安全产品监管应不断加强 ,由此而产生的信息安全经济问题应受到重视。笔者从信息安全产品入手 ,深入分析了信息安全产业和信息安全经济的发展状况、存在的问题等 ,提出了信息安全产业和信息安全经济的发展趋势。  相似文献   

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