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Alpine areas in northwestern Yunnan, China possess globally significant levels of biodiversity and are important locally for livelihood activities such as livestock grazing and medicinal plant collection. Because local land use has important impacts on alpine conditions and communities have significant capacity to manage alpine resources, we emphasized local collaboration during the initial stages of conservation planning. Our collaboration with local communities investigated how livelihood strategies affect the condition of alpine resources in northwestern Yunnan and how future conservation efforts can be compatible with local livelihoods. We sampled three livestock herding sites, each within a different alpine sub-region, using open-ended interviews and maximum variation sampling. According to interviewees, livestock grazing within the alpine zone currently does not appear to be negatively impacting the availability of forage. Medicinal plant collection, however, is showing unsustainable trends. Tourism is as yet a nascent industry, but is seen as having great potential by those interviewed. It is clear that with increases in population, access to regional markets, and tourism, northwestern Yunnan’s rich alpine resources will require careful management. In addition to the data collected, we found that the methodology used may be widely applicable to organizations with limited resources that wish to engage local communities during the formative stages of regional-level conservation planning.  相似文献   

African mixed crop–livestock systems are vulnerable to climate change and need to adapt in order to improve productivity and sustain people’s livelihoods. These smallholder systems are characterized by high greenhouse gas emission rates, but could play a role in their mitigation. Although the impact of climate change is projected to be large, many uncertainties persist, in particular with respect to impacts on livestock and grazing components, whole-farm dynamics and heterogeneous farm populations. We summarize the current understanding on impacts and vulnerability and highlight key knowledge gaps for the separate system components and the mixed farming systems as a whole. Numerous adaptation and mitigation options exist for crop–livestock systems. We provide an overview by distinguishing risk management, diversification and sustainable intensification strategies, and by focusing on the contribution to the three pillars of climate-smart agriculture. Despite the potential solutions, smallholders face major constraints at various scales, including small farm sizes, the lack of response to the proposed measures and the multi-functionality of the livestock herd. Major institutional barriers include poor access to markets and relevant knowledge, land tenure insecurity and the common property status of most grazing resources. These limit the adoption potential and hence the potential impact on resilience and mitigation. In order to effectively inform decision-making, we therefore call for integrated, system-oriented impact assessments and a realistic consideration of the adoption constraints in smallholder systems. Building on agricultural system model development, integrated impact assessments and scenario analyses can inform the co-design and implementation of adaptation and mitigation strategies.F  相似文献   

Kanchenjunga Conservation Area is located in the remote and sparsely populated mountainous region of Eastern Nepal. It has been locally managed as a decentralized Integrated Conservation and Development Project since 2006, the first of its kind in Asia. Major international donor agencies sponsor programs to empower and strengthen the capacity of local communities to manage their natural resources, while concurrently improving livelihood opportunities. We surveyed 205 randomly selected households throughout the project area to assess the factors that influence household participation roles in management and management groups, and to evaluate how benefits from program involvement were distributed among the community. Overall, the distribution of benefits was unequal: households with higher level participation roles had increased access to financial credit and capacity development trainings. Social variables such as age, level of education among head of households, the highest level education among household adults, and household size predicted participation. The region is economically homogeneous; therefore, economic factors such as remittances, off-farm income and the quantity of landholdings or livestock did not predict household participation roles. Our results demonstrate the importance of targeting and empowering disadvantaged households in decentralized conservation programs, including educating members about the relationship between participation and equitable distribution of benefits.  相似文献   

Fisheries resources support livelihoods of fishing communities but are threatened by over-exploitation, habitat degradation, pollution, invasive species and climate change. Unlike the other threats, climate change has received limited consideration and reducing its risks requires appropriate adaptation strategies. This study used quantitative and qualitative methods to generate knowledge on fishers’ perceptions of climate change, changes in climate variables and their impacts on livelihoods, adaptation strategies, constraints to adaptation and required interventions to promote adaptation strategies that would enable fishers to build resilience to sustain their livelihoods. We found that fishers were aware of changes in climate conditions manifested by unpredictable seasons, floods and droughts. Fishing remained the main livelihood activity. However, the dominance of fishes had changed from Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) to the African catfish (Clarias gariepinus Burchell). Floods and droughts were associated with damage to gears, boats, landing sites and changes in fish catches and sizes, income from fishing and fish consumption. The fishers adapted by increasing time on fishing grounds and changing target species and fishing gear among other things. Some innovative fishers diversified to high-value crops and livestock. This increased their income beyond what was solely earned from fishing which provided an incentive for some of them to quit fishing. Livelihood diversification was enhanced by use of communications technology, membership of social groups, increasing fishing days and fishing experience. Adaptation was, however, constrained by limited credit, awareness and access to land, which require interventions such as improving access to credit, irrigation facilities, appropriate planting materials and awareness raising. We identified adaptation strategies, which if promoted and their constraints addressed, could increase resilience of fishers to the influence of climate change and sustain their livelihoods.  相似文献   

In the Blue Nile Basin of Ethiopian highlands, rainfall distribution is extremely uneven both spatially and temporally. Drought frequently results in crop failure, while high rainfall intensities result in low infiltration and high runoff causing soil erosion and land degradation. These combined factors contribute to low agricultural productivity and high levels of food insecurity. Poor land management practices coupled with lack of effective rainwater management strategies aggravate the situation. Over the past two decades, however, the Government of Ethiopia has attempted to address many of these issues through a large-scale implementation of a number of soil and water conservation measures. Despite the success of interventions, uptake and adoption remains low. The conceptual framework of this study is based on the premise that farmers are more likely to adopt a combination of rainwater management technologies as adaptation mechanism against climate variability and agricultural production constraints. This contrasts the previous work that typically examined a single technology without considering the interdependence between technologies. Data used in this study come from household survey in seven watersheds in the Ethiopian Blue Nile Basin. A multivariate probit model was used to account for the potential correlation and interdependence of various components of rainwater management technologies. Our results suggest that rainwater management technologies are related with each other; hence, any effort to promote the adoption of rainwater management technologies has to consider such interdependence of technologies, or failure to do so may mask the reality that farmers face a set of choices in their adoption decisions.  相似文献   


The need to balance agricultural production and environmental protection shifted the focus of Brazilian land-use policy toward sustainable agriculture. In 2010, Brazil established preferential credit lines to finance investments into low-carbon integrated agricultural systems of crop, livestock and forestry. This article presents a simulation-based empirical assessment of integrated system adoption in the state of Mato Grosso, where highly mechanized soybean–cotton and soybean–maize double-crop systems currently prevail. We employ bioeconomic modeling to explicitly capture the heterogeneity of farm-level costs and benefits of adoption. By parameterizing and validating our simulations with both empirical and experimental data, we evaluate the effectiveness of the ABC Integration credit through indicators such as land-use change, adoption rates and budgetary costs of credit provision. Alternative scenarios reveal that specific credit conditions might speed up the diffusion of low-carbon agricultural systems in Mato Grosso.


Livestock production is very risky due to climate variability in semi-arid Sub-Saharan Africa. Using data collected from 400 households in the Borena zone of the Oromia Region, we explored what drives adoption of agricultural practices that can decrease the vulnerability of agro-pastoralists to climate change. Households with more adaptive capacity adopted a larger number of practices. The households’ adaptive capacity was stronger when the quality of local institutions was high. However, adaptive capacity had less explanatory power in explaining adoption of adaptation options than household socio-economic characteristics, suggesting that aggregating information into one indicator of adaptive capacity for site-specific studies may not help to explain the adoption behaviour of households. Strong local institutions lead to changes in key household-level characteristics (like membership to community groups, years lived in a village, access to credit, financial savings and crop income) which positively affect adoption of agricultural practices. In addition, better local institutions were also positively related to adoption of livestock-related adaptation practices. Poor access to a tarmac road was positively related to intensification and diversification of crop production, whereas it was negatively related to the intensification of livestock production, an important activity for generating cash in the region. Our findings suggest that better local institutions lead to changes in household characteristics, which positively affect adoption of adaptation practices, suggesting that policies should aim to strengthen local institutions.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to evaluate and analyze the impact of adoption of soil conservation practices (SCPs) on the technical efficiency of smallholder rice producers in Central China. We address self-selection bias and unobserved heterogeneity problems by estimating a switching regression model for the adoption decision function and separate stochastic production frontiers for SCP and Conventional farms while allowing for production inefficiency. SCP farms exhibit statistically higher average technical efficiency than Conventional farms. Education, extension services, membership in cooperatives, access to credit, and alternative income sources are positively and significantly associated with technical efficiency for both groups. Conventional farms display higher partial output elasticity for land, while only SCP farms show significant elasticity for capital.  相似文献   

节水灌溉技术采用率低下已成为制约西北干旱地区农村经济可持续发展的关键。理论研究发现,信贷约束对具有资本密集型特质的节水灌溉技术采用产生影响,而社会资本对信贷约束具有一定的缓解作用。基于此,本文使用甘肃张掖483户农户调研数据,首先,将通过意愿调查法获得的农户金额约束、利率约束和期限约束数据资料表征农户信贷约束程度,并应用探索性因子分析法构建社会资本指数;其次,运用Probit模型实证分析信贷约束、社会资本对节水灌溉技术采用的影响;再次,分别引入社会资本与金额、利率和期限约束的交互项,检验社会资本对信贷约束的缓解效应;最后,通过稳健性检验与边际效应分析对实证结果和影响程度进行检验。结果发现:(1)信贷约束的三个维度——金额约束、利率约束和期限约束分别对节水灌溉技术采用行为具有显著的抑制作用,而社会资本对农户采用节水灌溉技术具有积极促进作用。金额约束每增加1万元,节水灌溉技术采用概率降低1.96%;利率约束每上升1%,采用概率下降0.77%;期限约束每延长1年,采用概率下降2.39%;农户社会资本每提高一个档次,采用概率提升21.04%。(2)社会资本通过民间借贷等形式,对技术采用过程中的金额与利率约束有显著的缓冲功能;受民间借贷期限不稳定等因素的影响,社会资本对期限约束的缓解效应并不明显。(3)户主年龄、受教育程度、所在村庄与乡镇的距离以及是否接受过技术推广服务均对节水灌溉技术采用行为有显著影响。  相似文献   

Small livestock is an important resource for rural human populations in dry climates. How strongly will climate change affect the capacity of the rangeland? We used hierarchical modelling to scale quantitatively the growth of shrubs and annual plants, the main food of sheep and goats, to the landscape extent in the eastern Mediterranean region. Without grazing, productivity increased in a sigmoid way with mean annual precipitation. Grazing reduced productivity more strongly the drier the landscape. At a point just under the stocking capacity of the vegetation, productivity declined precipitously with more intense grazing due to a lack of seed production of annuals. We repeated simulations with precipitation patterns projected by two contrasting IPCC scenarios. Compared to results based on historic patterns, productivity and stocking capacity did not differ in most cases. Thus, grazing intensity remains the stronger impact on landscape productivity in this dry region even in the future.  相似文献   

Grazing is the main land use in semi-arid regions of the world, and sustainable management practices are urgently needed to prevent their degradation. However, how different grazing intensities affect forest density and ecosystem functions is often not sufficiently understood to allow for management adaptations that safeguard the ecosystems and their functions in the long run. We assessed the aboveground carbon stocks and plant densities along a grazing gradient in the semi-arid seasonally dry tropical forest of north-eastern Brazil (Caatinga). On 45 study plots, we analysed the aboveground carbon stocks of the vegetation and determined forest density and recruitment as well as the population structure of the most abundant tree species. Grazing intensity was accounted for based on the weight of livestock droppings and classified as low, intermediate, or high. Mean aboveground carbon stock was 15.74?±?1.92 Mg ha?1 with trees and shrubs accounting for 89% of the total amount. Grazing at high intensities significantly reduced aboveground carbon stocks of herbs but not of other plant functional types. Instead, aboveground carbon stocks of trees and shrubs were negatively related to altitude above sea level, which is a proxy for reduced water availability along with lower anthropogenic impact. The population structure of the most common tree species was characterised by abundant recruitment, irrespective of grazing, whereas the recruitment of less frequent woody species was negatively affected by grazing. Overall, our data imply that grazing and forage management need to be adapted, including the reduction of free-roaming livestock and storage of fodder, to maintain carbon storage and forest density.  相似文献   

Tibetan yak herding practices in northwest Yunnan, southwest China have maintained remarkable biological diversity. To learn more about local cultural adaptation to policy changes, we interviewed 37 households in Deqin County on their traditional knowledge, and the changes they have observed in ecological conditions, livestock health, and land management. These villages varied in proximity to main roads, farmland quality, and livelihood options. Herd sizes in Deqin have quadrupled since the 1950s, due to commune era policies and subsequent privatization of livestock. The practice of burning shrubs increased during the communal period but has since decreased due to a burn ban. Herders report that the increase in shrublands invading alpine meadows has reduced livestock forage, reducing the productivity of alpine rangelands and yak health. Butter production has declined by 30 % over the last two decades. Herders are shifting to diversify sources of income when available, but villagers in remote and protected areas continue to depend on livestock for much of their livelihood. Scientific data confirm herder reported ecological changes including increased temperature, decreased snowfall, and accounts of increased erosion (which deserves further study). Climate, policy, and economic incentives have interacted to increase pressure on shrinking alpine meadows and reduce dairy production.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the factors influencing the adoption of various adaptation practices by a highly marginalized indigenous community in the remote rural Mid-Hills of Nepal. The analysis is based on a household survey conducted among 221 Chepang households selected randomly. A multivariate probit model was used to analyze five categories of adaptation choices against a set of socio-economic, institutional, infrastructural, and perception variables. Perception of rainfall changes, size of landholding, status of land tenure, distance to motor road, access to productive credit, information, extension services, and skill development trainings are all influential to enable households to deviate away from traditional coping strategies and adopt suitable practices to adapt to climate vagaries. Policies and development activities should be geared to address these determinants in order to facilitate adaptation.  相似文献   

In Tanzania, well-defined land tenure and resource protection apply in forest reserves which account for 30% of forested land, while the remaining 70% (mostly miombo woodlands) are village and general lands with very limited protection. The aim of this study was to determine local peoples ownership rights, knowledge and institutional capacity for sustainable management of resources in forest reserves and general lands. Data were collected using participatory rural appraisal, structured and semi-structured interviews, as well as aerial photographs and landsat images. In general lands, woodlands declined by 50% between 1964 and 1996, bushlands and croplands increased by 599%, and settlements and homegardens increased by 277%. These land use and vegetation structure changes are attributed to harvesting for charcoal production and shifting cultivation. The continued decline in aerial woodland cover in the general lands suggests that common property regimes do not function in the area. Local institutional capacities are weak in enforcing control mechanisms to check the overuse of resources, which tends to approximate open access conditions. The issues of land tenure and village empowerment are not only institutional, but also political in nature. Government institutions should provide and motivate for an enabling environment, including acknowledgement of traditional knowledge, well-defined property rights and operational village by-laws. In order to ensure equity and sustainable development of natural resources, the paradigm shift in management is important whereby communal goods are to be managed for the benefit of the local society.  相似文献   

The Alemaya district (Eastern Ethiopian highlands) is characterized by undulating physiographic features with arid, semi-arid, and humid climatic conditions. This study evaluated socio-environmental changes in land use and land cover during 1985–2011. Screen digitization on remotely sensed data (i.e., Landsat images from 1985 to 2011) was performed to produce 10 classes of land use and land cover. Then, final land-use maps were prepared using a geographic information system following field verification and accuracy assessment. The drying of water bodies, including the prominent lakes Alemaya, Adele, and Tinike, had been the most important environmental change observed. Degraded land, marsh, perennial cropland, and residential areas increased by 37, 438, 42, and 190 %, respectively, whereas grassland, plantation, shrubland, and temporal cropland decreased by 64, 11, 63, and 29 %, respectively. The increase in land degradation (+37 %), the other major observed problem, has made large areas unsuitable for agriculture and has reduced crop productivity. These land-use and land-cover changes have affected both the environment and the livelihoods of local residents; especially the issue related to land degradation requires urgent attention.  相似文献   

The critical situation with traditional reindeer husbandry in the Yamal district of the Yamalo- Nenets Autonomous Area, indicated by an anthrax epizootic, is analyzed from an ecological viewpoint. The phenomenon of epizootic is regarded as an ecosystemic homeostatic mechanism operating to prevent excess population growth and maintain ecosystem integrity. The shutdown of this mechanism by means of vaccination, with the proportion of reindeer removed from slaughter remaining low, has resulted in an increased grazing load of rangelands and their consequent severe degradation. These events have been aggravated due to change in the type of ownership in reindeer husbandry during the reforms of the 1990s. The ecological situation is classified as critical, posing a real hazard to this particular ethnic form of economy. It is concluded that the period of extensive/expansive development of Yamal reindeer husbandry has come to an end. Sociopsychological attitudes of the Nenets, acquired when biological resources were abundant, contradict with the principles of ecosystem existence and functioning in the period of resource depletion. The maintenance of reindeer husbandry in the traditional form requires increasing material, labor, and financial investments, but positive results are unlikely to be obtained because of ecological constraints.  相似文献   

This study presents the determinants and development strategies of agricultural systems of the Hill Tracts of Chittagong in Bangladesh using multivariate analysis. A total of 18 selected variables transformed into 4 factors extracted by principal factor method explain 77.21 % of the total variability of the agricultural systems in Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT), and the agricultural systems in CHT are classified as extensive, semi-intensive, intensive and mixed using cluster analysis. Agricultural extension services, credit facilities and infrastructure such as distance to markets are identified as the main factors responsible for the changes in agricultural systems in CHT. Finally, it has been suggested to provide knowledge and skills to the farmers in CHT through agricultural extension using farmer field schools, microcredit using Grameen Bank approach and facilities such as improved transportation to the markets for better price and higher profit from the sale of the agricultural products to enable the farmers to move from shifting cultivation to environmentally and economically sound semi-intensive or intensive agricultural systems.  相似文献   

新中国成立后,效法前苏联的中国物权立法是一种按照所有权主体分类调整的“身份型”立法,该立法模式不仅抹杀了不同类型国有财产的“个性”,而且也将自然资源的公共性和生态性消融于普通财产的财产属性和独占使用之中。鉴于“公产法定,私产推定”立法模式能够实现自然资源领域政治国家与市民社会之间的利益平衡,并且“公产法定”具有限制国家公权、保障公众对特定自然资源的平等利用权等制度功能,应以国有自然资源资产的分类管理为逻辑主线,重构自然资源国家所有权客体制度:一是明确自然资源为不动产的物权法地位,借助自然资源不动产登记单元和“复杂物”概念对具有特定生态功能的同一自然资源登记单元的不同自然资源的整合功能,将其纳入传统民法物权客体理论的调整之中。二是依据不同自然资源社会属性之强弱,将国有自然资源资产区分为公产和私产,建立分类调整的规则体系,防范公产之上的国家所有权“遁入私法”。三是物权立法应直接明确国有自然资源资产受公法和私法的双重调整,可以公法和私法相互配合的方式行使所有权。四是国家和集体所有之外的资源原则上可自由利用。  相似文献   

关于提高我国自然资源物权化程度的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自然资源物权是随着环境资源法和物权法的发展而逐渐进入人们视野的。与传统物权相比,自然资源物权是一组性质有别的权利总称.它在本质上具有物权属性.但也包含准物权的内容。可将其分为土地资源物权和其它自然资源物权。我国的自然资源物权制度主要存在所有权虚化和抽象化、使用权物权化程度不高、土地资源使用权未得到切实保障等缺陷。应当通过强化和实现自然资源所有权、积极推进自然资源使用权物权化来完善我国自然资源物权制度。在具体的制度设计上。必须保障自然资源国家所有权的有效实现,改进和完善自然资源的集体所有权;同时也要推进土地使用权和其它自然资源使用权的物权化,特别是扩大自然资源物权中公民使用权的范围.推进自然资源物权的具体化和制度化。  相似文献   

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