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A mathematical model is used to examine the effects of choosing various units of sampling distance of a spiral acoustic survey on the adequacy of reconstructing patchy distribution fields. The model simulates fish or plankton patches (or gaps) of different shapes and spatial orientations, and an acoustic survey by a spiral of Archimedes along which a unit of sampling distance is set. For comparison, surveys are imitated by parallel transects along which the same unit of sampling distance is set. Adequacy of the reconstructed fields to those originally generated is evaluated by calculating their correlations (r). In the case of a spiral survey, the mathematical experiments conducted show that an immovable field can be reconstructed properly (r 2 > 0.70) if the ratio of the units of sampling distance to the autocorrelation radius for the field averaged in various directions d/R av < 1.0–1.5. Regarding immovable fields, the spiral surveys ensure, practically speaking, the same adequacy of the field reconstruction as do surveys by parallel transects with the same unit of sampling distance. In regard to movable fields, a comparison of the results of spiral surveys with those of surveys by parallel transects indicates that the former may ensure even higher adequacy of the field reconstruction than do the latter, provided that the units of sampling distances in these surveys are equal to each other.  相似文献   

A mathematical model was used to examine the effects of choosingvarious units of sampling distance of a zigzag survey on the adequacy of reconstructing patchy distribution fields. The modelsimulates fish or plankton patches (or gaps) of different shapesand spatial orientations, and an acoustic survey by zigzag or parallel transects along which a unit of sampling distance is set. Adequacy of the reconstructed fields to those originally generated is evaluated by calculating their correlations (r). A priori information on the autocorrelation radii for the field in the directions of the survey (Rs) and perpendiculardirection (Rp) allows optimisation of the survey design andthe algorithm of data analysis. A field can be reconstructed properly (r2 > 0.70) if the distance between transects D < (1.0–1.5)Rs and the unit of sampling distance d < (1.0–1.5)Rp. A posteriori determination of patchorientation allows reconstruction of the best field attainable onthe basis of the survey data. In cases of field movement, if thedimension of patches in the direction of movement exceeds that ofa surveyed area, a survey in the opposite direction gives bestresults; in contrast, if the dimension of moving patches is smaller than that of a surveyed area, it is reasonable to carryout a survey in the same direction. The criterion remains validwhen a survey is carried out by zigzag transects and a unit ofsampling distance is set along them. The results obtained indicate that, for a fixed transect spacing and a given number of sampling points on each full transect, zigzag pattern allowsless adequate reconstruction of an original distribution field (in cases of both immovable and movable fields) than corresponding parallel pattern.  相似文献   

A mathematical model was used to examine the effects of choosing various units of sampling distance of an interleaved (two-pass) acoustic survey on the adequacy of reconstructing patchy distribution fields. The model simulates fish or plankton patches (or gaps) of different shapes and spatial orientations, and an interleaved survey by parallel or zigzag transects, along which a unit of sampling distance is set. The efficiency of a survey is determined by the adequacy of a reconstructed field to that originally generated, which is evaluated by calculating their correlations (r). Regarding immovable fields, the experiments conducted indicate that a patchy field can be reconstructed properly (r 2 > 0.70) if the distance between transects D < (1.5–2.0)R and the unit of sampling distance d < (1.5– 2.0)R p. As, for regular surveys d < (1.0–1.5)R p, it may be concluded that interleaved surveys are more efficient than regular ones because of the factor studied. In regard to movable fields, a comparison of the results of interleaved surveys with those of regular surveys directly indicates that the former may ensure a more adequate field reconstruction than the latter do. This fact confirms the previous conclusion that an interleaved survey is expedient in cases where there is no preference regarding the position of a vessel for further work.  相似文献   

A mathematical model was used to examine the effects of a zigzagsurvey design on the adequacy of reconstructing patchy distribution fields. The model simulates fish or plankton patches(or gaps) of different shapes and spatial orientations, and an acoustic survey by a set of transects forming a zigzag. Adequacyof the reconstructed fields to those originally generated was evaluated by calculating their correlations (r). A prioriinformation on the autocorrelation radius for the field in thedirection of a survey (R) allows optimization of survey design and the algorithm of data analysis. A patchy field can be reconstructed properly (r > 0.80) if the distance between transects D < (1.0–1.5)R. If a priori information onthe field is not available, the autocorrelation radius should bedetermined when reconstructing the field, i.e. a posteriori. In cases of field movement, the criterion for choosing a survey direction is based on the relationship betweenthe dimension of moving patches in the direction of movement andthat of the surveyed area. The results obtained indicate that, for a fixed transect spacing, zigzag pattern allow less adequatereconstruction of an original distribution field (in cases of both immovable and movable fields) than corresponding parallel pattern.  相似文献   

A mathematical model was used to compare the effects of a regular (one-pass) or interleaved (two-pass) acoustic survey on the adequacy of reconstructing patchy distribution fields. The model simulates fish or plankton patches of different shapes and spatial orientations, and a set of parallel or zigzag transects forming a regular or interleaved acoustic survey. The efficiency of a survey is determined by the adequacy of a reconstructed field to that originally generated, which is evaluated by calculating their correlations. Regarding the immovable fields, the efficiency of a regular or interleaved acoustic survey was tested with the following two alternative assumptions: (1) the entire survey was completed; (2) the survey was interrupted for some reason at the moment when one transect remained non-accomplished. In the former case, the efficiencies of both acoustic surveys were nearly the same; in the latter case, the efficiency of an interleaved survey was superior to that of a regular one. With respect to movable fields, the efficiency of the completed interleaved surveys was even higher than that of the regular ones. Thus, the results obtained allow us to conclude that an interleaved survey is expedient in cases where there is no preference regarding the position of a vessel for further work.  相似文献   

We present a technique to quantify and model the intensity of structural changes produced by management of dry grazing lands at a landscape scale. The technique is illustrated with the analysis of digitized black–white (b/w) imagery and an application to the study of changes induced by grazing gradients. Structural changes in patchy vegetation canopies were studied in the Patagonian Monte (Chubut, Argentina) at two resolution scales by means of linear transects in the field (50 m) and others drawn on aerial b/w photographs (2–5 km) of grazed paddocks. Spatial series of plant cover values along transects in the field and on photographs were analyzed with standard techniques of spectral analyses, including auto-correlation spectra and Fourier transforms. In order to test the internal consistency of the techniques used, synthetic plant canopies with patches of varying cover and size were generated by means of a stochastic model of plant growth under different stocking rates or after varying periods of recovery. The behavior of the simulation model is consistent with the observed dynamics of plant canopies in semiarid environments. There is a consistent relation between the number and geometric properties of plant patches (patch number, patch size, patch connectivity) and the signal/noise ratios of the Fourier decomposition describing plant density data. Signal/noise ratios corresponding to plant cover data in paddocks with different grazing treatment are consistent with the assumptions derived from modeled canopies, as well as those estimated from optical density of b/w aerial photographs of paddocks. We tested the hypotheses that patch arrangements as quantified by the signal/noise ratios vary in accordance with grazing gradients in paddocks with a permanent corner-located watering point. The use of digitized b/w images allows inspecting permanent changes over time periods when other types of images were not yet available.  相似文献   

The Western Australian Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) in 2002 released Position Statement, No. 3, Terrestrial Biological Surveys as an Element of Biodiversity Protection outlining how terrestrial fauna survey data are to be used and interpreted in the preparation of environmental impact assessments (EIA). In 2004, the EPA released its Guidance for the Assessment of Environmental Factors, Terrestrial Fauna Surveys for Environmental Impact Assessment in Western Australia, No. 56. This paper briefly assesses the adequacy of recent terrestrial fauna surveys undertaken to support publicly released EIAs and indicates that the EPA is not always adhering to its own position and guidance statements. This paper argues that the current fauna survey guidelines are in need of improvement. The approach and requirements of some other Australian states are briefly assessed to identify similarities and where improvements can be made to the Western Australian (WA) guidelines. This paper concludes with suggestions on how the process and the guidelines in WA can be revised to more adequately assess the impact of developments on terrestrial vertebrate biodiversity and ecosystem function. These suggestions may have relevance for other areas where fauna surveys are undertaken to support EIAs.  相似文献   

Probability-based designs reduce bias and allow inference of results to the pool of sites from which they were chosen. We developed and tested probability-based designs for monitoring marine rocky intertidal assemblages at Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve (GLBA), Alaska. A multilevel design was used that varied in scale and inference. The levels included aerial surveys, extensive sampling of 25 sites, and more intensive sampling of 6 sites. Aerial surveys of a subset of intertidal habitat indicated that the original target habitat of bedrock-dominated sites with slope ≤30° was rare. This unexpected finding illustrated one value of probability-based surveys and led to a shift in the target habitat type to include steeper, more mixed rocky habitat. Subsequently, we evaluated the statistical power of different sampling methods and sampling strategies to detect changes in the abundances of the predominant sessile intertidal taxa: barnacles Balanomorpha, the mussel Mytilus trossulus, and the rockweed Fucus distichus subsp. evanescens. There was greatest power to detect trends in Mytilus and lesser power for barnacles and Fucus. Because of its greater power, the extensive, coarse-grained sampling scheme was adopted in subsequent years over the intensive, fine-grained scheme. The sampling attributes that had the largest effects on power included sampling of “vertical” line transects (vs. horizontal line transects or quadrats) and increasing the number of sites. We also evaluated the power of several management-set parameters. Given equal sampling effort, sampling more sites fewer times had greater power. The information gained through intertidal monitoring is likely to be useful in assessing changes due to climate, including ocean acidification; invasive species; trampling effects; and oil spills.  相似文献   

We evaluated the relative performance of electrofishing and visual surveys (snorkeling) for estimating the abundance of combinations of fish species and size classes in rivers. We also assessed the effect of environmental conditions on potential differences between the results obtained using these two sampling methods. Sampling sites were distributed in the Laurentian region of Québec. Both methods were used while sections were blocked. Three snorkelers swam the river sections upstream while identifying and counting fish of each species and size classes. Three-pass electrofishing was performed in the same sites and abundances were estimated with a maximum likelihood depletion model. Greater abundances of fish were observed by snorkeling than by electrofishing at all sites. Snorkeling species richness was higher or equal to electrofishing richness in, respectively, 60 % and 40 % of sampled sites. Differences in the fish communities observed by both sampling methods were not related to environmental conditions. The results of our work are therefore contrary to that of most published studies that suggested the use of electrofishing over visual surveys. This study highlights that conclusions derived from previous work on sampling gear comparisons may not be generalisable; rather survey methods might benefit from being selected based on fish community composition.  相似文献   

Addressing landscape-level threats to stream fishes such as habitat and hydrological alterations requires adequate watershed-level species inventories. Where watershed-level ichthyofaunal surveys are prohibitively expensive, existing (historical) data sources may provide an option for compiling species lists. However, it is critical that managers consider potential biases or limitations of species lists compiled from existing data. Here we assess the suitability of species lists compiled from existing data sources for making watershed-level fish management and conservation decisions. For nine Great Lakes watersheds, we developed existing species lists by compiling all available federal and state agency and museum fish survey data. We then compared the size and species composition of existing species lists to current species lists compiled from intensive field surveys, conducted in 2002, of the same watersheds. Species lists compiled from commonly available existing data sources, such as state and federal agency and museum data, missed many species detected during our 2002 field surveys. In most watersheds, more than 10 species were missed (range 5–21) on existing lists. Sampling over multiple years and seasons increased the size of both current (field) and existing species lists. Existing species lists compiled from surveys conducted over multiple years and seasons included an average of 15 species not captured during the 2002 field surveys. However, such multiyear existing datasets are rare and not available for many watersheds. In addition, species lists compiled from older existing surveys (e.g., before 1984) did not accurately represent current species composition of the watersheds and our results indicate several apparent misidentifications or errors on these lists. Lastly, while most game species were detected on existing lists, migratory species and recently introduced species were commonly missed on these lists. We conclude with recommendations for using existing data for watershed-level stream fish management and conservation decisions.  相似文献   

Understanding the complex effects of biotic and abiotic factors on the composition of vegetation is very important for developing and implementing strategies for promoting sustainable grassland development. The vegetation–disturbance–environment relationship was examined in degraded alpine grasslands in the headwater areas of three rivers on the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau in this study. The investigated hypotheses were that (1) the heterogeneity of the vegetation of the alpine grassland is due to a combination of biotic and abiotic factors and that (2) at a small scale, biotic factors are more important for the distribution of alpine vegetation. On this basis, four transects were set along altitudinal gradients from 3,770 to 3,890 m on a sunny slope, and four parallel transects were set along altitudinal gradients on a shady slope in alpine grasslands in Guoluo Prefecture of Qinghai Province, China. It was found that biological disturbances were the major forces driving the spatial heterogeneity of the alpine grassland vegetation and abiotic factors were of secondary importance. Heavy grazing and intensive rat activity resulted in increases in unpalatable and poisonous weeds and decreased fine forages in the form of sedges, forbs, and grasses in the vegetation composition. Habitat degradation associated with biological disturbances significantly affected the spatial variation of the alpine grassland vegetation, i.e., more pioneer plants of poisonous or unpalatable weed species, such as Ligularia virgaurea and Euphorbia fischeriana, were found in bare patches. Environmental/abiotic factors were less important than biological disturbances in affecting the spatial distribution of the alpine grassland vegetation at a small scale. It was concluded that rat control and light grazing should be applied first in implementing restoration strategies. The primary vegetation in lightly grazed and less rat-damaged sites should be regarded as a reference for devising vegetation restoration measures in alpine pastoral regions.  相似文献   

Site-specific weed management presupposes the careful monitoring and mapping of weed infestation areas. Cut-edge sensor technologies coupled with geographical information systems (GIS) provide the means for reliable decision-making concerning weed management even in sub-field level. In present research, two different spectral sensing systems were engaged in order to digitally map weed patches as grown in four different cotton fields in Central Greece. The systems used were a set of two Crop Circle multispectral sensors ACS-430 and a digital camera Nikon D300S. The spaces between cotton rows were scanned and photographed with the two systems accordingly. Raw recorded data were stored and analyzed in GIS environment producing spatially interpolated maps of red-edge normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and weed cover percentage values. Both mapping approaches were satisfactorily related to weed distribution as occurred in the fields; however, the photographic method tended to underestimate weed populations. Correlation of red-edge NDVI and weed cover values, at the points where photographs were taken, as revealed by Pearson’s correlation coefficient was high (r?>?0.83) and statistically significant at the 0.01 level. A first-degree linear equation adequately modeled (R2?>?0.7) the between value pair relations, strengthening the validity of the two methodologies in spatially monitoring weed patches. The methodologies and the technologies used in the study can be used for yearly mapping weed flora in cotton cultivation and potentially constitute a means of rationalizing herbicide application in terms of doses and spatio-temporal decision-making.  相似文献   

Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) is a powerful statistical method which incorporates one or more covariates into the analysis to reduce error associated with measurement. ANCOVA (modeling response as a function of fish size) is frequently used to analyze environmental effects monitoring (EEM) fish survey data. In approximately 12% of fish survey data sets taken from cycles 1 to 3 of Environment Canada’s EEM database for pulp and paper mills, the standard assumption of parallel regression slopes is not met. For the first three cycles of the EEM program, these data sets were classified as indicating a mill effect, but for the most part were excluded from subsequent analyses aimed at quantifying the effect. We present two different methods for initially dealing with data sets that exhibit heterogeneous slopes so that they can be analyzed using the parallel slope model. The first method identifies data sets where heterogeneous slopes are forced by a few high-influence observations. The second approach identifies data sets where a model with heterogeneous slopes is statistically, but not practically, significant: with a high coefficient of determination for the parallel slope model. These new methodologies are applied to EEM pulp and paper data sets and about 55% of cases with heterogeneous slopes can be described by a parallel slope model. We also discuss a third method that can be used to describe mill effects when regression slopes remain heterogeneous even after applying the above two methods, enabling comparison with a critical effect size. These new methodologies could benefit the EEM program by enabling more data sets to be incorporated into meta-analyses and be used to make more equitable mill monitoring decisions in the future.  相似文献   

近年来,长江上游大量集中采砂造成河床地貌大幅改变,进而改变了该河段原有的水流条件.采砂可能会改变鱼类生境,但采砂后的河道鱼类生境现状尚不明确.分别在2019年1月以及2020年6月、12月对洛碛河段进行了3次水声学调查,探明了洛碛河段的鱼群生境现状.基于采砂前后实测地形,分析了洛碛河段采砂前后的地形、流速、水深等参数变...  相似文献   

We developed an assessment and monitoring plan for birds in connection with the exploration and potential development of a large natural gas field in the Lower Urubamba drainage of Peru, a project of Shell Prospecting and Development Peru (SPDP). Our objectives were to: (1) inventory the birds in the area, including information on habitat use and abundance, and (2) devise long-term monitoring protocols for birds. We sampled birds through a combination of visual and auditory surveys and mist-netting at 4 well sites and 3 sites along the Urubamba and Camisea rivers. We recorded 420 speciesduring 135 days of field work. We consider the highest prioritiesfor a future monitoring program to be: (1) establish whether edge effects are occurring at well sites, along roads and alongthe planned pipeline route and determine the significance and extent of these effects and (2) assess the impact of increased human access to the area on game and other exploited species. The remoteness of the area, its rugged terrain and dense vegetation and the lack of trained personnel limit the choice of survey and monitoring methods. We recommend use of mist-netting and transects for monitoring edge effects and useof transects for monitoring game and other exploited species.  相似文献   

The Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans conducts annual bottom trawl surveys to monitor changes in the abundance of the major commercially important groundfish populations. Some of these surveys have been in operation for almost 20 yr. The estimates from these surveys often indicate rapid changes in abundance over time beyond that expected from the population dynamics of the fish. Much of this interannual change has been interpreted as variation, the magnitude of which has often made it difficult to measure anything but the most severe effects of fishing, pollution or any other intervention on the population. Recent studies have shown that some of this variation may be attributed to changes in catchability of fish due to the effects of environmental variables on fish distribution. Annual changes in abundance as estimated from such field surveys may be confounded by changes in catchability due to annual changes in environmental conditions. In this study, trawl catches of age 4 Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) from surveys conducted during March 1979–1988 were compared with concurrent measurements of bottom salinity, temperature and depth. Large catches of age 4 cod are more likely to occur in water characterized as the intermediate cold layer defined by salinities of 32–33.5 and temperatures<5°C. This relationship also appears to be modified by depth. We further show that internnual changes in the estimated abundance from the surveys were, in a number of cases, coincident with changes in the proportion of the bottom water composed of the intermediate cold water layer. The implications that these patterns may have on interpreting trends in the estimates of abundance from trawl surveys are discussed.  相似文献   

The results of a biomonitoring survey carried out in the town of Pistoia (central Italy) using the biodiversity of epiphytic lichens and the accumulation of heavy metals in thalli of Parmelia caperata as indicators of air pollution are reported. Compared to previous surveys, the overall situation generally improved, with higher lichen diversity at most stations and lower metal concentrations in P. caperata thalli. However, the general picture according to a calibrated scale of environmental naturality/alteration was substantially negative, with about 87% of the study area classified as `altered' (including the lichen desert) or `semi-altered'. To explain this apparent contradiction, it has been suggested that lichen colonization is determined by declining SO2 concentrations, while major injuries to lichen communities are caused by the constantly high levels of NOX. In spite of the low levels of Pb measured in P. caperata thalli, vehicular traffic was excluded as the main source of atmospheric pollution. Domestic heating seems to be the main cause of changes in the diversity of epiphytic lichens in the study area.  相似文献   

Because moderate to over-abundant white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) herbivory impacts biodiversity and can alter community function, ecological benchmarks of herbivory impact are needed to assess deer impacts. We evaluated spatial patterns of deer herbivory and their relation to herbivory assessment by evaluating woody vegetation along 20 transects at each of 30 sites spread across a wide range of deer herd densities and vegetative condition throughout the biodiverse Appalachian Mountains of Virginia, USA. Surprisingly, herbivory patterns and the availability of woody forage generally were unchanged among physiographic regions and land use diversity classes. However, some relationships between browsing pattern and vegetation varied with scale. The total quantity of vegetation browsed on a given site and at the transect scale were related positively to the availability of forage, as the proportion of stems browsed decreased as stem density increased. However, this was only true when all stems were considered equally. When stem densities by species were weighted for deer preference, the proportion of stems browsed had no relationship or increased with stem density. Compared to the value from all transects sampled, on average, the mean of ≥?3 transects within a site was within 0.1 of the browsing ratio and stem densities were within 0.5 stems m?2. Our results suggest that one transect per square kilometer with a minimum of three transects may be sufficient for most browsing intensity survey requirements to assess herbivory impacts in the Appalachian region of Virginia. Still, inclusion of spatial factors to help partition variation of deer herbivory potentially may allow for improved precision and accuracy in the design of field herbivory impact assessment methods and improve their application across various landscape contexts.  相似文献   

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