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Sequential fractionation of phosphorus in lake sediments of Northern Greece   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The amounts and forms of potentially mobile P in surface sediments from two lakes, Volvi and Koronia, located in Northern Greece were evaluated using a sequential chemical extraction. Five sedimentary P reservoirs were separately quantified: loosely sorbed P (NH4Cl-P); iron associated P (BD-P); calcium bound P (HCl-P); metal oxide bound P (NaOH-P) and residual P (organic and refractory P). Samples were taken in two seasons and the average concentration of the fractions of phosphorus were calculated. The results indicated that the TP content and chemically extractable phosphorus in the sediments of Koronia Lake were higher than those of Volvi Lake. Sediment TP was also strongly and positively correlated with sediment Fe. Fine-sized sediments exhibited significantly higher concentrations for both lakes than the sand fraction. The P in the surface sediment mainly consisted of HCl-P and Res-P, while NH4Cl-P and BD-P only constituted a minor part. The rank order of the different P extracts was the same for the two lakes and was Residual-P > HCl-P > NaOH-P > BD-P > NH4Cl-P.  相似文献   

The amounts and forms of potentially mobile phosphorus (P) in surface sediments of Qarun and Wadi El-Rayan lakes were evaluated during winter and summer using a sequential chemical extraction. Five sedimentary P fractions were separately quantified: loosely sorbed P (NH4Cl-P), iron-associated P (BD-P), calcium- bound P (HCl-P), metal oxide bound P (NaOH-P), and residual P (organic and refractory P). The results indicated that the fractional composition of the examined lakes was different while the total P concentrations were approached. The inorganic P in the surface sediment mainly consisted of Ca-P followed by Fe-P in Qarun Lake, while Al-P took the second order in Wadi El-Rayan lakes. The ranks order of the different P extracts were HCl-P > residual-P ≈ NaOH-P > NH4Cl-P > BD-P and residual-P > NH4Cl-P > HCl-P > NaOH-P > BD-P for Qarun and Wadi El-Rayan lakes, respectively.  相似文献   

Three methods for phosphorus fractionation in sediments based on chemical extractions have been applied to fourteen aquatic sediment samples of different origin and characteristics. Two of the methods used different approaches to obtain the inorganic fractions. The Hieltjes and Lijklema procedure (HL) uses strong acids or bases, whereas the Golterman procedure (G) uses chelating reagents. The third one, the Standards, Measurements and Testing (SMT) protocol, was proposed in the frame of the SMT Programme (European Commission) which aimed to provide harmonisation and the validation of such methodologies. This harmonised procedure was also used for the certification of the extractable phosphorus contents in a sediment certified reference material (CRM BCR 684). Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to group sediments according to their composition and the three extraction methods were applied to the samples including CRM BCR 684. The data obtained show that there is some correlation between the results from the three methods when considering the organic and the residual fractions together. The SMT and the HL methods are the most comparable, whereas the G method, using a different type of reagent, yields different distribution patterns depending on sample composition. In relation to the inorganic phosphorus, the three methods give similar information, although the distribution between non-apatite and apatite fractions can be different.  相似文献   

The Yamuna river is the largest tributary of the Ganges river system. It originates in the Himalayas and flows through a varied geological terrain encompassing a large basin area. Metals Fe, Mn, Pb, Zn, Cu in different chemical fractions of suspended sediments such as exchangeable, carbonates, Fe–Mn oxides, organics and residual fractions were studied. Phosphorus associated with different chemical forms are discussed. The metals are mostly associated with residual fractions in the sediments followed by organics, Fe–Mn oxides, exhangeable and carbonates. Intensive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture in the basin affects the high inorganic phosphorus content in sediments.  相似文献   

湖泊底泥挖掘可能导致水体氮磷平衡破坏的研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
挖掘底泥是减少富营养化湖泊内源性氮、磷元素的主要手段 ,但若挖掘不当 ,则一段时间内可能会导致水体氮、磷平衡破坏 ,富营养化加剧。从底泥挖掘可能导致水体营养元素平衡破坏的成因入手 ,探讨避免水体富营养化加剧的对策。  相似文献   

In order to assess the origin and the potential mobility of phosphorus (P) in the sediment of the Bort-Les-Orgues Reservoir, France, two sequential extraction schemes, i.e., the SMT (modified Williams method) and the Golterman schemes, were compared. Finally, the potential mobility of P in this sediment was estimated from results of sequential extraction. The SMT method appeared to be more satisfactory than the Golterman method, which is in accordance with results from a study currently carried out in the framework of the European programme Standards, Measurements and Testing. Iron-bound P and organic P were the dominant forms of P in the sediment; these forms are likely to be released at the sediment/water interface in case of anoxia and could diffuse into the water column, thus increasing the risk of eutrophication in this sensitive reservoir. The P stock (330 +/- 66 t) is not negligible and should be taken into account in any restoration project of the reservoir. The SMT procedure seems promising and will provide, in the near future, a valuable tool for water managers in the field of lake restoration.  相似文献   

Riparian wetlands provide critical functions for the improvement of surface water quality and storage of nutrients. Correspondingly, investigation of the adsorption characteristic and capacity of nutrients onto its sediments is benefit for utilizing and protecting the ecosystem services provided by riparian areas. The Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms and pseudo-second-order kinetic model were applied by using both linear least-squares and trial-and-error non-linear regression methods based on the batch experiments data. The results indicated that the transformations of non-linear isotherms to linear forms would affect the determination process significantly, but the non-linear regression method could prevent such errors. Non-linear Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms both fitted well with the phosphorus adsorption process (r 2?>?0.94). Moreover, the influences of temperature and ionic strength on the adsorption of phosphorus onto natural riparian wetland sediments were also studied. Higher temperatures were suitable for phosphorus uptake from aqueous solution using the present riparian wetland sediments. The adsorption capacity increased with the enhancement of ionic strength in agreement with the formation of inner-sphere complexes. The quick adsorption of phosphorus by the sediments mainly occurred within 10 min. The adsorption kinetic was well-fitted by pseudo-second-order kinetic model (r 2?>?0.99). The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Fourier transformation infrared (FT-IR) spectra analyses before and after phosphorus adsorption revealed the main adsorption mechanisms in the present system.  相似文献   

The European Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC aims to achieve a good ecological status of all surface water bodies in Europe. The definition of the ecological status is based on the hydromorphological, hydrochemical, and hydrobiological features of water bodies. Numerous methods are applied for the purpose of hydromorphological status assessment. This study attempts to compare four different methods (EcoRivHab, LAWA Field and Overview Survey, and Rapid Bioassessment Protocol) that were applied at two study areas in the Czech part of the Elbe River Basin. The selected catchments represent areas with different sizes and physical geographic as well as socioeconomic characteristics. All the methods applied showed the capacity to identify the natural and even the completely changed reaches and provided good information on the river physical habitat state. However, they are varied from the viewpoint of the number of parameters, number of monitored zones, time and knowledge demands of the performed assessment.  相似文献   

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Chronic Beryllium Disease Prevention Program Rule, 10 CFR Part 850 became effective in 2000 in response to the prevalence of Chronic Beryllium Disease (CBD) in workers. The rule requires surface and air monitoring for beryllium to determine exposure levels and the evaluation of the effectiveness of controls used to minimize or eliminate that risk. The most common methods for surface sampling use wet or dry wipes. Wipe sampling techniques may be impractical for many surfaces common to most buildings such as cinder block, textured wall surfaces, fabric and carpet. Vacuum sampling methods have been developed for the evaluation of lead or pesticides on residential surfaces such as carpets, bare floors and window sills. However, the current vacuum methods may be impractical for many workplace situations such as sampling of protective clothing, complex facility structures, or equipment surfaces. Recent work using vacuum sampling for potential bio-terrorism agents such as anthrax spores may have significant application to industrial hygiene evaluations of the workplace and may be extendable for use in sampling of metals such as beryllium. Validated vacuum sampling methods that provide meaningful data would be of great value to industrial hygienists in identifying areas having surface contamination, evaluating existing controls and work practices and determining the potential of toxic material on surfaces to become airborne and present a potential risk to workers and the public. This article discusses various vacuum sampling methodologies and recommends harmonization of sampling methods.  相似文献   

Organic phosphorus (OP) species in sediments of the Baiyangdian Lake in China was investigated via fractionation and phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance ((31)P NMR) spectroscopy. Results of chemical fractionation showed that different OP fractions ranked in the order: humic acid-P?>?HCl-OP?>?fulvic acid-P?≈?NaHCO(3)-OP?>?residual OP. Labile OP and moderately labile OP, which can be degraded for phytoplankton uptake, contributed to 58.7-68.5% of total extracted OP, indicative of the potential P release from sediments in the lake. (31)P NMR spectroscopy results suggested the rank order of P species present in the NaOH-EDTA extractant of the sediments: orthophosphate?>?monoester-P?>?DNA-P?>?pyrophosphate-P. Phytate, polyphosphates, and phosphonates, which appeared in sediments of some deeper lakes, were not detected in the shallow lake. Significant correlations were identified between total P (TP) in water column and sediment TP, monoester-P and DNA-P, positively indicating that sediment P species, especially OP components, should probably contribute to the contents of P in water column and further to the lake eutrophication.  相似文献   

Vegetation, sub-surface peat, and road dust were sampled near the Delong Mountain Transportation System (DMTS) haul road in northwest Alaska in 2005-2006 to document aluminum, barium, cadmium, lead, and zinc concentrations, and to evaluate bioaccessibility of these metals. The DMTS haul road is the transport corridor between Red Dog Mine (a large-scale, lead-zinc mine and mill) and the coastal shipping port, and it traverses National Park Service lands. Compared to reference locations, total metal concentrations in four types of vegetation (birch, cranberry, and willow leaves, and cotton grass blades/stalks) collected 25 m from the haul road were enriched on average by factors of 3.5 for zinc, 8.0 for barium, 20 for cadmium, and 150 for lead. Triple rinsing of vegetation with a water/methanol mixture reduced metals concentrations by at most 50%, and cadmium and zinc concentrations were least affected by rinsing. Cadmium and zinc bioaccessibility was greater in vegetation (50% to 100%) than in dust (15% to 20%); whereas the opposite pattern was observed for lead bioaccessibility (<30% in vegetation; 50% in dust). Barium exhibited low-to-intermediate bioaccessibility in dust and vegetation (20% to 40%), whereas aluminum bioaccessibility was relatively low (<6%) in all sample types. Our reconnaissance-level study indicates that clean-up and improvements in lead/zinc concentrate transfer activities have been effective; however, as of 2006, metal dispersion from past and/or present releases of fugitive dusts along the DMTS road still may have been contributing to elevated metals in surface vegetation. Vegetation was most enriched in lead, but because bioaccessibility of cadmium was greater, any potential risks to animals that forage near the haul road might be equally important for both of these metals.  相似文献   

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Geophysical Monitoring for Climatic Change program has operated four remote precipitation chemistry stations at two polar and two tropical Pacific locations for over a decade. Station geography and meteorology is discussed and a summary of the hydrogen, sulfate, and nitrate ion data collected since 1980 is presented. Results show that at all four locations, the ions which have major anthropogenic sources were far less concentrated than in samples collected in heavily industrialized areas in the northeastern United States and Europe. Concentrations at American Samoa and the South Pole showed little variability over the year whereas concentrations at Point Barrow, Alaska and Mauna Loa, Hawaii were highly variable.Contribution from Fourth World Wilderness Congress-Acid Rain Symposium, Denver (Estes Park), Colorado, September 11–18, 1987.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the consequence of changing land use from agriculture land to other use purposes with respect to OCPs non-cancer and cancer risk on human health, based on concentrations of DDTs and HCHs in soils collected from 55 locations representing 12 different land use types. There were no non-cancer risks of DDTs and γ-HCHs on adults and children, and there were very low cancer risks of DDD, o,p'-DDE, DDT, α-HCH, β-HCH, γ-HCH based on their total concentrations in all samples. Nonetheless, there were significant correlations of DDT to its metabolites (DDE and DDD) (r = 0.506 and r = 0.648) and DDE to DDD (r = 0.438) both at p < 0.01. OCP levels should be routinely monitored in different environmental media and food in order to verify whether there is fresh input. Their potential risks on human health should also be assessed.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the principle and latest development of the diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) technology and its applications in environmental studies with a focus on bioavailability assessment of phosphorus and metals in sediments and soils. Compared with conventional methods, DGT, as a passive sampling method, has significant advantages: in situ measurement, time averaged concentrations and high spatial resolution. The in situ measurement avoids artificial influences including contamination of samples and sample treatment which may change the forms of chemicals. The time averaged concentration reflects representative measurement over a period of time. The high-resolution information captures the biogeochemical heterogeneity of elements of interest distributed in microenvironments, such as in the rhizosphere and the vicinity of the sediment-water interface. Moreover, DGT is a dynamic technique which simultaneously considers the diffusion of solutes and their kinetic resupply from the solid phases. All the advantages of DGT significantly promote the collection of “true” information of the bioavailable or labile forms of chemicals in the environment. DGT provides potential for applications in agriculture, environmental monitoring and the mining industry. However, the applications are still at the early testing stage. Further studies are needed to properly interpret the DGT-measured results under complex environmental conditions, and standard procedures and guideline values based on DGT are required to pave the way for its routine applications in environmental monitoring.  相似文献   

During recent years, the awareness of quality assurance and quality control in environmental analyses has constantly increased, especially due to the implementation of new guidelines and regulations at both the national and international level. Achieving comparable results by using certified reference materials is one of the primary concerns of the scientific community. As a result, there is a growing demand for certified reference materials to cover different matrices and pollutants. Moreover, these CRMs should be in close relationship to the determinants and target concentrations required by environmental bodies and European Directives as well. Supplementary information to this paper presents an inventory of reference materials available on the market from different suppliers against the priority pollutants listed in the Water Framework Directive. These CRMs cover matrices such as water, sediment and biota. The use of CRMs in relationship to appropriate analytical methods and relevant determinants is discussed and the need for matrix-CRMs, particularly for organic pollutants is emphasised. The use of proficiency testing schemes as an alternative for the lack of appropriate CRMs and future trends in the production of CRMs within the BCR framework are also discussed.  相似文献   

Permanent sample plots (PSP), where trees are individually and permanently marked, have received increased interest in Central Africa as a tool to monitor vegetation changes. Although techniques for mounting PSP in tropical forests are well known, their planning still deserves attention. This study aims at defining a rationale for determining the size and number of replicates for setting up PSP in mixed tropical forests. It considers PSP as a sampling plan to estimate a target quantity with its associated margin of error. The target quantity considered here is the stock recovery rate, which is a key parameter for forest management in Central Africa. It is computed separately for each commercial species. The number of trees to monitor for each species defines the margin of error on the stock recovery rate. The size and number of replicated plots is obtained as the solution of an optimization problem that consists in minimizing the margin of error for every species while ensuring that the mounting cost remains below a given threshold. This rationale was applied using the data from the M’Baïki experimental site in the Central African Republic. It showed that the stock recovery rate is a highly variable quantity, and that the typical cost that forest managers are prone to devote to PSP leads to high margins of error. It also showed that the size and number of replicated plots is related to the spatial pattern of trees: clustered or spatially heterogeneous patterns favor many small plots, whereas regular or spatially homogeneous patterns favor few large plots.  相似文献   

Distinguishing and quantifying anthropogenic trace metals and phosphorus accumulated in sediment is important for the protection of our aquatic ecosystems. Here, anthropogenic proportion and potential sources of trace metals and phosphorus in surface sediments of Chaohu Lake were evaluated based on the exhaustive geochemical data. The analysis shows that concentrations of major and trace metals, and phosphorus, displayed significant spatial diversity and almost all elements were over the pre-industrial background value, which should be related to the variations of sediment composition partially. Therefore, conservative element normalization was introduced and calculated enrichment factors (EFs) of the elements were referenced highlighting the human contamination. EFs of the major and trace metals, except Zn, Pb, and Cu, were all nearly 1.0, indicating the detrital origin. The EFs of Zn, Pb, Cu and phosphorus were 1.0–10.4, 1.0–3.8, 1.0–4.9, and 1.0–7.6, respectively, showing moderate to significant contamination. Higher EFs of Zn, Pb and Cu occurred in the mouth areas of Nanfei River and Zhegao River, and they decreased to the lake center in the northwest and northeast lake areas, respectively. We deduced that anthropogenic Zn, Pb, and Cu were mainly from urban and industrial point sources and the non-point sources of atmospheric deposition contributed little to their contamination. The EFs of phosphorus showed similar spatial degradation with that of Zn, Pb, and Cu. Moreover, higher EFs (>1) of phosphorus also occurred in other areas adjacent to the river mouths besides Nanfei River and Zhegao River. This indicated that the non-point agricultural source may also be responsible for the contamination of phosphorus in Chaohu Lake in addition to the urban sewage sources. Anthropogenic phosphorus was mainly concentrated in the speciation of NaOH-P, which had higher potential biological effects than the detrital proportion. Concentrations of Zn, Pb and Cu surpassed the threshold effect concentrations (TEC) of consensus-based sediment quality guidelines of freshwater ecosystems, especially in the contaminated northwest area of Chaohu Lake. This highlighted the contributions of anthropogenic contamination to the elevated potential biological effects of trace metals. Though there had been no obvious human contamination of Cr and Ni in Chaohu Lake, concentrations were all over the TECs, which may be due to higher background levels in the parent materials of soils and bedrocks in Chaohu Lake catchment.  相似文献   

Airborne particulate matter (PM) has become one of the dominant pollutants with the increasing material and energy demand due to global economic growth. The main objective of this research is to provide a comprehensive receptor level characterisation of the particulate matter collected in a city environment. Particulate matter samples were collected on Tapered Element Oscillating Microbalance (TEOM) filters from five monitoring sites over a period of 1 year. An Andersen eight-stage cascade impactor was also used to collect airborne PM samples from three other locations to compare with the samples collected by TEOM. All the samples were then subjected to individual particle morphology and chemical composition analysis by SEM/EDS. Bulk chemical composition of the samples were also analysed through ICP–OES. Based on these analyses, possible sources of the PM samples were identified. The results showed that the monitoring sites in residential environments were dominated by transportation-derived particles and other migratory particulates. Monitoring sites near the city centre were dominant by particles from transportation, with biological particles abundant for the site closer to a river. The monitoring station located close to the industrial area, despite only 200 m away from a motorway, has low contribution of non-exhaust particulates from vehicles. Instead, the particulates collected from this site were dominated by industrial sources. An air dispersion modelling package was also used to model the particulate matter dispersion in the city area for the period of sampling. The results from the model showed that the points of high emissions were around industrial areas.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of odour on multisensory environmental evaluations of road traffic. The study aimed to answer: (1) Does odour have any effect on evaluations on noise, landscape and the overall environment? (2) How different are participants' responses to odour stimuli and are these differences influential on the evaluations? Experimental scenarios varied in three Traffic levels, three Tree screening conditions and two Odour presence conditions were designed, and presented to participants in virtual reality. Perceived Loudness, Noise Annoyance, Landscape Quality and Overall Pleasantness of each scenario were evaluated and the results were analysed. It shows that Odour presence did not have significant main effect on any of the evaluations, but has significant interactions with Traffic level on Noise Annoyance and with Tree screening on Landscape Quality, indicating the potential of odour to modulate noise and visual landscape perceptions in specific environmental content. Concerning participants' responses to odour stimuli, large differences were found in this study. However, the differences did not seem to be influential on environmental evaluations in this study. Larger samples of participants may benefit this study for more significant results of odour effect.  相似文献   

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