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火电厂灰渣水溶性试验   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
台明青  邓李玲 《化工环保》1998,18(3):180-183
火电厂灰渣水溶性试验以煤为燃料的电厂排出的灰渣主要由粉煤灰、烟道灰和锅炉渣3部分组成。其化学成分复杂,除含有大量的硅、铁、铝、钙、镁、碳外,还含有铜、铅、镉、汞、砷、铬、镍、锰、铍、钴、钡、锶等少量及微量元素。灰渣的堆放不仅占用大量土地,且其中的有害...  相似文献   

北京市、天津市、河北省、山西省、内蒙古自治区、辽宁省、吉林省、黑龙江省、上海市、江苏省、浙江省、安徽省、山东省、河南省、湖北省、湖南省、广东省、广西壮族自治区、海南省、四川省、重庆市、陕西省、西藏自治区、甘肃省、宁夏回族自治区、新疆维吾尔自治区及大连市、宁波市、青岛市、深圳市和新疆生产建设兵团发展改革委、科技厅(局)、财政厅(局)、国土资源厅(局)、环境保护厅(局)、住房和城乡建设厅(局)、水利厅(局)、农业厅(局、委)、林业厅(局): 为贯彻落实《中共中央国务院关于加快推进生态文明建设的意见》(中发[2015]12号)、《国务院关于加快发展节能环保产业的意见》(国发[2013]30号)关于开展生态文明先行示范区建设的工作要求,按照《关于请组织申报第二批生态文明先行示范区的通知》(发改环资[2015]1447号)的安排,近期我们组织有关专家,对第二批申报地区的《生态文明先行示范区建设实施方案》(以下简称《方案》)进行了集中论证、复核把关,并向社会公示。现同意北京市怀柔区等45个地区开展生态文明先行示范区建设工作,并就有关事项通知如下:  相似文献   

1 前言 废旧橡胶的回收利用是全世界广泛关注的问题之一.以废旧轮胎为主的橡胶制品的日益增多已给环境造成危害,同时也是一种资源的浪费.废旧橡胶生产彩色弹性地板砖是近年来废旧橡胶应用的一个主要方向.这种地板砖具有无毒、无污染、防滑、防霉、耐磨、抗老化、外观典雅、行走舒适、成本较低和铺装方便等特点,可适用于广场、公园、游乐场、人行通道、幼儿园、学校、敬老院、体育场、训练场、健身房、游泳池、浴室和微机房等公共场所的地面铺装.该地面铺装材料具有良好的性能价格比,并符合国家的环保建材产业发展方向.  相似文献   

粉煤灰中有害物质的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
粉煤灰中含有一些有害物质,主要有镉、汞、铅、铬、砷五种有毒微量元素及放射性铀、钍、锶、钾等核素,还有苯并芘。这些有害物质的含量如何,对作物、动物、人体及周围环境影响如何,是大家极为关心的。对此,江苏、山东、山西、河南、河  相似文献   

以多水期污染监测数据为基础,采用内梅罗污染指数(Pn)法对某在役炼化场地的特征污染物进行识别,并对识别结果进行分析。研究表明:该炼化场地土壤中优先控制的特征污染物有砷、钴、苯、苯并[a]芘、乙苯和石油烃(C10~C40),一般特征污染物有铊、铍、铅、钒、镍、间/对-二甲苯和二苯并[a,h]蒽等;地下水中优先控制的特征污染物有钒、铊、钼、苯乙烯、苯并[a]芘、石油烃(C10~C40)、苯、硫化物、氨氮、耗氧量、硫酸盐、挥发酚和氯化物,一般特征污染物有钴、砷、镍、铍、铅、甲苯、1,2-二氯丙烷、乙苯、间/对-二甲苯、二苯并[a,h]蒽、氟化物、亚硝酸盐和硝酸盐;本工作构建的特定场地特征污染物识别方法简捷有效、科学合理。  相似文献   

粉煤灰作为一种可再资源化的工业固体废弃物日益引起关注.粉煤灰处理废水的机理主要是吸附作用,影响粉煤灰吸附性能的主要因素有温度、粉煤灰粒度、pH值、吸附质性质、灰水比,粉煤灰处理生活污水、城市废水、印染废水、重金属废水、含氟、磷、有机质废水、造纸废水等应用前景广阔.  相似文献   

《再生资源与循环经济》是由中华全国供销合作恿社主管。中华全国供销合作总社天津再生资源研究所、中国再生资源回收利用协会主办,面向国内外公开发行的综合性技术刊物。主要宣传国家有关再生资源回收利用和循环经济的方针、政策。着重介绍国内外再生资源回收、加工利用、垃圾资源化处理、环保产业、循环经济等领域的新技术、新工艺、新设备,涉及废钢铁、废有色金属、废稀贵金属、废塑料、废橡胶、废化纤、废造纸原料、废电池、废旧家电、垃圾处理、废水利用、清洁生产等诸多方面。欢迎从事再生资源回收利用、循环经济及相关领域工作和研究的专家、学者踊跃投稿。  相似文献   

谢谚 《化工环保》2019,39(6):608-613
针对石油石化企业的溢油风险,提出企业在厂区雨水系统、外排口、涉水生产设施、环境敏感受体、溢油事故应急处置5类场景下的溢油监测需求,总结了溢油监测技术的类型和特点,介绍了可见光、红外、紫外、荧光、高光谱、微波辐射、雷达、电磁能量吸收等溢油监测技术的应用现状和优缺点。提出:企业溢油监测系统可分为企业内部溢油风险分级管控监测、企业边界的溢油风险报警监测、敏感环境监视的风险预警监测、溢油事故应急救援的溢油处置监测4个层次的运行模式。  相似文献   

<正>由国家发改委、中国人民银行、银监会和证监会联合发布的《关于支持循环经济发展的投融资政策措施意见的通知》,提出在规划、投资、产业、价格、信贷、债权融资产品、股  相似文献   

张明海 《化工环保》2003,23(6):369-370
山西曲沃明通灭菌防腐器材厂近日研制成功一种用于金属表面处理的新技术———环保型金属材料表面光亮剂。这种新型金属材料表面光亮剂 ,利用催化成膜剂、增亮剂、防腐剂复合而成。使用时可直接将所需加工的工件 (钢、铁、铜、铝及各种合金等金属 )除油后 ,放置于光亮剂中 ,经 5 0min处理后 ,工件即可达到光亮如镜的装饰效果 ,并保持了金属材料原有的机械性能。经处理后的金属材料表面硬度高、光亮致密、结合力强、不起皮脱落、无麻点气孔、不生锈 ,具有无毒、无污染、使用方便、成本低等特点 ,可广泛应用于五金、建材、机电、机械、冶金、…  相似文献   

The solubility and potential mobility of heavy metals (Cd, Cu,Hg, Pb and Zn) in two urban soils were studied by sequential andleaching extractions (rainwater). Compared to rural (arable) soils on similar parent material, the urban soils were highlycontaminated with Hg and Pb and to a lesser extent also with Cd,Cu and Zn. Metal concentrations in rainwater leachates were related to sequential extractions and metal levels reported fromStockholm groundwater. Cadmium and Zn in the soils were mainly recovered in easily extractable fractions, whereas Cu and Pb were complex bound. Concentrations of Pb in the residual fractionwere between two- and eightfold those in arable soils, indicatingthat the sequential extraction scheme did not reflect the solidphases affected by anthropogenic inputs. Cadmium and Zn conc. inthe rainwater leachates were within the range detected in Stockholm groundwater, while Cu and Pb conc. were higher, whichsuggests that Cu and Pb released from the surface soil were immobilised in deeper soil layers. In a soil highly contaminatedwith Hg, the Hg conc. in the leachate was above the median concentration, but still 50 times lower than the max concentration found in groundwater, indicating the possibilityof other sources. In conclusion, it proved difficult to quantitatively predict the mobility of metals in soils by sequential extractions.  相似文献   

Metallic phases in slags and their influence on the leaching characteristics were investigated. The proportions of metallic phase in four slags were 0.028%, 0.24%, 1.87%, and 3.05% by weight. The lead content was 10–248 mg/kg in bulk slag after metal removal, while in the metallic phase it was 579–7390 mg/kg. Lead concentrations in the metallic phase were more than ten times higher than in slags after metal removal. Lead was distributed in the metallic phase at 2.0%, 8.3%, 10.3%, and 47.4%. The concentrations of all metallic elements in metallic phases were much higher than in bulk slag. Iron, copper, and nickel had accumulated in magnetic metals, while aluminum and zinc were found in nonmagnetic metals. As regards chromium, manganese, lead, and tin, the proportion of metallic phases depended on the slag samples. By removing metallic phases, both water and pH 4 leachable lead decreased. The basic principles of melting residues containing lead are the separation of lead as a metal in reductive melting, and the containment of lead ions into uniform glassy particles in oxidization melting. Melting slag can be seen to contribute to environmental preservation by facilitating the recycling of materials through the separation of metals from melting slag. Received: February 21, 2000 / Accepted: July 27, 2000  相似文献   

Douglas fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco] shoots from mature trees were collected from two sites of contrasting soil pH: the Glendon campus of York University in Toronto, Canada (pH 6.7 at 40 cm) designated Can.; and Breuil Forest, Morvan, France (pH 4 to 4.5) designated Fr.. Needles were removed from the shoots, frozen in liquid nitrogen, and kept in a cryo-biological storage system prior to X-ray microanalysis on the cold stage (−170°C) of a cryo-SEM. Four elements detected, potassium, phosphorus, sulphur and chlorine, were ubiquitous in the needle tissues from both sites. Manganese was infrequently found in needle tissues from the Fr. site. Calcium was localized most heavily in the outer tangential wall of the hypodermis and also in the epidermal walls. Silicon (Si) concentrations were higher in the Fr. site than in the Can. site. The epidermis, hypodermis and mesophyll of needles from the Fr. site exhibited the highest Si content, with greater amounts in the tip and middle of the needle than in the base. Aluminium was distributed fairly evenly throughout the tissues, and there were few major sites of concentration.  相似文献   

We investigated the carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus content inthe seston and the zooplankton of a high-mountain lake duringthree years of contrasting physical and chemical conditions.Carbon in seston was ten times higher in 1995 than in 1996 and1997. Phosphorus content in seston was variable for the studyperiod, increasing gradually towards late summer in 1995, butpeaking abruptly in 1996 and 1997, reflecting atmosphericdepositions. Seston C:P were high and did not fit any definitepattern in 1995, and were particularly low after the thaw, increasing towards mid-summer in 1996 and 1997. As the seasonprogressed, major decreases in these ratios occurred coincidingwith important atmospheric inputs in the lake area. ZooplanktonN:P and C:P were negatively associated to the appearance ofrotifers and copepod nauplii in 1995, but positively correlatedto the ontogenetic development of the most abundant species,Mixodiaptomus laciniatus, in 1996. Seasonal variations inzooplankton N:P and C:P ratios showed limited interannual, butlarge intraannual variability. The comparison between the bulkcarbon in seston and zooplankton demands for this elementindicated that zooplankton were above food-quantity thresholdsfor maximum growth in 1995, 1996 and mid-season of 1997,therefore suffering only from food-quantity constraints afterthe thaw (nauplii dominance) and towards late season (adultdominance) in the latter year. The high C:P ratios in sestonrelative to zooplankton in 1995 imply that the zooplankton mayhave faced severe food-quality constraints (in terms ofphosphorus) during this year. Differences between bulkzooplankton and seston elemental nutrients are also discussed inrelation to the competitive abilities of species, andparticularly of Daphnia.  相似文献   

We investigated the concentrations of wood preservatives in the wood chips produced in wood-waste processing facilities in 1988, 1998–1999, and 2001–2002. Among the wood preservatives used in the past in Japan, halophenols, including PCP, chlordane, and chlorpyrifos, had comparatively high detection rates and high average concentrations in the wood chips produced in 2001–2002. Aldrin and endrin were rarely detected, and DDT was already in low concentrations in those wood chips. Although several types of wood preservative were contained in the wood chips, their concentration levels depended on the sources of the wood wastes. In chips produced from wooden pallets, wooden forms for concrete working, or wood discarded from nondemolition sources, no organochlorine wood preservatives were detected, and chlorpyrifos and chlorophenols were detected at one order of magnitude lower than the average concentrations in chips produced from wood wastes discarded in house demolitions.  相似文献   

This study characterises the sediment dredged from a lagooning system composed of a settling pond and three lagoons that receive leachates from a municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill in France. Organic carbon, carbonate, iron oxyhydroxides, copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) concentrations were measured in the sediment collected from upstream to downstream in the lagooning system. In order to complete our investigation of sedimentation mechanisms, leachates were sampled in both dry (spring) and wet (winter) seasonal conditions. Precipitation of calcite and amorphous Fe-oxyhydroxides and sedimentation of organic matter occurred in the settling pond. Since different distributions of Zn and Cu concentrations are measured in sediment samples collected downstream in the lagooning system, it is suggested that these elements were not distributed in a similar way in the leachate fractions during the first stage of treatment in the settling pond, so that their sedimentation dynamics in the lagooning system differ. In the lagoons, it was found that organic carbon plays a major role in Cu and Zn mobility and trapping. The presence of macrophytes along the edges provided an input of organic matter that enhanced Cu and Zn scavenging. This edge effect resulted in a two-fold increase in Cu and Zn concentrations in the sediment deposited near the banks of the lagoons, thus confirming the importance of vegetation for the retention of Cu and Zn in lagooning systems.  相似文献   

The distribution of coarse woody debris (CWD) was analyzed in three Appalachian watersheds in eastern Kentucky, eighteen years after harvest. The three watersheds included an unharvested control (Control), a second watershed with best management practices (BMPs) applied that included a 15.2 m unharvested zone near the stream (BMP watershed), and a third watershed that was harvested without strict BMPs with harvesting occurring up to the stream edge and slash left within the stream and riparian zones (No BMP watershed). We assessed the CWD occurring both within the riparian zone and stream in the three watersheds. Within both stream and riparian zones, the BMP and No BMP watersheds contained more CWD biomass than in the Control, however, the No BMP watershed CWD was in a more advanced state of decay than in either the BMP or Control watersheds. Nitrogen content in CWD was also greater in the No BMP watershed because of the more advanced state of the decay. The CWD present in the Control is the result of natural forest processes such as death and self-pruning. The CWD in the No BMP watershed is a result of the slash left behind after the harvest since little opportunity exists for new recruitment of CWD from the surrounding area. From our decay class data, it is apparent that at least some of the CWD in the BMP watershed has occurred since harvest, and, based on our biomass data, at a much greater rate of recruitment than in the Control watershed. We hypothesize that the harvest outside of the riparian zone in the BMP watershed may have led to greater windthrow and/or slumping than in the Control watershed. As such, our data suggest that riparian zones of 15.2 m may not be effective in maintaining the short-term integrity of the CWD pool within steep gradient Appalachian systems.  相似文献   

The degradability of several degradable polymers was examined using three types of degradation environments. These include exposure in a laboratory-scale composting test system containing material representative of the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (MSW), exposure in a thermal hydrolytic environment consisting of water at 60‡C, and exposure in a thermal-oxidative, dry oven environment of 60‡C. The results of the investigation clearly indicate that, in addition to chemical and biological activity which can lead to polymer degradation, physical restructuring and reorganization of the macromolecular structure may also occur at temperatures typically found in a compost environment, resulting in changes in the mechanical properties of the polymer films. In the case of the polyethylene-modified polymers evaluated in this study, all behaved similarly, but differently from the other polymer types. The polyethylene-based films appeared to be susceptible to oxidative degradation and should degrade in a composting environment providing that there is sufficient air in contact with the film for a sufficient period of time. However, when exposed in a laboratory composter, it appears that although ideal temperature-time curves may be obtained, the test time period was insufficient in comparison to the induction period required to achieve the desired thermal oxidative degradation. Issued as NRCC No. 37620.  相似文献   

With the increasing number of recycling mishaps in connection with waste electronic and electrical equipment (WEEE) in the People's Republic of China, it is imperative that the handling and recycling of WEEE be sufficiently regulated in China. Regulations covering three major issues, namely, take-back issues, controls on hazardous substances in WEEE and the assurance of good environmental management in WEEE plants, were promulgated between 2006 and 2008. The evaluation in this country report shows that few of these regulatory measures have performed satisfactorily in terms of enforcement, of public acceptance and of environmental concerns. In brief, the take-back requirements and the associated financial responsibilities are only vaguely defined; the control on hazardous substances and the so-called "environmental expiry date" requirements cannot be properly enforced, and the resources needed to ensure the satisfactory enforcement of the environmental abatement and pollution control requirements in WEEE plants are overwhelming. In addition, the use of a "multiple enforcement body" approach to the control of hazardous substances in WEEE is an indication that the Chinese government lacks the determination to properly enforce the relevant legal requirements.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic acid deposition causes forest soil acidification and perturbation of the soil forming processes. The impact of soil acidification on tree growth is discussed in view of the role of mycorrhizal fungi in weathering and nutrient uptake. A review has been carried out of experiments involving treatments of forest soil by lime and wood ash, where soil properties and soil solution composition have been investigated. Results from these experiments in Europe and North America are summarized. In general, the content of C in the mor layer decreased as a result of treatment due to higher microbial activity and soil respiration as well as increased leakage of DOC. In addition, the content of N in the mor layer, in general, decreased after treatment and there are occasional peaks of high NO3concentrations in soil solution. In nearly all reviewed investigations the pH of the deep mineral soil solution decreased and Al, SO4and NO3concentrations increased after treatment. These effects are probably due to the high ionic strength and increased microbial activity as a consequence of the treatments. In the soil, pH, CEC and base saturation increased in the upper horizons, but decreases in the upper mineral soil are also reported. In general, there was no increase in tree growth as a result of these treatments. The positive effects of the treatments on soil processes and tree growth are therefore questionable. In view of these conclusions, an investigation was carried out on the soil and soil solution chemistry and the role of mycorrhizal fungi in a spruce stand treated with two doses of lime and another treated with lime/ash in southern Sweden. The results of this investigation is reported in this volume.  相似文献   

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