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Welsh coastal dune systems have become increasingly vegetated in recent decades. Several rare species of plants and invertebrates have declined dramatically in abundance, and in some areas lost entirely. Of the ten dune habitats and species recognized as being features of European importance within the Welsh Natura 2000 sites, nine are currently in Unfavourable condition on at least one site. The decline in active aeolian processes has also reduced the geomorphological interest of the sites, several of which were designated as Geological Conservation Review sites principally on the basis of their physical processes and landforms. The decline in bare sand area between the 1940-50s and 2009 has been quantified at twelve Welsh dune sites using aerial photography and GIS. The decline ranged from 41 % at Gronant Dunes and Talacre Warren to 97 % at Kenfig Burrows, with an average of 81 %. Morfa Dyffryn had the highest remaining percentage of bare sand in 2009 (20 %), with 30–40 % coverage of mobile dune and pioneer communities, while seven sites had < 5 % bare sand. Dune stabilization over the past 60 years has been favoured by a number of factors, including less windy conditions, higher temperatures and longer growing season, increased atmospheric nitrogen deposition, a reduction in grazing intensity, and dune management policies aimed at controlling mobile sand. Climate change projections suggest that, in the next 50 to 100 years, Wales and adjoining areas are likely to experience higher temperatures and higher rainfall, especially in winter, and a further slight reduction in wind speeds. Without intervention, dune and dune slack habitats are likely to be increasingly replaced by fixed dune grassland and scrub, resulting in the extinction of rare plants, invertebrates and other species which require open, mobile conditions. Several intervention options exist, ranging in scale and potential impact. Increased livestock grazing, re-introduction of rabbits, scrub clearance, turf stripping and the creation of shallow ‘scrapes’ can be beneficial but will not by themselves create self-sustaining mobile dunes. In order to have any chance of achieving any significant impact, larger-scale intervention measures, involving large-scale vegetation removal and sand-re-profiling, will be required. At least in the short-term, maintenance measures will be required to prevent vegetation re-growth, and the challenge will be to encourage the development of mobile dune features which will be naturally mobile in the medium to longer term.  相似文献   

An inventory of the vascular plants, bryophytes, fungi and terricolous lichens recorded within the different sand-dune communities in Wales has been compiled and a summary of the importance of these different taxonomic groups to the ecology and conservation of sand dunes is provided. The total floristic assemblage amounted to 945 species, with vascular plants representing 439 of these. Fungi unexpectedly formed the next most important group with ca. 289 species, followed by bryophytes (171 species) and terricolous lichens (66 species). However, very few of these species are confined to sand dunes. Of the vascular plants only ca. 7 % (32 species) could be classed as either wholly dependent or strongly associated with sand dunes, whereas up to 13% (22 species) of the bryophytes fell within this category. Of the fungi only 4% (10 species) appear to be restricted to sand dunes, but none of the lichen species could be classed as being either limited to, or strongly associated with, this habitat. Over 9% (91 species) of the total flora are considered to be rare, scarce or endangered within the UK or Europe, and ca. 8% of the vascular plant species are considered to be endemic or near-endemic to Europe. The inventory therefore not only provides an insight in the overall plant diversity of dune systems in Wales, it also gives an indication of the proportion of species that are under threat, and the numbers of species that are more-or-less totally dependent on sand dunes. In the discussion various relevant sand-dune management issues are addressed.  相似文献   

Sand dunes are complex systems that contain several habitats, often as mosaics or transitions between types. Several of these habitats are afforded protection under European Legislation and in the UK nationally within Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) and Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). Natural England has a statutory duty to report to Europe on the conservation status and condition of sand dunes; and is required to report to the UK Government on designated sites. To achieve this we have sought ways of capturing, analysing and interpreting data on the extent and location of sand dune habitats. This requires an ability to be able to obtain data over large areas of coastline in an efficient way. Natural England and Environment Agency Geomatics have worked collaboratively for over 16 years, sharing data and ecological knowledge. In 2012 work started to evaluate the use of remote sensing to map UK BAP and Annex I sand dune habitats. A methodology has now been developed and tested to map sand dune habitats. The key objective was to provide an operational tool that will help to map these habitats and understand change on sites around England. This has been achieved through analysis of LIDAR and Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASI) data using Object Orientated Image Analysis. Quality Control (QC) and accuracy assessments have shown this approach to be successful and 11 sites have been mapped to date. These techniques are providing a new approach to monitoring change in coastal vegetation communities and informing management of protected sites.  相似文献   

Coastal dune ecosystems are among the most dynamic habitats with high conservation value in Europe but are also under strong anthropogenic pressure regarding coastal protection and recreation. Hence, it is of high importance to know about long-term natural and anthropogenic changes and development of protected dune habitats for nature conservation, as well as for coastal management. This paper aims to identify the vegetation dynamics on the Łeba Bar/Poland over a period of 74 years by cartometric comparison using modern Geographical Information System (GIS). To quantify the rate of vegetation dynamics two aerial photographs dating from 1932 and 2006 were digitalized and analyzed with GIS to produce digital vegetation maps. Information about decrease, increase and stability of vegetation types of this area are discussed. The results show that there has been a clear reduction in the total area of bare sand and a considerable increase of woodlands and dense grass communities. Nevertheless, the remaining extensive drift sand areas and deflation hollows on the Łeba Bar offer one of the most important habitats for pioneer vegetation on bare sand of migrating dunes and dunes at the Southern Baltic coast. The present work proved the need to observe the future development of the vegetation communities and to implement management measures to maintain the dynamic of this unique dune landscape.  相似文献   

Over-stabilisation and eutrophication affect many dune systems in north-west Europe. This leads to lower diversity of typical dune species and an accumulation of soil nutrients. Existing management techniques to remove excess nutrients include mowing, with removal of cuttings, and turf stripping. A new restoration technique called topsoil inversion or deep ploughing may also be able to counter some of the negative effects of eutrophication. It simulates the burial of established soils with fresh mineral sand, by inverting the soil profile. A trial was carried out on two small blocks of eutrophic dune grassland in North Wales, UK. Nutrient-rich surface soils were buried beneath mineral sub-sand using a double-bladed plough, designed to plough to depths of up to 100 cm. Results show that the organic soil horizons were buried to a depth of 80 cm, and covered with 40–50 cm of mineral sand. The pH and organic matter of the surface layers became comparable to those of mobile dunes. Fifteen months after ploughing, bare sand cover was still 70–90%, but significant sand loss through wind erosion resulted in a thinning of the mineral sand over-burden, leaving the buried organic layer closer to the surface. Natural vegetation colonisation was slow, with the first surviving plants observed after 8 months. The majority of species present at 15 months were present before ploughing and had regenerated from rhizomes or root fragments. The effect of excluding disturbance caused by rabbits, people and dogs was assessed within fenced areas. After 11 months, vegetation cover was greater in the fenced areas than in plots exposed to disturbance, therefore disturbance replaced physical conditions as the dominant influence on plant growth and establishment. These early results suggest the trial has been partially successful, but that topsoil inversion could be combined with other methods such as turf stripping or by stabilisation of the ploughed surface by planting with pioneer species, depending on the ultimate restoration goal.  相似文献   

Summary This contribution presents an attempt to measure the path of habitat and vegetation succession in a coastal dune system (Kenfig Burrows, South Wales) using remote sensing and GIS. The loss of slack habitats associated with the continuing stabilization of this dune system is a major cause for concern. These habitats support a range of plant species, including the rare fen orchid,Liparis loeselii, as well as other hydrophytes. A decrease in their areal extent implies a reduction in biodiversity. To quantify the overall rate and spatial dimension of these changes, a series of aerial photographs dating from 1962 to 1994 were digitized and analysed in an image processing system. The resultant maps. transferred to a vector-based GIS, were used to derive a transition matrix for the dune system over this period of time. The results indicate that there has been a marked reduction in the total area of bare sand (19.6% of the dune system in 1962, but only 1.5% in 1994) and a decline in both the areal extent and the number of dune slacks. Over the same period of time, there has been an increase inSalix repens dominated habitats, at the expense of pioneer species. Analysis of the habitat maps, together with hydrological data, within the GIS suggests that even the dry slacks have the potential for further greening and to support invasive species. In terms of habitat management however, there is still scope to restore many of the slacks to their original state. It is estimated that at least 24% of the area occupied by partially and moderately vegetated slacks could be rehabilitated.  相似文献   

The past few decades have seen a progressive reduction in the extent of mobile dune systems and early successional stage habitats in many parts of NW Europe. The evidence suggests that a number of factors have contributed to this process, but their relative importance remains uncertain. This paper examines the nature and possible causes of geomorphological and vegetation changes at Kenfig Burrows, South Wales, a site of European nature conservation importance. This dune system is interpreted to have evolved from a sand barrier system which formerly existed to seaward of the present shoreline and which moved landwards and broke down during the later Holocene, driven by rising sea level and periods of more frequent storms. Most of the inland sand invasion occurred during the Little Ice Age, and large-scale sand-blowing continued until the early twentieth century, by which time the shoreline in the area had reached a state of quasi-equilibrium and a trend towards stabilization began, encouraged by exhaustion of marine sand supply and a change towards warmer, wetter and less windy conditions. Stabilization after the 1940–50s was also favoured by other factors, including reduced grazing by livestock and rabbits, reduced physical disturbance, increased nitrogen deposition, and sand dune management measures. By the 1980s the dunes were almost entirely stabilized. Natural reactivation of the surface sand is unlikely given the existing balance between the factors which favour dune mobility (frequent occurrence of sand-moving winds and high sand supply), and those which encourage vegetation growth and dune stability (high precipitation, high temperatures, low wind speeds, high rates of nitrogen deposition and low grazing / disturbance pressure). Since 2012 trials have been underway to determine if it is possible to increase the mobility of the dune system through intervention measures, including turf stripping and creation of artificial ‘notches’ to increase local wind speeds and sand-transport, but it will be several years before the effectiveness of these measures is known.  相似文献   

In coastal dunes, landscape changes are a rule, rather than an exception. This paper gives an overview of changes in landscape and vegetation with a focus on the past century. The history of dunes is characterised by phases of sand drift, alternated with geomorphological stability. The historical development of dune woodland during these stable phases has been documented for sites all over Europe. Vegetation reconstructions of historical open dune habitats however is very difficult due to limited preservation of fossil remains. People have drastically altered coastal dune landscapes through centuries of exploitation and more recently development of the coast. Historical land use has generally pushed vegetation back into a semi-natural state. During roughly the past century a tendency of increasing fixation and succession is observed on coastal dunes throughout northwest Europe. Six causes of change are discussed. 1) Changes in land use, mainly abandonment of agricultural practices, have led to the development of late successional stages such as scrub and woodland. 2) Crashing rabbit populations due to myxomatosis in the 1950s caused vigorous grass growth and probably stimulated scrub development. 3) A general tendency of landscape fixation is observed due to both natural and anthropogenic factors. 4) Eutrophication, mainly due to atmospheric nitrogen deposition is clearly linked to grass encroachment on acidic but also on some calcareous dunes. 5) The impact of climate change on vegetation is still unclear but probably lengthening of growing season and maybe enhanced CO2 concentrations have led to an acceleration of succession. 6) A general anthropogenisation of the landscape occurs with rapid spread of non-native species as an important consequence. The reconstruction of a natural reference landscape is considered largely unattainable because of irreversible changes and the long tradition of human impact, in many cases since the development of the dunes. Two contradictory elements need reconciliation. First, the general acceleration of succession and scrub and woodland development in particular is partly caused by a decreased anthropogenic interference in the landscape and deserves more appreciation. Second, most biodiversity values are largely linked to open, early succession dune habitats and are threatened by the same tendency. Apart from internal nature management, in which grazing plays an important part, re-mobilisation of stable, senescent dunes is an important challenge for dune management.  相似文献   

Dune slacks are important coastal sand dune habitats and seasonal changes in water levels within dune aquifers control both their formation and the specific hydrological conditions which then govern the floristic composition of their characteristic plant communities. Kenfig Dunes National Nature Reserve is one of the largest dune sites in South Wales and Southern Britain. It supports an exceptional range of dune slack communities, including most of those recognised in the British National Vegetation Classification scheme. Detailed studies of the vegetation ecology and hydrology of dune slacks reveal the important influence of hydrological variables in controlling the composition of dune slack vegetation and also valuable information on water table profile and the key factors governing the annual hydrological budget of the dune system aquifer.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean region plays host to ca. 33% of the world’s tourism industry. This population of visitors (ca. 147 million in 1990) inevitably exerts an enormous impact on the natural resources of this coastal zone. In May 1997, a new generation Aerial Digital Photographic System [ADPS] configured with a Kodak Digital Science 460 CIR digital camera was used to acquire colour infrared digital photographs of the sand dune systems along the Mediterranean coast of France, from Le Barcares to St-Cyprien-Plage. These have been used to assess the condition of the dunes along this coast. A series of simple analytical techniques to identify and measure features indicative of public pressure using image processing software has been devised. The dune manager with basic computer skills can analyse such indicators as path length, vegetation cover (and conversely the extent of bare sand) to enable monitoring of the performance of their dune systems under particular management regimes. These photographs have been compared with similar digital photographs of dune sites in SW France to allow a comparison of dune degradation in a region with a different population pressure and climate regime. Dune systems sampled from the Mediterranean coastal zone showed more evidence of anthropogenically induced change than those sampled in SW France.  相似文献   

The aims of this study are to review the current situation of the Israeli Mediterranean coastal sand dunes, to examine the causes for this situation, and to propose options for future conservation and management of the protected dune areas based on ecological, environmental, landscape and recreational demands and interests. The coastal dunes of Israel are characterized by diverse plant communities, with 173 plant species occurring on sand (8.2% of the total flora of Israel) including many endemic species (26% of all endemic species in Israel). Most of the species are annuals. The importance of the coastal strip as a centre of floral and faunal speciation is also manifested in the existing sand-bound animals. However, many species are rare. This is mainly due to the extensive industrial and urban development along the coastal plain and the direct and indirect destruction of the remaining open dune areas by tourism, recreation and sand mining. Only ca. 17% of the Israeli coastal dunes are still of good or reasonable ecological value, while < 5% of this area has been designated as protected area. Management policies differ from place to place and depend on local objectives. These objectives derive mainly from the knowledge and data that exist for each location, and its statutory status. Since 1995 several projects, which aim to develop integrated management tools for nature conservation and recreation uses for all coastal sand dunes in Israel have been conducted. These projects are summarized in the present paper.  相似文献   

Trampling is one of the human activities that are harmful for plant species and communities of sand dune ecosystems. The aim of this study was to compare the vegetation of embryonic and shifting Ammophila sand dunes with and without fencing to limit trampling. Fenced sand dunes appeared to be richer in species but differences were more prominent in embryonic sand dunes. Some species (Cakile maritima, Pancratium maritimum) were missing on trampled embryonic dunes. The positive impact of trampling exclusion on embryonic sand dunes was indicated by a lowered slope in a Whittaker graph as well as by rarefaction curves that showed higher species richness on the lower slope. Changes in the vegetation of more stabilised shifting Ammophila sand dunes due to trampling are not evident, although species composition is also impoverished. Fencing of parts of sand dunes proved to be an effective measure for vegetation conservation. In addition to physical exclusion of visitors, fences can also have symbolic value for raising public awareness.  相似文献   

Newborough Warren is a large calcareous west coast UK dune system, which has experienced rapid vegetation spread in the last 70 years. Information from two high resolution chronosequences for dry and wet dune habitats, 0–145 years, was used to answer the following questions: Does climate influence colonisation of vegetation on bare sand? What are the timescales and sequences of successional change in the vegetation? Analysis of aerial photographs showed that stabilisation of the dune system since 1945 has occurred in three main phases. The onset of stabilisation predated myxomatosis by 10 years; while stabilisation virtually halted during the period 1964–1978. Periods of rapid stabilisation were coincident with higher values of Talbot’s Mobility index (M)?>?0.3. Successional development was apparent in both dry and wet habitats. Fixed dune grassland started to replace earlier successional communities at around 40 years, and could persist to 145 years. Linear succession in dune slacks was less apparent, but a separation between communities typically regarded as ‘younger’ and ‘older’ occurred at around 40 years. Species richness in dry dune habitats increased with age to a maximum on soils around 60 years old, then declined again. Species richness was unrelated to age or soil development in wet dune slacks. The influence of climate suggests that conservation managers can only operate within the constraints imposed by natural climatic conditions. Vegetation growth and soil development are closely linked and maintaining some open areas is key to preventing soil development and over-stabilisation.  相似文献   

Coastal dunes are an essential part of beach-dune systems. Dunes systems have their own intrinsic values and provide a range of goods and services, including the protection of tangible goods located on the shoreline affected by waves, storms, and sea erosion. Dunes also act as repositories of biodiversity that have their exclusive habitat in dune communities, and the aesthetic value of dune landscapes derived from unique plant communities and landforms is also of great importance. Nevertheless, dune systems on developed coasts suffered a drastic decline in geomorphological and ecological quality throughout the last century. Catalonia (Spain, NW Mediterranean Sea) is no exception, and the coastal dune systems which were present in the early 20th century have now disappeared due to urbanization. The regeneration of dune systems is of crucial importance in this context. The aim of this study is to assess the current status of dune systems in Catalonia in order to determine their future prospects based on beach characteristics, those beaches likely to host dunes being determined according to their width and sediment type. The results of our study show that nowadays most dune systems in Catalonia are not developed due to human pressure on the beaches. Only those beaches located in the natural protected areas in Roses Bay, Baix Ter Bay, the Llobregat Delta, and especially the Ebro Delta, have the right characteristics to host well-developed dune systems. That said, 30% of sandy beaches in Catalonia have a width of over 35 metres; wide enough to host well-developed dune systems if appropriate integrated beach management is applied. The methodology used in this research also provide a tool to assess which are the beaches that can host dunes on other developed shores in the Mediterranean area.  相似文献   

This paper examines the influence of dune morphological evolution on plant species diversity and composition on the Magheramore dune system, Donegal, north-west Ireland. It aims to demonstrate the need for understanding of local geomorphological factors and their affect on ecological processes for the enhanced conservation management of coastal dunes. Vegetation surveys and cluster analysis of species associations, in combination with GIS analysis focused on two prograding dune sites within the Magheramore system. Contrasting geomorphic evolution over similar timescales has imposed site-specific environmental conditions that have had a direct impact on the range of plant species communities present. Cluster analysis revealed 5 main species community types that defined specific dune habitats, the organisation of which is strongly influenced by geomorphic evolution. This study demonstrates the importance of geomorphic evolution and morphological heterogeneity in habitat and species diversity.  相似文献   

This study reports the results of restoration management on sand dune environments along the coastal belt of the Castelporziano nature reserve (Rome, Italy) and the subsequent monitoring phases to test the sustainability of the ‘soft techniques’ applied. In the area concerned, over a length of ca. 3 km, 40 dunes were built up along with three belts located at <40 m, 40–70 m, and >70 m, respectively, from the shoreline. On each of 38 dunes 20 individuals ofAmmophila littoralis were planted; this species is one of the local autochthonous species considered particularly suitable for stabilizing sand dunes. After one year, two years and five years, respectively the changes in height and surface of each dune, the survival rates ofA. littoralis, and its changes in cover, the appearance of new shoots and the establishment of new species were observed. A progressive increase in species number, which five years after the restoration amounted to about 60% of those characterizing the natural dunes, was reported indicating a progressive trend towards populations similar to natural ones. In the colonization of new species there is a prevalence of theSporobolus-Elymetum farcti and theSalsolo Kali-Cakiletum maritimae association, while the species established successively refer to theEchinophoro spinosae-Ammophiletum arundinaceae association and theCrucianellion maritimae alliance as occurring in natural successions. This succession runs parallel to the natural dune colonization processes. In particular, the data regarding survival, cover and number of vegetative shoots indicate that the dune belt between 40 and 70 m from the sea is the one most suitable for restoration. Some changes in dune morphology was observed: the height of the artificial dunes tended to decrease considerably in the five years of observation, whereas a progressive increase in their surface area was observed. During the study period.A littoralis favoured the establishment of new species, but as yet exercises no action on increasing dune height.  相似文献   

In the asperillo dune system, Southwest Spain, lichen vegetation covering the dune sand, has a low species diversity but is an important component of the perennial vegetation, providing stability, nutrients, and moisture to the soil layer. The Asperillo dunes harbour (1) natural ecosystems, (2) disturbed systems affected by forestry activities where the natural vegetation is eliminated, and (3) pine forest resulting from afforestation withPinus pinea since the end of the 1940s where the composition and abundance of the lichen flora has been drastically changed. Our hypothesis was that the lichen species composition and distribution are influenced by the type and period of human intervention. To test this hypothesis a 1.2 km × 1.1 km area, which includes zones with different degrees of conservation and perturbation, consisting of five different habitats, was selected: well preservedJuniperus woodland,Pinus pinea plantations with dense scrub, dense scrub,P. pinea plantations cleared from scrub, and pioneer scrub in recent pine afforestation. In each area, randomly located 5m × 5 m homogeneous plots were sampled. In each plot the cover of shrub and lichen species was recorded. The first results show that lichen cover is higher in the most preserved areas,Cladonia mediterranea being the dominant species under theJuniperus phoenicea canopy. The lichen community changes in composition and abundance depending on the time elapsed since the last perturbation.  相似文献   

A short outline is given of the floristic composition, structure and distribution of coastal dune vegetation found at Malindi Bay, Kenya. The area was studied by air photo interpretation and field sampling to determine the relationship of plants to aeolian features. TWINSPAN classification was used to distinguish geomorphological units on the basis of their species composition. In this paper, an inventory and first quantitative analysis of vegetation distribution is presented. We identified 174 plant species from 62 families in the sand dunes and several plant communities are distinguished based on the species content and the connection with morphological units.Papilionaceae with 18 species andPoaceae with 17 species were the most represented families. A distinct zonal distribution of the plant communities was found. The most important plant species are the pioneer vegetation consisting ofHalopyrum mucronatum, Ipomoea pescaprae andScaevola plumieri. The woody shrub species which have colonized the established primary dunes and hummock dunes areCordia somaliensis, Pluchea discoridis, Tephrosia purpurea (dunensis). Succulent herbs were identified in the dune slacks and salt marsh that are moist and damp environments.  相似文献   

The negative impact of grass and moss encroachment on the botanical diversity of West European coastal dunes attracted increasing attention in the 1990s. This paper focuses on moss encroachment during primary succession in the xeroseries. Until the mid-1970s, vegetation types rich in species of the lichen generaCladonia andCladina were found on the fixed,Corynephorus canescens-dominated, so-called grey dunes all over the island of Terschelling, The Netherlands. In addition, species ofHypogymnia, Parmelia andUsnea, which usually grow on trees, occurred here terrestrially on moss carpets or bare sand. These vegetation types are still present on the Noordsvaarder, a nature reserve in the western part of the island. They occur on parts of seven dune ridges parallel to the coast and form a chronosequence in which age increases with distance from the sea. Our study found the highest lichen diversity on the second and third dune ridges in a stage of primary succession that can be assigned to theViolo-Corynephoretum. The changes from lichen-rich to moss-dominated stadia were significantly related to soil development and acidification in connection with the ageing of the dune soil. The superficial cutting of sods in moss-encroached vegetation appeared to be unsuccessful as a management technique for restoring the biodiversity of cryptogams. Our findings suggest that the best option for maintaining lichen vegetation in theViolo-Corynephoretum is the blow-in of sand with a subneutral or neutral pH from reactivated and natural blowouts or from foredunes, with increasing lime content respectively.  相似文献   

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