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Incorporation of aesthetic considerations in the process of landscape planning and development has frequently met with poor results due to its lack of theoretical basis, public involvement, and failure to deal with spatial implications. This problem has been especially evident when dealing with large areas, for example, the Adirondacks, Scenic Highways, and National Forests and Parks. This study made use of public participation to evaluate scenic quality in a portion of the Niagara Escarpment in Southern Ontario, Canada. The results of this study were analyzed using thevisual management model proposed by Brown and Itami (1982) as a means of assessing and evaluating scenic quality. Themap analysis package formulated by Tomlin (1980) was then applied to this assessment for the purpose of spatial mapping of visual impact. The results of this study illustrate that it is possible to assess visual quality for landscape/management, preservation, and protection using a theoretical basis, public participation, and a systematic spatial mapping process.  相似文献   

Assessment of cumulative impacts on wetlands can benefit by recognizing three fundamental wetland categories: basin, riverine, and fringe. The geomorphological settings of these categories have relevance for water quality.Basin, or depressional, wetlands are located in headwater areas, and capture runoff from small areas. Thus, they are normally sources of water with low elemental concentration. Although basin wetlands normally possess a high capacity for assimilating nutrients, there may be little opportunity for this to happen if the catchment area is small and little water flows through them.Riverine wetlands, in contrast, interface extensively with uplands. It has been demonstrated that both the capacity and the opportunity for altering water quality are high in riverine wetlands.Fringe wetlands are very small in comparison with the large bodies of water that flush them. Biogeochemical influences tend to be local, rather than having a measurable effect on the larger body of water. Consequently, the function of these wetlands for critical habitat may warrant protection from high nutrient levels and toxins, rather than expecting them to assume an assimilatory role.The relative proportion of these wetland types within a watershed, and their status relative to past impacts can be used to develop strategies for wetland protection. Past impacts on wetlands, however, are not likely to be clearly revealed in water quality records from monitoring studies, either because records are too short or because too many variables other than wetland impacts affect water quality. It is suggested that hydrologic records be used to reconstruct historical hydroperiods in wetlands for comparison with current, altered conditions. Changes in hydroperiod imply changes in wetland function, especially for biogeochemical processes in sediments. Hydroperiod is potentially a more sensitive index of wetland function than surface areas obtained from aerial photographs. Identification of forested wetlands through photointerpretation relies on vegetation that may remain intact for decades after drainage. Finally, the depositional environment of wetlands is a landscape characteristic that has not been carefully evaluated nor fully appreciated. Impacts that reverse depositional tendencies also may accelerate rates of change, causing wetlands to be large net exporters rather than modest net importers. Increases in rates as well as direction can cause stocks of materials, accumulated over centuries in wetland sediments, to be lost within decades, resulting in nutrient loading to downstream aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

In areas of varying geology, it is difficult to infer water quality from specific conductance or electrical conductivity (EC) data without an understanding of the expected range of EC values based on local bedrock composition. This paper describes a user-friendly graphical screening method that addresses this issue by plotting the EC against concurrent alkalinity data, which correlates well with the presence of carbonate bedrock under natural conditions, and thus serves as an index of bedrock type. The upper limit of EC vs. alkalinity expected in a stream is determined using regional groundwater quality data, based on the assumption that stream chemistry reflects groundwater under baseflow conditions. Stream samples with EC/alkalinity values that consistently plot above this limit are considered impacted by anthropogenic sources. The effect of dilution and runoff on the EC vs. alkalinity plot of stream samples is considered using a simple baseflow/storm runoff-mixing model. The graphical method's utility as a screening tool is demonstrated by application to stream chemistry data from watersheds of southeastern Pennsylvania and northwestern New Jersey in several distinct geologic settings; however the method is general and widely applicable to watersheds in humid temperate regions. Its use is intended for watershed stewards of both professional and nonprofessional qualification.  相似文献   

Ecological risk assessment provides a methodology for evaluating the threats to ecosystem function associated with environmental perturbations or stressors. This report documents the development of a conceptual model for assessing the ecological risk to the water quality function (WQF) of bottomland hardwood riparian ecosystems (BHRE) in the Tifton-Vidalia upland (TVU) ecoregion of Georgia. Previus research has demonstrated that mature BHRE are essential to maintaining water quality in this portion of the coastal plain. The WQF of these ecosystems is considered an assessment endpoit—an ecosystem function or set of functions that society chooses to value as evidenced by laws, regulations, or common usage. Stressors operate on ecosystems at risk through an exposure scenario to produce ecological effects that are linked to loss of the desired function or assessment end point. The WQF of BHRE is at risk because of the ecological and environmental quality effects of a suite of chemical, physical, and biological stressors. The stressors are related to nonpoint source pollution from adjacent land uses, especially agriculture; the conversion of BHRE to other land uses; and the encroachment of domestic animals into BHRE. Potential chemical, physical, and biological stressors to BHRE are identified, and the methodology for evaluating appropriate exposure scenarios is discussed. Field-scale and watershed-scale measurement end points of most use in assessing the effects of stressors on the WQF are identified and discussed. The product of this study is a conceptual model of how risks to the WQF of BHRE are produced and how the risk and associated uncertainties can be quantified.  相似文献   

Biochar has been intensively researched worldwide. In Brazil, there is a variety of feedstock production that can be turned into soil amendments of high performance through biochar conversion, especially solid wastes. However, advances in biochar research in Brazil have not been systematically evaluated to indicate possible gaps and suggest future research for eco-friendly applications. Thus, in this work we evaluated biochar properties and effects on air, water, and soil quality based on data gathered from researches performed in Brazil. Biochar has been mainly evaluated as soil conditioner (37%), material characterization (17%), water treatment (12%), and greenhouse gases emissions (9%). Based on the data synthesis of 68 feedstocks used for biochar production, we observed that the pyrolysis temperature profoundly affects biochar properties. Meta-analysis indicated benefits of biochar addition to soils for chemical, physical, microbiological and biochemical attributes that have resulted in increases in root growth (+30%), and plant shoots (+45%). Pyrolysis temperature and feedstock are key choices to design biochar properties aiming to retain dyes, aromatic hydrocarbon, pesticides, and metals in water and wastewater treatment. It was also observed an increase in CO2 and a decrease in N2O emissions after biochar application to soils in short-term experiments. Although there is a growing interest in the development of electrochemical sensors and biochar-based fertilizers, technological applications of biochar are still incipient in Brazil. Future research should prioritize long-term and mechanistically evaluations of biochar under field conditions and the development of eco-friendly technological applications.  相似文献   

Environmental benefits of biochar   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Switchgrass biochar affects two aridisols   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The use of biochar has received growing attention because of its ability to improve the physicochemical properties of highly weathered Ultisols and Oxisols, yet very little research has focused on its effects in Aridisols. We investigated the effect of low or high temperature (250 or 500°C) pyrolyzed switchgrass () biochar on two Aridisols. In a pot study, biochar was added at 2% w/w to a Declo loam (Xeric Haplocalcids) or to a Warden very fine sandy loam (Xeric Haplocambids) and incubated at 15% moisture content (by weight) for 127 d; a control (no biochar) was also included. Soils were leached with 1.2 to 1.3 pore volumes of deionized HO on Days 34, 62, 92, and 127, and cumulative leachate Ca, K, Mg, Na, P, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Zn, NO-N, NO-N, and NH-N concentrations were quantified. On termination of the incubation, soils were destructively sampled for extractable Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, P, Zn, NO-N, and NH-N, total C, inorganic C, organic C, and pH. Compared with 250°C, the 500°C pyrolysis temperature resulted in greater biochar surface area, elevated pH, higher ash content, and minimal total surface charge. For both soils, leachate Ca and Mg decreased with the 250°C switchgrass biochar, likely due to binding by biochar's functional group sites. Both biochars caused an increase in leachate K, whereas the 500°C biochar increased leachate P. Both biochars reduced leachate NO-N concentrations compared with the control; however, the 250°C biochar reduced NO-N concentrations to the greatest extent. Easily degradable C, associated with the 250°C biochar's structural make-up, likely stimulated microbial growth, which caused NO-N immobilization. Soil-extractable K, P, and NO-N followed a pattern similar to the leachate observations. Total soil C content increases were linked to an increase in organic C from the biochars. Cumulative results suggest that the use of switchgrass biochar prepared at 250°C could improve environmental quality in calcareous soil systems by reducing nutrient leaching potential.  相似文献   

This paper develops a technique which can be used as a preliminary tool for assessing air quality related to urban traffic. It combines a Geographic Information System (GIS) with an interaction matrix-type methodology based on a system analysis approach. The matrix identifies and quantifies interactions between all selected variables involved in a system as well as their interaction with the system as a whole. This matrix is used to determine the weightings to apply to spatial datasets within a GIS to develop a pollution vulnerability map. The focus of the paper is to introduce and assess a more versatile coding of the interaction matrix with respect to previously used coding. A case study is presented in which the modified interaction methodology is applied to data for a busy urban location. The resulting vulnerability map, in terms of pollution vulnerable hot spots, was compared to a pollution map derived from an advanced dispersion model. The interaction matrix technique with GIS can be used as a tool complementary to sophisticated numerical modelling and has potential as an analytical tool to evaluate multidisciplinary systems.  相似文献   

One of the most pressing problems facing wilderness managers in the ecologically fragile Drakensberg Mountains, South Africa, is that of path erosion, since it detracts from the wilderness experience and is very costly to remediate. As increasing demand for wilderness and outdoor recreation places greater pressure on paths and trails, it will be necessary to increase path network size and capacity, and it is important that new paths are routed such that maintenance requirements are minimal. This study describes the development of a technique based on the site and environmental variables of rainfall, topographic slope, and lithology, which enables assessment of path erosion risk before paths are planned and constructed. The technique was tested on a path at the Drakensberg resort of Loteni, and showed good correlation with actual path degradation. When used as a tool in path network planning, it can aid in the selection of low-maintenance routes and also help in planning maintenance budgets.  相似文献   

A formal model for the interaction of bear and hiker populations in national parks is developed. A number of alternative interactive scenarios are identified and some specific cases explored in detail. Some examples of the insights to be gained by the use of such a formal structure by park managers charged with the dual mandate of preservation of fauna and provision of safe recreational opportunities are presented. The entire problem is then discussed within the context of the more general tragedy of the commons problem.  相似文献   

Acid weathered soils often require lime and fertilizer application to overcome nutrient deficiencies and metal toxicity to increase soil productivity. Slow-pyrolysis chicken manure biochars, produced at 350 and 700°C with and without subsequent steam activation, were evaluated in an incubation study as soil amendments for a representative acid and highly weathered soil from Appalachia. Biochars were mixed at 5, 10, 20, and 40 g kg into a Gilpin soil (fine-loamy, mixed, active, mesic Typic Hapludult) and incubated in a climate-controlled chamber for 8 wk, along with a nonamended control and soil amended with agronomic dolomitic lime (AgLime). At the end of the incubation, soil pH, nutrient availability (by Mehlich-3 and ammonium bicarbonate diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid [AB-DTPA] extractions), and soil leachate composition were evaluated. Biochar effect on soil pH was process- and rate-dependent. Biochar increased soil pH from 4.8 to 6.6 at the high application rate (40 g kg), but was less effective than AgLime. Biochar produced at 350°C without activation had the least effect on soil pH. Biochar increased soil Mehlich-3 extractable micro- and macronutrients. On the basis of unit element applied, increase in pyrolysis temperature and biochar activation decreased availability of K, P, and S compared to nonactivated biochar produced at 350°C. Activated biochars reduced AB-DTPA extractable Al and Cd more than AgLime. Biochar did not increase NO in leachate, but increased dissolved organic carbon, total N and P, PO, SO, and K at high application rate (40 g kg). Risks of elevated levels of dissolved P may limit chicken manure biochar application rate. Applied at low rates, these biochars provide added nutritional value with low adverse impact on leachate composition.  相似文献   

Pyrolysis of crop biomass generates a by-product, biochar, which can be recycled to sustain nutrient and organic C concentrations in biomass production fields. We evaluated effects of biochar rate and application method on soil properties, nutrient balance, biomass production, and water quality. Three replications of eight sorghum [ (L.) Moench] treatments were installed in box lysimeters under greenhouse conditions. Treatments comprised increasing rates (0, 1.5, and 3.0 Mg ha) of topdressed or incorporated biochar supplemented with N fertilizer or N, P, and K fertilizer. Simulated rain was applied at 21 and 34 d after planting, and mass runoff loss of N, P, and K was measured. A mass balance of total N, P, and K was performed after 45 d. Returning 3.0 Mg ha of biochar did not affect sorghum biomass, soil total, or Mehlich-3-extractable nutrients compared to control soil. Yet, biochar contributed to increased concentration of dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) and mass loss of total phosphorus (TP) in simulated runoff, especially if topdressed. It was estimated that up to 20% of TP in topdressed biochar was lost in surface runoff after two rain events. Poor recovery of nutrients during pyrolysis and excessive runoff loss of nutrients for topdressed biochar, especially K, resulted in negative nutrient balances. Efforts to conserve nutrients during pyrolysis and incorporation of biochar at rates derived from annual biomass yields will be necessary for biochar use in sustainable energy crop production.  相似文献   

A measure of soil P status in agricultural soils is generally required for assisting with prediction of potential P loss from agricultural catchments and assessing risk for water quality. The objectives of this paper are twofold: (i) investigating the soil P status, distribution, and variability, both spatially and with soil depth, of two different first-order catchments; and (ii) determining variation in soil P concentration in relation to catchment topography (quantified as the "topographic index") and critical source areas (CSAs). The soil P measurements showed large spatial variability, not only between fields and land uses, but also within individual fields and in part was thought to be strongly influenced by areas where cattle tended to congregate and areas where manure was most commonly spread. Topographic index alone was not related to the distribution of soil P, and does not seem to provide an adequate indicator for CSAs in the study catchments. However, CSAs may be used in conjunction with soil P data for help in determining a more "effective" catchment soil P status. The difficulties in defining CSAs a priori, particularly for modeling and prediction purposes, however, suggest that other more "integrated" measures of catchment soil P status, such as baseflow P concentrations or streambed sediment P concentrations, might be more useful. Since observed soil P distribution is variable and is also difficult to relate to nationally available soil P data, any assessment of soil P status for determining risk of P loss is uncertain and problematic, given other catchment physicochemical characteristics and the sampling strategy employed.  相似文献   

In England, the development of urban brownfield sites is a significant planning policy aimed at supporting urban regeneration and protecting the countryside. Brownfield sites are required, in policy, to be developed in a sustainable way. However, determining what this means in practice is unclear. This paper presents a framework for assessing the sustainability of brownfield developments, devised to clarify the stakeholders in land reuse and establish how sustainability can be achieved on reused sites. The framework has been used in research investigating the sustainability of five brownfield developments in England. The performance of the framework in this research is assessed and its potential practical use outlined.  相似文献   

A short-cut method for the estimation of the minimum regeneration energy and optimum solvent flow rate in post-combustion carbon dioxide capture by absorption is presented. It is developed for comparing solvents of which only little thermo-physical data is known. The closed absorber–desorber cycle is described by an equilibrium stage model (modified Kremser equation with discretized equilibrium curves). The method can be implemented in any mathematical toolbox or as stand-alone solution. The only required input is the solubility data at absorber and desorber conditions, the heat of absorption and heat capacities. The caloric data may be estimated. The method was applied to monoethanolamine (MEA) and two solvents from the EU-project CASTOR. Comparisons with experimental results from pilot-plant studies with MEA show that the method, despite its simplicity, gives reasonable results. The method should also be useful in other applications where absorbents, of which only little data is available, need to be screened.  相似文献   

This article reviews the existing models of corporate social responsiveness and develops a theoretical framework with which to examine corporations' discretionary performance with respect to one social issue, that of the environment. Discretionary indicators of corporate response to environmental issues are developed and tested within this framework. Twelve companies from five different sectors were selected for the survey, based on prior knowledge of their commitment to environmental concerns. Primary data was collected from personal interviews, and secondary data was obtained from company documents, annual reports, and other forms of publically disclosed information. Empirical results varied, but certain voluntary indicators, such as composition of the board of directors, the environmental affairs function, community support, and the annual report are considered to provide strong indications of discretionary corporate performance. Philanthropy and company products proved to be less satisfactory indicators of corporate commitment to the environment. The aggregated results revealed a correlation between the final rankings of firms' discretionary environmental performance and whether those companies are process or product oriented. Linkages between discretionary elements and those of economic and legal requirements were not explored.  相似文献   

Regional reference sites: a method for assessing stream potentials   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Field assessments of impacted streams require a control or at least an unbiased estimate of attainable conditions. Control sites, such as upstream/downstream or wilderness sites, have proven inadequate for assessing attainable ecological conditions where the control streams differ naturally from the impacted streams to a considerable degree or where different disturbances exist than those being studied. Relatively undisturbed reference sites with watersheds in areas having the same land-surface form, soil, potential natural vegetation, and land use as are predominant in large, relatively homogeneous regions are suggested as alternative control sites. These areas are considered typical of the region and therefore the sites also are considered typical of the region because their watersheds exhibit all the terrestrial variables that make that region a region. The logical basis for developing regional reference sites lies in the ability to group watersheds and common stream types into regions by integrating available maps of terrestrial variables that influence streams. Relatively undisturbed reference sites can be selected from typical areas of the regions and from transition zones where one or two of the terrestrial variables are not the predominant one(s) of the region. These reference sites are useful for estimating attainable conditions, for evaluating temporal and spatial changes in ecological integrity, for classifying attainable uses of streams, and for setting biological and environmental criteria.  相似文献   

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