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Organic compounds in Mississippi river water were collected using a teflon disc to obtain surface film samples and a submerged bottle to collect water column samples. These organics were analyzed and characterized by high resolution gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The presence of n-alkanes, polynuclear aromatics and chlorinated hydrocarbons was established, with the more hydrophobic compounds found in greater quantities at the air-water interface as compared to the sub-surface water column.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to screen the three passes that link Lake Pontchartrain to the Gulf of Mexico via Lake Borne for the presence of EPA base-neutral (BN) priority pollutants and any other pollutants detected in significant concentration. Biota and sediment samples were collected and analytical procedures were developed for the trace analysis of BN organics in these matrices. Compounds identified include alkanes (normal, branched, cyclic), alkenes, aromatics, alkylated aromatics, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons and their alkylated derivatives, phthalates, ketones, furans, thiophenes, phenols, amines, nitriles, thiazoles, amides, aldehydes, alcohols, free fatty acids, fatty acid methyl and ethyl esters, phosphates, sterols. Concentrations were in the parts-per-billion range.  相似文献   

Methyl-mercury (CH3Hg+) production was studied in freshwaters from lake Moreno, an ultraoligotrophic system belonging to Northern Patagonia. Hg2+ labelled with high specific activity 197Hg was spiked to water samples in concentrations of 10 ng l(-1), and incubated in laboratory for 3d time trends under different conditions. Experimental water was sampled daily to evaluate CH3(197)Hg+ production. Lake water used in the experiments was sampled just below the upper limit of the metalimnion ( approximately 30 m depth), where maximum values of chlorophyll a have been measured previously. Sampling was performed in late autumn, when the plankton fraction <50 microm exhibited mercury concentrations up to 260 microg g(-1) dry weight. The experiments analysed lake water filtered through 50, 20, and 0.2 microm (filter-sterilized) mesh nets. ASTM grade 1 water was also incubated for control. All the experiments were run in an environmental chamber under controlled temperature and light regime. High Hg2+ conversion to CH3Hg+, up to 50%, was measured in lake water, in a process stimulated by light. CH3Hg+ production was two-fold higher after 3d of incubation with illumination compared to total darkness. Sterile lake water showed conversions up to 30%, while the planktonic components seem to enhance the CH3Hg+ production. Overall, our results provide evidence that lake Moreno waters favour CH3Hg+ production in processes stimulated by light. Although biotic components certainly contribute to enhance mercury methylation, water chemistry plays a key role in this process. We hypothesize that dissolved organic matter, particularly its quality, could be decisive.  相似文献   

Remedial dredging of contaminated bed sediments in rivers and lakes results in the suspension of sediment solids in the water column, which can potentially be a source for evaporation of hydrophobic organic compounds (HOCs) associated with the sediment solids. Laboratory experiments were conducted in an oscillating grid chamber to simulate the suspension of contaminated sediments and flux to air from the surface of the water column. A contaminated field sediment from Indiana Harbor Canal (IHC) and a laboratory-inoculated University Lake (UL) sediment, Baton Rouge, LA, were used in the experiments, where water and solids concentration and particle size distribution were measured in addition to contaminant fluxes to air. A transient model that takes into account contaminant desorption from sediment to water and evaporation from the water column was used to simulate water and sediment concentrations and air fluxes from the solids suspension. In experiments with both sediments, the total suspended solids (TSS) concentration and the average particle diameter of the suspended solids decreased with time. As expected, the evaporative losses were higher for compounds with higher vapor pressure and lower hydrophobicity. For the laboratory-inoculated sediment (UL), the water concentrations and air fluxes were high initially and decreased steadily implying that contaminant release to the water column from the suspended solids was rapid, followed by evaporative decay. For the field sediments (IHC), the fluxes and water concentrations increased initially and subsequently decreased steadily. This implied that the initial desorption to water was slow and that perhaps the presence of oil and grease and aging influenced the contaminant release. Comparison of the model and experimental data suggested that a realistic determination of the TSS concentration that can be input into the model was the most critical parameter for predicting air emission rates.  相似文献   

The environmental behavior of hydrophobic organic compounds in water is driven by partitioning between dissolved and sorbed phases. Partitioning behavior of a compound is often based on empirical relationships to other properties of the chemical, such as water solubility and octanol-water partition coefficients, but actual partitioning in the environment may differ significantly from such predictions. We conducted intensive studies of the distribution of PCBs in the fresh water portion of the Hudson River, using sensitive capillary-column gas chromatography methods to calibrate and resolve quantitations for 90 PCB congeners in 48 samples at 10 locations. A linear equilibrium model of PCB congener partitioning, when corrected for temperature and suspended-matter organic carbon content, provides a good representation of phase distribution. When particulate-phase concentrations are predicted from dissolved concentrations with a two-phase model, the predictions are unbiased for the majority of samples and the average percent difference between observed and predicted particulate concentrations is ±43 percent. Estimated in situ partition coefficients show systematic differences from partition coefficients predicted from octanol-water partitioning. Partitioning to colloids appears to be a significant component of total concentration for mono- and dichlorobiphenyls, but not for more highly chlorinated congeners.The colloidal fraction may still cause significant overestimation of the bioavailable fraction for more hydrophobic congeners when a two-component model is used.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the distribution and sources of heavy metal pollutants in the sediments of Lake Pontchartrain. Sediment samples were collected from the northern and southern shorelines and analyzed for heavy metals by atomic absorption spectrometry. The heavy metals of interest were barium, copper, nickel, lead, and zinc. The concentrations of these metals indicate that the principal source of heavy metal pollution is associated with urban stormwater runoff and municipal discharges.  相似文献   

Mini-column techniques were employed to determine the mass transfer coefficient for lead adsorption onto vermiculite. Variation of the mass transfer coefficient with flow rate, particle size of sorbent, and influent lead concentration were studied. Multiple linear regression (MLR) analysis showed that the mass transfer coefficient varied as the 0.43 power of the liquid flow rate and inversely as the 0.272 power of particle diameter of the vermiculite, but was independent of the influent concentration of lead. Different parameters of a fixed bed column design for the removal of lead by vermiculite were determined using the data from the batch sorption study. The performance of the liquid bed column in removing lead was in close agreement with predicted performance using the batch isotherm data.  相似文献   

Wurl O  Obbard JP 《Chemosphere》2006,62(7):1105-1115
Hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs), dichlorodiphenylethanes (DDTs) and 38 PCB congeners were determined in the water column (sea-surface microlayer, subsurface, mid-depth and bottom water) and sediments from Singapore's coastal environment. The concentration ranges for summationHCHs, summationDDTs and summationPCBs in the seawater dissolved phase (DP) were 101-6110 (mean 1833), <5-405 (mean 76) and 60-6979 (mean 1611)pg/l, respectively. The concentration ranges for summationHCHs, summationDDTs and summationPCBs in the suspended particulate matter (SPM) were 26-2395 (mean 243), <5-124 (mean 19) and 38-3793 (mean 715) pg/l, respectively. Concentration levels in sediments ranged between 521 and 1758 (mean 1094), 50 and 290 (mean 88) and 339 and 1356 (mean 858) pg/g for summationHCHs, summationDDTs and summationPCBs, respectively. It was shown that the interfaces of the sea-surface microlayer (SML) and near bottom water are important compartments for the distribution of organochlorine compounds (OCs) in the water column. In comparison with data from China, the concentration levels in the water column and sediments of Singapore can be considered as low, but the reported levels were higher compared to available data from Europe.  相似文献   

In this paper the results of sampling for trace chlorinated organics at two municipal refuse incinerators in Ontario are presented. The information may be of Interest to individuals concerned with the assessment of PCDD/PCDF (polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin/polychlorinated dibenzofuran) emissions from incineration of refuse and their impact on the energyfrom- waste program. PCDDs, PCDFs, PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), CBs (chlorobenzenes) and CPs (chlorophenols) were quantified in all process streams including refuse, ash and stack emissions. Manual sorting of refuse and collection of ash samples were carried out simultaneously with three 24-hour continuous stack sampling tests at each plant. The results suggested that the total output of PCDDs and PCDFs varied proportionately with their input at both incinerators. However, the input of PCDDs/PCDFs could not account for their total output. The chemistry of PCDDs/PCDFs in the input and output streams were different in that only heptachlorinated and octachlorinated species were present in significant quantities in the refuse while lower chlorinated species were predominant in stack emissions and ash streams. There was no correspondence between the Input of PCBs/CBs/CPs and the output of PCDDs/PCDFs. The output of PCDDs/PCDFs, however, varied Inversely with the total output of PCBs/CBs/CPs, suggesting that the latter compounds could have been partially responsible for the formation of PCDDs and PCDFs. The PCDF emissions were also affected by combustion conditions; they were higher in magnitude and consisted of predominantly tetrachlorinated and pentachlorinated species at the plant where the combustion temperatures were lower.  相似文献   

Increasing attention to the presence of atmospheric volatile organic compounds has focused interest on the sources and fate of organics in ambient air. The purpose of this study was to develop a chemical mass balance receptor model (CMB) to determine the contributions of major organic pollution source types to ambient pollution levels. Twenty mid-day ambient air samples were analyzed for the presence of volatile hydrocarbons by gas chromatographlc procedures. Based on these measurements, contributions from vehicles, gasoline vapor emissions, and petroleum refineries to ambient organic concentrations were estimated. For the receptor site studied, vehicles were the dominant source type and accounted for 60.8 percent of the organics evaluated. Contributions from refineries, gasoline vapor, and all other sources were 10.1, 11.1, and 17.9 percent, respectively. Validation of the predictions showed that the model is sensitive to the effect of overall upwind emissions. The CMB model was shown to produce reasonable predictive results for vehicles, gasoline vapor, and refinery contributions to ambient non-methane organic concentrations.  相似文献   

The development of receptor models for the determination of the sources of an ambient air pollutant requires that the composition of the pollutant at the point of emission be known. For this study, composition information for 10 sources of volatile organic compounds (VOC) were evaluated and source fingerprints developed. The source categories include motor vehicles, gasoline vapor, petroleum refineries, architectural coatings, graphic arts, waste-water treatment, vapor degreasing, drycleaning, automobile assembly (including body painting), and polyethylene production. The fingerprints are presented for a group of 23 compounds. These compounds were selected for a variety of reasons including ease of measurement in the ambient environment, compound toxicity, reactivity, and usefulness in previous receptor modeling applications. In general, the data for sources of VOC are remarkably consistent from study to study. Because the profiles for many of the sources of VOC are controlled by physical and chemical processes (e.g. combustion) and not raw material composition, the fingerprints have general applicability.  相似文献   

Samples of sub-surface water, suspended particulate matter (SPM) and surface sediments collected from Daya Bay, China have been analysed for 12 polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners and 18 organochlorine insecticides, using gas chromatography electron capture detection. Total PCB levels varied from 91.1 to 1355.3 ng l-1 in water and from 0.85 to 27.37 ng g-1 dry weight in sediments. The levels of total organochlorine insecticides were in the range 143.3-5104.8 ng l-1 in water and 2.43-86.25 ng g-1 dry weight in sediment. None of the target compounds were detected in SPM. The levels of total hexachlorocyclohexanes in water varied from 35.5 to 1228.6 ng l-1, whilst in sediments they ranged from 0.32 to 4.16 ng g-1 dry weight. For the sum of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs), their levels were in the range 26.8-975.9 ng l-1 in water, and 0.14-20.27 ng g-1 dry weight in sediments. The distribution profiles of these contaminants in water and sediments suggest that there are a number of sources contributing to total contaminant burden in the bay, including soil runoffs, wastewater discharges, sewage outfalls and shipping activites. Ratios of DDT/(DDE + DDD) in the water and sediments indicate recent inputs of such chemicals into the day. The results, therefore, provide important information on the current contamination status of a key aquacultural area in China, and point to the need for urgent actions to stop the use of persistent agrochemicals such as DDT and lindane.  相似文献   

Based on a three compartment microcosm-water column, natural sediment,Hexagenia rigida nymphs-an experimental study was set up to compare cadmium (Cd) and methylmercury (MeHg) bioaccumulation by a burrowing mayfly species, after exposure via the water column or the sediment as initial contamination sources. Results from a wide concentration range for each exposure condition revealed very marked differences between the two metals: MeHg was readily accumulated from the two contamination sources, leading to important metal concentrations in the nymphs after the 2 weeks’ exposure; Cd bioaccumulation, on the other hand, was negligible when the metal was added to the water compartment, even though significant transfers were observed from the sediment source. The average Cd concentrations in the nymphs were proportional to the sediment contamination levels. Turbidity measurements in the water column, reflecting the bioturbation activity of the nymphs, revealed that the effect of Cd was significant, but only when the metal was initially added to the sediment. The results are discussed according to the uptake routes and the structural and functional properties of the biological barriers involved (gills and gut).  相似文献   

氯代有机物是一类在生产和生活中广泛应用并被大量排放到环境中的难降解有机污染物质,一旦进入生态环境,就会在水体、土壤和底质中长期残留,并在食物链中不断积累、富集,从而对生物体产生危害。因此,对受这类难降解有机物污染的环境修复是目前所迫切需要解决的环境问题之一。基于物理和化学修复方法成本较高易造成二次污染,文中探讨了国内外生物修复技术的研究进展,并对难降解氯代有机物污染环境修复的研究方向进行了展望,由于环境中的污染物质复杂多变,联合生物修复技术将成为未来的研究热点。  相似文献   


The persistence of trace organics in wastewater effluent is a major environmental concern. Possible use of fixed microbial films in wastewater treatment processes is currently an active area of research that may be able to address many of these problems. In the waste effluent, the persistence of trace organics is attributed, in part, to the inability of microbial populations to extract energy from dilute environments at a rate fast enough to sustain themselves. To address this problem, a novel wastewater treatment scheme is considered. On the basis of previous hollow fiber biomass growth studies, we believe that an anaerobic biofilm supported by hollow fibers could achieve greater biomass density than a film grown on traditional impermeable supports. This in turn could lead to improved substrate removal efficiency in a reactor of a given volume. Using this concept, we developed a mathematical model to test the potential of hollow fiber membrane reactors for biodegradation of acetate solution. A computer simulation has shown that it would be possible to remove about 90% from feed solutions containing 0.1 mg-cm-3 acetate with biomass density 25 mg-cm-3 in the hollow fiber supported biofilm. More concentrated feeds could be effectively treated if sufficiently high biomass density could be attained. This process, therefore, shows promise in wastewater treatment. The advantages of hollow fiber membrane bioreactors are their high surface-to-volume ratio, separation of cells from flow, and high cell concentration. All of these are essential requirements for optimum utilization of biomass in wastewater treatment. The hollow fiber membrane bioreactor concept, therefore, may provide a new and unique approach to treating organics.  相似文献   

Ishii N  Uchida S 《Chemosphere》2005,60(2):157-163
We studied the characteristic gram-stain of Tc insolubilizing bacteria using various antibiotics, and the fate of insoluble Tc in a water column above flooded paddy soil to clarify Tc behavior in paddy fields. The formation of insoluble Tc in water column samples was inhibited by the addition of antibiotics, especially reagents against gram-negative bacteria. For a sample without antibiotics, insoluble Tc formation increased with time, and the maximum amount of insoluble Tc was observed on day 4 of incubation with (95m)Tc. In contrast, concentrations of ferrous ion decreased with time. These results suggested that gram-negative bacteria were mainly responsible for insoluble Tc formation, and that these bacteria were able to transform soluble Tc to insoluble forms under oxidizing conditions.  相似文献   


This study analyzes the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the ambient air around gasoline stations during rush hours and assesses their impact on human health. Results from this study clearly indicate that methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), toluene, and isobutane are the major VOCs emitted from gasoline stations. Moreover, the concentrations of MTBE and toluene in the ambient air near gasoline stations are remarkably higher than those sampled on surrounding roads, revealing that these compounds are mainly released from gasoline stations. The concentration of VOCs near the gasoline stations without vapor recovery systems are ~7.3 times higher than those around the gasoline stations having the recovery systems. An impact on individual health and air quality because of gasoline station emissions was done using Integrated Risk Information System and Industrial Source Complex Short Term model.  相似文献   

通过系列杯罐试验混凝处理合流污水,采用硫酸铝(Al2(SO4)3)、硫酸铁(Fe2(SO4)3)、聚合氯化铝(PAC)和聚合氯化铝铁(PAFC)4种混凝剂均能有效去除污水中的 TP、PO3-4-P、SS和COD。聚合金属盐(PAC和PAFC)混凝处理效果优于金属盐(Al2(SO4)3和Fe2(SO4)3),达到相同的处理效果的投加量明显低于后者。助凝剂采用聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)、聚乙烯醇(PVA)、自制的高分子聚合物(AN)和活化硅酸(AS),在保持较低混凝剂投加量的条件下可明显提高污水处理效果;添加助凝剂对强化PO3-4-P的去除作用不明显,PO3-4-P的去除仅与混凝剂的投加量相关。混凝剂和助凝剂对污水中NH3-N的去除作用相对不显著。SS去除率随混凝剂投加量的变化趋势说明混凝的机理较为复杂,可能存在多种混凝机理共同作用。  相似文献   

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