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The ground water denitrification capacity of riparian zones in deep soils, where substantial ground water can flow through low-gradient stratified sediments, may affect watershed nitrogen export. We hypothesized that the vertical pattern of ground water denitrification in riparian hydric soils varies with geomorphic setting and follows expected subsurface carbon distribution (i.e., abrupt decline with depth in glacial outwash vs. negligible decline with depth in alluvium). We measured in situ ground water denitrification rates at three depths (65, 150, and 300 cm) within hydric soils at four riparian sites (two per setting) using a 15N-enriched nitrate "push-pull" method. No significant difference was found in the pattern and magnitude of denitrification when grouping sites by setting. At three sites there was no significant difference in denitrification among depths. Correlations of site characteristics with denitrification varied with depth. At 65 cm, ground water denitrification correlated with variables associated with the surface ecosystem (temperature, dissolved organic carbon). At deeper depths, rates were significantly higher closer to the stream where the subsoil often contains organically enriched deposits that indicate fluvial geomorphic processes. Mean rates ranged from 30 to 120 microg N kg(-1) d(-1) within 10 m versus <1 to 40 microg N kg(-1) d(-1) at >30 m from the stream. High denitrification rates observed in hydric soils, down to 3 m within 10 m of the stream in both alluvial and glacial outwash settings, argue for the importance of both settings in evaluating the significance of riparian wetlands in catchment-scale N dynamics.  相似文献   

Riparian buffer zones are known to reduce diffuse N pollution of streams by removing and modifying N from agricultural runoff. Denitrification, often identified as the key N removal process, is also considered as a major source of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O). The risks of high N2O emissions during nitrate mitigation and the environmental controls of emissions have been examined in relatively few riparian zones and the interactions between controls and emissions are still poorly understood. Our objectives were to assess the rates of N2O emission from riparian buffer zones that receive large loads of nitrate, and to evaluate various factors that are purported to control N emissions. Denitrification, nitrification, and N2O emissions were measured seasonally in grassland and forested buffer zones along first-order streams in The Netherlands. Lateral nitrate loading rates were high, up to 470 g N m(-2) yr(-1). Nitrogen process rates were determined using flux chamber measurements and incubation experiments. Nitrous oxide emissions were found to be significantly higher in the forested (20 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1)) compared with the grassland buffer zone (2-4 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1)), whereas denitrification rates were not significantly different. Higher rates of N2O emissions in the forested buffer zone were associated with higher nitrate concentrations in the ground water. We conclude that N transformation by nitrate-loaded buffer zones results in a significant increase of greenhouse gas emission. Considerable N2O fluxes measured in this study indicate that Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change methodologies for quantifying indirect N2O emissions have to distinguish between agricultural uplands and riparian buffer zones in landscapes receiving large N inputs.  相似文献   

Denitrification potential in urban riparian zones   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Denitrification, the anaerobic microbial conversion of nitrate (NO3-) to nitrogen (N) gases, is an important process contributing to the ability of riparian zones to function as "sinks" for NO3- in watersheds. There has been little analysis of riparian zones in urban watersheds despite concerns about high NO3- concentrations in many urban streams. Vegetation and soils in urban ecosystems are often highly disturbed, and few studies have examined microbial processes like denitrification in these ecosystems. In this study, we measured denitrification potential and a suite of related microbial parameters (microbial biomass carbon [C] and N content, potential net N mineralization and nitrification, soil inorganic N pools) in four rural and four urban riparian zones in the Baltimore, MD metropolitan area. Two of the riparian zones were forested and two had herbaceous vegetation in each land use context. There were few differences between urban and rural and herbaceous and forest riparian zones, but variability was much higher in urban than rural sites. There were strong positive relationships between soil moisture and organic matter content and denitrification potential. Given the importance of surface runoff in urban watersheds, the high denitrification potential of the surface soils that we observed suggests that if surface runoff can be channeled through areas with high denitrification potential (e.g., stormwater detention basins with wetland vegetation), these areas could function as important NO3- sinks in urban watersheds.  相似文献   

The influence of riparian zone lithology on nitrate dynamics is poorly understood. We investigated vertical variations in potential denitrification activity in relation to the lithology and stratigraphy of five headwater riparian zones on glacial till and outwash landscapes in southern Ontario, Canada. Conductive coarse sand and gravel layers occurred in four of the five riparian areas. These layers were thin and did not extend to the field-riparian perimeter in some riparian zones, which limited their role as conduits for ground water flow. We found widespread organic-rich layers at depths ranging from 40 to 300 cm that resulted from natural floodplain processes and the burial of surface soils by rapid valley-bottom sedimentation after European settlement. The organic matter content of these layers varied considerably from 2 to 5% (relic channel deposit) to 5 to 21% (buried soils) and 30 to 62% (buried peat). Denitrification potential (DNP) was measured by the acetylene block method in sediment slurries amended with nitrate. The highest DNP rates were usually found in the top 0- to 15-cm surface soil layer in all riparian zones. However, a steep decline in DNP with depth was often absent and high DNP activity occurred in the deep organic-rich layers. Water table variations in 2000-2002 indicated that ground water only interacted frequently with riparian surface soils between late March and May, whereas subsurface organic layers that sustain considerable DNP were below the water table for most of the year. These results suggest that riparian zones with organic deposits at depth may effectively remove nitrate from ground water even when the water table does not interact with organic-rich surface soil horizons.  相似文献   

The relationship between local ground water flows and NO(3)(-) transport to the channel was examined in three well transects from a natural, wooded riparian zone adjacent to the Shingobee River, MN. The hillslope ground water originated as recharge from intermittently grazed pasture up slope of the site. In the hillslope transect perpendicular to the stream, ground water NO(3)(-) concentrations decreased from approximately 3 mg N L(-1) beneath the ridge (80 m from the channel) to 0.01 to 1.0 mg N L(-1) at wells 1 to 3 m from the channel. The Cl(-) concentrations and NO(3)/Cl ratios decreased toward the channel indicating NO(3)(-) dilution and biotic retention. In the bankside well transect parallel to the stream, two distinct ground water environments were observed: an alluvial environment upstream of a relict beaver dam influenced by stream water and a hillslope environment downstream of the relict beaver dam. Nitrate was elevated to levels representative of agricultural runoff in a third well transect located approximately 5 m from the stream to assess the effectiveness of the riparian zone as a NO(3)(-) sink. Subsurface NO(3)(-) injections revealed transport of up to 15 mg N L(-1) was nearly conservative in the alluvial riparian environment. Addition of glucose stimulated dissolved oxygen uptake and promoted NO(3)(-) retention under both background and elevated NO(3)(-) levels in summer and winter. Disappearance of added NO(3)(-) was followed by transient NO(2)(-) formation and, in the presence of C(2)H(2), by N(2)O formation, demonstrating potential denitrification. Under current land use, most NO(3)(-) associated with local ground water is biotically retained or diluted before reaching the channel. However, elevating NO(3)(-) levels through agricultural cultivation would likely result in increased NO(3)(-) transport to the channel.  相似文献   

We investigated the seasonal patterns of denitrification rates and potentials in soil profiles along the topohydrosequence formed at the upland-wetland interface in three riparian wetlands with different vegetation cover (i.e., forest, understory vegetation, and grass). Denitrification was measured using the acetylene inhibition method on soil cores and slurries, which provided a means of comparing the relative activity of this process in different locations. We evaluated, on a seasonal basis, the respective importance of the vegetative cover and the hydromorphic gradient as factors limiting denitrification. Regardless of the season, vegetation type, or lateral position along each topohydrosequence in the riparian wetlands, strong significant gradients of both in situ and potential denitrification rates were measured within a soil profile. Results confirm that the upper organic soil horizon is the most active, when in contact with the ground water. In deeper soil horizons, denitrification activity was low (from 0.004 to 0.5 mg N kg(-1) dry soil d(-1)), but contributed significantly to the reduction of ground water NO3- load along the riparian ground water flowpath (from 9.32 to 0.98 mg NO3-N L(-1)). Along the soil topohydrosequence, the denitrifying community of the upper soil horizons did not vary significantly on a seasonal basis despite the large seasonal ground water fluctuations. Along each topohydrosequence, the denitrification-limiting factor gradually shifted from anaerobiosis to NO3- supply. In situ denitrification rates in the forested, understory vegetation and grass sites were not significantly different. This result emphasizes the importance of the topography of the valley rather than the vegetation cover in controlling denitrification activity in riparian wetlands.  相似文献   

In situ soil water extraction: a review   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The knowledge of the composition and fluxes of vadose zone water is essential for a wide range of scientific and practical fields, including water-use management, pesticide registration, fate of xenobiotics, monitoring of disposal from mining and industries, nutrient management of agricultural and forest ecosystems, ecology, and environmental protection. Nowadays, water and solute flow can be monitored using either in situ methods or minimally invasive geophysical measurements. In situ information, however, is necessary to interpret most geophysical data sets and to determine the chemical composition of seepage water. Therefore, we present a comprehensive review of in situ soil water extraction methods to monitor solute concentration, solute transport, and to calculate mass balances in natural soils. We distinguished six different sampling devices: porous cups, porous plates, capillary wicks, pan lysimeters, resin boxes, and lysimeters. For each of the six sampling devices we discuss the basic principles, the advantages and disadvantages, and limits of data acquisition. We also give decision guidance for the selection of the appropriate sampling system. The choice of material is addressed in terms of potential contamination, filtering, and sorption of the target substances. The information provided in this review will support scientists and professionals in optimizing their experimental set-up for meeting their specific goals.  相似文献   

Evaluation of a denitrification wall to reduce surface water nitrogen loads   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Denitrification walls have significantly reduced nitrogen concentrations in groundwater for at least 15 yr. This has spurred interest in developing methods to efficiently increase capture volume to reduce N loads in larger watersheds. The objective of this study was to maximize treatment volume by locating a wall where a large groundwatershed was funneled toward seepage slope headwaters. Nitrogen concentration and load were measured before and after wall installation in paired treatment and control streams. Beginning 2 d after installation, nitrogen concentration in the treatment stream declined from 6.7 ± 1.2 to 3.9 ± 0.78 mg L and total N loading rate declined by 65% (391 kg yr) with no corresponding decline in the control watershed. This wall, which only comprised 10 to 11% of the edge of field area that contributed to the treatment watershed, treated approximately 60% of the stream discharge, which confirmed the targeted approach. The total load reduction measured in the stream 155 m downstream from the wall (340 kg yr) was higher than that found in another study that measured load reductions in groundwater wells immediately around the wall (228 kg yr). This indicated the possibility of an extended impact on denitrification from carbon exported beyond the wall. This extended impact was inauspiciously confirmed when oxygen levels at the stream headwaters temporarily declined for 50 d. This research indicates that targeting walls adjacent to streams can effectively reduce N loading in receiving waters, although with a potentially short-term impact on water quality.  相似文献   

Sediments can be both a source and a sink of dissolved phosphorus (P) in surface water and shallow groundwater. Using laboratory mesocosms, we studied the influence of flooding with deionized water and simulated river water on P release to solution using sediment columns taken from a riparian wetland. The mesocosm incubation results showed that rather than retaining nutrients, sediments in the riparian zone may be a significant source of P. Concentrations of dissolved P in porewater reached more than 3 mg L(-1) and in surface water over 0.8 mg L(-1) within a month of sediment inundation. The reductive dissolution of P-bearing iron (Fe) oxides was the likely mechanism responsible for P release. Dissolved P to Fe molar ratios in anaerobic samples were approximately 0.45 when columns were flooded with water that simulated the chemistry of the adjacent river. This suggests there was insufficient Fe in the anaerobic samples to precipitate all P if the solutions were oxygenated or transported to an aerobic environment. If the anaerobic wetland solutions were delivered to oxygenated rivers and streams adjacent to the riparian zone, the equilibrium concentration of P in these systems could rise. The timing of P release was inversely related to the nitrate (NO3-) concentration in floodwater. This indicates that in riparian zones receiving low nitrate loads, or where NO3- loads are being progressively reduced, the risk of dissolved P release may increase. These findings present particular challenges for restoration and management in riparian areas.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine if nitrate sources in ground water (fertilizer on crops, fertilizer on golf courses, irrigation spray from hog (Sus scrofa) wastes, and leachate from poultry litter and septic systems) could be classified with 80% or greater success. Two statistical classification-tree models were devised from 48 water samples containing nitrate from five source categories. Model 1 was constructed by evaluating 32 variables and selecting four primary predictor variables (delta 15N, nitrate to ammonia ratio, sodium to potassium ratio, and zinc) to identify nitrate sources. A delta 15N value of nitrate plus potassium > 18.2 indicated animal sources; a value < 18.2 indicated inorganic or soil organic N. A nitrate to ammonia ratio > 575 indicated inorganic fertilizer on agricultural crops; a ratio < 575 indicated nitrate from golf courses. A sodium to potassium ratio > 3.2 indicated septic-system wastes; a ratio < 3.2 indicated spray or poultry wastes. A value for zinc > 2.8 indicated spray wastes from hog lagoons; a value < 2.8 indicated poultry wastes. Model 2 was devised by using all variables except delta 15N. This model also included four variables (sodium plus potassium, nitrate to ammonia ratio, calcium to magnesium ratio, and sodium to potassium ratio) to distinguish categories. Both models were able to distinguish all five source categories with better than 80% overall success and with 71 to 100% success in individual categories using the learning samples. Seventeen water samples that were not used in model development were tested using Model 2 for three categories, and all were correctly classified. Classification-tree models show great potential in identifying sources of contamination and variables important in the source-identification process.  相似文献   

Surface runoff water quality in a managed three zone riparian buffer   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Managed riparian forest buffers are an important conservation practice but there are little data on the water quality effects of buffer management. We measured surface runoff volumes and nutrient concentrations and loads in a riparian buffer system consisting of (moving down slope from the field) a grass strip, a managed forest, and an unmanaged forest. The managed forest consisted of sections of clear-cut, thinned, and mature forest. The mature forest had significantly lower flow-weighted concentrations of nitrate, ammonium, total Kjeldahl N (TKN), sediment TKN, total N (nitrate + TKN), dissolved molybdate reactive P (DMRP), total P, and chloride. The average buffer represented the conditions along a stream reach with a buffer system in different stages of growth. Compared with the field output, flow-weighted concentrations of nitrate, ammonium, DMRP, and total P decreased significantly within the buffer and flow-weighted concentrations of TKN, total N, and chloride increased significantly within the buffer. All loads decreased significantly from the field to the middle of the buffer, but most loads increased from the middle of the buffer to the sampling point nearest the stream because surface runoff volume increased near the stream. The largest percentage reduction of the incoming nutrient load (at least 65% for all nutrient forms) took place in the grass buffer zone because of the large decrease (68%) in flow. The average buffer reduced loadings for all nutrient species, from 27% for TKN to 63% for sediment P. The managed forest and grass buffer combined was an effective buffer system.  相似文献   

Riparian zones are deemed significant due to their interception capability of non-point source impacts and the maintenance of ecosystem integrity region wide. To improve classification and change detection of riparian buffers, this paper developed an evolutionary computational, supervised classification method--the RIparian Classification Algorithm (RICAL)--to conduct the seasonal change detection of riparian zones in a vast semi-arid watershed, South Texas. RICAL uniquely demonstrates an integrative effort to incorporate both vegetation indices and soil moisture images derived from LANDSAT 5 TM and RADARSAT-1 satellite images, respectively. First, an estimation of soil moisture based on RADARSAT-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images was conducted via the first-stage genetic programming (GP) practice. Second, for the statistical analyses and image classification, eight vegetation indices were prepared based on reflectance factors that were calculated as the response of the instrument on LANDSAT. These spectral vegetation indices were then independently used for discriminate analysis along with soil moisture images to classify the riparian zones via the second-stage GP practice. The practical implementation was assessed by a case study in the Choke Canyon Reservoir Watershed (CCRW), South Texas, which is mostly agricultural and range land in a semi-arid coastal environment. To enhance the application potential, a combination of Iterative Self-Organizing Data Analysis Techniques (ISODATA) and maximum likelihood supervised classification was also performed for spectral discrimination and classification of riparian varieties comparatively. Research findings show that the RICAL algorithm may yield around 90% accuracy based on the unseen ground data. But using different vegetation indices would not significantly improve the final quality of the spectral discrimination and classification. Such practices may lead to the formulation of more effective management strategies for the handling of non-point source pollution, bird habitat monitoring, and grazing and live stock management in the future.  相似文献   

This study examined bacteria and nutrient quality in tile drainage and shallow ground water resulting from a fall land application of liquid municipal biosolids (LMB), at field application rates of 93,500 L ha(-1), to silt-clay loam agricultural field plots using two different land application approaches. The land application methods were a one-pass AerWay SSD approach (A), and surface spreading plus subsequent incorporation (SS). For both treatments, it took between 3 and 39 min for LMB to reach tile drains after land application. The A treatment significantly (p < 0.1) reduced application-induced LMB contamination of tile drains relative to the SS treatment, as shown by mass loads of total Kjeldahl N (TKN), NH(4)-N, Total P (TP), PO(4)-P, E. coli., and Clostridium perfringens. E. coli contamination resulting from application occurred to at least 2.0-m depth in ground water, but was more notable in ground water immediately beneath tile depth (1.2 m). Treatment ground water concentrations of selected nutrients and bacteria for the study period ( approximately 46 d) at 1.2-m depth were significantly higher in the treatment plots, relative to control plots. The TKN and TP ground water concentrations at 1.2-m depth were significantly (p < 0.1) higher for the SS treatment, relative to the A treatment, but there were no significant (p > 0.1) treatment differences for the bacteria. For the macroporous field conditions observed, pre-tillage by equipment such as the AerWay SSD, will reduce LMB-induced tile and shallow ground water contamination compared to surface spreading over non-tilled soil, followed by incorporation.  相似文献   

Unfertilized buffer strips (BS) generally improve surface water quality. High buffer strip effectiveness (BSE) has been reported for sloping shallow aquifers, but experimental data for plain landscapes with deeply permeable soils is lacking. We tested a novel method to determine BSE on a 20-m-deep, permeable sandy soil. Discharge from soil to ditch was temporarily collected in an in-stream reservoir to measure its quantity and quality, both for a BS and a reference (REF) treatment. Treatments were replicated once for the first, and three times for the next three leaching seasons. No significant BSE was obtained for nitrogen and phosphorus species in the reservoirs. Additionally, water samples were taken from the upper groundwater below the treatments. The effect of BS for nitrate was much bigger in upper groundwater than in the reservoirs that also collected groundwater from greater depths that were not influenced by the treatments. We conclude that measuring changes in upper groundwater to assess BSE is only valid under specific hydrogeological conditions. We propose an alternative experimental set-up for future research, including extra measurements before installing the BS and REF treatments to deal with spatial and temporal variability. The use of such data as covariates will increase the power of statistical tests by decreasing between-reservoir variability.  相似文献   

Three low-volume mini-sprinklers were tested for their efficacy to strip trichloroethylene (TCE) and tetrachloroethylene (PCE) from water. Deionized water spiked with TCE and PCE was pumped for approximately 1 h at 0.19 to 0.21 MPa (28 to 30 lb in(-2)) through a mini-sprinkler supported on top of a 1.8-m-tall riser. Water was collected in collection vessels at 0.61 and 1.22 m above the ground on support columns that were spaced at 0.61-m intervals from the riser base, and samples were composited per height and distance from the riser. Overall, air-stripping reduced dissolved concentrations of TCE and PCE by 99.1 to 100 and 96.9 to 100%, respectively, from mean influent dissolved concentrations of 466 to 1675 microg L(-1) TCE and 206 to 940 microg L(-1) PCE. In terms of mass removed, the mini-sprinklers removed TCE and PCE at a rate of approximately 1400 to 1700 and 700 to 900 microg L(-1), respectively, over a 1-h test period. Mini-sprinklers offer the advantages of (i) easy setup in series that can be used on practically any terrain; (ii) operation over a long period of time that does not threaten aquifer depletion; (iii) use in small or confined aquifers in which the capacity is too low to support large irrigation or purging systems; and (iv) use in forests in which the small, low-impact droplets of the mini-sprinklers do not damage bark and in which trees can help manage (via evapotranspiration) excess waste water.  相似文献   

Better management practices can counter deterioration of ground water quality. From 1991 through 1996 the influence of improved irrigation practices on ground water pesticide contamination was assessed at the Nebraska Management Systems Evaluation Area. Three 13.4-ha corn (Zea mays L.) fields were studied: a conventional furrow-irrigated field, a surge-irrigated field and a center pivot-irrigated field, and a center pivot-irrigated alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) field. The corn fields received one identical banded application of Bicep (atrazine [6-chloro-N-ethyl-N'-(1-methylethyl)-1,3,5-triazine-2,4,-diamine] + metolachlor [2-chloro-N-(2-ethyl-6-methylphenyl)-N-(2-methoxy-1-methylethyl) acetamidel) annually; the alfalfa field was untreated. Ground water samples were collected three times annually from 16 depths of 31 multilevel samplers. Six years of sample data indicated that a greater than 50% reduction in irrigation water on the corn management fields lowered average atrazine concentrations in the upper 1.5 m of the aquifer downgradient of the corn fields from approximately 5.5 to <0.5 microg L(-1). Increases in deethylatrazine (DEA; 2-chloro-4-amino-6-isopropylamino-s-triazine) to atrazine molar ratios indicated that reducing water applications enhanced microbial degradation of atrazine in soil zones. The occurrence of peak herbicide loading in ground water was unpredictable but usually was associated with heavy precipitation within days of herbicide application. Focused recharge of storm runoff that ponded in the surge-irrigated field drainage ditch, in the upgradient road ditch, and at the downgradient end of the conventionally irrigated field was a major mechanism for vertical transport. Sprinkler irrigation technology limited areas for focused recharge and promoted significantly more soil microbial degradation of atrazine than furrow irrigation techniques and, thereby, improved ground water quality.  相似文献   

A model is created for assessing the redevelopment potential of brownfields. The model is derived from a space and time conceptual framework that identifies and measures the surface and subsurface risk factors present at brownfield sites. The model then combines these factors with a contamination extent multiplier at each site to create an index of redevelopment potential. Results from the application of the model within an urbanized watershed demonstrate clear differences between the redevelopment potential present within five different near-surface geologic units, with those units containing clay being less vulnerable to subsurface contamination. With and without the extent multiplier, the total risk present at the brownfield sites within all the geologic units is also strongly correlated to the actual costs of remediation. Thus, computing the total surface and subsurface risk within a watershed can help guide the remediation efforts at broad geographic scales, and prioritize the locations for redevelopment.  相似文献   

We studied the long-term in situ accumulation of Cu, Cr, Ni, and Zn in the soil profile of a large-scale effluent recharge basin after 24 yr of operation in a wastewater reclamation plant using the Soil Aquifer System approach in the Coastal Plain of Israel. The objective was to quantify metals accumulation in the basin's soil profile, clarify retention mechanisms, and calculate material balances and metal removal efficiency as the metal loads increase. Effluent recharge led to measurable accumulation, relative to the pristine soil, of Ni and Zn in the 0- to 4-m soil profile, with concentration increases of 0.3 to 1.3 mg kg(-1) and 2.9 to 6.4 mg kg(-1), respectively. Copper accumulated only in the 0- to 1-m top soil layer, with concentration increase of 0.28 to 0.76 mg kg(-1). Chromium concentration increased by 3.1 to 7.3 mg kg(-1) in the 0- to 1-m horizon and 0.9 to 2.3 mg kg(-1) at deeper horizons. Sequential selective extraction showed Cu tended to be preferentially retained by Fe oxides and organic matter (OM), Cr by OM, Ni by OM, and carbonate and Zn by carbonate. The average total retained amounts of Cu, Cr, Ni, and Zn were 0.7 +/- 1.0, 13.6 +/- 4.8, 4.3 +/- 3.6, and 28.7 +/- 5.4 g per a representative unit soil slab (1 m(2) x 4 m) of the basin, respectively. This amounts to 3.6 +/- 4.9%, 79.5 +/- 28.0%, 8.0 +/- 6.9%, and 9.3 +/- 1.8% of the Cu, Cr, Ni, and Zn loads, respectively, applied during 24 yr of effluent recharge (total of approximately 1880 m effluent load). The low long-term overall removal efficiency of the metals from the recharged effluent in the top horizon may be due to the metals' low concentrations in the recharged effluent and the low adsorption affinity and retention capacity of the sandy soil toward them. This leads to attainment of a quasi-equilibrium and a steady state in element distribution between the recharged effluent solution and the soil after few years of recharge and relatively small cumulative effluent loadings.  相似文献   

To support EU policy, indicators of pesticide leaching at the European level are required. For this reason, a metamodel of the spatially distributed European pesticide leaching model EuroPEARL was developed. EuroPEARL considers transient flow and solute transport and assumes Freundlich adsorption, first-order degradation and passive plant uptake of pesticides. Physical parameters are depth dependent while (bio)-chemical parameters are depth, temperature, and moisture dependent. The metamodel is based on an analytical expression that describes the mass fraction of pesticide leached. The metamodel ignores vertical parameter variations and assumes steady flow. The calibration dataset was generated with EuroPEARL and consisted of approximately 60,000 simulations done for 56 pesticides with different half-lives and partitioning coefficients. The target variable was the 80th percentile of the annual average leaching concentration at 1-m depth from a time series of 20 yr. The metamodel explains over 90% of the variation of the original model with only four independent spatial attributes. These parameters are available in European soil and climate databases, so that the calibrated metamodel could be applied to generate maps of the predicted leaching concentration in the European Union. Maps generated with the metamodel showed a good similarity with the maps obtained with EuroPEARL, which was confirmed by means of quantitative performance indicators.  相似文献   

Nitrate in water removed from fields by subsurface drain ('tile') systems is often at concentrations exceeding the 10 mg N L(-1) maximum contaminant level (MCL) set by the USEPA for drinking water and has been implicated in contributing to the hypoxia problem within the northern Gulf of Mexico. Because previous research shows that N fertilizer management alone is not sufficient for reducing NO(3) concentrations in subsurface drainage below the MCL, additional approaches are needed. In this field study, we compared the NO(3) losses in tile drainage from a conventional drainage system (CN) consisting of a free-flowing pipe installed 1.2 m below the soil surface to losses in tile drainage from two alternative drainage designs. The alternative treatments were a deep tile (DT), where the tile drain was installed 0.6 m deeper than the conventional tile depth, but with the outlet maintained at 1.2 m, and a denitrification wall (DW), where trenches excavated parallel to the tile and filled with woodchips serve as additional carbon sources to increase denitrification. Four replicate 30.5- by 42.7-m field plots were installed for each treatment in 1999 and a corn-soybean rotation initiated in 2000. Over 5 yr (2001-2005) the tile flow from the DW treatment had annual average NO(3) concentrations significantly lower than the CN treatment (8.8 vs. 22.1 mg N L(-1)). This represented an annual reduction in NO(3) mass loss of 29 kg N ha(-1) or a 55% reduction in nitrate mass lost in tile drainage for the DW treatment. The DT treatment did not consistently lower NO(3) concentrations, nor reduce the annual NO(3) mass loss in drainage. The DT treatment did exhibit lower NO(3) concentrations in tile drainage than the CN treatment during late summer when tile flow rates were minimal. There was no difference in crop yields for any of the treatments. Thus, denitrification walls are able to substantially reduce NO(3) concentrations in tile drainage for at least 5 yr.  相似文献   

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