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In the Mezquital Valley, Mexico, crops have been irrigated with untreated municipal wastewater for more than a century. Atrazine has been applied to maize and alfalfa grown in the area for weed control for 15 years. Our objectives were to analyse (i) how wastewater irrigation affects the filtering of atrazine, and (ii) if the length of irrigation has a significant impact. We compared atrazine sorption to Phaeozems that have been irrigated with raw wastewater for 35 (P35) and 85 (P85) years with sorption to a non-irrigated (P0) Phaeozem soil under rainfed agriculture. The use of bromide as an inert water tracer in column experiments and the subsequent analysis of the tracers’ breakthrough curves allowed the calibration of the hydrodynamic parameters of a two-site non equilibrium convection-dispersion model. The quality of the irrigation water significantly altered the soils’ hydrodynamic properties (hydraulic conductivity, dispersivity and the size of pores that are hydraulically active). The impacts on soil chemical properties (total organic carbon content and pH) were not significant, while the sodium adsorption ratio was significantly increased. Sorption and desorption isotherms, determined in batch and column experiments, showed enhanced atrazine sorption and reduced and slower desorption in wastewater-irrigated soils. These effects increased with the length of irrigation. The intensified sorption-desorption hysteresis in wastewater-irrigated soils indicated that the soil organic matter developed in these soils had fewer high-energy, easily accessible sorption sites available, leading to lower and slower atrazine desorption rates. This study leads to the conclusion that wastewater irrigation decreases atrazine mobility in the Mezquital valley Phaeozems by decreasing the hydraulic conductivity and increasing the soil's sorption capacity.  相似文献   

The retention values of two herbicides, chlorotoluron and isoproturon, in five Mediterranean soils were assessed by two different approaches, a dynamic method, using a batch technique (BT) and a static method, using a soil saturated paste (SP). The SP method led in all cases to lower herbicide sorption when compared with BT, although pesticide distribution constants from both methods were linearly related for the set of used soils (R2 ? 0.99) showing that both methods similarly reflected the behaviour of the different soils. Low-quality water, evaluated by employing recycled urban wastewater, did not modify herbicide sorption when compared with high quality water, in any soil and with any method.  相似文献   

Yu XY  Mu CL  Gu C  Liu C  Liu XJ 《Chemosphere》2011,85(8):1284-1289
Pyrolysis of vegetative biomass into biochar and application of the more stable form of carbon to soil have been shown to be effective in reducing the emission of greenhouse gases, improving soil fertility, and sequestering soil contaminants. However, there is still lack of information about the impact of biochar amendment in agricultural soils on the sorption and environmental fate of pesticides. In this study, we investigated the sorption and dissipation of a neonicotinoid insecticide acetamiprid in three typical Chinese agricultural soils, which were amended by a red gum wood (Eucalyptus spp.) derived biochar. Our results showed that the amendment of biochar (0.5% (w/w)) to the soils could significantly increase the sorption of acetamiprid, but the magnitudes of enhancement were varied. Contributions of 0.5% newly-added biochar to the overall sorption of acetamiprid were 52.3%, 27.4% and 11.6% for red soil, paddy soil and black soil, respectively. The dissipation of acetamiprid in soils amended with biochar was retarded compared to that in soils without biochar amendment. Similar to the sorption experiment, in soil with higher content of organic matter, the retardation of biochar on the dissipation of acetamiprid was lower than that with lower content of organic matter. The different effects of biochar in agricultural soils may attribute to the interaction of soil components with biochar, which would block the pore or compete for binding site of biochar. Aging effect of biochar application in agricultural soils and field experiments need to be further investigated.  相似文献   

This investigation was undertaken to determine the effect of two different fly ashes [Kota and Inderprastha (IP)] amendment on the sorption behavior of metribuzin in three Indian soil types. The IP fly ash was very effective in increasing the metribuzin sorption in the soils. The sorption with IP amendment was increased by 15-92%, whereas with the Kota fly ash an increase in sorption by 13-38% was noted. The adsorption isotherms fitted very well to the Freundlich adsorption equation and, in general, slope (1/n) values less then unity were observed. Although both the fly ashes significantly decreased metribuzin desorption, the IP fly ash was comparatively more effective in retaining metribuzin in the soils. Metribuzin sorption in the IP fly ash-amended soils showed strong correlation with the fly ash content and compared to K(f)/K(d) values, K(FA) values (sorption normalized to fly ash content) showed less variation. Metribuzin sorption-desorption did not correlate to the organic carbon content of the soil-fly ash mixture. The study demonstrates that all coal fly ashes may not be effective in enhancing the sorption of metribuzin in soils to the same extent. However, among the fly ashes used in this study, the IP fly ash was observed to be significantly effective in enhancing the sorption of metribuzin in soils. This may play an important role in reducing the run off and leaching losses of the herbicide by retaining it in the soil.  相似文献   

This investigation was undertaken to determine the effect of two different fly ashes [Kota and Inderprastha (IP)] amendment on the sorption behavior of metribuzin in three Indian soil types. The IP fly ash was very effective in increasing the metribuzin sorption in the soils. The sorption with IP amendment was increased by 15–92%, whereas with the Kota fly ash an increase in sorption by 13–38% was noted. The adsorption isotherms fitted very well to the Freundlich adsorption equation and, in general, slope (1/n) values less then unity were observed. Although both the fly ashes significantly decreased metribuzin desorption, the IP fly ash was comparatively more effective in retaining metribuzin in the soils. Metribuzin sorption in the IP fly ash-amended soils showed strong correlation with the fly ash content and compared to Kf/Kd values, KFA values (sorption normalized to fly ash content) showed less variation. Metribuzin sorption-desorption did not correlate to the organic carbon content of the soil-fly ash mixture. The study demonstrates that all coal fly ashes may not be effective in enhancing the sorption of metribuzin in soils to the same extent. However, among the fly ashes used in this study, the IP fly ash was observed to be significantly effective in enhancing the sorption of metribuzin in soils. This may play an important role in reducing the run off and leaching losses of the herbicide by retaining it in the soil.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess atrazine mineralization in surface and subsurface samples retrieved from vertical cores of agricultural soils from two farm sites in Ohio. The Defiance site (NW-Ohio) was on soybean-corn rotation and Piketon (S-Ohio) was on continuous corn cultivation. Both sites had a history of atrazine application for at least a couple of decades. The clay fraction increased at the Defiance site and the organic matter and total N content decreased with depth at both sites. Mineralization of atrazine was assessed by measurement of 14CO2 during incubation of soil samples with [U-ring-14C]-atrazine. Abiotic mineralization was negligible in all soil samples. Aerobic mineralization rate constants declined and the corresponding half-lives increased with depth at the Defiance site. Anaerobic mineralization (supplemented with nitrate) was mostly below the detection at the Defiance site. In Piketon samples, the kinetic parameters of aerobic and anaerobic biomineralization of atrazine displayed considerable scatter among replicate cores and duplicate biometers. In general, this study concludes that data especially for anaerobic biomineralization of atrazine can be more variable as compared to aerobic conditions and cannot be extrapolated from one agricultural site to another.  相似文献   

This study monitored the influence of arsenic-contaminated irrigation water on alkaline soils and arsenic uptake in agricultural plants at field level. The arsenic concentrations in irrigation water ranges from <0.005 to 1.014 mg L(-1) where the arsenic concentrations in the soils were measured from 6.1 to 16.7 mg As kg(-1). The arsenic content in different parts of plants are found in the order of roots>shoots>leaves>edible parts. The mean arsenic content of edible plant material (dry weight) were found in the order of onion leaves (0.55 mg As kg(-1))>onion bulb (0.45 mg As kg(-1))>cauliflower (0.33 mg As kg(-1))>rice (0.18 mg As kg(-1))>brinjal (0.09 mg As kg(-1))>potato (<0.01 mg As kg(-1)).  相似文献   

The mobility of antimony (Sb) in Japanese agricultural soils was studied by radiotracer experiments using 124Sb tracer. The soil-solution distribution coefficients (Kd) of Sb were measured for 110 soil samples. These Kds ranged from 1 to 2065 L kg(-1); the geometric mean was 62 L kg(-1) excluding one extremely high value, 2065 L kg(-1). Experimental measurement of Kd showed a decrease with both increasing pH and increasing phosphate concentration. The latter suggested that one aspect of the Sb sorption phenomena in Japanese soil was influenced by specific adsorption of anions such as phosphate. However, other aspects could not be explained by this specific adsorption mechanism, because only 20-40% of soil-sorbed Sb could be extracted by phosphate solution.  相似文献   

The reuse of treated wastewater (TWW) for irrigation is a practical solution for overcoming water scarcity, especially in arid and semiarid regions of the world. However, there are several potential environmental and health-related risks associated with this practice. One such risk stems from the fact that TWW irrigation may increase antibiotic resistance (AR) levels in soil bacteria, potentially contributing to the global propagation of clinical AR. Wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents have been recognized as significant environmental AR reservoirs due to selective pressure generated by antibiotics and other compounds that are frequently detected in effluents. This review summarizes a myriad of recent studies that have assessed the impact of anthropogenic practices on AR in environmental bacterial communities, with specific emphasis on elucidating the potential effects of TWW irrigation on AR in the soil microbiome. Based on the current state of the art, we conclude that contradictory to freshwater environments where WWTP effluent influx tends to expand antibiotic-resistant bacteria (ARB) and antibiotic-resistant genes levels, TWW irrigation does not seem to impact AR levels in the soil microbiome. Although this conclusion is a cause for cautious optimism regarding the future implementation of TWW irrigation, we conclude that further studies aimed at assessing the scope of horizontal gene transfer between effluent-associated ARB and soil bacteria need to be further conducted before ruling out the possible contribution of TWW irrigation to antibiotic-resistant reservoirs in irrigated soils.  相似文献   

为开发一种污水再生利用于农田灌溉领域的新型技术,本实验以城市污水为研究对象,采用A2O—MBR工艺进行中试研究,并将系统出水水质与《农田灌溉水质标准(GB5084—2005)》的主要水质指标进行对比分析。结果表明,系统COD和BOD,出水浓度范围分别为3.2~59.6mg/L、1.0~7.6mg/L,系统出水pH为7.16~7.54,悬浮物浓度几乎为0,上述指标均符合标准;TP、TN和氨氮的出水范围分别为0.03~0.79mg/L、1.6~17.7mg/L和0.8~10.3mg/L。《农田灌溉水质标准》没有对上述3个指标提出具体要求,且少量的氮磷是植物生长的营养元素。该系统出水的主要水质指标符合标准兽求.  相似文献   

The objective was to investigate the impact of vegetated filter strips on exported atrazine and deethylatrazine concentrations [dissolved and sorbed to eroded sediments (>1.5?μm)], the deethylatrazine to atrazine ratio in water and sediments, the ratio of sorbed to dissolved herbicides in runoff and subsurface infiltration as well as field equilibrium state under natural climate during two seasons. We hypothesize that sorption equilibrium was not achieved in 2004 because of the short delay (<24?h) between herbicide application and the first rain event. In 2005, observations suggest that possible changing sorption equilibrium conditions were reached (20?days after atrazine application), especially for eroded sediments submitted to changing environmental conditions in subsurface. If confirmed by other experiments, this will raise the question of the representativeness of laboratory-determined soil sorption coefficients to predict the fate of pesticides.  相似文献   

The objective was to investigate the impact of vegetated filter strips on exported atrazine and deethylatrazine concentrations [dissolved and sorbed to eroded sediments (>1.5 μm)], the deethylatrazine to atrazine ratio in water and sediments, the ratio of sorbed to dissolved herbicides in runoff and subsurface infiltration as well as field equilibrium state under natural climate during two seasons. We hypothesize that sorption equilibrium was not achieved in 2004 because of the short delay (<24 h) between herbicide application and the first rain event. In 2005, observations suggest that possible changing sorption equilibrium conditions were reached (20 days after atrazine application), especially for eroded sediments submitted to changing environmental conditions in subsurface. If confirmed by other experiments, this will raise the question of the representativeness of laboratory-determined soil sorption coefficients to predict the fate of pesticides.  相似文献   

The fate and transport of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) in the subsurface is affected by a complex, time-dependent interplay between sorption and mineralization processes. 2,4-D is biodegradable in soils, while adsorption/desorption is influenced by both soil organic matter content and soil pH. In order to assess the dynamic interactions between sorption and mineralization, 2,4-D mineralization experiments were carried using three different soils (clay, loam and sand) assuming different contact times. Mineralization appeared to be the main process limiting 2,4-D availability, with each soil containing its own 2,4-D decomposers. For the clay and the loamy soils, 45 and 48% of the applied dose were mineralized after 10 days. By comparison, mineralization in the sandy soil proceeded initially much slower because of longer lag times. While 2,4-D residues immediately after application were readily available (>93% was extractable), the herbicide was present in a mostly unavailable state (<2% extractable) in all three soils after incubation for 60 days. We found that the total amount of bound residue decreased between 30 and 60 incubation days. Bioaccumulation may have led to reversible immobilization, with some residues later becoming more readily available again to extraction and/or mineralization.  相似文献   

Annually, millions pounds of antibiotics are released unmetabolized into environment along with animal wastes. Accumulation of antibiotics in soils could potentially induce the persistence of antibiotic resistant bacteria. Antibiotics such as tetracyclines and tetracycline-resistant bacteria have been previously detected in fields fertilized with animal manure. However, little is known about the accumulation of tetracyclines and the development of tetracycline resistance in semi-arid soils. Here we demonstrate that continuous land application with swine effluent, containing trace amounts of chlortetracycline, does not necessarily induce tetracycline resistance in soil bacteria. Based on the testing of more than 3,000 bacteria isolated from the amended soils, we found no significant increase in the occurrence and level of chlortetracycline resistant bacteria in soils after 15 years of continuous swine effluent fertilization. To account for a possible transfer of tetracycline-resistant bacteria originated from the swine effluent to soils, we analyzed two commonly found tetracycline resistant genes, tet(O) and tet(M), in the swine effluent and fertilized soils. Both genes were present in the swine effluent, however, they were not detectable in soils applied with swine effluent. Our data demonstrate that agronomic application of manure from antibiotic treated swine effluent does not necessarily result in the development of antibiotic bacterial resistance in soils. Apparently, concentrations of chlortetracycline present in manure are not significant enough to induce the development of antibiotic bacterial resistance.  相似文献   

Yolcubal I  Akyol NH 《Chemosphere》2008,73(8):1300-1307
The transport and fate of arsenate in carbonate-rich soil under alkaline conditions was investigated with multiple approaches combining batch, sequential extraction and column experiments as well as transport modeling studies. Batch experiments indicated that sorption isotherm was nonlinear over a wide range of concentration (0.1-200 mg L(-1)) examined. As(V) adsorption to the calcareous soil was initially fast but then continued at a slower rate, indicating the potential effect of rate-limited sorption on transport. Column experiments illustrated that transport of As(V) was significantly retarded compared to a non-reactive tracer. The degree of retardation decreased with increasing As(V) concentration. As(V) breakthrough curves exhibited nonideal transport behavior due to the coupled effects of nonlinear and rate-limited sorption on arsenate transport, which is consistent with the results of modeling studies. The contribution of nonlinear sorption to the arsenate retardation was negligible at low concentration but increased with increasing As(V) concentration. Sequential extraction results showed that nonspecifically sorbed (easily exchangeable, outer sphere complexes) fraction of arsenate is dominant with respect to the inner-sphere surface bound complexes of arsenate in the carbonate soil fraction, indicating high bioavailability and transport for arsenate in the carbonate-rich soils of which Fe and Al oxyhydroxide fractions are limited.  相似文献   

Zheng YM  Liu YR  Hu HQ  He JZ 《Chemosphere》2008,72(9):1274-1278
Mercury (Hg) in the agricultural ecosystem is a global concern because of its high potential toxicity. The objectives of this study were to determine the concentration and distribution of Hg in soils from three long-term experimental stations, i.e., Taoyuan (TY) and Qiyang (QY) in Hunan Province and Fengqiu (FQ) in Henan Province of China, and thus to assess the possible food and health risk of long-term applications of fertilizers. Soil samples at each site were collected from different fertilization plots and also from soil profiles with depths 0-100 cm. There were significant differences in soil Hg concentrations in 0-20 cm (A) or 20-40 cm (B) horizon among the three experimental stations. QY station showed significantly higher Hg concentrations than TY and FQ stations. However, there were no significant differences in soil Hg concentrations between A and B horizons at each station. It was concluded that the soil Hg concentrations at the three sites were mainly controlled by the parent materials. Moreover, chemical fertilizer, especially phosphorous fertilizers, could influence the soil Hg concentrations to some extent at the station with lower soil Hg concentrations, for example, at TY station. There were minimal amounts of Hg resulting from applications of the other chemical fertilizers and organic manure, and thus the fertilization had very low risk to the food security of the agro-ecosystems in the terms of Hg inputs and contamination.  相似文献   

阿特拉津在土壤中的环境行为研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概述了阿特拉津在土壤中的迁移、降解及其对植物的影响等环境行为,阐述了土壤组成、土壤pH值以及温度、湿度等因素对各种环境行为过程的影响,并结合目前国内外的研究现状,提出了阿特拉津环境行为新的研究方向。  相似文献   

为开发一种污水再生利用于农田灌溉领域的新型技术,本实验以城市污水为研究对象,采用A2O-MBR工艺进行中试研究,并将系统出水水质与《农田灌溉水质标准(GB5084-2005)》的主要水质指标进行对比分析。结果表明,系统COD和BOD5出水浓度范围分别为3.2~59.6 mg/L、1.0~7.6 mg/L,系统出水pH为7.16~7.54,悬浮物浓度几乎为0,上述指标均符合标准;TP、TN和氨氮的出水范围分别为0.03~0.79 mg/L、1.6~17.7 mg/L和0.8~10.3 mg/L。《农田灌溉水质标准》没有对上述3个指标提出具体要求,且少量的氮磷是植物生长的营养元素。该系统出水的主要水质指标符合标准要求。  相似文献   

Low cost agro-waste biosorbents namely eucalyptus bark (EB), corn cob (CC), bamboo chips (BC), rice straw (RS) and rice husk (RH) were characterized and used to study atrazine and imidacloprid sorption. Adsorption studies suggested that biosorbents greatly varied in their pesticide sorption behaviour. The EB was the best biosorbent to sorb both atrazine and imidacloprid with KF values of 169.9 and 85.71, respectively. The adsorption isotherm were nonlinear in nature with slope (1/n) values <1. The Freundlich constant Correlating atrazine/imidacloprid sorption parameter [KF.(1/n)] with the physicochemical properties of the biosorbents suggested that atrazine adsorption correlated significantly to the aromaticity, polarity, surface area, fractal dimension, lacunarity and relative C-O band intensity parameters of biosorbents. Probably, both physisorption and electrostatic interactions were responsible for the pesticide sorption. The eucalyptus bark can be exploited as low cost adsorbent for the removal of these pesticides as well as a component of on-farm biopurification systems.  相似文献   

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