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As the scope and scale of New Zealand (NZ) dairy farming increases, farmers and the industry are being challenged by Government and the New Zealand public to address growing environmental concerns. Dairying has come under increasing scrutiny from local authorities tasked with sustainable resource management. Despite recent efforts of farmers and industry to improve resource use efficiency, there is increasing likelihood of further regulatory constraints on water use and nutrient management. This study uses available data on farm-gate nitrogen (N) surpluses and milk production from the Waikato, New Zealand's largest dairying region, together with a farm scale modeling exercise, to provide a perspective on the current situation compared to dairy farms in Europe. It also aims to provide relevant guidelines for N surpluses and efficiencies under NZ conditions. Waikato dairy farms compare favorably with farms in Europe in terms of N use efficiency expressed as L milk/kg farm-gate N surplus. Achievable and realistic good practice objectives for Waikato dairy farmers could be 15,000 L milk/ha (1200 kg milk fat plus protein/ha) with a farm-gate N surplus of 100 kg/ha giving an eco-efficiency (L milk/kg N surplus) of 150, and long-term average nitrate leaching losses of approximately 25-30 kg/ha/yr. This can be achieved by increasing the N conversion efficiency through lower replacement rates (16 versus 22%), lower stocked (< 3 cows/ha) high genetic merit cows (30 L milk/day at peak) milked for longer (277 versus 240 days), feeding effluent-irrigated, home-grown, low-protein supplements to cows on high-protein, grass-clover pastures to dilute N concentration in the diet, removing some of the urinary N from the paddocks during critical times by standing cows on a loafing pad for part of the day, and through lower N fertilizer rates (50-70 kg/ha/yr compared to the norm of 170-200 kg/ha/yr) and using a nitrification inhibitor and gibberellins to boost pasture growth and the former to reduce N leaching.  相似文献   

The Resource Management Act 1991 provides a new mandate for effectsbased planning with its goal of sustainable management. Regional, city and district councils are responsible for administering the Act, including preparation of regional policy statements, regional and district plans. The paper reports on a collaborative research programme,funded by the New Zealand Foundation for Research, Science and Technology. The three-year programme has two objectives: (1) to determine the quality of policy statements and plans; and (2) to identify the extent and means by which councils co-ordinate policy statements and plans. Preliminary findings on implementation of the Act are presented.  相似文献   

Lakes Manapouri and Te Anau, in Fiordland National Park, became the center of a major controversy after the New Zealand government offered their water resource to an overseas aluminum smelting consortium for electricity generation. Although the scheme proceeded, the lake levels were not raised as originally proposed. Rather, government sought guidelines to optimize hydroelectric potential while maintaining ecological stability of the vulnerable, largely forested, glaciated lakeshores. Guidelines were derived by relating the vegetation zonation to the natural lake-level fluctuations recorded daily for 37 years. Ahigh operating range in the upper third of the lakes' natural ranges, based on flood tolerances of the woody shoreline species, restricts both duration and frequency. Alow operating range (ca. lower third) safeguards stability of shoreline sediments by limiting drawn-down rates, duration, and frequency. Themain operating range (ca. middle third) has few limitations. These guidelines, which allow utilization of ca. 93% of the water resource, have now been verified by instances of flooding and draw-down rates that exceeded the natural rates recorded earlier. The guidelines were officially accepted by the government in 1977 as a basis for managing the valuable multiple resources of these two lakes and their environs, and they were formalized in legislation in 1981. The details and merits of the guideline approach are discussed.  相似文献   

The Clutha is the largest river in New Zealand. The last two decades have witnessed major conflicts centered on the utilization of the water resources of the upper Clutha river. These conflicts have by no means been finally resolved. The focus of this article is on institutional arrangements for water resource management on the Clutha, with particular reference to the decision-making processes that have culminated in the building of the high dam. It critically evaluates recent experiences and comments on future prospects for resolving resource use conflicts rationally through planning for multiple utilization in a climate of market led policies of the present government.The study demonstrates the inevitable conflicts that can arise within a public bureaucracy that combines dual responsibilities for policy making and operational functions. Hitherto, central government has been able to manipulate the water resource allocation process to its advantage because of a lack of clear separation between its two roles as a policy maker and developer. The conflicts that have manifested themselves during the last two decades over the Clutha should be seen as part of a wider public debate during the last two decades concerning resource utilization in New Zealand. The Clutha controversy was preceded by comparable concerns over the rising of the level of Lake Manapouri during the 1960s and has been followed by the debate over the think big resource development projects during the 1980s.The election of the fourth Labour government in 1983 has heralded a political and economic policy shift in New Zealand towards minimizing the role of public intervention in resource allocation and major structural reforms in the relative roles of central and regional government in resource management. The significance of these changes pose important implications for the future management of the Clutha.  相似文献   

In New Zealand environmental management is essentially the responsibility of land managers. Management decisions affect both production/productivity and the environment. However, responsibility for ensuring positive environmental outcomes falls on both local (Regional) and Central Government, and both they and international agencies such as the OECD would wish to monitor and report on changes. In terms of policy, strong links have been established via Central and Regional Government to land managers. Consumers in the market place are also, increasingly, requiring responsibility for positive environmental outcomes of those who purchase and process primary products. Strong links for responsibility have been established between our international markets and processing businesses and there is a noticeable strengthening of the links from the processors to the land manager/producer. In New Zealand a range of initiatives has been developed and implemented over recent times, whereby land managers are taking increasing responsibility for accounting for the environmental outcomes of their production activities. The range covers the spectrum from voluntary to compulsory (e.g., in order to meet market requirements) and from those initiated by customers to processor and/or producer initiatives. This paper follows the evolution of the principles that drove the predominant activities of the period and the processes that initiated the changes in environmental management. As the focus of agriculturalists changed from pioneering in a new world, to establishing a production base, to economic reality, and finally to environmental responsibility, the processes of extension adapted to meet the new challenge.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to improve the ability of indigenous New Zealand white-rot fungi to remove pentachlorophenol (PCP) from contaminated field soil. The effects of different bioaugmentation conditions on PCP removal and extracellular enzyme expression were measured in the laboratory. The conditions were fungal growth substrate and co-substrate composition, culture age, and Tween 80 addition to the contaminated soil. The fungi used were Trametes versicolor isolate HR131 and Trametes sp. isolate HR577. Maximum PCP removal was 70% after 7 wk from a 1043 mg kg(-1) PCP-contaminated soil inoculated with an 11-d-old fungal culture of T. versicolor isolate HR131. There was minimal production of undesirable pentachloroanisole by the fungi. Tween 80 addition had no affect on PCP removal. Poplar sawdust was more suitable as a fungal growth substrate and a co-substrate amendment for PCP removal and extracellular enzyme expression than the locally available pine and fir sawdust. Pentachlorophenol removal was not necessarily correlated with extracellular enzyme expression. The research results demonstrate that PCP biodegradation was affected by inoculum culture age, by the presence of a co-substrate amendment, and by growth substrate composition after white-rot fungal bioaugmentation into PCP-contaminated field soils.  相似文献   

The current generation pattern of e-waste consisted of dead electronic and electrical equipments poses one of the world's greatest pollution problem due to the lack of appropriate recovery technology. Crude recovery methods of resource materials (aluminum, zinc, copper, lead, gold) from e-waste caused serious pollution in China in the past years. Thus, environment-friendly technologies have been the pressing demand in e-waste recovering. Eddy current separation (ECS) was advised as the preferable technology for recovering nonferrous metals from e-waste. However, just a few reports focused on the application of ECS in e-waste recovering. This paper introduced the information about ECS including the models of eddy current force and movement behavior of nonferrous metallic particle in the separation process. Meanwhile, the developing process of eddy current separator was summarized. New industrial applications of ECS in e-waste (waste toner cartridges and refrigerator cabinets) recovering were also presented. Finally, for improving separation rate of ECS in industrial application of e-waste recovering, some suggestions were proposed related to crushing process, separator design, and separator operation. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the effectiveness of ECS technology as practical and available tool for recovering non-ferrous metals from e-waste which is now being ignored.  相似文献   

This paper explores solutions for characterising naturalness in relation to visual landscapes using Geographical Information System (GIS). It is argued that planners need to identify natural landscapes and monitor changes in their extent. Just like the indices that have been developed to describe the state of the economy, indices need to be developed that monitor the state of natural landscapes. The complications in characterising natural landscapes are outlined but it is argued that there is a need to develop definitions of natural landscapes that can be operationalised with a GIS. This will have the advantages of the efficiency of the technology and that the definition will be explicit and the implementation will be independent of the operator. Several GIS solutions are provided and these are an analysis of landcover, a density analysis of roads and utilities, and an analysis of property sizes. The analysis of property sizes is sensitive to many human modifications of the landscape because many developments begin with the subdivision of properties. However, it is argued in this paper that no one definition will suffice and that all three methods provide different, yet important, insights into natural landscape character. An aggregate classification of naturalness based on the majority value of the indices is demonstrated as well as a range of techniques for expressing the uncertainty of the aggregate classification.  相似文献   

Microbial breakthrough curves of 12 soils, generated by the application of dairy shed effluent followed by continuous artificial rainfall for one pore volume at 5 mm h(-1) onto large undisturbed soil cores, have been ranked as high, medium, or low potential for microbial bypass flow. The ranking is based on the position of the peak in the breakthrough curve. Knowledge of soil properties that affect microbial transport through soil gained from the microbial breakthrough curves was linked to soil classes, or to their accessory properties, of the New Zealand Soil Classification. Spatial depiction of the ratings has been achieved via the national 1:50,000 scale soil map. Soils with a drainage impediment or those with well developed soil structure have a high potential for microbial bypass flow, whereas soils from tephra and Recent Soils with less developed, porous, soil structure have a low potential for microbial bypass flow. The risk rankings should be considered as maxima because management may change some rankings.  相似文献   

Intrusive agricultural experimentspublished in New Zealand in the last five yearsare reviewed in terms of the degree of animalsuffering involved, and the necessity for thissuffering in relation to research findings.When measured against animal welfare criteriaof the Ministry of Agriculture, thirty-sixstudies inflicted ``severe' or ``very severe'suffering. Many of these experiments hadquestionable short-term applications, had anapplication restricted to agriculturalproduction or economic growth, or could havebeen modified to prevent or reduce suffering.  相似文献   

A composite membrane was constructed on a porous ceramic support from a block copolymer of styrene and butadiene (SBS). It was tested in a laboratory pervaporation apparatus for recovering volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as 1,1,1-trichloroethane (TCA) and trichloroethylene (TCE) from dilute aqueous solutions. This polymer-ceramic composite membrane yielded significantly higher VOC selectivity than an SBS membrane without the ceramic support, for comparable fluxes. At VOC concentrations near 100 ppm, fluxes and selectivities of VOCs were essentially independent of the number of VOCs in solution. The liquid-side boundary layer resistance dominated mass transport. The experimental data fitted the resistance-in-series model and yielded reliable membrane permeability values. This method using this high-performing membrane offers potentially cleaner and cost-effective means of recovering VOCs from contaminated streams.  相似文献   

 Effluents from pigment manufacturing operations contain highly toxic substances. These substances in their pure form are highly valuable industrial raw materials and their loss in the effluents is not only a pollution problem but also one implying economic loss. This article describes an approach, which highlights a policy that can allow elimination of a pollution problem with simultaneous economic benefits through recovery of the pollutants in readily marketable forms. This approach converts serious "liabilities into substantial assets" and is worth adopting in many cases. The case considered here is that of the effluent from a plant manufacturing the pigment, phthalocyanine green (PG). This effluent is highly acidic and contains copper and aluminium in chloride form. There is a serious disposal problem concerning this effluent. The work reported here was focussed on recovering the metal values in this effluent in a form which can be readily marketed. Particularly important is the fact that the aluminium value can be recovered in the form of zeolite 4A, which is an environment friendly additive in modern detergent formulations. Received: 1 July 1998 / Accepted: 30 September 1998  相似文献   

通过对新西兰猕猴桃的考察,本文介绍了新西兰猕猴桃的科研、产业化状况及市场情况。  相似文献   

Soil quality at a national scale in New Zealand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
New Zealand is a signatory to international conventions on environmental performance, and soil quality information is needed for reporting both at a national and regional level. Soil quality was measured at 222 sites in five regions of New Zealand (12 soil orders and 9 land-use categories). Topsoil (0-100 mm) properties measured were total carbon and nitrogen, potentially mineralizable N, pH, Olsen P, cation exchange capacity, bulk density, total porosity, macroporosity, and total available and readily available water. Our objectives were to gauge the representativeness of the sample, determine the contribution from land use or soil order to variability, rationalize the data set, and identify concerns for long-term sustainable land use. Soil and land use combinations were both under- or overrepresented in the data set compared with national distribution. Soil order and land-use categories explained 55 to 76% of the variance in soil properties. Total C contents of pastures were comparable with indigenous forest soils, but pastures were less acidic and with higher N and P contents. Plantation forests had characteristics similar to indigenous forests on comparable soils. Cropland soils comprised <1% of the national land cover and generally had high inorganic fertility and low organic matter, with evidence of compaction. Seven characteristics (total C, total N, mineralizable N, pH, Olsen P, bulk density, and macroporosity) explained 87% of the total variability. The findings are being used by monitoring agencies to raise awareness about soil quality in the wider community, set land management guidelines, and develop policies.  相似文献   

在对乌鲁木齐市的公园、道路、庭院园林绿化中彩叶树种进行初步调查的基础上,依据文献资料对乌鲁木齐市彩叶树种观赏季节及叶色特性进行了初步分类,说明了其观赏特性与园林绿化应用,提出合理应用彩叶树种的建议,为乌鲁木齐市彩叶树种的引种、选择和应用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

本文介绍了新西兰罗托鲁阿污水处理厂处理工艺的流程、原理和特点。  相似文献   

Pest control operations andexperimentation on sentient animals such as thebrushtail possum can cause unnecessary andavoidable suffering in the animal subjects.Minimizing animal suffering is an animalwelfare goal and can be used as a guide in thedesign and execution of animal experimentationand pest control operations.The public has little sympathy for the possum,which can cause widespread environmentaldamage, but does believe that control should beas painless as possible. Trapping and poisoningprovide only short-term solutions to the possumproblem and often involve methods that causesuffering. Intrusive experiments connected withthese methods of control and published in thelast 6 years are reviewed. Many of theexperiments do not attain the welfare standardsrequired by members of the public.Possums also act as vectors for bovinetuberculosis. While this is not as important inthe minds of the public as environmentaldegradation, as long as people wish to continueraising cattle, this disease needs to becontrolled.Immunocontraception is a humane means ofcontrolling possums with wide publicacceptance. The use of vaccines for cows and/orpossums would also cause far less sufferingthan present eradication operations. Researchinto these methods does require some intrusiveexperimentation. This can be reduced if liveanimals are not used for secondary antibodyharvesting, if adequate analgesia is provided,and if potential vaccines or contraceptives aretested under conditions that would beexperienced in the field.  相似文献   

Woodchip corrals are increasingly used as cost effective means of over-wintering livestock in temperate regions but there is little information on their potential environmental impact. Four woodchip corrals of varying characteristics were instrumented to capture and quantify the flows reaching the base, where pollutant fluxes may move either vertically to groundwater, or laterally to a water course. Samples for chemical analysis were collected daily by auto-sampler. Samples for bacterial analysis were aseptically hand-sampled. Sampling frequency was increased during high flow events and sampling was conducted over a 12-month period. Microbiological samples were analysed for total coliform (TC), presumptive Escherichia coli (EC) and intestinal enterococci (IE). Leachate was also analysed for total phosphorus, phosphate, total nitrogen, ammonium, total oxidised nitrogen, nitrite and nitrate. Each corral had a recording rain gauge sited within 10 m of the corral surface. Mean total nitrogen concentration in leachate was 339.5 mg l(-1), of which ammoniacal-N comprised approximately 57%. Mean total phosphorus concentration was 94.7 mg l(-1). Geometric mean concentrations of TC, EC and IE were 95,461, 94,983 and 55,552 cfu100 ml(-1), respectively. Significant flows of leachate occurred at the base of the corrals on most days during the 1-year sampling period and flow rate increased with stocking density. Strong positive linear relationships were found between the concentrations of the nutrient parameters and discharge. Strong positive curvilinear relations were found between faecal indicator concentrations and discharge. Different relationships were observed in the stocked and unstocked corrals. The resulting fluxes are sufficient to give concern and to indicate that corral development is worthy of regulatory attention.  相似文献   

This study examines the quality of local and regional environmental plans produced under New Zealand's Resource Management Act (RMA) of 1991, which sets forth a national sustainable development strategy. Plan quality characteristics are defined and used as criteria for plan evaluation. A key finding is that planning programmes have significantly advanced since passage of the RMA, but that high quality plans are not necessarily produced by simply passing mandate legislation. Implications of study findings for sustainable development initiatives in other countries and for future research are presented.  相似文献   

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