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There is interest in quantifying phosphorus (P) loss from intensively grazed dairy landscapes to identify key pathways and target remediation methods. The Bog Burn drains a dairying catchment in Southland, New Zealand, and has been monitored at fortnightly intervals over a 12-mo period at four sites for suspended sediment (SS), dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP), and total phosphorus (TP). Time-integrated samplers, deployed at 0.6 median water depth at each site (calculated from previous year's flow data), collected sediment samples, which were analyzed for SS, bioavailable phosphorus (BAP), and TP. Mean concentrations of DRP and TP in stream flow and BAP and TP in sediment were generally highest in summer or autumn (0.043 mg DRP L(-1), 0.160 mg TP L(-1), 173 mg BAP kg(-1), 2228 mg TP kg(-1)) and lowest in winter or spring (0.012 mg DRP L(-1), 0.034 mg TP L(-1), 6 mg BAP kg(-1), 711 mg TP kg(-1)), while loads were highest in winter. Analysis of (137)Cs concentrations in trapped sediment, topsoil, subsoil, and stream bed and bank sediment indicated that trapped sediment was derived from topsoil and entered the stream either through tile drainage or, to a lesser extent, overland flow. Because concentrations of DRP and TP in stream flow are in excess of recommended limits for good water quality (>0.01 mg DRP L(-1), 0.033 mg TP L(-1)), management should focus on the topsoil and specifically on decreasing P loss via tile drainage. This is best achieved by decreasing soil Olsen P concentrations, especially because, on average, Olsen P concentrations in the catchment were above the agronomic optimum.  相似文献   

Nutrients exported from grazing systems contribute to eutrophication of surface waters. In this study the contributions of soil, pasture-plants, and dung to P exports in overland flow were compared using simulated rainfall. The treatments were (i) grazed pasture-plants (isolated from soil by application of petrolatum to the soil surface), (ii) grazed pasture-plants and supporting soil, (iii) grazed pasture-plants and soil and treading, and (iv) grazed pasture-plants and soil and treading and dung. In general, dissolved reactive P (DRP) accounted for the majority of the P exported and P losses decreased in the order: treading and dung treatment>treading>pasture-plants and soil>pasture-plants. Very little dissolved organic P was lost in overland flow and the effects of treading diminished with time. Over a normal grazing cycle (30 d), the portion of P lost from pasture-plants was approximately half that lost from pasture-plants and soil, one-third that lost from treaded pasture-plants and soil, and one-quarter that lost from treaded pasture-plants, soil, and dung. The DRP in the pasture-plants treatment was approximately half that in the pasture-plants and soil treatment and suggests that a significant portion of the P exported from these systems is derived directly from pasture-plants. Due to higher proportions of particulate P (PP) in the treaded and dung treatments, DRP accounted for less of total P than in the pasture-plants and pasture-plants and soil treatments. Lower infiltration capacities probably caused by mechanical disaggregation at the soil surface are consistent with the higher proportions of PP in the treading treatments. These results were used to estimate P exports from a field trial site in Southland, New Zealand. The results suggested that P export attributable to fertilizer, dung, pasture-plants, and soil components were approximately 10, 30, 20, and 40%, respectively. These results suggest that since 90% of the P exports are derived from the soil-plant system and dung returns, managements to lessen P exports should continue to focus on maintaining soil P within the optimal range for pasture-plant production and maintaining soil surface properties that maximize infiltration and minimize overland flow.  相似文献   

The potential loss of P in runoff is a function of the combined effects of fertilizer-soil interactions and climatic characteristics. In this study, we applied a Bayesian approach to experimental data to model the annualized long-term risk of P runoff following single and split P fertilizer applications using two example catchments with contrasting rainfall/runoff patterns. Split P fertilizer strategies are commonly used in intensive pasture production in Australia and our results showed that three applications of 13.3 kg P ha(-1) resulted in a greater risk of P runoff compared with a single application of 40 kg P ha(-1) when long-term surface runoff data were incorporated into a Bayesian P risk model. Splitting P fertilizer applications increased the likelihood of a coincidence of fertilizer application and runoff occurring. We found that the overall risk of P runoff is also increased in catchments where the rainfall/runoff pattern is less predictable, compared with catchments where rainfall/runoff is winter dominant. The findings of our study also question the effectiveness of current recommendations to avoid applying fertilizer if runoff is likely to occur in the next few days, as we found that total P concentrations at the half-life were still very high (18.2 and 8.2 mg P L(-1)) following single and split P treatments, respectively. Data from the current study also highlight that omitting P fertilizer on soils that already have adequate soil test P concentrations is an effective method of reducing P loss in surface runoff. If P fertilizer must be applied, we recommend less frequent applications and only during periods of the year when the risk of surface P runoff is low.  相似文献   

Poultry litter provides a rich nutrient source for crops, but the usual practice of surface-applying litter can degrade water quality by allowing nutrients to be transported from fields in surface runoff while much of the ammonia (NH3)-N escapes into the atmosphere. Our goal was to improve on conventional titter application methods to decrease associated nutrient losses to air and water while increasing soil productivity. We developed and tested a knifing technique to directly apply dry poultry litter beneath the surface of pastures. Results showed that subsurface litter application decreased NH3-N volatilization and nutrient losses in runoff more than 90% (compared with surface-applied litter) to levels statistically as low as those from control (no litter) plots. Given this success, two advanced tractor-drawn prototypes were developed to subsurface apply poultry litter in field research. The two prototypes have been tested in pasture and no-till experiments and are both effective in improving nutrient-use efficiency compared with surface-applied litter, increasing crop yields (possibly by retaining more nitrogen in the soil), and decreasing nutrient losses, often to near background (control plot) levels. A paired-watershed study showed that cumulative phosphorus losses in runoff from continuously grazed perennial pastures were decreased by 55% over a 3-yr period if the annual poultry litter applications were subsurface applied rather than surface broadcast. Results highlight opportunities and challenges for commercial adoption of subsurface poultry litter application in pasture and no-till systems.  相似文献   

Largely influenced by the passage of the Swamp Land Act of 1849, many wetlands were lost in the coastal plain region of the southeastern United States, primarily as a result of drainage for agricultural activities. To better understand the chemical response of soils during wetland conversion, soil core samples were collected from the converted beef cattle pastures and from the natural wetland at Plant City, FL in the summers of 2002 and 2003. Data collected from the natural wetland sites were used as reference data to detect potential changes in soil properties associated with the conversion of wetlands to improved beef cattle (Bos taurus) pastures from 1940 to 2003. The average concentration of total phosphorus (TP) in pasture soils (284 mg kg(-1)) was significantly (p 相似文献   

Agricultural drainage ditches serve as P transport pathways from fields to surface waters. Little is known about the spatial variation of P at the soil-water interface within ditch networks. We quantified the spatial variation of surficial (0-5 cm) soil P within vegetated agricultural ditches on a farm in Princess Anne, MD with an approximately 30-yr history of poultry litter application. Ditch soils from 10 ditches were sampled at 10-m intervals and analyzed for acid ammonium oxalate-extractable P, Fe, Al (P(ox), Fe(ox), Al(ox)), and pH. These variables were spatially autocorrelated. Oxalate-P (min = 135 mg kg(-1), max = 6919 mg kg(-1), mean = 700 mg kg(-1)) exhibited a high standard deviation across the study area (overall 580 mg kg(-1)) and within individual ditches (maximum 1383 mg kg(-1)). Several ditches contained distinct areas of high P(ox), which were associated with either point- or nonpoint-P sources. Phosphorus was correlated with Al(ox) or Fe(ox) within specific ditches. Across all ditches, Al(ox) (r = 0.80; p < 0.001) was better correlated with P(ox) than was Fe(ox) (r = 0.44; p < 0.001). The high level of spatial variation of soil P observed in this ditch network suggests that spatially distributed sampling may be necessary to target best management practices and to model P transport and fate in ditch networks.  相似文献   

Injection of cattle and swine slurries can provide soil incorporation in no-till and perennial forage production. Injection is expected to substantially reduce N loss due to ammonia (NH3) volatilization, but a portion of that N conservation may be offset by greater denitrification and leaching losses. This paper reviews our current knowledge of the impacts of subsurface application of cattle and swine slurries on the N balance and outlines areas where a greater understanding is needed. Several publications have shown that liquid manure injection using disk openers, chisels, or tines can be expected to Sreduce NH, emissions by at least 40%, and often by 90% or more, relative to broadcast application. However, the limited number of studies that have also measured denitrification losses have shown that increased denitrification with subsurface application can offset as much as half of the N conserved by reducing NH3 emissions. Because the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O) is one product of denitrification, the possible increases in N2O emission with injection require further consideration. Subsurface manure application generally does not appear to increase leaching potential when manure is applied at recommended rates. Plant utilization of conserved N was shown in only a portion of the published studies, indicating that further work is needed to better synchronize manure N availability and crop uptake. At this time in the United States, the economic and environmental benefits from reducing losses of N as NH3 are expected to outweigh potential liability from increases in denitrification with subsurface manure application. To fully evaluate the trade-offs among manure application methods, a detailed environmental and agricultural economic assessment is needed to estimate the true costs of potential increases in NO2O emissions with manure injection.  相似文献   

Large quantities of sediment are transported by the River Ganga (The Ganges) particularly In its deltaic region. Attempts have been made to study the physicochemical parameters of the bottom sediments of the River Ganga at various depths at Kamarhati and along the banks of the River Ganga in the lower deltaic region. The results give vital information regarding the pollution load carried by the river and the enrichment of its sediments with nutrients such as P, N and other substances such as C and S (as sulphates). The mobilization of the P, N, C and S (as sulphates) in the sediments is compared with their natural abundance. The enrichment of the river beds with P, the interaction of the sediment and the characteristics of the sediments are ascertained. Some aspects of the phosphorus cycle and its importance are also discussed. The recycling and reuse of sediments for agricultural purposes have been proposed in order to restore ecological imbalances due to nutrient loss.Mrs M. Chattopadhyay (née Ray) and D. Mukherjee are both post-doctorate ex-senior research scholars within the Department of Chemistry, Kalyani University, where Professor S.C. Lahiri was until recently head of department. Mr S.K. Bhattacharya is director of the Ganga Action Plan Sector, Calcutta Metropolitan Development Authority, Unnayan Bhavan (1st floor), Salt Lake, Calcutta 700 091, India. The information given in this paper is supplementary to that provided by certain of the same authors inThe Environmentalist 13(3), 199–210.  相似文献   

Streams alter the concentration of nutrients they transport and thereby influence nutrient loading to estuaries downstream; however, the relationship between in-stream uptake, discharge variability, and subsequent nutrient export is poorly understood. In this study, in-stream N and P uptake were examined in the stream network draining a row-crop agricultural operation in coastal North Carolina. The effect of in-stream nutrient uptake on estuarine loading was examined using continuous measurements of watershed nutrient export. From August to December 2003, 52 and 83% of the NH4+ and PO4(3-) loads were exported during storms while concurrent storm flow volume was 34% of the total. Whole-ecosystem mass transfer velocities (Vf) of NH4+ and PO4(3-), measured using short-term additions of inorganic nutrients, ranged from 0.1 to 25 mm min(-1). Using a mass balance approach, this in-stream uptake was found to attenuate 65 to 98% of the NH4+ flux and 78 to 98% of the PO4(3-) flux in small, first-order drainage ditches. For the larger channel downstream, an empirical model based on Vf and discharge was developed to estimate the percentage of the nutrient load retained in-stream. The model predicted that all of the upstream NH4+ and PO4(3-) load was retained during base flow, while 65 and 37% of the NH4+ and PO4(3-) load was retained during storms. Remineralization from the streambed (vs. terrestrial sources) was the apparent source of NH4+ and PO4(3-) to the estuary during base flow. In-stream uptake reduced the dissolved inorganic N to dissolved inorganic P ratio of water exported to the N-limited estuary, thus limiting the potential for estuarine phytoplankton growth.  相似文献   

Site-specific phosphorus management is done to optimize crop production and minimize P loss from soils. The spatial variability of the available P prior to fertilizer application and the P-fixation tendency of soil both need to be taken into account for variable-rate P application. The objectives of this research were to document the spatial variability of the fertilizer-P availability index, which shows the P-fixation tendency, and to develop a strategy that takes the spatial distribution of this index into account for site-specific phosphorus application. In this study, the spatial patterns of the fertilizer-P availability index were characterized by using geostatistics. The ordinary kriging was used for spatial interpolation of the fertilizer-P availability index. Because the fertilizer-P availability index of soil is related to oxalate-extractable Fe and Al and because measuring oxalate-extractable Fe and Al is much easier than directly determining the fertilizer-P availability index, the spatial distribution of the fertilizer-P availability index can be obtained using the oxalate-extractable Fe and Al data. The spatial distribution of Olsen-extractable P, which was used to measure the available-P status prior to fertilizer-P application, was also estimated by using ordinary kriging. The required fertilizer-P amounts were then determined using the kriging estimates of the fertilizer-P availability index and Olsen-extractable P. A fertilizer-P recommendation map for the 430-ha study site in Changhua county, Taiwan was generated by using this approach for illustration. The proposed method for generating fertilizer-P recommendation maps can be used for variable-rate application to maintain an adequate P status for crop production and to potentially reduce the P loss from soils.  相似文献   

Concerns over increased phosphorus (P) application with nitrogen (N)-based compost application have shifted the trend to P-based composed application, but focusing on one or two nutritional elements does not serve the goals of sustainable agriculture. The need to understand the nutrient release and uptake from different composts has been further aggravated by the use of saline irrigation water in the recent scenario of fresh water shortage. Therefore, we evaluated the leachability and phytoavailability of P, N, and K from a sandy loam soil amended with animal, poultry, and sludge composts when applied on a total P-equivalent basis (200 kg ha(-1)) under Cl(-) (NaCl)- and SO4(2-) (Na2SO4)-dominated irrigation water. Our results showed that the concentration of dissolved reactive P (DRP) was higher in leachates under SO(4)(2-) than Cl(-) treatments. Compost amendments differed for DRP leaching in the following pattern: sludge > animal > poultry > control. Maize (Zea mays L.) growth and P uptake were severely suppressed under Cl(-) irrigation compared with SO4(2-) and non-saline treatments. All composts were applied on a total P-equivalent basis, but maximum plant (shoot + root) P uptake was observed under sludge compost amendment (73.4 mg DW(-1)), followed by poultry (39.3 mg DW(-1)), animal (15.0 mg DW(-1)), and control (1.2 mg DW(-1)) treatment. Results of this study reveal that irrigation water dominated by SO4(2-) has greater ability to replace/leach P, other anions (NO3(-)), and cations (K+). Variability in P release from different bio-composts applied on a total P-equivalent basis suggested that P availability is highly dependent on compost source.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) transfer in surface runoff from field plots receiving either no P, triplesuperphoshate (TSP), liquid cattle manure (LCS), liquid anaerobically digested sludge (LDS), or dewatered sludge cake (DSC) was compared over a 2-yr period. Dissolved inorganic P concentrations in runoff increased from 0.1 to 0.2 mg L(-1) on control and sludge-treated plots to 3.8 and 6.5 mg L(-1) following application of LCS and TSP, respectively, to a cereal crop in spring. When incorporated into the soil in autumn, runoff dissolved P concentrations were typically < 0.5 mg L(-1) across all plots, and particulate P remained the dominant P form. When surface-applied in autumn to a consolidated seedbed, direct loss of LCS and LDS increased both runoff volume and P transfers, but release of dissolved P occurred only from LCS. The largest P concentrations (>70 mg L(-1)) were recorded following TSP application without any increase in runoff volume, while application of bulky DSC significantly reduced total P transfers by 70% compared with the control due to a reduced runoff volume. Treatment effects in each monitoring period were most pronounced in the first runoff event. Differences in the release of P from the different P sources were related to the amounts of P extracted by either water or sodium bicarbonate in the order TSP > LCS > LDS > DSC. The results suggest there is a lower risk of P transfer in land runoff following application of sludge compared with other agricultural P amendments at similar P rates.  相似文献   

A phosphorus (P) index for pastures was developed to write nutrient management plans that determine how much P can be applied to a given field. The objectives of this study were to (i) evaluate and compare the P index for pastures, particularly the P source component, and an environmental threshold soil test P level by conducting rainfall simulations on contrasting soils under various management scenarios; and (ii) evaluate the P index for pastures on field-scale watersheds. Poultry litter was applied to 12 small plots on each of six farms based on either an environmental threshold soil test P level or on the P index for pastures, and P runoff was evaluated using rainfall simulators. The P index was also evaluated from two small (0.405 ha) watersheds that had been fertilized annually with poultry litter since 1995. Results from the small plot study showed that soil test P alone was a poor predictor of P concentrations in runoff water following poultry litter applications. The relationship between P in runoff and the amount of soluble P applied was highly significant. Furthermore, P concentrations in runoff from plots with and without litter applications were significantly correlated to P index values. Studies on pastures receiving natural rainfall and annual poultry litter applications indicated that the P index for pastures predicted P loss accurately without calibration (y = 1.16x - 0.23, r(2) = 0.83). These data indicate that the P index for pastures can accurately assess the risk of P loss from fields receiving poultry litter applications in Arkansas and provide a more realistic risk assessment than threshold soil test P levels.  相似文献   

Phosphorus losses in runoff from application of manures and biosolids to agricultural land are implicated in the degradation of water quality in the Chesapeake and Delaware Inland Bays. We conducted an incubation study to determine the relative P solubility and bioavailability, referred to as P source coefficients (PSCs), for organic P sources, which are typically land-applied in the Mid-Atlantic USA. Nine organic and one inorganic (KH2PO4) P amendments were applied to an Evesboro loamy sand (mesic, coated Typic Quartzipsamments) at a rate of 60 mg P kg(-1) and incubated for 8 wk with subsamples analyzed at 2 and 8 wk. There was an increase in Mehlich-3 P (M3-P), water-soluble P (WS-P), iron-oxide strip extractable P (FeO-P), and Mehlich-3 P saturation ratio (M3-PSR) with P additions, which varied by P source. The trend of relative extractable WS-P, FeO-P, and M3-P generally followed the pattern: inorganic P > liquid and deep pit manures > manures and biosolids treated with metal salts or composted. We found significant differences in the availability of P from varying organic P sources. The use of PSCs may be beneficial when determining the risk of P losses from land application of manures and other organic P sources and could be used in risk assessments such as a P site index. These PSCs may also be useful for determining P application rates when organic P sources are applied to P deficient soils for use as a fertilizer source.  相似文献   

Mathematical models may provide a means to estimate phosphorus (P) losses from land application of manure. Phosphorus losses typically occur during brief episodes of runoff and erosion. Models must be able to simulate P losses during these episodes by representing the basic chemical, physical, and biological processes by which these losses occur. The mathematical model ecosys combines dynamic distributed flow of solutes and nonsolutes through runoff and erosion with convective-dispersive transport of solutes, and both biologically and thermodynamically driven transformations between solutes and nonsolutes. This model was tested against P lost in runoff, erosion, and leachate measured during 90 min of controlled rainfall at 65 mm h(-1) on soils from six sites at which different rates of manure had been applied over the previous 3 to 6 yr. Transport and transformation kinetics in the model enabled it to simulate changes of dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) in runoff from >1.0 to <0.05 mg L(-1) and changes of total phosphorus (TP) in sediment from 15 to 3 mg L(-1) measured during controlled rainfall on soils with diverse P contents. Results from 60-yr model runs using these kinetics with different application rates of cattle manure indicated that (i) a positive interaction exists between annual rainfall and application rate on P losses and (ii) rates greater than 30 Mg ha(-1) yr(-1) would cause TP concentrations in water leaving the site to rise above acceptable limits. The interaction between rainfall and rate suggests that P losses from manure application at any site should be assessed under the upper range of likely rainfall intensities.  相似文献   

Computer models help identify agricultural areas where P transport potential is high, but commonly used models do not simulate surface application of manures and P transport from manures to runoff. As part of an effort to model such P transport, we conducted manure slurry separation and soil infiltration experiments to determine how much slurry P infiltrates into soil after application but before rain, thus becoming less available to runoff. We applied dairy and swine slurry to soil columns and after both 24 and 96 h analyzed solids remaining on the soil surface for dry matter, total phosphorus (TP), and water-extractable inorganic (WEIP) and organic (WEOP) phosphorus. We analyzed underlying soils for Mehlich-3 and water-extractable P. We also conducted slurry separation experiments by sieving, centrifuging, and suction-filtering to determine which method could easily estimate slurry P infiltration into soils. About 20% of slurry solids and 40 to 65% of slurry TP and WEIP infiltrated into soil after application, rendering this P less available to transport in runoff. Slurry separation by suction-filtering through a screen with 0.75-mm-diameter openings was the best method to estimate this slurry P infiltration. Measured quantities of manure WEOP changed too much during experiments to estimate WEOP infiltration into soil or what separation method can approximate infiltration. Applying slurries to soils always increased soil P in the top 0 to 1 cm of soil, frequently in the 1- to 2-cm depth of soil, but rarely below 2 cm. Future research should use soils with coarser texture or large macropores, and slurry with low dry matter content (1-2%).  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) added to soil from fertilizer or manure application could pose a threat to water quality due to its role in eutrophication of fresh water resources. Incorporating such amendments into the soil is an established best management practice (BMP) for reducing soluble P losses in runoff water, but could also lead to higher erosion. The objective of this study was to test whether incorporation of manure or fertilizer 24 h before an intense rain could also reduce sediment-bound and total phosphorus (TP) losses in runoff. A rainfall simulation study was conducted on field plots (sandy loam with 6-7% slope, little surface residue, recently cultivated) that received two application rates of liquid swine manure or liquid ammonium polyphosphate fertilizer, using either surface-broadcast or incorporated methods of application. Incorporation increased the total suspended solids (TSS) concentrations in runoff but mass losses were not affected. Incorporation also reduced flow-weighted concentrations and losses of dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) and TP by as much as 30 to 60% depending on source (fertilizer vs. manure) and application rate. Phosphorus is moved below the mixing zone of interaction on incorporation, and thus the effect of the amount and availability of P in this zone is more important than cultivation on subsequent P losses in runoff. Incorporating manure or fertilizer in areas of intense erosive rain, recent extensive tillage, and with little or no surface residue is therefore a best management practice that should be adhered to in order to minimize contamination of surface water. Results also show comparatively lower P losses from manure than fertilizer.  相似文献   

Heat rejection pressure plays an important role in designing a transcritical CO2 refrigeration system, and it has an optimal value to maximize the system’s coefficient of performance (COP). With a thermodynamic simulation model, the optimal heat rejection pressure is studied in the paper for an expander cycle, as well as conventional throttle valve cycle. The effects of compressor efficiency, expander efficiency, gas cooler outlet temperature, and evaporation temperature on the optimal heat rejection pressure are analyzed. It is the first time for a transcritical CO2 expander cycle that the optimal heat rejection pressure is correlated with the gas cooler outlet temperature and the evaporation temperature at given compressor efficiency and expander efficiency. The average deviation from the correlation to simulation results is less than 1.0%. The correlation provides a guideline to system development and performance optimization of a transcritical CO2 expander cycle.  相似文献   

An investigation was carried out to establish the physical, mechanical and durability characteristics of an unprocessed pulverised fuel ash (PFA) from a former landfill site at the Power Station Hill near Church Village, South Wales, United Kingdom. This was aimed at establishing the suitability of the ash in the construction of the Church Village Bypass (embankment and pavement) and also in concrete to be used in the construction of the proposed highway.Concrete made using binder blends using various levels of PFA as replacement to Portland cement (PC) were subjected to compressive strength tests to establish performance. The concrete was also subjected to sodium sulphate attack by soaking concrete specimens in sulphate solution to establish performance in a sulphatic environment. Strength development up to 365 days for the concrete made with PC–PFA blends as binders (PC–PFA concrete), and 180 days for the PC–PFA paste, is reported.The binary PC–PFA concrete did not show good early strength development, but tended to improve at longer curing periods. The low early strength observed means that PC–PFA concrete can be used for low to medium strength applications for example blinding, low-strength foundations, crash barriers, noise reduction barriers, cycle paths, footpaths and material for pipe bedding.  相似文献   

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