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The fear of being eaten reduces energy transfer in a simple food chain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Trussell GC  Ewanchuk PJ  Matassa CM 《Ecology》2006,87(12):2979-2984
Food chain length is an important property of ecosystems, but the mechanisms maintaining it remain elusive. Classical views suggest that energetic inefficiencies (the "energy-flow hypothesis") limit food chain length, but others have argued that better explanations reside in more complex scenarios that consider the stability of food webs or the combined effects of productivity and ecosystem size. We argue that abandonment of the energy-flow hypothesis is premature. For a simple tritrophic rocky intertidal food chain, we show that the efficiency of energy transfer is strongly influenced by predation risk and consumer density. Effects tied to predation risk were particularly strong, explaining 32% of the variation in growth efficiency (compared to 15% for density effects) and reducing it by 44-76%. Hence, the stress (fear of being eaten) that predators impose on prey may be instrumental in limiting energy transfer up the food chain and thus contribute to the shortening of food chains.  相似文献   

水体中双酚类物质的赋存现状及研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
双酚A(bisphenol A,BPA)是一种类雌激素物质,会对动物和人类造成不良的健康影响,由于近年来其使用在世界范围内受到限制,一些与BPA结构相似的双酚类物质(bisphenol analogues, BPs)作为替代品被越来越多地用作各种工商业产品中的添加剂和反应原料.相关研究表明,包括BPA在内的大多数BPs都是内分泌干扰物并具有细胞毒性、神经毒性、遗传毒性和生殖毒性.由于BPs的广泛生产和应用,其在各类环境水体中被普遍检出,其中BPA依然是环境中最主要的双酚类物质,同时双酚F和双酚S等双酚A的类似物的含量有着增加的趋势.本文介绍了BPs的结构与性质,分析了它们的应用情况和在水环境中可能的来源途径,综述了BPs在国内外地表水、污水和饮用水中的污染现状,同时提出了未来进一步研究BPs的重要性和方向.  相似文献   

Seawater intrusion into aquifers in coastal flat areas constitutes a considerable factor of degradation of the natural environment and a restrictive agent for the development of those areas. The intrusion occurs in a great extent of the Strymon river estuary up to the Evros river estuary.

Saline intrusion into fresh groundwater formations generally results inadvertently from man's activities, such as excessive pumping resulting in reduction or reversal of groundwater gradients and destruction of natural barriers that separate fresh and saline water, which disturb the existing natural hydrodynamic balance between sea and groundwater.

The simultaneous study of the specific electrical conductance of groundwater, as well as the chloride‐bicarbonate ratio and hydrological properties of the various aquifers, makes the accurate prediction of seawater intrusion possible.  相似文献   

上海地区果树根癌病发生与土壤环境的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
果树根癌病(致病菌为根癌土壤杆菌Agrobacterium tumefaciens)目前在上海地区大面积发生,严重危害桃(Amygdalus persicaL.)、梨(Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd.)、苹果(Malus pumila Mill.)等果树的生长。本文采用化学分析及微生物培养等方法,研究了上海地区桃树和梨树根癌病的发生与土壤因子(土壤含水量、pH值、有机质含量),土壤细菌以及与不同果树品种之间的关系。结果表明:土壤含水量、pH值、有机质含量、土壤中微生物的多样性和微生物总体数目与病害的发生没有显著的相关性,但是土壤中存在的个别菌种对病害的发生有显著的影响,初步分析显示Agrobacterium sp.和Bacillus sp.对根癌病的发生具有抑制作用,而Psuedomonas sp.对根癌病的发生可能具有一定的促进作用。同时不同果树品种的病害发生率之间有显著性的差异。  相似文献   

Radioisotopes have been misused extensively by ecologists in transfer studies within food chains. Unless it is known that no recycling of isotope has occurred during the experiment, the assumption of linear uptake when in fact the system is not linear, even over short periods, can lead to significant errors in the estimation of ingestion or feeding. If recycling occurs, at least a 3 or 4-compartment, hydraulic-type model is necessary to even approximate the complicated kinetics of isotopic transfer in a simple aquatic feeding experiment. In any event, it is essential to follow the uptake or loss of an isotope (change in specific activity) as a function of time in at least 1 compartment before deciding on an appropriate model. If experiments are designed so that the maximum number of rate processes are summed or integrated by the animal, the kinetics can be considerably simplified. If the food supply is uniformly labelled, the rate of change of tracer can be used to give a rate of ingestion (grazing). If the predator is labelled with a suitable isotope before starting the experiment, the rate of loss of its isotope burden under different experimental conditions can be used to determine respiration or excretion rates, turnover rates, ingestion, and the size and number of major compartments in the transfer system.Bedford Institute Contribution. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Contribution No. 2690.  相似文献   

The various chemical forms of 74As accumulated from either water or food by the marine food chain [Fucus spiralis (L.) Littorina littoralis (L.)Nucella lapillus] have been separated and characterized. Arsenic components were separated by differential extraction followed by high-voltage paper electrophoresis/paper chromatography of the water-soluble fraction and thin-layer chromatography of the lipid-soluble fraction. The algae assimilates arsenic mainly (60%) as one lipid-soluble compound with Rf=0.18, and 12 water-soluble organo-arsenic compounds as minor components. On the other hand, the snails, whether labelled from water or food, produce predominantly one major water-soluble organo-arsenic compound with Rf=0.66. This water-soluble arsenic compound was produced by the snails and not by intestinal microbes. Time-course studies on the relative proportions of labelled arsenic compounds in algal tissue indicate a transition from arsenate through water-soluble organo-arsenic components to a lipid-soluble arsenic compound. The water-soluble organo-arsenic compounds in the food chain studied were different from those previously found or proposed in marine organisms.  相似文献   

The model of Hastings and Powell describes a tritrophic food chain that exhibits chaotic dynamics. The model assumes that the populations are homogeneously mixed, so that the probability that any two individuals interact is uniform and space can be ignored. In this paper we propose a spatial version of the Hastings and Powell model in which predators seek their preys only in a finite neighborhood of their home location, breaking the mixing hypothesis. Treating both space and time as discrete variables we derive a set of coupled equations that describe the evolution of the populations at each site of the spatial domain. We show that the introduction of local predator–prey interactions result in qualitatively distinct dynamics of predator and prey populations. The evolution equations for the predators involve averages over the local density of preys, whereas the equations for the preys involve double averages, where the local density of both preys and predators appear. Our numerical simulations show that local predation also leads to spontaneous pattern formation and to qualitative changes in the global dynamics of the system. In particular, depending on the size of the predation neighborhoods, the chaotic strange attractor present in the original model of Hastings and Powell can be replaced by a stable fixed point or by an attractor of simpler topology.  相似文献   

Lake Baikal is the deepest and oldest freshwater lake in the world containing about 20% of the world's fresh water. The present state of its contamination with organic pollutants was studied during 1997–1998 by collecting samples of sediments, phytoplankton, Zooplankton, sponges, aquatic plants, algae, muscles of various fish species, eggs of various birds and blubber of seals. Samples were prepared and analysed using GC‐MS for semivolatile priority pollutants on the US EPA list, for the presence of organochlorine pesticides and for PCBs. The results showed that there was pronounced bioaccumulation of persistent organochlorine compounds along the trophic chain, leading to substantial residues of organochlorine compounds in seals (e.g. 0.87–25.3 ppm of p,p'‐DDT in blubber).  相似文献   

Gammarus palustris Bousfield (1969) individuals, of both sexes, contain levels of amylase activity sufficient to hydrolyze their dry weight in starch in less than an hour. We suggest that this is in excess of their needs for internal digestion. Experiments show that amylase is released by the amphipod into the environment, especially when they are maintained in the presence of food. Gammarus palustris amylase can be recovered from their natural habitat. The enzymes retain activity over the wide salinity range (5 to 30) encountered by this species in nature. It is hypothesized that released amylase plays a role external to the amphipod, perhaps in predigestion of food, perhaps as an aid in finding food.  相似文献   

本文研究了稻草—平菇—蚯蚓—黄鳝食物链中物质和能量的转化利用。结果表明,该食物链中物质和能量的转化利用率,平茹和黄鳝比蚯蚓高。文中还讨论了残渣食物链的适宜搭配。  相似文献   

The transfer of chlorinated hydrocarbons (CHC) in a laboratory simulation of a three trophic level marine food chain was studied. The food chain consisted of the algal flagellate Dunaliella sp., the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis, and the larva of the Northern anchovy Engraulis mordax. CHC were introduced into the seawater at concentrations representative of near-shore conditions off southern California without the use of dispersing agents. Each trophic level appeared to be in a steady-state at the time of first sampling, 5 days after inoculation. Apparent partition coefficients were calculated for each trophic level. The CHC contamination in the diet of the rotifers and anchovy larvae was also calculated. Unfed anchovy larvae accumulated the same amount of CHC as fed larvae and the final concentration appeared to be dependent on the CHC concentration in the seawater. The data in this report suggest that CHC accumulation is not a food-chain phenomenon but rather the result of direct partitioning of the compounds between the seawater and the test organisms.  相似文献   

Long-side-chain alkyl compounds, such as those present in oil and oil products, either of natural or of anthropogenic origin or released by industrial activities, are a ubiquitous group of chemicals in the environment. Among them, long-side-chain alkylmonocycloalkanes, alkylbenzenes, and alkyl organic sulfur compounds are largely found in fossil fuels while long-side-chain alkylbenzene sulfonates and alkylphenols are released into the environment primarily due to domestic activities. The present article briefly summarizes the advances that have occurred in this field in terms of the identity, abundance, possible origin and significance of these long-side-chain alkyl compounds found in the environment. In addition, the susceptibility to biodegradation and the fate of these chemicals in the environment are discussed.  相似文献   

张瑾  李丹 《环境化学》2021,40(1):28-40
微塑料是粒径小于5 mm的塑料颗粒,纳米塑料是粒径小于1 μm的塑料颗粒.微/纳米塑料广泛存在于各种环境介质中,由于其粒径小、比表面积大,很容易被直接吸入、经口食入或皮肤浸入至体内,造成毒害作用,危害健康.本文主要总结了环境中微/纳米塑料在水、大气、土壤和食品中的污染现状,阐述了其对生物体可能产生的毒性效应,探讨了其对...  相似文献   

Wax esters, which function as reserve fuels, account for 25 to 40% of the lipid of the pelagic copepod Calanus helgolandicus (Copepoda, Calanoida). In laboratory experiments with these crustaceans, diatoms (Lauderia borealis, Chaetoceros curvisetus, and Skeletonema costatum) and dinoflagellates (Gymnodinium splendens), which contained no wax esters, were used as food. Changes in the food concentration affected both the amount of lipid and the composition of the wax esters. Since the fatty acids of the triglycerides and wax esters of C. helgolandicus resembled the dietary fatty acid composition, it appeared that copepods incorporated their dietary fatty acids largely unchanged into their wax esters. The polyunsaturated alcohols of the wax esters did not correspond in carbon numbers or degrees of unsaturation to the dietary fatty acids. We postulate two different metabolic pools to explain the origin of these long chain alcohols. The phospholipid fatty acids were not affected by changes in the amount or type of food, probably because of their structural function.  相似文献   

Effects of copper sulphate on a marine food chain were investigated in large tanks at Loch Ewe on the west coast of Scotland. The food chain consisted of phytoplankton, the bivalve Tellina tenuis da Costa, and O-group plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L). During initial months after settlement, T. tenuis siphons are an important food for juvenile plaice, which feed by grazing the siphon tips; these subsequently regenerate. Copper dose rates of 10, 30 and 100 μg Cu/1 were investigated; the distribution of added copper was monitored and its metabolic effects were determined. Copper levels in water, sand, in algae on tank walls, in T. tenuis shell and flesh, and in plaice muscle and viscera were measured by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Copper accumulated in sand, T. tenuis flesh and shell, and plaice viscera. Accumulations were dose-dependent and in no case was a plateau concentration reached. Most of the added dose was taken up by the sand; accumulations in T. tenuis shell were small — less than twice background in all cases. High levels were found in T. tenuis flesh, where concentrations after 100 days were 270, 470 and 1100 μg Cu/g dry flesh for dose concentrations of 10, 30 and 100 μg Cu/1, respectively. The mean control concentration was less than 50 μg Cu/g dry flesh. There was no accumulation of copper in plaice muscle. Visceral accumulations after 100 days were 71, 147 and 567 μg Cu/g dry flesh for dose concentrations of 10, 30 and 100 μg Cu/1, respectively. The mean control level was 30 μg Cu/g dry flesh. The effect of copper on phytoplankton metabolism was investigated by measuring plant pigment levels and rates of primary photosynthetic fixation of C14-labelled bicarbonate. All dose concentrations reduced both the standing crop and the rate of photosynthesis per unit of chlorophyll a. The effects of copper on growth and condition of T. tenuis and P. platessa were investigated. All dose concentrations adversely affected T. tenuis condition (dry flesh weight for standard individual). The effect was most marked during deposition of winter reserves. In the absence of plaice predation, there was a decrease in the mean siphon weight for T. tenuis exposed to 30 and 100 μg Cu/1. For plaice, all dose concentrations of copper resulted in reduced growth, but there was no significant change in condition or biochemical composition. The ash weight of fish exposed to copper was significantly higher than for controls.  相似文献   

The amount of spent rechargeable lithium batteries (RLBs) is growing rapidly owing to wide application of these batteries in portable electronic devices and electric vehicles, which obliges that spent RLBs should be handled properly. Identification of spent RLBs can supply fundamental information for spent RLBs recycling. This study aimed to determine the differences of physical components and chemical compositions among various spent RLBs. All the samplings of RLBs were rigorously dismantled and measured by an inductive coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer. The results indicate that the average of total weight of the separator, the anode and the cathode accounted for over 60% of all the RLBs. The weight ratio of valuable metals ranged from 26% to 76%, and approximately 20% of total weight was Cu and Al. Moreover, no significant differences were found among different manufacturers, applications, and electrolyte types. And regarding portable electronic devices, there is also no significant difference in the Co-Li concentration ratios in the leaching liquid of RLBs.  相似文献   

The bacteria associated with the surface of fronds of the sublittoral brown alga Laminaria longicruris were investigated over a 13-month period on the coast of Nova Scotia (Canada). A psychrophilic population was found to be associated with the frond during the winter and a mesophilic population with the decaying frond during the summer. Numbers of psychrophiles varied inversely with ambient water temperature, and were present in the greatest number on the eroded tips of fronds. Laminaran hydrolyzing isolates were characteristic of the psychrophilic flora and a group of isolates hydrolyzing mannitol, protein and alginate characteristic of the mesophilic population. Increases in the numbers and proportions of bacteria utilizing plant substrates were found to accompany macroscopic evidence of frond decomposition. A comparison of the bacterial floras of L. longicruris fronds from a sheltered and exposed location showed them to be quantitatively and qualitatively comparable.  相似文献   

Extracts of 22 marine invertebrates were incubated with 29 different carbohydrates, and enzyme spectra estimated from chromatograms. Enzymatic activities were quantified as reducing sugar in 14 of these species. Significant hydrolysis of laminaran, glycogen, and amylose was found in nearly all species, while hydrolysis of oligosaccharides and structural polysaccharides in most cases was weak or absent. The strongest overall degradation of carbohydrates was found among crustaceans. Enzymatic degradation of laminaran shows some relation to food, but the spectra of carbohydrases are not directly predictable from knowledge of natural food sources. Some carbohydrases (sucrase, cellobiase, lactase) could not be explained by ecological considerations. The results indicate that structural polysaccharides are utilized only to a small extent.  相似文献   

In our field study we analyzed the C and H isotopic and biochemical (C, N, P, protein, lipid, carbohydrate) composition of the jellyfish Pelagia noctiluca (collected from the Gulf of Trieste in 1985 to 1986) and its presumed diet-net zooplankton. The mean 13C (-18.8) and D (-58.4) ratios of P. noctiluca showed enrichment in heavy isotopes relative to net zooplankton (2 for carbon and 30 for hydrogen). Both the jellyfish and net zooplankton were characterized by a linear correlation between 13C and D. C. N, P, protein, lipid, and carbohydrate contents of P. noctiluca were low on a dry weight basis as compared to net zooplankton. Significantly lower C:N and C:P ratios were found in jellyfish indicating a greater loss of carbon relative to nitrogen and phosphorus along the passage to a higher trophic level. Isotopic and biochemical evidence indicate that, though collected in nearshore waters, P. noctiluca depended on autochthonous marine organic matter.  相似文献   

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