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The ‘restructuring’ of production and marketing is now an important part of less developed countries' (LDCs) policies to increase their gains from primary commodity exporting. Analysis of structural change in the tin industry shows that considerable increases in real income have been achieved by taxation and by equity restructuring. Specialist foreign tin companies have been replaced in part by major mining multinationals, however, whose bargaining power is stronger. Investment appraisals suggest that foreign companies in Asia have not been taxed excessively, but that more could be done to aid local, labour-intensive mining.  相似文献   

The risk of financial failure among LDC mining projects, always significant, has apparently increased during recent years. This situation, which is unlikely to change in the near future, has important implications for LDC mineral policies. In particular, it can no longer be assumed that mining will generate significant government revenues, traditionally regarded as the single most important economic benefit arising from large-scale mining projects in LDCs. Many LDC governments consequently need to reassess their mineral policies and place greater stress on maximizing economic benefits which will accrue even where mines fail to generate significant profits. Two such benefits are discussed, and concrete policy measures are suggested to illustrate the initiatives available to LDCs.  相似文献   

The issue of proportionality is central to climate policy debates about setting targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the development of low-carbon energy. In effect, these debates centre on whether the perceived social costs outweigh the benefits of policies and, if not, whether this may lead to over-investment or ‘policy bubbles’. Political attention, agenda setting and policy image are all crucial drivers of ambitious policy formation, as seen in the case of the United Kingdom's (U.K.) Climate Change Act (2008). However, as political salience waned and economic depression dragged on, the cost of long-term climate targets has been reconsidered. Based on documentary analysis and 33 interviews with central political actors, this article presents a detailed account of how economic arguments have been used to reinterpret and challenge policies, using the heuristics of ‘over-investment’ and ‘policy bubbles’. Ultimately, arguments about proportionality hinge on which costs and benefits are considered. In the U.K., economic and technical framings are typically prioritised, but they do not explain contradictory and politically motivated policy decisions. We discuss these dynamics within the context of maturing renewable energy technologies, high energy prices and the U.K.’s cross-party consensus approach to climate politics.  相似文献   

This paper examines the ‘range of choice’ concept in water management. Although many efforts have been made to design policies that broaden the consideration of water resources alternatives, the experiences gained from these policy experiments have not been adequately assessed. What insights might American policy approaches offer for developing countries? To address this question, four general policy types were identified and compared: (1) comprehensive single-objective policies; (2) comprehensive multiple-objective policies; (3) specific non-structural policies; and (4) specific technological policies. Case studies of each approach revealed that effective institutional development occurs when policies are: (1) stated in clear and specific language; (2) modified as experience is gained; (3) adequate in terms of statutory and administrative authority; and (4) subject to an orderly process of public and judicial review. The most successful policy efforts to date have involved specific alternatives, while multiple-objective policies have encountered the most difficulties. Common institutional problems are identified, and their potential relevance for developing countries is discussed.  相似文献   

As the Canadian oil sands development matures, an increasingly important policy activity is reclamation. Reclamation has received limited attention compared with the broader discussion of oil sands expansion, however, and its past direction and future trajectory are unclear. Recent moves to reform the policy in Alberta have been interpreted simultaneously as a major change and a marginal adaptation to the existing framework. This article employs a historical-institutional perspective to help reconcile this debate and further understanding of changes to Alberta's oil sands reclamation policies over the past half century. It traces the factors and outlines the processes which have driven its evolution since 1963 with special attention paid to the 2011 Oil Sands Progressive Reclamation Strategy, the most recent attempt to reform oil sands reclamation policy. The article reveals a complex long-term pattern of policy development in which processes of ‘tense layering’ of new initiatives on top of old elements resulted in a constantly shifting policy landscape as existing policy instruments and settings were ‘stretched’ to cover new circumstances but failed to resolve tensions between successive policy layers. After 1993, however, a more reflective process was put into place in which policy feedback informed alterations intended to reduce or remove tensions between successive layers. Such a policy ‘patching’ process is shown to have helped resolve tensions associated with earlier stretching of the existing regime and adds to the vocabulary of more general studies of policy dynamics.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: An heuristic iterative technique based upon stochastic dynamic programming is presented for the analysis of the operation of a three reservoir ‘Y’ shaped hydroelectric system. The technique is initiated using historical inflow data for the downstream reservoir. At each iteration the optimal policies for the downstream hydroelectric generating unit are used to provide relative weightings or targets for operation of upstream reservoirs. New input inflows to the downstream reservoir are then obtained by running the historical streamflow record through the optimal policies for the upstream reservoirs. These flows are then used to develop a new operating policy for the downstream reservoir and hence new targets for the upstream reservoirs. The process is continued until the operating policies for each reservoir provide the same overall system benefit for two successive iterations. Results obtained from the procedure are compared to the results obtained by historical operation of the system. The procedure is shown to develop operating policies which give benefits which are as close to the historical benefits as can be expected given the choice of the number of storage state variables.  相似文献   

Many analysts blame the LDCs for the present oversupply crisis in certain commodity markets, and suggest that a reduction in the loans provided by multinational agencies would oblige them to reduce production levels. The underlying assumption is that the producers in LDCs can react like their counterparts in North America to a temporary decline in prices.
A detailed comparison between two copper producers, one in the United States and the other in Zambia, leads to a very different conclusion. Unlike its North American counterpart, because of social and technical conditions, the Zambian company would not draw any benefit from a temporary closure. Its policy is, very logically, to maximize output, with the support of a government which wants to keep both employment and foreign exchange earnings high. Although this policy relies on external finance, it is very doubtful that a change in lending policies could impose significant production cuts. Any analysis of the commodity market should take into account the diversity of the producers, and particularly the low flexibility of mines in the LDCs.  相似文献   

During the 2007–2008 global food crisis, the prices of primary foods, in particular, peaked. Subsequently, governments concerned about food security and investors keen to capitalize on profit-maximizing opportunities undertook large-scale land acquisitions (LASLA) in, predominantly, least developed countries (LDCs). Economically speaking, this market reaction is highly welcome, as it should (1) improve food security and lower prices through more efficient food production while (2) host countries benefit from development opportunities. However, our assessment of the debate on the issues indicates critical voices in both the media and academic discourse. This article aims to provide a philosophical law and economics analysis. We draw on John Rawls’s Theory of Justice, focusing on Rawls’s background institutions for distributive justice (§43) to evaluate LASLA form an ethical angle. Approaching LASLA into Sub Saharan LDCs as a socio-economic reform redistributing land from the local population of LDCs to investors, we acknowledge that they bear a highly desirable potential. Often, though, they cannot be regarded as ethically correct in practice as the insignificant improvements for local populations and sometimes even human rights violations contradict Rawls’s principles of justice. Then investigating whether and how international law can help overcome the shortcomings, we conclude that even though respective mechanisms exist in the current state of international law, it is hardly possible that it will produce more just outcomes in the near future.  相似文献   


The development of ‘indicators’ and associated techniques for the appraisal of ‘sustainability’ requires efforts to systematically define, quantify and aggregate many disparate dimensions of social, environmental and economic performance. This necessarily raises a number of serious theoretical and methodological difficulties, including those relating to the selection and framing of ‘problems’ and ‘options’, the treatment of deep uncertainties and the ‘impossibility’ of aggregating in analysis the divergent social interests and value judgements which govern the prioritisation of the different dimensions of ‘sustainability’. After exploring the depth and scope of some of these difficulties, this paper argues that they render futile any attempt to develop an ‘analytical fix’ for the problems of appraisal. In this light, systematic public participation is recognised not just as an issue of political efficacy and legitimacy, but also as a fundamental matter of analytical rigour. However, it is also concluded that once aspirations to the ‘analytical fix’ are renounced, there is much that might be contributed by transparent, straightforward quantitative analytical tools and the paper ends with some recommendations and an example in this regard.  相似文献   

Mixed findings emerge from this ex post Cost-Benefit Analysis of a major water investment programme in Ireland. Water supply and conservation investments, where most benefits were internal, generally proved worthwhile. Wastewater investments could not be analysed fully due to lack of environmental data. Here the authors estimated the level of ‘willingness-to-pay’ that would have been required to ‘justify’ the investments. In some cases the required level seemed implausibly high, raising questions as to prioritisation of projects. The authors recommend a more systematic approach to recording environmental benefits in future investment programmes, the next likely wave being in new EU member states seeking to meet environmental standards. The EU, as likely co-funder of these investments, should require systematic recording of environmental benefits.  相似文献   

This paper presents results from the final phase of a ten-year research program dealing with the dynamics and the impacts of wilderness experiences. Although these data are from participants in shorter trips than those reported on previously, questionnaire data indicate that responses to the different trips were similar, and that responses from participants of different ages and sexes were also similar. Theoretical issues which emerged from earlier analyses of participants' journals are also re-examined in light of the current data. These earlier results had suggested that an individual's growing perceptual understanding of the surrounding wilderness environment was connected to a wide range of personal insights as well as other psychological benefits. Results from the current data concur with this finding. Furthermore, contrary to alternative hypotheses, feelings of control over the environment were not evident either in the original data or in the current participants' journals. These data suggest that an alternative stance, described as feeling ‘at one with’ or ‘part of’ the environment, is more frequent and is generalized to nonwilderness surroundings. Other categories of individual response which complement this non-dominant environmental orientation are also documented in the current data.  相似文献   

Third World countries are not pursuing scientific and technological policies leading to the development of strong biotechnological industries. Their leaders have been misled into believing that modern biotechnological industries can be built in the absence of strong, intellectually aggressive, and original scientific schools. Hence, they do not strive to reform their universities, which have weak commitments to research, and do not see the importance of having research hospitals able to generate excellent and relevant clinical investigation. These strategic gaps in scientific capability, the lack of governmental and corporate research funding, and the dependent nature of the chemical and pharmaceutical industries of the Third World make the development of competitive biotechnology a highly improbable event. If the present trend continues, underdeveloped countries will continue to be testing grounds for biological materials and agents, sources of valuable germplasm, and markets for high-value-added products and processes invented and manufactured in the First World. This article recommends that the international organizations collaborate in the urgent task of educating the Third World political leaders and administrators in the real problems connected with the generation of high technology.  相似文献   

Identifying the motivations of environmental volunteers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The natural environment benefits greatly from the work of volunteers. However, little is known as to why people are willing to volunteer their time to such programs. The study participants were 401 volunteers from six natural resource organizations. The study identified and assessed motivations of volunteers within the conservation and natural resources arena. The results suggest that there are many volunteer motivations, although ‘helping the environment’ clearly emerged as most important. Second-tier motivations included ‘improving areas that volunteers use for their own recreation’, ‘expressing their values’, ‘learning about the natural environment’ and ‘socializing with people with similar interests’. Managers need to consider these motivations, developing programs in order to provide volunteers with an experience that meets their motivations. By developing programs with volunteer motivations in mind, managers will better be able to recruit and retain volunteers within their organizations.  相似文献   

Contemporary analysis of the food sector has failed convincingly to link production to consumption, and it has not provided a sociological account of such links. This paper makes a provisional attempt to begin such an analysis and does so by examining the case of the market for organic food in Tuscany. It proposes that the ‘pioneers’ of organics in this region constituted a new food movement that succeeded in opening up a new market. However, this market could only be successfully expanded once other actors were enrolled in the market-making process, notably state agencies and supermarkets. The regional government, through new regulations and specific initiatives, integrated organic foods into rural development policy, thereby assisting producers in the process of conversion. Supermarkets co-operated in the implementation of these policies and made space for Tuscan organic products in their stores. So while the ‘pioneers’ began the process of market building, these later entrants were crucial to the stabilization and expansion of the organic sector in Tuscany. Thus, it can be concluded that the emergence of these new ‘markets’ for nature can only be adequately explained by analysing the full range of actors. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

One of the most significant junctures in natural resource planning and management in recent years has been the emergence of community-based natural resource management (CBNRM). The central focus of CBNRM is the environment, of course. However, it explicitly considers the local economy and community as well. It is a highly participatory approach to local, place-based projects, programs and policies aimed simultaneously at environmental and community health. This paper is an attempt to shed light on what happens in the local economy and community as a result of pursuing a CBNRM strategy. Oregon has been in the vanguard in putting CBNRM into operation. A key example is the state's experience with local watershed councils and the state agency that supports them, the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (OWEB). Drawing from a larger study of Oregon's watershed councils, we ask and answer the questions: ‘What direct contribution do watershed councils make to the local economies of Oregon?’; ‘Do watershed councils contribute to ‘civic engagement’ in Oregon?’ and ‘Do they enhance individuals' and communities’ capacity to engage in public issues beyond watershed council activities?’  相似文献   

The paper explores the relations of (1) regionalized climate change impulses; (2) their impacts on regional industry sectors; and (3) a regional econometric impact analysis. It develops a methodology by which the impulses of a regional climate change scenario can be transformed into ‘primary’ impacts on the capital stock and value added of climate-sensitive regional industries. These industries are vulnerable to ‘creeping’, i.e. continuous, climate change impulses, and they tend to react through ‘defensive’ investment. In addition, a singular flooding event is simulated for a specific local area and its different capital stocks. The stock damages and value-added losses of both the continuous industrial impacts and the singular flooding are inserted into a regional econometric model. This is sectorally disaggregated in stock, value-added and investment functions. It is also calibrated in the very-long run (through to the year 2040), according to different scenarios. The regional economic ‘secondary’ effects on the regional GNP are calculated. In addition to the calculation of regional economic primary and secondary impacts, the methodological issue of generating more transparency of the causal chains by use of damage functions, reaction functions, and comparative defensive strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

‘Green jobs’ are often presented as a simultaneous solution for the economic downturn and the environmental crisis, particularly as they relate to sustainable development in energy and climate change. Federal, state, and municipal authorities have employed a variety of policy tools to boost job creation within their jurisdictions. This study focuses on the role that state policies play in creating green jobs. It examines two generic policy tools – regulations and incentives – each of which can be aimed at advancing energy efficiency or renewable energy production, and assesses the relative impact they have had on generating green jobs. In order to measure this impact, we utilize panel data compiled by the Pew Charitable Trusts, which contain a state‐level count of green jobs from 1998 to 2007. The results of the analysis suggest that regulations, particularly those that mandate action on renewable energy, are likely to increase the number of private sector green jobs in states. Regulations with clear guidelines and targets tend to reduce uncertainty in business, and can lead to increased private sector investment and job availability. This study provides practical lessons regarding the type and design of policy instruments and regulations on renewable energy, which effectively encourage green job growth.  相似文献   

This study analyses the general-equilibrium impacts of an international climate change response policy on the economy of Western Australia (WA), one of the most mining-based and energy-intensive states of Australia. It finds that emissions would fall by up to 11% from the base level in WA. However, such environmental benefits emanate at some costs to the state economy; in terms of foregone gross state product, the costs are up to 3% of the base level. Indeed, the actual costs and benefits depend on the precise design of the climate change response policy as well as on the other policies within which it operates. For example, when emission quota permits are sold to industries and no tradeable carbon credits (i.e. credits for the carbon sequestrated in Kyoto forests) are granted, emissions decline by about 8% and GSP falls by about 3% of the base levels. If carbon credits are tradeable, however, the environmental benefits could be increased and the GSP cost could be reduced substantially. Also, the reduced economic activity caused by emission abatement results in a modest fall in net government revenue, despite the additional revenue from permit sales in some cases. Accordingly, government’s fiscal package surrounding the emission permits would influence the emission abatement impacts on the economy. With regard to the effects on the structure of the state economy, the oil and gas industry suffers only a slight contraction but the energy-supplying sector as a whole contracts substantially. It is therefore not surprising that the impacts on the WA economy of curbing emissions by energy and transport industries alone are quite significant when compared to those resulted from all industries’ compliance with the abatement scheme. It needs to be noted that the model projections analysed in the paper are based on simplifying assumptions and tentative scenarios, and hence should be viewed with caution and not be understood as unconditional forecasts.  相似文献   

Fisheries catches are known to be widely underreported, and much of their value flows in informal markets. Goods and services that are not directly sold in a market also have a corresponding economic value, here termed ‘shadow value’, which can apply to discarded fish—or those that are consumed but not sold (e.g., subsistence catches). Here, we estimate the monetary value of fisheries catches in Panama that are landed but not reported, or that are discarded at sea; this includes catches from artisanal and industrial fleets, as well as recreational and subsistence fisheries. Based on available data, we estimate that the market and shadow value of unreported catches in Panama in 2010 was around US$92 million, equal to approximately 43% of the total reported landed value. In the case of discarded fish, the shadow value represents the potential but entirely unrealized economic benefit of landing such fish; in the case of unreported landings, unreported market value represents only the first link in the potentially sophisticated informal seafood economy. One must be careful in considering these results for policy. It is possible that, rather than seeking to capture these ‘lost’ benefits, fish that are discarded or unreported should not have been caught at all, for example, if they are juveniles or of threatened species; conversely, unreported subsistence catches are crucial for food security throughout the world. These results help contextualize the scale of unreported fisheries in economic terms, and can inform subsequent policies and strategies to ensure social, ecological, and economic sustainability.  相似文献   

Nonfuels minerals policy in the USA flows from the differential and unique reactions of these industries to general economic policies in the areas of taxation, land use, environment, and international trade. To search for nonfuels minerals policy as direct statements by the US government on nonfuels minerals is futile. Nevertheless, the industries are unique in many characteristics, and the application of these general policies to the minerals industries creates unique situations. This uniqueness has been recognized by a virtually constant policy review over the past 10 years. The current effort is just beginning, and to prejudge now the outcome of this discussion is premature. However, it is not premature to argue that because of the uniqueness of these industries, it may be expected that their problems will be receiving public attention for many years to come.  相似文献   

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