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The interaction effects of abiotic processes in the production of phytoplankton in a coastal marine region off Cochin are evaluated using multiple regression models. The study shows that chlorophyll production is not limited by nutrients, but their physiological regulations (responses to nutrients, pH, temperature and salinity) are mainly responsible for the increased biological production. The model explaining 77% of variability for chlorophyll a production is indicative of preconditioning of the coastal waters. The phytoplankton production is found to be sensitive to the environment, which varies seasonally. Further, the study suggests that supply of organic matter and grazing of zooplankton (not included) would improve the model efficiency. Despite this, the good agreement in the computed and measured chlorophyll a values shows that step-up multiple regression model is a useful tool to understand the influence of environmental variables on the production of phytoplankton in these coastal waters.  相似文献   

Seasonal observations on water-quality parameters and chlorophyll-a in the coastal waters off Kalpakkam, southeast coast of India, was carried out covering an area of about 30 km(2) to find out the variations in physicochemical properties during a monsoonal cycle of the year. Most of the parameters exhibited a significant spatial and seasonal variation. It revealed that the coastal water was significantly influenced by freshwater input from the nearby backwaters during North-east monsoon and post-monsoon periods. A marginal increase in pH from coast towards offshore was noticed during the observation. Relatively low salinity values were observed during pre and post monsoon when compared to summer. Bottom water was found to be highly turbid during summer and pre-monsoon conditions when compared to surface. This could be attributed to the strong northerly wind and northward current prior to the onset of southwest monsoon. N, P and Si based nutrients are relatively high in their concentration in the bottom water. Nitrate was significantly high during post-monsoon and contributed greatly towards total nitrogen as evident from the statistical correlation. Ammonia concentration was relatively high in the bottom samples during all the seasons except on a few occasions during post-monsoon. In general, phosphate and total phosphorous values remained low and particularly so in the surface water. Higher silicate concentration was observed in the bottom water, and there was a reducing trend towards offshore. High chlorophyll-a values were observed during summer and surface water was found to have higher pigment concentrations as compared to the bottom. Results show that phosphate acts as the limiting factor for phytoplankton production particularly during post-monsoon period whereas; none of the nutrients were found to be limiting the phytoplankton growth during other seasons.  相似文献   

Free-living marine nematode diversity was analyzed between Avicennia marina and Rhizophora mucronata mangrove covers of the Vellar Estuary (southeast coast of India). A total of 4,976 specimens of free-living marine nematodes were collected in 56 species. Comparatively, a higher species richness was obtained for A. marina (52 species) than for R. mucronata (44 species), whereas 40 species commonly existed in both mangrove covers. A higher density of nematodes was found in sediments of sandy nature, whereas there was lower total organic carbon compared to silt/clay composition; epigrowth feeders were dominant over the other feeding groups based on organic enrichment in surface sediments. Principal component analysis clearly explained the relationship between the environmental parameters of various months. Higher R values of analysis of similarities revealed significant differences in nematode assemblages between months, and it was quite evident by non-metric multidimensional scaling. Diversity indices showed higher values in the dry months. RELATE analysis explained serial changes in nematode species composition between months, and a relationship between biotic and abiotic variables was clarified using the BIO-ENV procedure. Viscosia spp., Metachromadora spp., Theristus spp., and Sphaerolaimus spp. were candidate species of A. marina leaf interaction by observation.  相似文献   

A study pertaining to the seasonal variation in physicochemical properties of the coastal waters was carried out at Kalpakkam coast for a period of 1 year (February 2006 to January 2007). It revealed that the coastal water was significantly influenced by freshwater input during North East (NE) monsoon and post-monsoon periods. Concentration of all the nutrients and dissolved oxygen (DO) was relatively high during the NE monsoon, whereas, salinity and chlorophyll-a (chl-a) were at their minimum level during this period. Phytoplankton production peak was observed in summer during which a typical marine condition prevailed. The present observed values of nitrate, phosphate, silicate, and turbidity are significantly high (five to ten times) compared to that of the pre-Tsunami period from this coast. Relatively low DO and chl-a concentration was noticed during the post-Tsunami period. A notable feature of this study is that though nutrient concentration in the coastal waters during post-Tsunami period has increased significantly, turbidity, the most single dominating factor, was found to adversely affect the phytoplankton production during post-Tsunami period as reflected by relatively low chl-a concentration. Thus, the post-Tsunami period may result in a change in coastal biodiversity pattern concomitant with change in coastal water quality.  相似文献   

Seasonal and spatial phytoplankton distribution in relation to environmental factors was investigated in New Mangalore Port, a major port along the west coast of India. A well-mixed water column characterized the non-monsoon seasons, whereas it was weakly stratified during monsoon. Water quality index (TRIX) scores indicated good water quality except during pre-monsoon (inner zone surface) and monsoon (near bottom waters). Surface abundance of tychopelagic diatoms (Paralia sulcata, Melosira nummuloides, Cylindrotheca closterium, and Nitzschia sigma) was higher during non-monsoon seasons. Certain centric diatoms, e.g., Leptocylindrus danicus, P. sulcata, and Rhizosolenia imbricata, dominated during pre-monsoon (inner zone) and positively correlated with TRIX. High Skeletonema costatum and dinoflagellate abundance during the monsoon season coincided with high nutrient concentrations. Five potential toxic and fourteen harmful/bloom forming algal species were encountered at abundances below the level that can be considered as harmful to the ecosystem. In addition to a baseline database, this study highlights the potential use of certain diatom species as indicators of hydrography and water quality for monitoring dynamic coastal marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

A significant variation in physicochemical properties of the Kalpakkam coastal waters, eastern part of India, was observed during the event of southwest to northeast monsoon transition. Increase in nitrate, total nitrogen, and silicate concentrations were noticed during post-transition period. Ammonia concentration was at peak during transition period as compared to pre- and post-transition periods. Hypo-saline condition (~23 psu) was observed during post-transition as the surface water salinity decreased by ~10 psu from the pre-transitional values. Turbidity, suspended particulate matter, phosphate and total phosphorous values decreased marginally, coinciding with northward to southward current reversal. A drastic decrease (eightfold) in chlorophyll-a concentration was observed in the coastal water during post-transition period.  相似文献   

Changes in the autotrophic pico- (0.2–2 μm), nano- (2–20 μm), and microplankton (>20 μm) biomass (chlorophyll a) and primary production were measured in the estuarine and coastal waters off Cochin, southwest coast of India during the onset and establishment of a monsoon. During this period, the estuary was dominated by nutrient-rich freshwater, whereas the coastal waters were characterized with higher salinity values (>30 psu) and less nutrients. The average surface chlorophyll a concentrations and primary production rates were higher in the estuary (average 13.7 mg m???3 and 432 mgC m???3 day???1) as compared to the coastal waters (5.3 mg m???3 and 224 mgC m???3 day???1). The nanoplankton community formed the major fraction of chlorophyll a and primary production, both in the estuary (average 85 ± SD 8.3% and 81.2 ± SD 3.2%) and the coastal waters (average 73.2 ± SD 17.2% and 81.9 ± 15.7%). Nanoplankton had the maximum photosynthetic efficiency in the coastal waters (average 4.8 ± SD 3.9 mgC mgChl a m???3 h???1), whereas in the estuary, the microplankton had higher photosynthetic efficiency (average 7.4 ± 7 mgC mgChl a m???3 h???1). The heavy cloud cover and increased water column turbidity not only limit the growth of large-sized phytoplankton in the Cochin estuary and coastal waters but also support the proliferation of nanoplankton community during the monsoon season, even though large variation in nanoplankton chlorophyll a and production exists between these two areas.  相似文献   

A study was carried out at Kalpakkam coast to find out the distribution of various fractions of phosphorus (P) in the marine sediment during pre-northeast monsoon period. Samples were collected from ten locations covering ~80 km2 of the inner-shelf region. Sedimentary parameters such as sand, silt, clay, and organic carbon percentage were analyzed in order to find out their relation with various P fractions. The sediment was found to be predominantly sandy in nature with low silt and clay content. Among all the fractions (loosely bound (LoP), calcium bound (CaP), iron bound (FeP), aluminum bound (AlP), and organic (OP)), CaP fraction constituted the largest portion (68.7 %) followed by organic fraction (16.3 %). The bioavailable P fractions ranged from 5 to 44 % of the total P (TP) content. Relatively high LoP content was observed at the offshore locations with comparatively high mud percentage as compared with the near-shore locations. As FeP and AlP concentrations were directly proportional to the amount of fine-grain sediment, the low levels of these fractions found in this coastal area were therefore attributed to the sandy nature of the sediments. The order of abundance of the major forms of P in the surface sediments of Kalpakkam coast was as follows: CaP?>?OP?>?LoP?>?AlP?>?FeP.  相似文献   

Sagar Island, situated in the east coast of India and one of the biggest deltas in Sundarban group, faces coastal erosion and degradation of coastal vegetation and various natural hazards. Erosion is mainly due to clay mining, wave activities, and the impact of river and tidal currents of Muri Ganga and Hugly Rivers. Further, the coastal zone of Sagar Island faces increasingly severe problems of rapidly growing human population, deteriorating environmental quality, and loss of critical habitats. Sagar Island has been victimized several times by tropical cyclones and influenced daily by tidal fluctuations. The island needs immediate attention on the coastal zone in order to protect the shoreline and ecosystem. The capability of satellite remote sensing to provide synoptic, repetitive, and multispectral data has proved to be very useful in the inventory and monitoring of critical coastal issues. Sagar Island and its environs are subjected to both natural and anthropogenic activities that continuously modify the region.  相似文献   

Trace metal dynamics in fishes from the southwest coast of India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The concentration of Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb in the muscle tissue of marine fishes like Lates calcarifer, Nemipterus japonicus, Caranx melampygus, Rastrelliger kanagurta, and Cyanoglossus macrostomus was estimated from samples collected in the continental shelf waters off Kochi and Mangalore on southwest coast of India. Species-specific and spatially heterogeneous patterns of tissue metals loads were apparent within the pelagic and demersal fish species for the two regions. The concentration ranges of Fe (541.60 to 649.60 ppm), Ni (12.12 to 13.92 ppm), and Cu (3.09 to 3.62 ppm) were higher in the demersal species C. melampygus, whereas Co (9.10 to 11.80 ppm) and Zn (79.30 to 84.30 ppm) were higher in the pelagic species L. calcarifer and Cd (4.35 to 6.38 ppm) were higher in the demersal species N. japonicus, possibly due to enhanced bioavailability of these metals from ecological processes associated with upwelling during the summer monsoon. The fish species showed a great capacity to accumulate metals, with highest bioaccumulation for the essential element iron and lowest bioaccumulation for the non-essential element lead. Among the demersal species, C. melampygus and N. japonicus had high concentration factors for the metals Fe (280,268 to 322,808), Ni (88,252 to 96,891), Cu (2,351 to 2,600), and Cd (29,637 to 32,404). In contrast, the pelagic species L. calcarifer and R. kanagurta had high concentration factors for the metals Zn (40,812 to 46,892), Co (280,285 to 423,037), and Pb (854 to 1,404).  相似文献   

Shoreline change analysis of Vedaranyam coast, Tamil Nadu, India   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The coastal zone is one of the nation’s greatest environmental and economic assets. The present research aims at studying the shoreline changes along Vedaranyam coast using conventional and modern techniques including field sampling, remote sensing, and geographical information system (GIS). The study area was divided into three zones. Dynamic Land/Sea polygon analysis was performed to obtain the shore line changes at different time periods between 1930 and 2005. From the multidate shoreline maps, the rate of shoreline change was computed using linear regression rate and end point rate. Further, the shoreline was classified into eroding, accreting, and stable regions through GIS analysis. The eroding, accreting, and stable coastal stretch along Vedaranyam is observed as 18 %, 80.5 %, and 1.5 %, respectively. Net shoreline movement is seaward, i.e., the coast is progressive with an average rate of 5 m/year. A maximum shoreline displacement of 1.3 km towards the sea is observed near Point Calimere. During the Asian Tsunami 2004, the eastern part of the study area showed high erosion. Sediment transport paths derived from the grain size analysis of beach sediments collected during different seasons help to identify the major sediment source and sinks. Point Calimere acts as the major sink for sediments whereas Agastiyampalli and Kodiakkarai are found to be the major sources for the sediment supply along the Vedaranyam coast. Shoreline change study from field and satellite data using GIS analysis confirms that Vedaranyam coast is accreting in nature.  相似文献   

Mercury, a global pollutant, is popping up in places where it was never expected before and it burdens in sediments and other non-biological materials. It is estimated to have increased up to five times the pre-human level due to anthropogenic activities. Vembanad backwaters, one of the largest Ramsar site in India, which have extraordinary importance for its hydrological function, are now considered as one of the mercury hot spots in India. In this study, surface sediment samples of Vembanad Lake and nearshore areas have been seasonally analysed for total mercury and methyl mercury concentrations while the core sediment samples were analysed for total mercury. The results showed that the northern part of the lake was more contaminated with mercury than the southern part. The mercury concentration was relatively high in the subsurface sediment samples, indicating the possibility of historic industrial mercury deposition. A decreasing trend in the mercury level towards the surface in the core sediment was also observed. The geochemical parameters were also analysed to understand the sediment mercury chemistry. Anoxic conditions, pH and organic carbon, sulphur and Fe determined the presence of various species of mercury in the sediments of Vembanad Lake. The prevailing physical and geochemical conditions in Vembanad Lake have indicated the chances of chemical transformation of mercury and the potential hazard if the deposited mercury fractions are remobilised.  相似文献   

Water quality in the Cochin Estuary, southwest coast of India during the tsunami attack was assessed and compared with the pre and post tsunami characteristics. From the results obtained, it is evident that a drastic change in hydrography has been inflicted by the energy transferred through the tsunami, which disturbed the entire estuarine embayment. However, the post tsunami water quality showed normal levels indicating that the region has recovered from the tsunami impacts.  相似文献   

Groundwater is the primary source of drinking water for more than 95% of the population in Punjab. The world health organization and US Environment Protection Agency recently established a new maximum contaminant level of 10 ppb for arsenic in drinking water. The arsenic concentration of deep water tube wells located in Amritsar city used for domestic supply for urban population ranged from 3.8 to 19.1 ppb with mean value of 9.8 ppb. Arsenic content in hand pump water varied from 9 to 85 ppb with a mean value of 29.5 ppb. According to the safe limit of As, 54% and 97%, water samples collected from deep water tube wells and hand pumps, respectively, were not fit for human consumption. Arsenic content in canal water varied from 0.3 to 8.8 ppb with a mean value of 2.89 ppb. Canal water has got higher oxidation potential followed by deep tube well and hand pump water. The present study suggests the regular monitoring of arsenic content in deep tube well and shallow hand pump waters by water testing laboratories. The consumption of water having elevated concentration of As above the safe limit must be discouraged. In south-western districts of Punjab, it recommends the use of canal water for drinking purposes and domestic use by rural and urban populations than ground water sources.  相似文献   

Total organic matter (TOM) content of sediment samples collected from various depths of continental shelf region of the southeast coast of India varied from 0.19% to 7.73%. Higher TOM content and lower median particle diameter could be attributed to the influence of higher riverine flow. Higher values were observed at 100?m depth and above (average 5.29%) and lower values in shallower depths below 100?m (average 3.07%). In the Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCO), the first two axes explained about 83.1% of the total variability. The direction of the vector representing total organic matter was towards 150?m depth. In the Canonical Analysis of Principal Coordinates (CAP) done to confirm the above pattern, the canonical correlation value obtained for the first axis was high (0.9999). The same for the second axis was 0.9995. The direction of the axis representing TOM in this analysis was towards the 100?m depth truly reflecting higher TOM level recorded here (average TOM at 100?m depth—5.81% and at 150?m depth—5.33%). The percentage of samples allocated to the correct group in CAP was 91.67% (33 out of the 36 samples). As the allocation success of samples is substantially greater around 92%, the CAP is explaining greater percentage of variability of TOM than PCO and was found to be quite useful for studies of this nature.  相似文献   

The 26 December 2004-Tsunami has deposited sediments in the Pichavaram mangrove ecosystem, east coast of India. Ten surface and three core sediment samples were collected within thirty days of the event. High concentrations of Cd, Cu, Cr, Pb, and Ni were observed in the tsunamigenic sediments. With respect to Fe, Zn, and Mn, there was little variation as compared to pre-tsunami values. The geo-accumulation index was calculated in order to assess the contamination of heavy metals in the sediments. The sediments were extremely contaminated with respect to Cd and they showed moderate to strong contamination with respect to Cr, Pb and Ni. The study highlighted the future risk of enhanced metal pollution in near future in this mangrove ecosystem.  相似文献   

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) sensor MODIS-Aqua provides an important tool for reliable observations of the changing ocean surface algal bloom paradigms in coastal and oceanic waters around India. A time series of the MODIS-Aqua-derived OSABI (ocean surface algal bloom index) and its seasonal composite images report new information and comprehensive pictures of these blooms and their evolution stages in a wide variety of events occurred at different times of the years from 2003 to 2011, providing the first large area survey of such phenomena around India. For most of the years, the results show a strong seasonal pattern of surface algal blooms elucidated by certain physical and meteorological conditions. The extent of these blooms reaches a maximum in winter (November–February) and a minimum in summer (June–September), especially in the northern Arabian Sea. Their spatial distribution and retention period are also significantly increased in the recent years. The increased spatial distribution and intensity of these blooms in the northern Arabian Sea in winter are likely caused by enhanced cooling, increased convective mixing, favorable winds, and atmospheric deposition of the mineral aerosols (from surrounding deserts) of the post-southwest monsoon period. The southward Oman coastal current and southwestward winds become apparently responsible for their extension up to the central Arabian Sea. Strong upwelling along this coast further triggers their initiation and growth. Though there is a warming condition associated with increased sea surface height anomalies along the coasts of India and Sri Lanka in winter, surface algal bloom patches are still persistent along these coasts due to northeast monsoonal winds, enhanced precipitation, and subsequent nutrient enrichment in these areas. The occurrence of the surface algal blooms in the northern Bay of Bengal coincides with a region of the well-known Ganges–Brahmaputra Estuarine Frontal (GBEF) system, which increases supply of nutrients in addition to the land-derived inputs triggering surface algal blooms in this region. Low density (initiation stage) of such blooms observed in clear oceanic waters southeast and northeast of Sri Lanka may be caused by the vertical mixing processes (strong monsoonal winds) and the occurrence of Indian Ocean Dipole events. Findings based on the analyses of time series satellite data indicate that the new information on surface algal blooms will have important bearing on regional fisheries, ecosystem and environmental studies, and implications of climate change scenarios.  相似文献   

Harbours are heavily stressed coastal habitats characterised by high concentration of contaminant and low diversity of benthic community. The west coast of India harbours most of the major harbours compared to the east coast. Very few studies have compared the macrobenthic community between different Indian harbours. The present study was therefore conducted in three important harbour (Ratnagiri, Goa, Karwar) along the central west coast of India. The paper discusses the health status of the three harbours diagnosed using various biotic indices. Sediment samples were collected using van Veen grab (0.11 m(2)) on board CRV Sagar Sukti. A total of 55 macrobenthic taxa were identified and were numerically dominated by polychaete. Biomass was high (0.14-145.7 g m(-2)) and was made largely by echiurans (>80%). Overall, polychaete dominated the macrobenthic diversity. Opportunistic P.pinnata, Notomastus sp. and Mediomastus sp., dominated the macrobenthic community responding to the increased in the harbour. Biotic indices (Polychaete:Amphipod ratio, ABC curve and geometric class abundance) and the dominance of opportunistic species indicate that, the three harbours are under stress from anthropogenic activities.  相似文献   

Different multivariate statistical analysis such as, cluster analysis, principal component analysis, and multidimensional scale plot were employed to evaluate the trophic status of water quality for four monitoring stations. The present study was carried out to determine the physicochemical parameters of water and sediment characteristics of Pondicherry mangroves—southeast coast of India, during September 2008–December 2010. Seasonal variations of different parameters investigated were as follows: salinity (10.26–35.20 psu), dissolved oxygen (3.71–5.33 mg/L), pH (7.05–8.36), electrical conductivity (26.41–41.33 ms−1), sulfide (1.98–40.43 mg/L), sediment texture sand (39.54–87.31%), silt (9.89–32.97%), clay (3.06–31.20%), and organic matter (0.94–4.64%). pH, temperature, salinity, sand, silt, clay, and organic matter indicated a correlation at P < 0.01. CA grouped the four seasons in to four groups (pre-monsoon, monsoon, post-monsoon, summer) and the sampling sites in to three groups. PCA identified the spatial and temporal characteristics of trophic stations and showed that the water quality was worse in stations 3 and 4 in the Pondicherry mangroves.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to evince the long-term changes after natural revegetation and experimental revegetation of the coal mine spoils with respect to total plant biomass, available plant nutrients, nitrogen transformation and microbial biomass N (MBN) in dry tropical environment of India. Total plant biomass (above- and below-ground), plant available nitrogen, soil nitrogen mineralization and microbial biomass N (MBN) were studied for 2 years in 5 and 10 years old naturally vegetated and revegetated coal mine spoils, and dry tropical forest ecosystem of India. In forest ecosystem, the above ground biomass values ranged from 3,520 to 3,630 kg ha(-1) and belowground from 6,280 to 6,560 kg ha(-1). Plant available nitrogen ranged from 16.76 to 23.21 microg g(-1), net N-mineralization from 9.8 to 48.53 microg g(-1) month(-1) and MBN from 26.4 to 80.02 microg g(-1). In naturally revegetated mine spoil, the above ground biomass values ranged from 1,036 to 1,380 kg ha(-1) and belowground from 2,538 to 3,380 kg ha(-1). Plant available nitrogen ranged from 7.33-17.14 microg g(-1), net N-mineralization from 3.1 to 12.46 microg g(-1) month(-1) and MBN from 14.2 to 35.44 microg g(-1). In revegetated mine spoil, the above ground biomass values ranged from 1,224 to 1,678 kg ha(-1) and belowground from 2,870 to 4,130 kg ha(-1). Plant available nitrogen ranged from 9.4 to 18.83 microg g(-1), net N-mineralization from 4.2 to 16.2 microg g(-1) month(-1) and MBN from 21.6 to 42.6 microg g(-1). The mean plant biomass values in 5 and 10 years mine spoils was lower compared to forest ecosystem by 2.5 and 2 times, respectively. N-mineralization value in 5 year mine spoil was 3.5 times lower and in 10 years mine spoil 2 times lower compared to forest ecosystem. The MBN value was about 2 times lower in both 5 and 10 year mine spoils compared to native forest. MBN was positively related to the re-vegetation age of the mine spoil.  相似文献   

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