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To evaluate fetal brain development using MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) in CDH (congenital diaphragmatic hernia).


52 isolated left CDH and 104 control fetuses were imaged using MRI. Brain morphometry (Biparietal diameter—BPD, brain fronto-occipital diameter—BFOD, third ventricle, posterior ventricles, transcerebellar diameter—TCD, anteroposterior and craniocaudal cerebellar vermis diameter—AP and CC) and cortical structures (bilateral cingulate fissure—CF, insular fissure—IF, insular depth - ID) were compared with controls using Mann–Whitney test.


Median gestational age at MRI (p = 0.95)and the median biparietal diameter (p = 0.737) were comparable. Among morphometric parameters, only the brain fronto-occipital diameter was significantly smaller in CDH (p = 0.001) and the third ventricle was significantly greater in CDH (<0.0001). Among cortical structures, the cingulate and insular fissures were significantly deeper in CDH fetuses (p < 0.0001) as the insular depth ID was smaller in CDH (p < 0.03).


CDH fetuses have a smaller fronto-occipital diameter, reduced insular depth, deeper cingulate and insular fissure, and greater third ventricle width as compared to controls. These findings suggest that left CDH may have an impact on fetal brain development with an overall reduction in brain volume.  相似文献   

Pathophysiological studies have shown that pulmonary vascular development is impaired in fetuses with a congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH), leading to a simplified vascular tree and increased vascular resistance. Multiple studies have described prenatal ultrasound parameters for the assessment of the pulmonary vasculature, but none of these parameters are used in daily clinical practice. We provide a comprehensive review of the literature published between January 1990 and February 2022 describing these parameters, and aim to explain the clinical relevance of these parameters from what is known from pathophysiological studies. Prenatal detection of a smaller diameter of the contralateral (i.e. contralateral to the diaphragmatic defect) first branch of the pulmonary artery (PA), higher pulsatility indices (PI), higher peak early diastolic reverse flow values, and a lower vascularization index seem of added value for the prediction of survival and, to a lesser extent, morbidity. Integration within the routine evaluation is complicated by the lack of uniformity of the methods used. To address the main components of the pathophysiological changes, we recommend future prenatal studies in CDH with a focus on PI values, PA diameters and pulmonary vascular branching.  相似文献   

战争在古代是国之大事,孔子曰:国之大事,在祀与戎。可见在古代人们把战争看作与祭祀一样重要的大事,所以二者殊途同重,互相交结,有别有同。既有关于战争的祭祀,又有祭祀时形成的卜辞,积累了丰富的战争智慧。《周易·同人》就是此例:之所以叫同人,是因为战亦有道,多助和同。对同人的理解,对于帮助我们理解孟子所说的义战,追溯古人的战争智慧有着重要意义。  相似文献   

Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) can be associated with genetic or structural anomalies with poor prognosis. In isolated cases, survival is dependent on the degree of lung hypoplasia and liver position. Cases should be referred in utero to tertiary care centers familiar with this condition both for prediction of outcome as well as timed delivery. The best validated prognostic indicator is the lung area to head circumference ratio. Ultrasound is used to measure the lung area of the index case, which is then expressed as a proportion of what is expected normally (observed/expected LHR). When O/E LHR is < 25% survival chances are < 15%. Prenatal intervention, aiming to stimulate lung growth, can be achieved by temporary fetal endoscopic tracheal occlusion (FETO). A balloon is percutaneously inserted into the trachea at 26–28 weeks, and reversal of occlusion is planned at 34 weeks. Growing experience has demonstrated the feasibility and safety of the technique with a survival rate of about 50%. The lung response to, and outcome after FETO, is dependent on pre-existing lung size as well gestational age at birth. Early data show that FETO does not increase morbidity in survivors, when compared to historical controls. Several trials are currently under design. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Significant advances in the postnatal management of patients with congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) have resulted in a remarkable improvement in survival rates over the past two decades. The success of current postnatal management of CDH patients has rendered fetal intervention to be limited to the most severe cases, and the role for prenatal treatment of CDH patients remains unclear. The adoption of lung-preserving strategies including high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) have improved CDH outcomes especially in those patients with significant ventilatory or circulatory compromise. Survival rates of up to 90% are being reported in some high-volume centers. However, the increased survival in CDH patients has been accompanied by an increase in neurological, nutritional and musculoskeletal morbidity among the long-term survivors. This has resulted in the need to provide resources for the long-term follow-up and support of this patient population. In this article, the postnatal management strategies and primary and secondary outcomes of high-volume international pediatric surgical centers will be reviewed. Finally, the role of a multidisciplinary management team for the follow-up of long-term CDH survivors will be discussed. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fetoscopic endotracheal occlusion (FETO) is a prenatal treatment that may increase survival in severe congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH). In the USA, FETO is offered for isolated severe left-sided CDH in the context of an FDA-approved feasibility study. FETO in non-isolated cases of severe CDH is only performed with a compassionate use exemption from US regulatory bodies. Anomalies frequently associated with CDH include congenital cystic lesions of the lung and cardiac defects. We describe two cases of non-isolated severe left-sided CDH that underwent prenatal FETO, survived after birth and underwent postnatal surgical repair. The potential benefit of FETO in this setting is discussed. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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