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1988年10月日本海外经济协力基金环境委员会编制了《OECF环境评估大纲》,供借款一方规划和编制工程项目的环境报告时使用.本文介绍了16项工程类别中其中几项环境评估的具体条款及其内容.  相似文献   

从提出任务-分析任务-学生实践-课程设计-总结评价5个环节论述了任务驱动教学法在《Asp动态网页设计》课程教学中的应用.通过一年来的实践,该方式在学生实际应用能力的提高,工程意识的培养及学生获取知识、应用知识和创新知识的能力培养等方面取得了较好的教学效果.  相似文献   

为加强学生应用能力的培养及综合素质的提高,进行药理学课程的教学改革.从药物应用与临床关系入手建立了校企联合办学机制.在教学中增加了临床知识与药理学相结合的内容,即结合药物作用机制讲授临床知识,并引入病例教学,使药理与临床有机结合、互相渗透,相互助长.在教学方面开展"药理学"知识竞赛、制作并应用能传递临床知识与药理学结合的课件,活学活用药理学,同时及时的带学生到药品超市实习,了解现在超市的销售方式和职员的素质现状,在课堂上引入学生参与教学和讨论,达到了预期目标,取得了良好的教学效果.  相似文献   

2006年,中国科学技术信息研究所与万方数据股份有限公司在《中国期刊引证报告(扩刊版)》以我国正式出版的6009种中英文期刊为统计源期刊的基础上,首次编制《中国期刊高被引指数》.  相似文献   

《基础护理技术》是护理学的专业基础课,它的教学范畴包括护理基本理论、基本知识和基本技能,具有很强的技术性和实用性,是所有护理专业学生学习临床护理课程的基础.该文就如何针对高职学生,讲授好《基础护理技术》,在授课流程、教学方法和设施方面进行探讨,旨在适应卫生人才市场需求,为学生走向临床奠定良好的基础.参6.  相似文献   

云南省是我国主要的锡产地,个旧市是云南省乃至全国的锡冶炼基地,其精锡产量占全国50%以上.SO2排放是形成酸雨的主要原因,锡冶炼作为典型的"三高一资"行业,了解其SO2排放情况尤为重要.国家目前对SO2排放总量的核算主要根据国家环境保护总局编制的《主要污染物总量减排核算细则(试行)》(以下简称《细则》)进行,主要耗能产品的排放量按排污系数法核算.《细则》中未对锡冶炼行业排污系数给出明确的规定.国家环境保护总局于1995—1996年编写  相似文献   

英语教学的最终目标是是培养学生的语言应用和交流能力.教育部颁发的《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》明确提出了"以实用为主,以应用为目的"的教学思想,在英语教学中,口语教学已经受到越来越高的重视,很多学习方法也将口语作为英语学习的突破口,因此,作为一名英语教师,如何使学生真正具备实际语言交流能力并且适应社会经济发展最新需求,是需要认真思考的问题.就高职非英语专业学生口语学习的存在问题的心理方面的因素进行分析,并提出相应的策略.  相似文献   

《微生物基础及应用》实验课的考核进行改革,主要从学生实验课平时考勤、平时表现和操作技能三大方面进行,经实践证明。效果良好.参2.  相似文献   

自1990年以来,在中国科学院生态环境研究中心信息部的努力下,《产业与环境》已经被翻译成中文并分发到中国各地.在最近的一封来信中,信息部的刘晓光教授介绍了中国利用该刊物的一些方法.例如,上海交通大学环境工程学院的师生以《产业与环境》为基础开发了一种交互式游戏,北京电视台科学与教育频道为该杂志制作了一期节目.总之,刘教授说,“中国读者……喜欢中文版的《产业与环境》.”反馈  相似文献   

《计算机专业英语》是高职高专计算机专业学生的重要工具课,并讨论高职《计算机专业英语》课程所面临的教学现状,介绍了在实际教学过程中所采取的对策.参3.  相似文献   

"3S"在森林病虫害预警中的应用与展望   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对“3S”技术在森林病虫害预警中的应用现状、作用进行了分析.运用3S技术,结合森林病虫害发生的特点,对可能引发的各种森林病虫害可以进行预警,指出了实现森林病虫害预警应解决的问题及应用前景。  相似文献   

生物产氢技术研究进展   总被引:31,自引:4,他引:31  
由于矿物资源的日益枯竭 ,寻找清洁的替代能源已成为一项迫切的课题 .氢被普遍认为是一种最有吸引力的替代能源 .这是因为氢是宇宙间最简单同时也是最为丰富的元素 ,它的热值高达 118.4kJ/g ,是甲烷的 2 .3倍 ;氢又是一种十分清洁的能源 ,它燃烧后只生成水 ;氢还能够比较容易地储存在一些特殊的金属间化合物或纳米非金属材料中 ,并能快速释放 ,这样 ,在运输和使用上比较方便 .氢除了作为优异的能源外 ,它还是一种工业上必不可少的原材料[1] .然而 ,氢气在地球表面的浓度小于 1mg/L ,仅占地球表面大气的极小部分 .在自然界中大部分的氢…  相似文献   

A continuous flow-through chamber for the in situ measurement of primary production in macrophytic algae (as exemplified by Ulva lactuca) is described. Rapid mixing occurred within the chamber independent of flow rate or amount of algal tissue, so that the complete-mix reactor model of sanitary engineering was closely approximated. Field experiments with the apparatus revealed a rapid response to short-term variations in production rate as well as a close correlation between production and changing light levels. The flowthrough apparatus was compared to a closed system (the traditional bell jar approach); when the water in the latter was mixed, the two methods gave similar results for incubations not longer than several hours. However, during longer incubations, the productivity in the static system was sometimes depressed, possibly due to nutrient depletion or to abnormally high levels of oxygen. Thus, the flow-through system permits reliable measurements of macroalgal production for periods of 12 h or longer.  相似文献   

三高农业与土壤和肥料有密切的关系。地力是作物产量的重要基础,要取得高产,就必须坚持不懈地培肥地力。综合地力、土壤中营养元素及有害或有毒物质的含量、肥料类型和施肥技术,都对农产品的品质有很大的影响。要提高农产品的产量和质量,就要因土种植,合理施肥。高产优质是经济效益的主要构成因素,因而,培肥地力、因土种植、合理施肥能提高经济效益。忽视土肥工作,将影响三高农业的发展。  相似文献   

Mitigation of Habitat "Take": Application to Habitat Conservation Planning   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
One of the most important provisions of the U.S. Endangered Species Act precludes the "taking" of listed species on both public and private land. In past Endangered Species Act litigation, take has been broadly interpreted to include the destruction or modification of habitats as well as the direct killing of animals. This requirement created an extensive burden on private landowners to provide habitats for listed species. This burden was substantially lessened when the ESA was modified in 1982 to allow incidental takings conditioned on preparation of a satisfactory "habitat conservation plan." Because the majority of listed species are imperiled due to habitat modification, most habitat conservation plans must demonstrate defensible methods to mitigate against incidental habitat loss. A review of HCPs for the Northern Spotted Owl ( Strix occidentalis), and other species, indicates that mitigation solutions are often arbitrary, lacking an empirical foundation in the species' life history requirements. Based on data from the Spotted Owl, we illustrate a biologically based method for estimating the areal requirements necessary to mitigate against the take of essential habitats. Toward this goal we adopt the concept of "core area," that portion of an animal's home range that receives disproportionate use. We estimated core areas by means of the adaptive kernel density function and tested against a null distribution of animal use that assumes a bivariate, uniform distribution of locations within the home range. The method we illustrate, which is defensible, repeatable, and empirical, is a clear improvement over the ad hoc methods used in many habitat conservation plans. Further, the methods we propose should be applicable to a large number of terrestrial species for which home range is a meaningful concept.  相似文献   

麦饭石对Pb2+离子吸附的动力学研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
夏畅斌 《环境化学》2000,19(5):436-440
本文研究了水溶液中麦饭石对Pb^2+离子去除的反应动力学,考察了MFS粒度、溶液PH值和铅离子的初始浓度对吸附反应的影响。结果表明,MFS对Pb^2离子具有较强的吸附性能,PH值是影响吸附的主要因素,Pb^2+离子吸附的最初速率与浓度符合一级反应动力学;吸附过程符合Langmuir吸附等温式;离子交换和表面络合反应是主要吸附形式。  相似文献   

汞(Hg)是唯一以气态形式存在于大气环境中的有毒重金属污染物,对人体健康和生态系统具有多方面的潜在危害。本文首先描述了我国长春、兰州、北京、上海、武汉、广州、贵阳和重庆等一些典型城市的大气Hg时空分布特征、浓度水平以及季节变化规律;之后,就我国大气Hg的主要污染源进行了分析,指出:煤燃烧是我国大气Hg最主要的污染源,有色金属熔炼以及水泥和钢铁的生产也是重要的污染源;最后,通过分析大气Hg直接和间接暴露途径,阐述了大气Hg对人体的心血管和生殖系统等以及通过水生或陆生食物链的蓄积和放大作用对人体健康可能产生的不良影响。  相似文献   

Bottom ash is an inevitable by-product from municipal solid waste (MSW) incineration plants. Recycling it as additives for cement production is a promising disposal method. However, the heavy metals and chlorine are the main limiting factors because of the potential environmental risks and corrosion of cement kilns. Therefore, investigating heavy metal and chlorine characteristics of bottom ash is the significant prerequisite of its reuse in cement industries. In this study, a correlative analysis was conducted to evaluate the effect of the MSW components and collection mode on the heavy metal and chlorine characteristics in bottom ash. The chemical speciation of insoluble chlorine was also investigated by synchrotron X-ray diffraction analysis. The results showed that industrial waste was the main source of heavy metals, especially Cr and Pb, in bottom ash. The higher contents of plastics and kitchen waste lead to the higher chlorine level (0.6 wt.%–0.7 wt.%) of the bottom ash. The insoluble chlorine in the MSW incineration bottom ash existed primarily as AlOCl, which was produced under the high temperature (1250°C) in incinerators.

低碳经济与农业发展思考   总被引:58,自引:2,他引:58  
大气中碳浓度的升高是导致全球气候变化的主要原因.以低能耗、低排放、低污染为特征的低碳经济是目前人类应对全球气候变化,减缓温室气体排放的根本出路.农业生产与全球气候变化息息相关,农业是温室气体的第二大重要来源,如何减少农业温室气体排放量并探寻减排方法已经成为当务之急.从低碳经济这一热点问题谈起,论述了农业生产与全球气候变化的关系,以及当前农业面临的问题和挑战,提出了发展低碳农业的对策以及具体措施,旨在为呼应低碳经济,应对全球气候变化提供科学决策,促进现代农业由高碳经济向低碳经济转型,实现农业的可持续发展.  相似文献   

The heterotrophic phase of plankton succession in the Japan Sea   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The vertical structure, composition and productivity of a plankton community was studied in the Japan Sea in June, 1972 during a period of thermocline formation; the parameters measured were: phytoplankton production and biomass; number, biomass, and production of planktonic bacteria; biomass of phagotrophic flagellates, ciliates and remaining microzooplankton. The concentration of micro- and mesozooplankton attained a basic maximum in a layer near the upper part of the thermocline. The biomass and calculated production of the heterotrophic part of the community exceeded considerably the amount of primary production. The heterotrophic phase of the seasonal succession of a plankton community in a temperate sea is described, when heterotrophic metabolism and production predominate. Heterotrophs at this stage use mostly energy from organic matter accumulated during the previous spring phytoplankton bloom.  相似文献   

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