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介绍了土壤气相抽提、生物通风和空气喷射等3种土壤原位修复技术的概念,简述了它们修复受污染土壤的适用范围和修复机理,并对影响3种修复方法的各种因素进行了详细论述.展望了土壤气相抽提、生物通风和空气喷射技术在我国的应用前景.  相似文献   

Cleanup of contaminated soils to comply with soil quality limits currently receives much interest.In-situ remediation of contaminated soils relies on the ability of the techniques employed to enhance the rate of release of contaminants from the soil-sorbed and nonaqueous phase liquid (NAPL) phases into the aqueous or gaseous phases from which they can be more readily removed and treated. Contaminant concentrations in these “environmentally mobile” forms usually decline over time so that the economic efficiency and the overall success of remediation technologies are subject to the “law of diminishing returns”. In this paper we consider the “state of the art” in our understanding of NAPL dissolution and transport, desorption of soilsorbed contaminants and fluid flow in porous media. The extent to which these processes may constrain the success of bioremediation, pump-and-treat remediation and soil venting in relation to established soil quality limits is addressed. Finally, we suggest directions for future research and comment on legislative considerations.  相似文献   

Plant uptake and transport models for neutral and ionic chemicals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: Models for predicting uptake and transport of chemicals in plants are applied in pesticide design, risk assessment, and environmental biotechnology. OBJECTIVE: This review considers the theoretical basics of the most popular models, and discusses what they have in common. The line is drawn between models for neutral compounds, and models for weak and strong electrolytes. MAIN FEATURES: Neutral Compounds. Neutral compounds undergo only very few processes inside plants (lipophilic interactions, metabolism), in contrast to weak electrolytes. The models developed for neutral compounds are widely applied in the risk assessment of environmental contaminants, but are not of much use for weak electrolytes, such as pesticides. Weak electrolytes. A very important process for weak electrolytes is the 'ion trap', which traps chemicals that dissociate inside plant cells. This is considered in the popular models of Kleier, Satchivi and Briggs. Other relevant processes for electrolytes are electrophilic interactions, speciation and complex formation. None of the currently used models considers these processes. CONCLUSIONS: The accuracy of models for neutral compounds is satisfactory, but the prediction of electrolyte behavior inside plants is still quite difficult due to gaps in knowledge.  相似文献   

The application of a solvophobic approach for predicting the sorption of hydrophobic organic compounds (HOC) was evaluated with data collected using synthetic sorbents and soils. The experimental data consisted of batch equilibrium sorption coefficients (KD), as well as soil-TLC and reversed-phase liquid chromatographic (RPLC) retention factors (κ′). All data were collected using aqueous solutions and binary or ternary solvent mixtures of water, methanol, acetone, and acetonitrile. As predicted by the theory, the chromatographic retention factors and sorption coefficients for HOC decreased log-linearly with increasing fraction of organic cosolvent in binary solvents. Model parameters estimated from the binary solvent data could be used to predict sorption (or retention) from ternary solvents. Reasonable agreement was found between model parameters reported in the literature and those estimated using the data from batch sorption, soil-TLC, and RPLC studies.  相似文献   

Antibiotics are extensively given to livestock to promote growth and reduce diseases. Therefore, animal manure often contains antibiotics. Once manure is applied to agricultural land to improve soil productivity, crops would be exposed to antibiotics which may persist in soils from a few to several hundred days. The objective of this study was to evaluate the uptake of gentamicin and streptomycin by carrot (Daucus carota), lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and radish (Rhaphanus sativus) from manure-amended soil. The treatments were 0, 0.5 and 1 mg of antibiotic kg?1 of soil. Two pot experiments were carried out in the greenhouse. The first was conducted on the three crops and the second exclusively on radish. In radish, the increase in the concentrations of gentamicin was significant between the 0 and both of 0.5 and 1.0 mg kg?1 treatments, but not significant between the 0.5 and 1.0 mg kg?1. The average values were 35.5, 60.0 and 57.4 μg kg?1 for the 0, 0.5 and 1 mg kg?1 rates, respectively. However, the increase in streptomycin concentration in radish was not significant between the three treatments, and the average values were, 12.1, 15.2 and 17.4 μg kg?1 for the 0, 0.5 and 1 mg kg?1 rates, respectively. In carrot roots and lettuce leaves no significant increase in the concentrations of gentamicin or streptomycin was observed between the treatments. The three crops absorbed relatively higher amounts of gentamicin (small molecule) than streptomycin (large molecule). Generally the levels of antibiotics in plant tissue increased with increasing the antibiotic concentration in the manure (1 mg kg?1 > 0.5 mg kg?1).  相似文献   

Gao Y  Zhu L 《Chemosphere》2004,55(9):1169-1178
Uptake, accumulation and translocation of phenanthrene and pyrene by 12 plant species grown in various treated soils were comparatively investigated. Plant uptake and accumulation of phenanthrene and pyrene were correlated with their soil concentrations and plant compositions. Root or shoot accumulation of phenanthrene and pyrene in contaminated soils was elevated with the increase of their soil concentrations. Significantly positive correlations were shown between root concentrations or root concentration factors (RCFs) of phenanthrene and pyrene and root lipid contents. The RCFs of phenanthrene and pyrene for plants grown in contaminated soils with initial phenanthrene concentration of 133 mgkg(-1) and pyrene of 172 mgkg(-1) were 0.05-0.67 and 0.23-4.44, whereas the shoot concentration factors of these compounds were 0.006-0.12 and 0.004-0.12, respectively. For the same soil-plant treatment, shoot concentrations and concentration factors of phenanthrene and pyrene were generally much lower than root. Translocations of phenanthrene and pyrene from shoots to roots were undetectable. However, transport of these compounds from roots to shoots usually was the major pathway of shoot accumulation. Plant off-take of phenanthrene and pyrene only accounted for less than 0.01% of dissipation enhancement for phenanthrene and 0.24% for pyrene in planted versus unplanted control soils, whereas plant-promoted biodegradation was the predominant contribution of remediation enhancement of soil phenanthrene and pyrene in the presence of vegetation.  相似文献   

Aqueous sorption of phenol, atrazine and naphthalene was measured on complexes formed from Na-montmorillonite (Fischer bentonite) and the organic cationic dyes crystal violet and rhodamine-B. Sorption isotherms were found to be non-linear. This agrees well with the rigid nature of the dye-clay organic coverage, which provides a finite surface for adsorption. High values of organic carbon-normalized distribution coefficients reached 20,000-25,000 for atrazine on rhodamine-B-montmorillonite, 7000 for atrazine on crystal violet-montmorillonite, and 1500 for phenol on crystal violet-montmorillonite. As such, dye-clays may significantly extend the variety of organoclay sorbents that effectively reduce aqueous concentrations of non-ionic organic compounds.  相似文献   

Plant uptake and dissipation of weathered PBDEs in the soils of e-waste recycling sites were investigated in a greenhouse study. Eighteen PBDE congeners (tri- through deca-) were detected in the plant tissues. The proportion of lower brominated PBDEs (mono- through hexa-) in plant roots was higher than that in the soils. A concentration gradient was observed of PBDEs in plants with the highest concentrations in the roots followed by the stems and lowest in the leaves. Reduction rates of the total PBDEs in the soils ranged from 13.3 to 21.7% after plant harvest and lower brominated PBDEs were associated with a higher tendency to dissipate than the higher brominated PBDEs. This study provides the first evidence for plant uptake of weathered PBDEs in the soils of e-waste recycling sites and planting contributes to the removal of PBDEs in e-waste contaminated soils.  相似文献   

A major technical limitation to monitoring the fate of mutagenic compounds in soil is the lack of an established extraction procedure. This study was conducted to evaluate the efficiency of the blender extraction procedure for extracting benzo(a)pyrene (BAP) or 2-nitrofluorene (2NF) from a Weswood silt loam or a Bastrop clay loam soil. Extracted residues were evaluated using the Salmonella/microsome mutagenicity assay and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to quantify recovery of the two chemicals from soil. In addition, a limited study using only the mutagenicity assay was conducted to compare the efficiency of the Blender and Soxhlet extraction procedures for recovering organic mutagens from both soils amended with a wood preserving bottom sediment waste.Extracted residues were dissolved in dimethylsulfoxide to concentrations that could be detected in the bioassay. Over all treatment levels and for both soils, the extraction efficiency of the blender procedure for BAP was greater than 80% for 12 of 16 treatments as measured using both bioassay and HPLC analysis; while, for 2NF the extraction efficiency was greater than 90% for all 15 treatments as measured by HPLC, and greater than 80% for twelve of 15 treatments as measured by bioassay. These results indicate that blender extraction provided efficient recovery of the pure compounds tested. When the efficiency of the blender and Soxhlet procedure for extracting the wood-preserving bottom sediment and waste amended soil were compared, significantly greater levels of mutagenic activity were detected in the fractions extracted using the blender extraction than were detected using the Soxhlet extraction.  相似文献   

A study on the concentrations of synthetic organic chemicals in leachate from the municipal landfill of Lake Charles, Louisiana, was conducted from June 1987 through March 1989. The primary objective of this study was to provide information on the concentrations of synthetic organics in leachate from a typical municipal landfill. Leachate analyses yielded the presence of a variety of synthetic organic compounds at wide ranges in concentration. These compounds are potentially dangerous to human health.  相似文献   

We conducted a pot experiment to evaluate the effect of soil washing with CaCl(2) on Cd absorption by two soybean cultivars. The results were as follows: (1) Soybean growth was not significantly different in washed and unwashed soils, but the seed Cd concentration for both cultivars decreased significantly, up to 25%, in the washed soils compared with the unwashed soils. (2) In the washed soils, the Cd concentration in the soil solution indicated an obviously lower value from sowing to the flowering stage; however, the change in Cd speciation was not evident in the CaCl(2)-washed soil solution. Consequently, the effect of soil washing using CaCl(2) on Cd-contaminated paddy soils can be expected to continue after a CaCl(2)-washed paddy field is converted to an upland field.  相似文献   


Potatoes were grown from cut seed in Plainfield sand treated in‐furrow with disulfoton (Di‐Syston 15G, 3.36 kg Al/ha) in 1983 and from whole seed in similarly treated loam in 1991. Soils were contained in 2 m2 field plots. Soil, seed potato and foliage were analyzed for the insecticide and its sulfoxide and sulfone metabolites during the 8–12 wk following planting. Disulfoton disappeared at different rates from the two soils (ksand=0.024 day‐1, kloam=0.056 day‐1) with partial conversion to the sulfoxide and sulfone in both. Larger quantities of the three insecticidal components were absorbed by the seed potato in the cut‐seed/sand combination. The relative amounts of these components in the seed potato also differed between treatments with disulfoton being the largest component of the cut‐seed/sand and smallest in the whole‐seed/loam. Disulfoton sulfoxide and sulfone were the major insecticidal components of the foliage and concentrations in the initial foliage (each ca. 10 ppm) were similar for both treatments. Sulfoxide concentrations in the foliage decreased more rapidly than the sulfone and the decrease in concentration of each of the components was similar for the two treatments.  相似文献   


Potatoes were grown in Plainfield sand and muck treated, in furrow, with aldicarb (Temik 15G, 3.36 kg Al/ha). .Soils were contained in 2 mz field plots and had not been treated previously with pesticides. Soil, seed pieces, foliage and tubers were analyzed for the insecticide and its sulfoxide and sulfone metabolites during the 12 wk following planting. The disappearance of aldicarb from the soil was accompanied by partial conversion to the sulfoxide and sulfone. After increasing rapidly during the first 2 wk, the aldicarb concentration in the seed piece declined and a similar concentration of aldicarb sulfoxide accumulated which subsequently slowly disappeared. Aldicarb sulfoxide was the major insecticidal material in the new foliage. High initial concentrations, observed at 3–4 wk, declined by about 90% after 6 wk. Aldicarb sulfoxide residues of 2–4 ppm in the first new tubers at 6 wk declined by 90% by 12 wk. Potatoes were also grown under greenhouse conditions in Plainfield sand treated with Temik 10G at rates equivalent to 1.68, 3.36 and 6.72 kg Al/ha. Maximum aldicarb sulfoxide concentrations in soil, seed piece and foliage increased with application rate. The sulfoxide was much more persistent in the soil and foliage than in the field experiment indicating the importance of environmental factors to its behaviour in both soil and potato plants.  相似文献   

We investigated the respiratory uptake kinetics of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), organohalogen pesticides (OCPs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and 2,2′,4,4′-tetrabrominated diphenyl ether (BDE #47) in a marine benthic fish, Pseudopleuronectes yokohamae. The respiratory uptake efficiencies (EW) of the chemicals, of which there have been no reports for the majority of persistent organic pollutants (POPs), were obtained by measuring the respiratory uptake rate constants (k1) and the oxygen consumption rates of fish. Fish were exposed to water in which these chemicals were dissolved at environmentally relevant concentrations for 28 d, followed by 168 d of depuration in clean seawater. The k1 and EW values for 99 compounds were obtained, and they ranged from 2000 to 42 000 L kg-lipid−1 d−1 and from 0.060 to 1.3, respectively. The EW values of the chemicals, except for PAHs, tended to increase with increasing values of the log octanol–water partition coefficients (KOW) of the chemicals up to a log KOW of 5. For log KOW in the range 3–5, the EW values in this study were much lower than those in a published study (about one-third). As a result of analysis by a two-phase resistance model, the resistance of transport rates to the lipid phase in this study was lower than was the case in the published study. These findings indicate that the EW predicted by the published study for log KOW in the range 3–5 may differ among fish species and water temperature, and further study is needed.  相似文献   

This is the second of a two-part series describing the sorption kinetics of hydrophobic organic chemicals. Part I “The Use of First-Order Kinetic Multi-Compartment Models” is published in issue 1 of this journal, pp. 21–28. Sorption kinetics of chlorinated benzenes from a natural lake sediment have been investigated in gas-purge desorption experiments. Biphasic desorption curves, with an initial “fast” part and a subsequent “slow” part, were found for all tested chlorobenzenes. From these results first-order sorption uptake and desorption rate constants were calculated with a two-sediment compartment model, which is presented in the first paper. In three sets of experiments the sorption uptake period and sediment/water ratio were varied. Rate constants are not influenced by these experimental conditions, which supports the partitioning concept for the sorption of hydrophobic organic chemicals in sediments.  相似文献   

H. Behrendt  R. Brüggemann 《Chemosphere》1993,27(12):2325-2332
The fate of organic chemicals in the soil-plant-atmosphere environment and the governing processes were studied with a coupled dynamic soil transport and plant compartment model. Scenarios with applications of pesticides on sand and loam soils with chemical uptake in barley and wheat were used in the model calculations. Root uptake and concentrations in the plant compartments stem, leave and fruit were calculated for the pesticides terbuthylazine, isoproturon and carbofuran.

The effectivity of uptake from soils with different soil sorption coefficients had been shown for sand and loam soils. The processes degradation in plant and volatilization from leaves to atmosphere are especially effective for carbofuran and terbuthylazine. Although the concentrations in corn at harvest are lower than the maximum allowed concentrations, the peak concentrations in the course of the vegetation period are significantly higher (factor ≤ 200).  相似文献   

This paper examines the question of the extent of multimedia partitioning of organic chemicals. Partition profiles are estimated for releases into air, water, and soil. The analysis shows that cross-media partitioning can be expected for 50 – 80 % of all organic chemicals.  相似文献   

超声波处理难降解有机物影响参数研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
考察了多种操作参数对多氯联苯、溴苯超声波降解的影响。结果表明,高频率、高声强、高流速、混合气体可以提高超声反应速率, 358kHz下降解速率比20kHz提高了848%, 34mL/min流速下比4 4mL/min提高了140%,参入Ar比单纯使用O2 提高83% ( +80%Ar)或66% ( +50%Ar)。然而高声强也造成了较多的能量消耗。自由基清除剂的存在则较大地降低了超声反应速率, 200mmol/LCO2- 存在时反应速率下降了79%。  相似文献   

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