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Increased poultry production has contributed to excess nutrient problems in Atlantic Coastal Plain soils due to land application of poultry litter (PL). Aluminum sulfate [alum, Al(2)(SO(4))(3).14H(2)O] amendment of PL effectively reduces soluble phosphorus (P) in the PL; however, the effects of these litters when added to acidic, sandy soils are not well understood. The objective of this study was to investigate the efficacy of alum-amended poultry litter in reducing P release from three Delaware Coastal Plain soils: Evesboro loamy sand (Ev; excessively drained, mesic, coated Typic Quartzipsamments), Rumford loamy sand (Ru; well drained, coarse-loamy, siliceous, subactive, thermic Typic Hapludults), and Pocomoke sandy loam (Pm; very poorly drained, coarse-loamy, siliceous, active, thermic Typic Umbraquults). Long-term (25 d) and short-term (24 h) desorption studies were conducted, in addition to chemical extractions and kinetic modeling, to observe the changes that alum-amended versus unamended PL caused in the soils. The Ev, Ru, and Pm soils were incubated with 9 Mg ha(-1) of alum-amended or unamended PL. Long-term desorption (25 d) of the incubated material resulted in approximately 13.5% (Ev), 12.7% (Ru), and 13.3% (Pm) reductions in cumulative P desorbed when comparing soil treated with unamended and alum-amended PL. In addition, the P release from the soil treated with alum-amended litter was not significantly different from the control (soil alone). Short-term desorption (24 h) showed 7.3% (Ev), 15.4% (Ru), and 20% (Pm) reductions. The overall implication from this study is that the use of alum as a PL amendment is useful in coarse-textured soils of the Coastal Plain. With increased application of alum-amended PL, more significant decreases may be possible with little or no effect on soil quality.  相似文献   

Fertilization exceeding crop requirements causes an accumulation of phosphorus (P) in soils, which might increase concentrations of dissolved and colloidal P in drainage. We sampled soils classified as Typic Haplorthods from four fertilization experiments to test (i) whether increasing degrees of phosphorus saturation (DPS) increase concentrations of dissolved and colloidal P, and (ii) if critical DPS levels can be defined for P release from these soils. Oxalate-extractable concentrations of P, iron (Fe), and aluminum (Al) were quantified to characterize DPS. Turbidity, zeta potential, dissolved P, and colloidal P, Fe, Al, and carbon (C) concentrations were determined in water and KCl extracts. While concentrations of dissolved P decreased with increasing depth, concentrations of water-extractable colloidal P remained constant. In topsoils 28 +/- 17% and in subsoils 94 +/- 8% of water-extractable P was bound to colloids. Concentrations of dissolved P increased sharply for DPS > 0.1. Colloidal P concentrations increased with increasing DPS because of an additional mobilization of colloids and due to an increase of the colloids P contents. In addition to DPS, ionic strength and Ca(2+) affected the release of colloidal P. Hence, using KCl for extraction improved the relationship between DPS and colloidal P compared with water extraction. Accumulation of P in soils increases not only concentrations of dissolved P but also the risk of colloidal P mobilization. Leaching of colloidal P is potentially important for inputs of P into water bodies because colloidal P as the dominant water-extractable P fraction in subsoils was released from soils with relatively low DPS.  相似文献   

A series of miscible-displacement experiments was conducted to examine the retention and transport behavior of oocysts in natural porous media. Three soils and a model sand were used that differed in physical and geochemical properties. Transport behavior was examined under various treatment conditions to help evaluate retention mechanisms. Significant retention of oocysts was observed for all media despite the fact that conditions were unfavorable for physicochemical interactions with respect to DLVO theory. The magnitude of retention was not influenced significantly by alterations in solution chemistry (reduction in ionic strength) or soil surface properties (removal of soil organic matter and metal oxides). On the basis of the observed results, it appears that retention by secondary energy minima or geochemical microdomains was minimal for these systems. The porous media used for the experiments exhibited large magnitudes of surface roughness, and it is suggested that this surface roughness contributed significantly to oocyst retention.  相似文献   

There is critical need for a practical indicator to assess the potential for phosphorus (P) movement from a given site to surface waters, either via surface runoff or subsurface drainage. The degree of phosphorus saturation (DPS), which relates a measure of P already adsorbed by a soil to its P adsorption capacity, could be a good indicator of that soil's P release capability. Our primary objective was to find a suitable analytical protocol for determining DPS and to examine the possibility of defining a threshold DPS value for Florida's sandy soils. Four farmer-owned dairy sprayfields were selected within the Suwannee River basin and soil profiles were randomly obtained from each site, as well as from adjacent unimpacted sites. The soil samples were divided either by horizon or depth, and DPS was determined for each soil sample using ammonium-oxalate (DPS(Ox)), Mehlich-1 (DPS(M1)), and Mehlich-3 (DPS(M3)) extracts. All methods of DPS calculations were linearly related to one another (r2 > 0.94). Relationships between water-soluble P and DPS indicate that the respective change points are: DPS(Ox) = 20%, DPS(M1) = 20%, and DPS(M3) = 16%. These relationships include samples from Ap, E, and Bt horizons, and various combinations thereof, suggesting that DPS values can be used as predictors of P loss from a soil irrespective of the depth of the soil within a profile. Taking into consideration the change points, confidence intervals, agronomic soil test values, and DPS values from other studies, we suggest replacing Mehlich-1 P values in the Florida P Index with the three DPS categories (DPS(M1) = <30, 30-60, and >60%) to assign different P loss ratings in the P Index.  相似文献   

Dissolved phosphorus (DP) can be released from wetlands as a result of flooding or shifts in water column concentrations. Our objectives were to determine the long-term (1460 d) DP retention and release characteristics of an in-stream wetland, and to evaluate how these characteristics respond to flooding, draining, and changes in DP concentrations. The studied in-stream wetland drains an agriculturally intensive subwatershed in the North Carolina Coastal Plain region. The wetland's DP retention and release characteristics were evaluated by measuring inflow and outflow DP concentrations, DP mass balance, and DP movement across the sediment-water column interface. Phosphorus sorption isotherms were measured to determine the sediment's equilibria P concentration (EPCo), and passive samplers were used to measure sediment pore water DP concentrations. Initially, the in-stream wetland was undersized (0.31 ha) and released 1.5 kg of DP. Increasing the in-stream wetland area to 0.67 ha by flooding resulted in more DP retention (28 kg) and low outflow DP concentrations. Draining the in-stream wetland from 0.67 to 0.33 ha caused the release of stored DP (12.1 kg). Shifts both in sediment pore water DP concentrations and sediment EPCo values corroborate the release of stored DP. Reflooding the wetland from 0.33 to 0.85 ha caused additional release of stored DP into the outflowing stream (10.9 kg). We conclude that for a time period, this in-stream wetland did provide DP retention. During other time periods, DP was released due to changes in wetland area, rainfall, and DP concentrations.  相似文献   

Concern over nonpoint source P losses from agricultural lands to surface waters in frigid climates has focused attention on the role of freezing and thawing on P loss from catch crops (cover crops). This study evaluated the effect of freezing and thawing on the fate of P in bare soils, soils mixed with dairy manure, and soils with an established catch crop of annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.). Experiments were conducted to evaluate changes in P runoff from packed soil boxes (100 by 20 by 5 cm) and P leaching from intact soil columns (30 cm deep). Before freezing and thawing, total P (TP) in runoff from catch-cropped soils was lower than from manured and bare soils due to lower erosion. Repeated freezing and thawing significantly increased water-extractable P (WEP) from catch crop biomass and resulted in significantly elevated concentrations of dissolved P in runoff (9.7 mg L(-1)) compared with manured (0.18 mg L(-1)) and bare soils (0.14 mg L(-1)). Catch crop WEP was strongly correlated with the number of freeze-thaw cycles. Freezing and thawing did not change the WEP of soils mixed with manures, nor were differences observed in subsurface losses of P between catch-cropped and bare soils before or after manure application. This study illustrates the trade-offs of establishing catch crops in frigid climates, which can enhance P uptake by biomass and reduce erosion potential but increase dissolved P runoff.  相似文献   

The accumulation of P in agricultural soils due to fertilization has increased the risk of P losses from agricultural fields to surface waters. In risk assessment systems for P losses, both P release from soil to solution and transport mechanisms need to be considered. In this study, the overall objective was to identify soil variables for prediction of potential P release from soil to solution. Soils from nine sites of the Swedish long-term fertility experiment were used, each with four soil P levels. Phosphorus extractable with CaCl2 was used as an estimate of potential P release from soil to solution. Ammonium lactate-extractable phosphorus (P-AL) or NaHCO3-extractable phosphorus (Olsen P) could not be used alone for prediction of potential P release since soils with high phosphorus sorption capacity (PSC) released less P than soils with low PSC at the same soil test phosphorus (STP) level. Degree of phosphorus saturation (DPS) was calculated as Olsen P or P-AL as a percentage of PSC derived from P sorption isotherms or from Fe and Al extractable in ammonium oxalate. The CaCl2-extractable total phosphorus (CaCl2-TP) was exponentially related to these DPS values (r2 > or = 0.79). The CaCl2-TP was also linearly related to ratios between Olsen P or P-AL and a single-point phosphorus sorption index (PSI; r2 > or = 0.86). These ratios, which are easily determined and gave good correlations with CaCl2-TP, seemed to be the most useful estimates of potential P release for risk assessment systems.  相似文献   

Phosphorus application in excess of crop needs has increased the concentration of P in surface soil and runoff and led many states to develop P-based nutrient management strategies. However, insufficient data are available relating P in surface soil, surface runoff, and subsurface drainage to develop sound guidelines. Thus, we investigated P release from the surface (0-5 cm depth) of a Denbigh silt loam from Devon, U.K. (30-160 mg kg-1 Olsen P) and Alvin, Berks, Calvin, and Watson soils from Pennsylvania (10-763 mg kg-1 Mehlich-3 P) in relation to the concentration of P in surface runoff and subsurface drainage. A change point, where the slopes of two linear relationships between water- or CaCl2-extractable soil P and soil test phosphorus (STP) (Olsen or Mehlich-3) meet, was evident for the Denbigh at 33 to 36 mg kg-1 Olsen P, and the Alvin and Berks soils at 185 to 190 mg Mehlich-3 P kg-1. Similar change points were also observed when STP was related to the P concentration of surface runoff (185 mg kg-1) and subsurface drainage (193 mg kg-1). The use of water and CaCl2 extraction of surface soil is suggested to estimate surface runoff P (r2 of 0.92 for UK and 0.86 for PA soils) and subsurface drainage P (r2 of 0.82 for UK and 0.88 for PA soils), and to determine a change point in STP, which may be used in support of agricultural and environmental P management.  相似文献   

Few studies have examined long-term ecological effects of sustained low-level nutrient enhancement on wetland biota. To determine sustained effects of phosphorus (P) addition on Everglades marshes we added P at low levels (5, 15, and 30 microg L(-1) above ambient) for 5 yr to triplicate 100-m flow-through channels in pristine marsh. A cascade of ecological responses occurred in similar sequence among treatments. Although the rate of change increased with dosing level, treatments converged to similar enriched endpoints, characterized most notably by a doubling of plant biomass and elimination of native, calcareous periphyton mats. The full sequence of biological changes occurred without an increase in water total P concentration, which remained near ambient levels until Year 5. This study indicates that Everglades marshes have a near-zero assimilative capacity for P without a state change, that ecosystem responses to enrichment accumulate over time, and that downstream P transport mainly occurs through biota rather than the water column.  相似文献   

Dairy manure application to soils can result in phosphorus (P)-related degradation of water quality. The P in these manure-impacted soils can be labile even years after abandonment and under conditions normally associated with high P stability. Failure of P to stabilize with time compounds the environmental consequences of dairy manure disposal, especially on sandy soils. The objectives of this study were to compare chemical characteristics of active and abandoned dairy manure-impacted soils and minimally impacted soils and to assess the continuous release of P in relation to sparingly soluble salts using repeated water extractions, X-ray diffraction, and speciation modeling of column leachates. Soil samples from Ap horizons were collected from nine highly manure-impacted (total P > 1000 mg P kg(-1) soil) areas on four active and five abandoned dairies and four minimally impacted soils (total P < 200 mg P kg(-1) soil). Soil extracts were analyzed for electrical conductivity (EC), soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), Ca, Mg, Na, and K. The EC of the soil solutions decreased as active dairy > abandoned dairy > minimally impacted soils. Release of Mg and SRP were significantly correlated (r2 = 0.68) and did not decline after abandonment; Ca release was not correlated with SRP (r2 = 0.01), and declined significantly (p < 0.05) after abandonment. Speciation data from column leachates suggested that Mg-P phases and/or the most soluble Ca-P phases could control P solution activities. An implication of this study is that P stabilization via crystallization of calcium phosphates (even at near-neutral pH) may be preempted by Mg-P association. Thus, mechanisms to minimize P release may require P-retaining soil amendments or management of animal rations to eliminate Mg-P formation.  相似文献   

Forage-based livestock systems have been implicated as major contributors to deteriorating water quality, particularly for phosphorus (P) from commercial fertilizers and manures affecting surface and ground water quality. Little information exists regarding possible magnitudes of nutrient losses from pastures that are managed for both grazing and hay production and how these might impact adjacent bodies of water. We examined the changes that have occurred in soil fertility levels of rhizoma peanut (Arachis glabrata Benth.)-based beef cattle pastures (n = 4) in Florida from 1988 to 2002. These pastures were managed for grazing in spring followed by haying in late summer and were fertilized annually with P (39 kg P2O5 ha(-1)) and K (68 kg K2O ha(-1)). Additionally, we investigated trends in water quality parameters and trophic state index (TSI) of lakes (n = 3) associated with beef cattle operations from 1993 to 2002. Overall, there was no spatial or temporal buildup of soil P and other crop nutrients despite the annual application of fertilizers and daily in-field loading of animal waste. In fact, soil fertility levels showed a declining trend for crop nutrient levels, especially soil P (y = 146.57 - 8.14 x year; r2= 0.75), even though the fields had a history of P fertilization and the cattle were rotated into the legume fields. Our results indicate that when nutrients are not applied in excess, cow-calf systems are slight exporters of P, K, Ca, and Mg through removal of cut hay. Water quality in lakes associated with cattle production was "good" (30-46 TSI) based on the Florida Water Quality Standard. These findings indicate that properly managed livestock operations may not be major contributors to excess loads of nutrients (especially P) in surface water.  相似文献   

Extended end-member mixing analysis (E-EMMA) is presented as a novel empirical method for exploring phosphorus (P) retention and release in rivers and watersheds, as an aid to water-quality management. E-EMMA offers a simple and versatile tool that relies solely on routinely measured P concentration and flow data. E-EMMA was applied to two river systems: the Thames (U.K.) and Sandusky River (U.S.), which drain similar watershed areas but have contrasting dominant P sources and hydrology. For both the Thames and Sandusky, P fluxes at the watershed outlets were strongly influenced by processes that retain and cycle P. However, patterns of P retention were markedly different for the two rivers, linked to differences in P sources and speciation, hydrology and land use. On an annual timescale, up to 48% of the P flux was retained for the Sandusky and up to 14% for the Thames. Under ecologically critical low-flow periods, up to 93% of the P flux was retained for the Sandusky and up to 42% for the Thames. In the main River Thames and the Sandusky River, in-stream processes under low flows were capable of regulating the delivery of P and modifying the timing of delivery in a way that may help to reduce ecological impacts to downstream river reaches, by reducing ambient P concentrations at times of greatest river eutrophication risk. The results also suggest that by moving toward cleaner rivers and improved ecosystem health, the efficiency of P retention may actually increase.  相似文献   

Biosolids land application rates are typically based on crop N requirements but can lead to soil P accumulation. The Littleton/Englewood, Colorado, wastewater treatment facility has supported biosolids beneficial-use on a dryland wheat-fallow agroecosystem site since 1982, with observable soil P concentration increases as biyearly repeated biosolids applications increased from 0, 6.7, 13, 27, to 40 Mg ha(-1). The final study year was 2003, after which P accountability, fractionation, and potential environmental risk were assessed. Between 93 and 128% of biosolids-P added was accounted for when considering conventional tillage soil displacement, grain removal, and soil adsorption. The Fe-P fraction dominated all soil surface P fractions, likely due to an increase in amorphous Fe-oxide because Fe2(SO4)3 was added at the wastewater treatment facility inflow for digester H2S reduction. The Ca-P phase dominated all soil subsurface P fractions due to calcareous soil conditions. A combination of conventional tillage, drought from 1999 to 2003, and repeated and increasing biosolids application rates may have forced soil surface microorganism dormancy, reduction, or mortality; thus, biomass P reduction was evident. Subsurface biomass P was greater than surface biomass, possibly due to protection against environmental and anthropogenic variables or to increased dissolved organic carbon inputs. Even given years of biosolids application, the soil surface had the ability to sorb additional P as determined by shaking the soil in an excessive P solution. Biosolids-application regulations based on the Colorado Phosphorus Index would not impede current site practices. Proper monitoring, management, and addition of other best management practices are needed for continued assurance that P movement off-site does not become a major issue.  相似文献   

Surface-applied biosolids, the option most often used on range-lands, can increase the concentration of macronutrients and trace elements in the runoff water and can potentially produce eutrophication or contamination of surface waters. In this study, the effects of postapplication age of biosolids (18, 12, 6, and 0.5 mo) and rate of application (0, 7, 18, 34, and 90 Mg ha(-1)) on the quality of runoff water from shrubland and grassland soils were assessed. Between July and October 1996 simulated rainfall was applied to 0.50-m2 plots for 30 min at a rate of 160 mm h(-1). All of the runoff water was collected. The concentration of NH4+ -N, NO3- -N, PO4(3-)-P, total dissolved phosphorus (TDP), Cu, and Mn in the runoff water increased with rate of biosolids application and decreased with time of postapplication on the two soils. The highest PO4(3-)-P and NH4+ -N concentrations, 4.96 and 97 mg L(-1), respectively, were recorded in the grassland soil treated with 90 Mg ha(-1) of biosolids 0.5 mo postapplication. For the same soil, rate, and postapplication age of biosolids, Cu exceeded the upper limit (0.50 mg L(-1) in drinking water for livestock. Ammonium N and PO4(3-)-P should be the main compounds considered when surface-applying biosolids. Ammonium N at concentrations found in all biosolids-treated plots may affect the quality of livestock drinking water by causing taste and smell problems. Orthophosphate can contribute to eutrophication if the runoff from biosolids-treated areas enter surface waters.  相似文献   

Alum (Al2(SO4)(3).14H2O) additions to poultry litter result in lower ammonia (NH3) volatilization and phosphorus (P) runoff; however, the long-term effects of alum on soil P behavior have been unknown. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the long-term effects of poultry litter, alum-treated litter, and ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) on P availability in soils and P runoff. Two studies were initiated in 1995: a small plot (1.5x3.0 m) study and a paired watershed (0.405 ha) study. In the small plot study 13 treatments (control, four rates of normal litter, four rates of alum-treated litter, and four rates of NH4NO3) were applied to tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) plots. Results show that after 7 yr water-extractable P (WEP) in surface soil samples was greater with normal litter, but Mehlich III P was greater in surface soils fertilized with alum-treated litter. When soil samples were taken at depth intervals to 50 cm in Year 7, Mehlich III P was only greater in the surface 5 cm for soils fertilized with alum-treated litter. At lower depths Mehlich III P was greater with normal litter, and WEP was up to 288% greater when normal litter was used, indicating that alum significantly reduced P leaching. Uptake of P by fescue was not affected by alum. Results from the paired watershed study showed P loss in runoff was 340% greater for normal litter than for alum-treated litter. This research, combined with earlier work that shows alum use improves air and soil quality, supports the use of alum as a long-term solution to reducing P runoff and leaching.  相似文献   

Phosphorus losses from agricultural land can cause accelerated eutrophication of surface water bodies. This study evaluated the use of soil test phosphorus (STP) levels to predict dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) concentrations in runoff water from agricultural soils using laboratory rainfall simulation. The objectives of this study were to determine (i) to what extent STP concentrations can be used as a basis to predict P losses from Alberta soils and (ii) how extended rainfall simulation run times affected DIP losses. Soil samples collected from a total of 38 field sites, widely scattered throughout the southern half of Alberta, were subjected to rainfall simulation in the laboratory. The STP concentrations were determined using Miller-Axley, Norwest, Kelowna, Modified Kelowna Mehlich-III, and distilled water extraction methods. Each rainfall simulation event lasted for at least 90 min. Runoff samples were collected in time series for the duration of each simulation, during two distinct runoff intervals: (i) for the first 30 min of continuous runoff (T30) and (ii) for 40 min during runoff equilibrium (Teq). For all the STP extractants and both runoff intervals, the relationship with DIP-flow-weighted mean concentration (FWMC) was linear and highly significant with r2 values ranging from 0.74 to 0.96. However, the slopes of the resulting regression lines were, on average, 1.85 times greater for the T30 runoff interval over those computed for the Teq interval. Thus experimental methodology greatly influenced regression parameters, suggesting that more work was needed to verify these relationships under natural conditions. In addition, with many of the r2 values greater than 0.90 there would be little, if any, benefit derived by including soil properties in regression analysis.  相似文献   

Water treatment residuals (WTRs) are the by-products of drinking water clarification processes, whereby chemical flocculants such as alum or ferric chloride are added to raw water to remove suspended clay particles, organic matter and other materials and impurities. Previous studies have identified a strong phosphorus (P) fixing capacity of WTRs which has led to experimentation with their use as P-sorbing materials for controlling P discharges from agricultural and forestry land. However, the P-fixing capacity of WTRs and its capacity to retain sorbed P under anaerobic conditions have yet to be fully demonstrated, which is an issue that must be addressed for WTR field applications. This study therefore examined the capacity of WTRs to retain sorbed P and sorb further additional P from aqueous solution under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. An innovative, low cost apparatus was constructed and successfully used to rapidly establish anoxic conditions in anaerobic treatments. The results showed that even in treatments with initial solution P concentrations set at 100 mg l(-1), soluble reactive P concentrations rapidly fell to negligible levels (due to sorption by WTRs), while total P (i.e. dissolved + particulate and colloidal P) was less than 3 mg l(-1). This equated to an added P retention rate of >98% regardless of anaerobic or aerobic status, indicating that WTRs are able to sorb and retain P in both aerobic and anaerobic conditions.  相似文献   

Surface runoff losses of copper and zinc in sandy soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Increased anthropogenic inputs of Cu and Zn in soils have caused considerable concern relative to their effect on water contamination. Copper and Zn contents in surface soil directly influence the movement of Cu and Zn. However, minimal information is available on runoff losses of Cu and Zn in agricultural soils, and soil-extractable Cu and Zn in relation to runoff water quality. Field experiments were conducted in 2001 to study dissolved Cu and Zn losses in runoff in Florida sandy soils under commercial citrus and vegetable production and the relationship between soil-extractable Cu and Zn forms and dissolved Cu and Zn concentrations in runoff water. Five extraction methods were compared for extracting soil available Cu and Zn. Concentrations of dissolved Cu and Zn in runoff were measured and runoff discharge was monitored. Mean dissolved Cu in field runoff water was significantly correlated with the extractable Cu obtained only by 0.01 mol L(-1) CaCl2, Mehlich 1, or DTPA-TEA methods. Dissolved Zn in runoff water was only significantly correlated with extractable Zn by 0.01 mol L(-1) CaCl2. The highest correlations to dissolved Cu in runoff were obtained when soil-available Cu was extracted by 0.01 mol L(-1) CaCl2. The results indicate that 0.01 mol L(-1) CaCl2-extractable Cu and Zn are the best soil indexes for predicting readily released Cu and Zn in the sandy soils. Both runoff discharge and 0.01 mol L(-1) CaCl2-extractable Cu and Zn levels had significant influences on Cu and Zn loads in surface runoff.  相似文献   

There is a lack of information on how fertilization and initial Mehlich-3 phosphorus (M3P) interact to affect water soluble P (WSP) in soils. Our objectives were to (i) quantify the relationship between WSP and M3P for four textural diverse benchmark soils of North Carolina (NC) and (ii) quantify the change in WSP concentrations following P additions to soils over a wide range of initial M3P. Soils known to represent a wide range in M3P were collected from an Autryville loamy sand (loamy, siliceous, subactive, thermic Arenic Paleudults), Wasda muck (fine-loamy, mixed, semiactive, acid, thermic Histic Humaquepts), Georgeville silt loam (fine, kaolinitic, thermic Typic Kanhapludults), and Pacolet sandy clay loam (fine, kaolinitic, thermic Typic Kanhapludults) and analyzed for M3P, Fe, Al, and WSP. An incubation study was also conducted where four samples representing a range in M3P from each series were fertilized at rates of 150 and 300 kg P ha(-1), and WSP was measured at 1, 7, and 21 d after fertilization. The Wasda muck exhibited a change point at 115 mg P kg(-1) across a broad range of M3P concentrations (60-238 mg kg(-1)) while Autryville, Georgeville, and Pacolet series (with ranges in M3P of 32-328, 119-524, 0-1034 mg P kg(-1), respectively) maintained linear relationships between WSP and M3P. For the fertilized soils, significant increases in WSP occurred regardless of P rate. Yet, WSP concentrations were greater in soils with greater initial M3P. Thus, these data suggest that shifting animal waste applications to fields of relatively lower M3P concentrations would have an immediate impact on reducing risk for P losses, if all other factors are equal.  相似文献   

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