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正江苏省环保设施和污染治理设施敞开大门接受公众参观,不仅满足人们的好奇心,更是普及环保科学知识、展示环保发展成果,把环境教育课堂搬到实践现场。"检测PM2.5怎么还要用激光?""垃圾这样烧了能发多少电?""旧家电里还能提炼出黄金!?"……这是南京市民参观环保设施时提出的一个又一个问题。"以前不知道,原来有这么多人每天为空气质量在奔波""垃圾焚烧厂看不到一点垃圾,整洁、清爽,完全不是想象中的脏乱臭,完全就是一个花园""废旧家电里含有毒物质,以后一定不能  相似文献   

郭菁 《环境教育》2009,(5):48-51
在现实生活中,说到保护环境、节能减排,人人都会觉得它重要,但在实际的生活当中,人们却又不知如何为节能减排贡献自己的一份力量。因此,从本期开始绿色社区栏目以”节能减排进社区“为主题;以提高社区和家庭的环保意识、普及社区和家庭节能减排知识为目的,进行系列报道,让每一位公民都知道在日常生活中如何做到节能减排。众人拾柴火焰高,如果每一位公民都能担负起节能环保的义务;每一个家庭都能自觉地形成节能环保的生活方式……我们相信我们的生活会更加和谐、更加美好!  相似文献   

<正>志远小学通过优化学校生态课程的内容和教学方法,以培育生态环境保护意识和行为习惯训练为主,以“小手拉大手”的方式,将生态环境保护活动从学校渗透到家庭、社区。“这次的垃圾分类家庭会议开得真成功!从会议前的各种材料准备到整个会议流程安排,都是欣宇这孩子自己主动策划的,我和她爸爸只是全程进行了陪同参与。这样的活动,既让人受到了环保教育又乐在其中,尤其是欣宇妹妹一直追着姐姐问下一周的家庭会议要干什么,她的任务是什么。瞧这俩孩子的认真劲儿,我和她爸都偷着笑。其实这种形式的活动不但两个孩子非常喜欢,连我们大人一到每个周末也很期待呢!”潍坊高新区志远小学六(1)班欣宇的妈妈说。  相似文献   

王平 《环境教育》2014,(4):69-70
正五年级1班刘博伟同学的家长向老师感慨道:"现在孩子在家里经常讲一些关于环保的话题,听得我是既惊喜,又惭愧。一个小学生能够知道这么多的环保知识,并且能从心底关心环保这件事,真是让人高兴。但我们也经常感到惭愧。如今随着学校教育方式的转变,学生的素养越来越高了,他们的节能环保知识也越来越丰富了,作为家长的我们,也要与时俱进在各方面给孩子做一个好的榜样"。诸如此类的家长反馈在天津市西青区逸夫小学是再常见不过了。而这一切,与学校长期开展的环境教育有着密不可分的联系。  相似文献   

随着改革开放,经济的快速发展,人民生活水平提高,环保意识日益加强,人们对家庭环保也有了新的认识,把家庭环保与人的寿命延长紧密地联系在一起了。人们不仅在文化、饮食等方面更加注重,对家庭环保,特别是家庭居室、厨房用具和器皿及洗涤等的要求也越来越高。目前城...  相似文献   

<正>通过这个特殊的日子,我们可以看到基层环保人的生活工作状态。紧张又忙碌,平淡而充实,这个普通工作日点滴记录是基层环保人员常年工作的缩影。作为环保人来说,6月5日是一个特殊的日子。这一天,环保人都做了些什么呢?现在,让我们走进一个2+26京津冀大气传输通道城市中河南安阳市汤阴县的一个普通的基层县级环保局长,通过这个特殊的日子,看看基层环保人的生活工作状态,把一个工作日的点滴记录,基层环保人员常年工作的缩影,委实具有一定的标本意义。  相似文献   

我园地处农村,家长的环保意识缺欠,往往是幼儿在园接受环保教育,在家却又面对家长的不环保行为。因此,提高家长的环保意识,实现家园共育势在必行,为此,我园在不同层面上开展活动,来提高家长的环保意识。  相似文献   

我们村里的人,只要提起汤老太家门前那棵银杏树,没有人不知道的,但要说起这棵树的来历,人们就摇着头说不知道了。就连村里最年长的老人也这样说:“我听我祖辈的祖辈说早就有这棵树了。”看来,这棵树是太古老了。  相似文献   

杨光 《环境教育》2010,(10):66-66
环保,简单的两个字,让人几乎不屑一谈:我热爱环保,我知道保护绿色。但是单凭这几句话,就能保护绿色,保护环境了吗?每个人都说自己很环保,可是,究竟自己做过哪些环保的事?  相似文献   

张玲 《环境教育》2005,(1):33-34
幼儿是二十一世纪的主人,逐步树立热爱环境、保护环境、与自然和谐共处的绿色明意识.既是现代儿童必须具备的基本素质.也是历史和社会赋予他们的义务和责任。要使幼儿从小树立环保意识.具有良好的环保行为,必须做到教育空间的“三位一体”.即幼儿园、家庭、社会的三位一体。形成幼儿园启发家庭,家庭影响社会,社会又潜移默化作用于幼儿园的良性循环,  相似文献   

正"我们要像对贫困宣战一样,坚决向污染宣战。"这是政府工作报告中铿锵的宣言,表达了强烈的政治意愿。污染是另一种"贫困"的表现。"雾霾天气范围扩大,环境污染矛盾突出,是大自然向粗放发展方式亮起的红灯。"而"重症污染"就是一种"严重贫困",只要抬头看天、低头看水即可把症状看得一清二楚。如果镜不见花、水不见月,这样的生活有什么意思?雾霾确实已经成为很多城市的标志性难题。今年  相似文献   

The growing interest in geologic carbon sequestration has highlighted the need for more data on how well cements react to CO2 exposure. This paper describes a series of experiments that was conducted to examine the effects of flowing carbonated brine on well cements. Class H cement pastes were exposed to the ranges of temperature (20–50 °C) and pH (2.4–5) characteristic of geosequestration conditions at a depth of about 1 km. The exposed cements and the reactor effluents were analyzed using multiple techniques including optical microscopy, X-ray diffraction, EPMA, and ICP-OES. The results showed that if the solution was pre-equilibrated with calcium carbonate, as would be expected in a limestone formation, there was no detectable attack. However, under the pH and temperature conditions to be expected in a sandstone formation, the initial rate of attack was on the order of millimeters per month. The outer layers of the cements reacted under sandstone-like conditions were fully degraded based on the results of the XRD and EPMA analyses. Inside the degraded layers there was a calcium carbonate-rich layer, a layer depleted of calcium hydroxide, and an unreacted cement core. The rate of degradation of the cement in these experiments was controlled by the rate of dissolution of the calcium carbonate-rich layer, after its formation, and diffusion through the fully degraded layers.  相似文献   

Climate change has become a permanent feature on the global media scene and in the decision-making of policy makers. The voices of academics, scientists, politicians and commentators dominate the climate change debate, yet local knowledges and beliefs, local realities, as well as local voices and actions are essential elements of navigating the way forward. Drawing on Paton's postgraduate research, this paper broadens the current dialogue by providing a platform for grassroots Tuvaluan voices to enter the climate change debate. It explores their local realities, knowledges and beliefs, and captures what Tuvaluans hold dear – factors which must play a central role in decision-making processes. To ensure the local population is fully mobilised, it will be argued that processes for engaging local voices must build on existing forums for engagement.  相似文献   

We examined the connection between individuals’ relationships with the natural environment and their environmental behaviors with a focus on commitment to the environment, defined as psychological attachment and long-term orientation to the natural world. Commitment is theorized to emerge from structural interdependence with the environment and to lead to pro-environmental behaviors. Close relationships research has identified three key antecedents to commitment (satisfaction, alternatives, and investments). We developed environment-specific measures of these constructs, and factor analysis verified three distinct factors. A path analysis revealed that satisfaction with the environment and investments in the environment, but not alternatives to the environment, predicted commitment to the environment. Moreover, commitment mediated the effects of satisfaction and investments on general ecological behavior and willingness to sacrifice for the environment. In regression analyses, commitment predicted general ecological behavior and willingness to sacrifice for the environment, even when controlling for ecological worldview, inclusion of nature in the self, connectedness to nature, and environmental identity. Individuals who are satisfied with and invested in the natural world are likely to be committed to the environment and act with the well-being of the environment in mind.  相似文献   

Our massive tampering with the world's interdependent web of life-coupled with the environmental damage inflicted by deforestation, species loss, and climate change-could trigger widespread adverse effects, including unpredictable collapses of critical biological systems whose interactions and dynamics we only imperfectly understand. Uncertainty over the extent of these effects cannot excuse complacency or delay in facing the threats ... We the undersigned, senior members of the world's scientific community, hereby warn all humanity of what lies ahead. A great change in our stewardship of the earth and the life on it is required, if vast human misery is to be avoided and our global home on this planet is not to be irretrievably mutilated. (Union of Concerned Scientists, 1992)  相似文献   

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