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功能性安全法规只是提出应达到的目标页而 规定实现这些目标的具体措施。本文对规格性与功能性安全法规进行了分析,比较,提出了目前的规格性安全法规存在的问题和功能性安全法规的优点。介绍了后者在一些国家中的成功实践,分析了风险或安全分析在功能性安全法规的实施过程中的作用。  相似文献   

根据《国务院关于进一步加强安全生产工作的决定》(国发(2010)23号)的规定,企业必须开展安全生产标准化建设,安全达标。依据《广西工矿商贸企业安全生产标准化建设实施方案》(桂安监管法规(2011)36号)和《关于全面推进工贸行业企业安全生产标准化建设的实施意见》(桂安监管(2013)12号)中提出的目标任务,  相似文献   

一、法律、行政法规1.《安全生产法》(修订调研);2.《矿山安全法》(修订);3.《安全生产应急管 理条例》(制订);4.《注册安全工程师条例》(制订);5.《煤矿安全监察条例》(修订);6.《安全生产监督管理 条例》(调研论证)。  相似文献   

欧盟2013年1月15日发布关于摩托车的新技术法规(EU 168/2013).EU 168/2013主要涉及两轮或三轮车辆和四轮车批准和市场监督.提高车辆的安全性,将车辆装备或技术引入技术法规,功能安全及增强功能安全是EU 168/2013重点之一.本文对EU 168/2013中功能安全概念、功能安全要求、型式批准为目标功能安全要求、增强功能安全要求进行分析并提出应对方法.  相似文献   

安全生产事故隐患(以下简称事故隐患),是指生产经营单位违反安全生产法律、法规、规章、标准、规程和安全生产管理制度的规定,或者因其他因素在生产经营活动中存在,可能导致事故发生的物的危险状态、人的不安全行为和管理上的缺陷。事故隐患也可作为险性事故或无伤害事故。  相似文献   

安全技术防范及其管理的新思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过剖析安全防范管理中的一些重要概念以及它们相互间的联系,结合与之相关的技术手段、法规标准,对社会安全技术防范管理的发展提出了新的思路与目标.  相似文献   

在过去的20多年里,美国职业安全与健康管理局(OSHA)出台了很多旨在保护工厂工人安全的法规,工艺安全管理(PSM)规范即是其中之一。该规范要求对有毒、反应性、  相似文献   

分析了现代化工企业安全生产的特点;指出了大型化工企业在安全生产方面存在的主要问题;在此基础上提出了一系列的安全综合管理对策,即正确处理安全生产与重组改制、管理创新的关系;加大安全生产监察力度,全面落实安全生产责任制;建立和实施HSE(健康、安全、环境)管理体系;加强重(特)大事故隐患的治理和要害部位的重点监控;加强安全生产宣传及教育工作;依靠安全科学技术进步和不断提高现代安全管理水平,从而实现大型化工企业的持续、有效的安全生产。  相似文献   

近几年来 ,我们运用安全目标管理 ,取得了重大事故为零、上报事故(公司及公司以上级)为零、千人负伤率为零、事故总频率为零、装置大检修无火警的历史最好成绩 ,实现了安全生产“13连冠”。落实职责年初 ,我们以落实安全责任制来强化安全管理 ,坚持行政一把手是安全责任人 ;谁主管谁负责 ;坚持党政工团齐抓共管 ;建立厂安全责任目标动态管理和厂、车间、班组三级安全生产动态管理网络。厂长与职能部门、生产车间签订上报事故“零”指标安全责任目标书 ,职能部门与生产车间签订轻微事故(厂级)分解指标安全责任目标书。安全教育我们以强…  相似文献   

我国安全生产法制对策研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
分析了国内外安全生产法制现状,总结提出了我国存在的职业安全与健康分离、没有系统和规划、适用和衔接性差等特点和问题。阐述了安全生产法规体系建设的指导思想、基本原则以及基本框架,并提出了定期制定安全生产法规规划、梳理与评估法规体系实施效果、制定统一的劳动安全与健康法、编制安全生产计划、健全职业健康配套规定、保险与安全生产互动、以明确综合监管和专项监管以及安全生产规划、完善隐患治理、安全使用机械、健全企业自主管理体制等为重点对《安全生产法》进行修订的对策。  相似文献   

The effects of learning versus outcome distal goals in conjunction with proximal goals were investigated in a laboratory setting using a class‐scheduling task. The participants (n = 96) needed to acquire knowledge in order to perform the task correctly. A ‘do your best’ outcome goal led to higher performance than the assignment of a specific, difficult outcome goal. However, the assignment of a specific, difficult learning goal led to higher performance than urging people to ‘do their best.’ Goal commitment was higher in the learning goal than in the outcome goal condition. The correlation between task‐relevant strategies discovered and performance was positive and significant. The number of task‐relevant strategies implemented by participants assigned a distal learning goal in conjunction with proximal goals was higher than in any other goal condition. Setting a distal outcome or learning goal that included proximal outcome goals, however, did not lead to higher performance than the setting of a distal outcome or learning goal alone. Self‐efficacy correlated significantly with performance, and this effect was mediated through strategy development. Furthermore, the discovery of task‐relevant strategies affected self‐efficacy through an increase in performance. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The study aimed at verifying a hypothesis that supporting a visual signal of regulation deviation with an auditory one could improve the quality of regulation; the operator would have better information on machine operation. A special simulator was applied to follow-up tracking with a manual lever which controlled vertical movements of a cursor on a monitor screen. Simultaneously with visual information on screen, the operator was provided with an auditory deviation signal of pre-determined characteristics. 33 young males underwent the test. It was found that supporting a visual signal with an auditory one resulted in an improvement in the regulation quality by 5-6%, which proved synergy between those signals. The results may be used in designing tele- and servo-mechanisms, especially for remote control machinery, e.g., inspection robots or micromanipulators controlled by operators in a follow-up system.  相似文献   

Regulation is generally perceived as an important way to achieve safety. Controversy about enforcing, amending, reforming, reducing, improving, and evaluating safety regulations abounds. Questions about the need for, validity, and effectiveness of safety regulations also continue. This paper explores the nature of a safety regulation, what can be expected of a safety regulation in view of its nature, and what this means to persons affected by safety regulation. The role of regulation in safe task performance is reviewed. Consequences of these findings on regulation promulgation, employee training, and regulatory enforcement programs are discussed. Steps to enhance the effectiveness of safety regulations are suggested.  相似文献   

Background: Risky driving is a common cause of traffic accidents and injuries. However, there is no clear evidence of how difficulties in emotion regulation contribute to risky driving behavior, particularly in small post-Soviet countries. The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between difficulties in emotion regulation and self-reported risky driving behavior in a sample of Lithuanian drivers.

Methods: A total of 246 nonprofessional Lithuanian drivers participated in a cross-sectional survey. Difficulties in emotion regulation were assessed using the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS; Gratz and Roemer 2004), and risky driving behavior was assessed using the Manchester Driver Behaviour Questionnaire (DBQ; Lajunen et al. 2004).

Results: Males scored higher than females in aggressive violations and ordinary violations. Females scored higher for the nonacceptance of emotional responses, whereas males had more difficulties with emotional awareness than females. More difficulties in emotion regulation were positively correlated with driving errors, lapses, aggressive violations, and ordinary violations for both males and females. Structural equation modeling showed that difficulties in emotion regulation explained aggressive and ordinary violations more clearly than lapses and errors. When controlling for interactions among the distinct regulation difficulties, difficulties with impulse control and difficulties engaging in goal-directed behavior predicted risky driving. Furthermore, nonacceptance of emotional responses and limited access to emotion regulation strategies were related to less violations and more driving errors.

Conclusion: Emotion regulation difficulties were associated with the self-reported risky driving behaviors of Lithuanian drivers. This provides useful hints for improving driver training programs in order to prevent traffic injuries.  相似文献   

Trait and state self‐regulation both have critical influences on workplace behavior, but their influences are thought to operate quite differently. We draw from social exchange and ego depletion theories to investigate the relationship between trait and state self‐regulation, as well as how they differentially affect the relationship between subordinates' perceptions of abusive supervision and job tension. Specifically, we examine (a) how the interaction between abusive supervision and trait self‐regulation affects job tension and (b) how state self‐regulation mediates the relationship between abusive supervision and job tension. Using 3 studies that include an experiment (n = 81) and 2 field studies with cross‐sectional (n = 157) and time‐separated (n = 109) data, we demonstrate that the interaction between abusive supervision and trait self‐regulation increases experienced job tension for subordinates who report higher levels of abusive supervision and trait self‐regulation than others. Also, we provide evidence that abusive supervision is indirectly associated with job tension through state self‐regulation. This study's findings have important implications for abusive supervision and self‐regulation research, as well as social exchange and ego depletion theories, because we extend our understanding of how trait and state self‐regulation affect cognitive responses associated with abusive supervision.  相似文献   

自2015年起,南京市为贯彻落实国务院"水十条"行动计划,逐步开展和推进消除城市建成区黑臭水体整治行动,本文基于笔者近年参与的南京市黑臭河道整治工作,以南京市内金川河治理为例,首先介绍该区域水系现状,然后阐述了治理思路及对策,最后进行成效分析,为其他城市的河道水环境整治提供了一种借鉴。  相似文献   

While scholars have demonstrated that emotions play a central role in cognition, behavior, and decision making, most of the studies on emotions in work contexts show that emotions, or their expression, are often suppressed. We thus investigated how workers in high-stress work environments deal with emotions and remain functional by focusing on the range of extrinsic regulation strategies used by workers in these environments. Drawing from participant observations and in-depth, semistructured interviews, we show how police officers are flexible in their choices of emotion-regulation strategies and how contextual factors emerge as the crux of this process. We contribute to the understanding of regulatory flexibility—defined as the process of matching emotion regulation strategies to environmental circumstances as they unfold in real work situations—by identifying two main enabling factors: coregulation and third party interference.  相似文献   

为评价矿井热环境中工人职业健康安全状况,提出矿井热宽温度环境人体热健康状态的基本特征与生理要求,分析热宽温度环境人体分区热调节规律与热健康状态的对应关系。基于生物控制论的观点,提出热宽温度范围内不同热应力作用下人体分区热调节机制,建立人体分区热调节模型。结果表明:模型能实现对环境热应力作用下人体物理热平衡状态与生理状态的参数化描述,揭示多因素作用下人体热健康状态的热应力边界与变化规律。分区热调节模型提供了人体热健康状态定量模拟平台,通过参数调整可使模型适应研究需求,模型为井下热环境工人职业健康安全状况分析与评价提供了可参考的思路与方法。  相似文献   

为充分发挥立法的引领和推动作用,不断完善中国矿山安全法律法规体系,分析我国矿山安全领域的立法现状,借鉴美国矿山安全立法经验及启示,立足于我国矿山安全监管监察体制革新的新形势和新要求,提出了以《矿山安全法》为基本法,以行政法规、部门规章、监察手册和强制性标准为支撑的新发展阶段矿山安全法规标准体系,为中国矿山安全领域立法提供参考。  相似文献   

按照中日合作项目《加强中国安全生产科学技术能力计划》,分析了中国职业安全卫生法规标准体系现状,提出了中国《安全生产法》和日本《劳动安全卫生法》的各自特点与不同点。同时,系统梳理了中国危险化学品、机械安全和职业卫生等领域安全生产法规标准体系,分析了其中存在的主要问题,提出了针对性对策和建议。这对健全中国职业安全卫生法规体系建设具有重要的借鉴和参考意义。  相似文献   

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