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Zero-inflated models with application to spatial count data   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Count data arises in many contexts. Here our concern is with spatial count data which exhibit an excessive number of zeros. Using the class of zero-inflated count models provides a flexible way to address this problem. Available covariate information suggests formulation of such modeling within a regression framework. We employ zero-inflated Poisson regression models. Spatial association is introduced through suitable random effects yielding a hierarchical model. We propose fitting this model within a Bayesian framework considering issues of posterior propriety, informative prior specification and well-behaved simulation based model fitting. Finally, we illustrate the model fitting with a data set involving counts of isopod nest burrows for 1649 pixels over a portion of the Negev desert in Israel.  相似文献   

Policy responses for local and global fire management as well as international green-gas inventories depend heavily on the proper understanding of the annual fire extend as well as its spatial variation across any given study area. Proper statistical models are important tools in quantifying these fire risks. We propose Bayesian methods to model jointly the probability of ignition and fire sizes in Australia and New Zeland. The data set on which we base our model and results consists of annual observations of several meteorological and topographical explanatory variables, together with the percentage of land burned over a grid with resolution of 1° across Austalia and New Zealand. Our model and conclusions bring improvements on the results reported by Russell-Smith et al. in Int J Wildland Fire, 16:361–377 (2007) based on a similar data set.  相似文献   

Numerical experiments based on atmosphere–ocean general circulation models (AOGCMs) are one of the primary tools in deriving projections for future climate change. Although each AOGCM has the same underlying partial differential equations modeling large scale effects, they have different small scale parameterizations and different discretizations to solve the equations, resulting in different climate projections. This motivates climate projections synthesized from results of several AOGCMs’ output. We combine present day observations, present day and future climate projections in a single highdimensional hierarchical Bayes model. The challenging aspect is the modeling of the spatial processes on the sphere, the number of parameters and the amount of data involved. We pursue a Bayesian hierarchical model that separates the spatial response into a large scale climate change signal and an isotropic process representing small scale variability among AOGCMs. Samples from the posterior distributions are obtained with computer-intensive MCMC simulations. The novelty of our approach is that we use gridded, high resolution data covering the entire sphere within a spatial hierarchical framework. The primary data source is provided by the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) and consists of 9 AOGCMs on a 2.8 by 2.8 degree grid under several different emission scenarios. In this article we consider mean seasonal surface temperature and precipitation as climate variables. Extensions to our model are also discussed.  相似文献   

We propose a Bayesian hierarchical modeling approach for estimating the size of a closed population from data obtained by identifying individuals through photographs of natural markings. We assume that noisy measurements of a set of distinctive features are available for each individual present in a photographic catalogue. To estimate the population size from two catalogues obtained during two different sampling occasions, we embed the standard two-stage $M_t$ capture–recapture model for closed population into a multivariate normal data matching model that identifies the common individuals across the catalogues. In addition to estimating the population size while accounting for the matching process uncertainty, this hierarchical modelling approach allows to identify the common individuals by using the information provided by the capture–recapture model. This way, our model also represents a novel and reliable tool able to reduce the amount of effort researchers have to expend in matching individuals. We illustrate and motivate the proposed approach via a real data set of photo-identification of narwhals. Moreover, we compare our method with a set of possible alternative approaches by using both the empirical data set and a simulation study.  相似文献   

In this work we present a Bayesian analysis in linear regression models with spatially varying coefficients for modeling and inference in spatio-temporal processes. This kind of model is particularly appealing in situations where the effect of one or more explanatory processes on the response present substantial spatial heterogeneity. We describe for this model how to make inference about the regression coefficients and response processes under two scenarios: when the explanatory processes are known throughout the study region, and when they are known only at the sampling locations. Using a simulation experiment we investigate how parameter inference and interpolation performance are affected by some features of the data and prior distribution that is used. The proposed methodology is used to model the dataset on PM10 levels in the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro presented in Paez and Gamerman (2003).  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a semiparametric survival model to investigate the pattern of spatial and temporal variation in disease prevalence of chronic wasting disease (CWD) in wild deer in Wisconsin over the years 2002 and 2006. The semiparametric survival model we suggested allows to build a more flexible model than the parametric model with fewer parametric assumptions by modeling the baseline hazard using a Gamma process prior. Based on the proposed model, we investigate the geographical distribution of CWD, and assess the effect of sex on disease prevalence. We use a Bayesian hierarchical framework where latent parameters capture temporal and spatial trends in disease incidence, incorporating sex and spatially correlated random effects. We also propose bivariate baseline hazard which change over age and time simultaneously to adopt different effects of age and time on the baseline hazard. Inference is carried out by using MCMC simulation techniques in a fully Bayesian framework. Our results suggest that disease has been spreaded mainly in the disease eradication zone and male deer show a significantly higher infection probability than female deer.  相似文献   

Model fitting for individual-based effects in forests has some problems. Because samples measuring the separate influence of each individual are rarely available, the measured value in the sample represents the influence of all surrounding individual trees. Therefore, it is helpful to build inverse models that use the spatial pattern of the variable as well as that of the source trees. For example, since seed dispersal is influenced by wind effects, a model is discussed describing anisotropic effects to ensure an unbiased estimate of the total fruit number. Further, we present a model describing the absorption of radiation by trees. In this case a multiplicative combination of individual effects yields the total effect. Our approach uses logarithmic transformations of the original data to model multiplicative combinations as sum of transformed single effects. For fitting model parameters we propose an approach based on Bayesian statistics, to ensure ecologically interpretable parameters.  相似文献   

We propose a method for a Bayesian hierarchical analysis of count data that are observed at irregular locations in a bounded domain of R2. We model the data as having been observed on a fine regular lattice, where we do not have observations at all the sites. The counts are assumed to be independent Poisson random variables whose means are given by a log Gaussian process. In this article, the Gaussian process is assumed to be either a Markov random field (MRF) or a geostatistical model, and we compare the two models on an environmental data set. To make the comparison, we calibrate priors for the parameters in the geostatistical model to priors for the parameters in the MRF. The calibration is obtained empirically. The main goal is to predict the hidden Poisson-mean process at all sites on the lattice, given the spatially irregular count data; to do this we use an efficient MCMC. The spatial Bayesian methods are illustrated on radioactivity counts analyzed by Diggle et al. (1998).  相似文献   

Spatial autocorrelation in wildlife observation data arises when extrinsic environmental processes and patterns that influence the spatial distribution of wildlife are themselves spatially structured, or when species are subject to intrinsic population processes, causing contagion or dispersion effects. Territoriality, Allee effects, dispersal limitations, and social clustering are examples of intrinsic processes. Both forms of autocorrelation can violate the assumptions of generalized linear regression models, resulting in biased estimation of model coefficients and diminished predictive performance. Such consequences may be avoided for extrinsic autocorrelation when autocorrelated environmental variables are available for use as model covariates, whereas intrinsic spatial autocorrelation requires an alternative modeling approach. The autologistic model provides an approach suited to the binary observations often obtained in wildlife surveys, but its performance has not been tested across widely varying sampling intensities or strengths of intrinsic spatial structure. Here we use simulated data to test the autologistic model under a range of sampling conditions. The autologistic model obtains better fits and substantially better predictive performance than the standard logistic regression model over the full range of sampling designs and intensities tested. We provide a simple Bayesian implementation of the autologistic model, which until now has not been achieved with standard statistical software alone. A step-by-step procedure is given for characterizing and modeling spatial autocorrelation in binary observation data, along with computer code for fitting autologistic models in WinBUGS, a freeware Bayesian analysis package. This approach avoids normal approximations to the pseudo-likelihood, in contrast to previous Bayesian applications of the autologistic model. We provide a sample application of the autologistic model, fitted to survey data for a gliding marsupial in southeastern Australia.  相似文献   

Space-time data are ubiquitous in the environmental sciences. Often, as is the case with atmo- spheric and oceanographic processes, these data contain many different scales of spatial and temporal variability. Such data are often non-stationary in space and time and may involve many observation/prediction locations. These factors can limit the effectiveness of traditional space- time statistical models and methods. In this article, we propose the use of hierarchical space-time models to achieve more flexible models and methods for the analysis of environmental data distributed in space and time. The first stage of the hierarchical model specifies a measurement- error process for the observational data in terms of some 'state' process. The second stage allows for site-specific time series models for this state variable. This stage includes large-scale (e.g. seasonal) variability plus a space-time dynamic process for the anomalies'. Much of our interest is with this anomaly proc ess. In the third stage, the parameters of these time series models, which are distributed in space, are themselves given a joint distribution with spatial dependence (Markov random fields). The Bayesian formulation is completed in the last two stages by speci- fying priors on parameters. We implement the model in a Markov chain Monte Carlo framework and apply it to an atmospheric data set of monthly maximum temperature.  相似文献   

Ecologists increasingly use plot-scale data to inform research and policy related to regional and global environmental change. For soil chemistry research, scaling from the plot to the region is especially difficult due to high spatial variability at all scales. We used a hierarchical Bayesian model of plot-scale soil nutrient pools to predict storage of soil organic carbon (oC), inorganic carbon (iC), total nitrogen (N), and available phosphorus (avP) in a 7962-km2 area including the Phoenix, Arizona, USA, metropolitan area and its desert and agricultural surroundings. The Bayesian approach was compared to a traditional approach that multiplied mean values for urban mesic residential, urban xeric residential, nonresidential urban, agricultural, and desert areas by the aerial coverage of each land-use type. Both approaches suggest that oC, N, and avP are correlated with each other and are higher (in g/m2) in mesic residential and agricultural areas than in deserts or xeric residential areas. In addition to traditional biophysical variables, cultural variables related to impervious surface cover, tree cover, and turfgrass cover were significant in regression models predicting the regional distribution of soil properties. We estimate that 1140 Gg of oC have accumulated in human-dominated soils of this region, but a significant portion of this new C has a very short mean residence time in mesic yards and agricultural soils. For N, we estimate that 130 Gg have accumulated in soils, which explains a significant portion of "missing N" observed in the regional N budget. Predictions for iC differed between the approaches because the Bayesian approach predicted iC as a function of elevation while the traditional approach employed only land use. We suggest that Bayesian scaling enables models that are flexible enough to accommodate the diverse factors controlling soil chemistry in desert, urban, and agricultural ecosystems and, thus, may represent an important tool for ecological scaling that spans land-use types. Urban planners and city managers attempting to reduce C emissions and N pollution should consider ways that landscape choices and impervious surface cover affect city-wide soil C, N, and P storage.  相似文献   

In many environmental and ecological studies, it is of interest to model compositional data. One approach is to consider positive random vectors that are subject to a unit-sum constraint. In landscape ecological studies, it is common that compositional data are also sampled in space with some elements of the composition absent at certain sampling sites. In this paper, we first propose a practical spatial multivariate ordered probit model for multivariate ordinal data, where the response variables can be viewed as the discretized non-negative compositions without the unit-sum constraint. We then propose a novel two-stage spatial mixture Dirichlet regression model. The first stage models the spatial dependence and the presence of exact zero values, and the second stage models all the non-zero compositional data. A maximum composite likelihood approach is developed for parameter estimation and inference in both the spatial multivariate ordered probit model and the two-stage spatial mixture Dirichlet regression model. The standard errors of the parameter estimates are computed by an estimate of the Godambe information matrix. A simulation study is conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed models and methods. A land cover data example in landscape ecology further illustrates that accounting for spatial dependence can improve the accuracy in the prediction of presence/absence of different land covers as well as the magnitude of land cover compositions.  相似文献   

Ecological regression studies are widely used in geographical epidemiology to assess the relationships between health hazard and putative risk factors. Very often, health data are measured at an aggregate level because of confidentiality restrictions, while putative risk factors are measured on a different grid, i.e., independent (exposure) variable and response (counts) variable are spatially misaligned. To perform a regression of risk on exposure, one needs to realign the spatial support of the variables. Bayesian hierarchical models constitute a natural approach to the problem because of their ability to model the exposure field and the relationship between exposure and relative risk at different levels of the hierarchy, taking proper account of the variability induced by the covariate estimation. In the current paper, we propose two fully Bayesian solutions to the problem. The first one is based on the kernel-smoothing technique, while the second one is built on the tessellation of the study region. We illustrate our methods by assessing the relationship between exposure to uranium in drinkable waters and cancer incidence, in South Carolina (USA).  相似文献   

Abstract: Biologists who develop and apply habitat models are often familiar with the statistical challenges posed by their data's spatial structure but are unsure of whether the use of complex spatial models will increase the utility of model results in planning. We compared the relative performance of nonspatial and hierarchical Bayesian spatial models for three vertebrate and invertebrate taxa of conservation concern (Church's sideband snails [Monadenia churchi], red tree voles [Arborimus longicaudus], and Pacific fishers [Martes pennanti pacifica]) that provide examples of a range of distributional extents and dispersal abilities. We used presence–absence data derived from regional monitoring programs to develop models with both landscape and site‐level environmental covariates. We used Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms and a conditional autoregressive or intrinsic conditional autoregressive model framework to fit spatial models. The fit of Bayesian spatial models was between 35 and 55% better than the fit of nonspatial analogue models. Bayesian spatial models outperformed analogous models developed with maximum entropy (Maxent) methods. Although the best spatial and nonspatial models included similar environmental variables, spatial models provided estimates of residual spatial effects that suggested how ecological processes might structure distribution patterns. Spatial models built from presence–absence data improved fit most for localized endemic species with ranges constrained by poorly known biogeographic factors and for widely distributed species suspected to be strongly affected by unmeasured environmental variables or population processes. By treating spatial effects as a variable of interest rather than a nuisance, hierarchical Bayesian spatial models, especially when they are based on a common broad‐scale spatial lattice (here the national Forest Inventory and Analysis grid of 24 km2 hexagons), can increase the relevance of habitat models to multispecies conservation planning.  相似文献   

In recent years numerous meta-regression models for benefit transfer in the context of environmental quality changes have been proposed by the academic literature and used by government agencies for policy making. We examine a set of popular specifications in terms of consistency with some basic utility-theoretic considerations, including the adding-up condition that is currently under much scrutiny by benefit transfer practitioners. We also compare these models based on econometric fit with underlying data, and ability to generate meaningful and efficient benefit transfer distributions. We find that our preferred Bayesian Nonlinear Meta-Regression Model (BNL-MRM) satisfies all theoretical requirements. Using a built-in nonlinear model search algorithm we show that it produces benefit estimates that are comparable or superior in efficiency to those flowing from better fitting, but theoretically flawed linear models that do not satisfy adding-up.  相似文献   

Abstract: If occurrence of individual species can be modeled as a function of easily quantified environmental variables (e.g., derived from a geographic information system [GIS]) and the predictions of these models are demonstrably successful, then the scientific foundation for management planning will be strengthened. We used Bayesian logistic regression to develop predictive models for resident butterflies in the central Great Basin of western North America. Species inventory data and values for 14 environmental variables from 49 locations (segments of canyons) in the Toquima Range ( Nevada, U.S.A.) were used to build the models. Squares of the environmental variables were also used to accommodate possibly nonmonotonic responses. We obtained statistically significant models for 36 of 56 (64%) resident species of butterflies. The models explained 8–72% of the deviance in occurrence of those species. Each of the independent variables was significant in at least one model, and squared versions of five variables contributed to models. Elevation was included in more than half of the models. Models included one to four variables; only one variable was significant in about half the models. We conducted preliminary tests of two of our models by using an existing set of data on the occurrence of butterflies in the neighboring Toiyabe Range. We compared conventional logistic classification with posterior probability distributions derived from Bayesian modeling. For the latter, we restricted our predictions to locations with a high ( 70%) probability of predicted presence or absence. We will perform further tests after conducting inventories at new locations in the Toquima Range and nearby Shoshone Mountains, for which we have computed environmental variables by using remotely acquired topographic data, digital-terrain and microclimatic models, and GIS computation.  相似文献   

Recently, public health professionals and other geostatistical researchers have shown increasing interest in boundary analysis, the detection or testing of zones or boundaries that reveal sharp changes in the values of spatially oriented variables. For areal data (i.e., data which consist only of sums or averages over geopolitical regions), Lu and Carlin (Geogr Anal 37: 265–285, 2005) suggested a fully model-based framework for areal wombling using Bayesian hierarchical models with posterior summaries computed using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods, and showed the approach to have advantages over existing non-stochastic alternatives. In this paper, we develop Bayesian areal boundary analysis methods that estimate the spatial neighborhood structure using the value of the process in each region and other variables that indicate how similar two regions are. Boundaries may then be determined by the posterior distribution of either this estimated neighborhood structure or the regional mean response differences themselves. Our methods do require several assumptions (including an appropriate prior distribution, a normal spatial random effect distribution, and a Bernoulli distribution for a set of spatial weights), but also deliver more in terms of full posterior inference for the boundary segments (e.g., direct probability statements regarding the probability that a particular border segment is part of the boundary). We illustrate three different remedies for the computing difficulties encountered in implementing our method. We use simulation to compare among existing purely algorithmic approaches, the Lu and Carlin (2005) method, and our new adjacency modeling methods. We also illustrate more practical modeling issues (e.g., covariate selection) in the context of a breast cancer late detection data set collected at the county level in the state of Minnesota.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2005,186(3):280-289
Increasing use is being made in conservation management of statistical models that couple extensive collections of species and environmental data to make predictions of the geographic distributions of species. While the relationships fitted between a species and its environment are relatively transparent for many of these modeling techniques, others are more ‘black box’ in character, only producing geographic predictions and providing minimal or untraditional summaries of the fitted relationships on which these predictions are based. This in turn prevents robust evaluation of the ecological sensibility of such models, a necessary process if model predictions are to be treated with confidence. Here we propose a new but simple method for visualizing modeled responses that can be implemented with any modeling method, and demonstrate its application using five common methods applied to the prediction of an Australian tree species. This is achieved by insetting an “evaluation strip” into the spatial data layers, which, after predictions have been made, can be clipped out and used for creating plots of the modelled responses. We present findings of the application strip for algorithms GLMs, GAMs, CLIM, DOMAIN and MARS. Evaluation strips can be constructed to investigate either uni-variate responses, or the simultaneous variation in predicted values in relation to two variables. The latter option is particularly useful for evaluating responses in models that allow the fitting of complex interaction terms.  相似文献   

Estimating the age of individuals in wild populations can be of fundamental importance for answering ecological questions, modeling population demographics, and managing exploited or threatened species. Significant effort has been devoted to determining age through the use of growth annuli, secondary physical characteristics related to age, and growth models. Many species, however, either do not exhibit physical characteristics useful for independent age validation or are too rare to justify sacrificing a large number of individuals to establish the relationship between size and age. Length-at-age models are well represented in the fisheries and other wildlife management literature. Many of these models overlook variation in growth rates of individuals and consider growth parameters as population parameters. More recent models have taken advantage of hierarchical structuring of parameters and Bayesian inference methods to allow for variation among individuals as functions of environmental covariates or individual-specific random effects. Here, we describe hierarchical models in which growth curves vary as individual-specific stochastic processes, and we show how these models can be fit using capture-recapture data for animals of unknown age along with data for animals of known age. We combine these independent data sources in a Bayesian analysis, distinguishing natural variation (among and within individuals) from measurement error. We illustrate using data for African dwarf crocodiles, comparing von Bertalanffy and logistic growth models. The analysis provides the means of predicting crocodile age, given a single measurement of head length. The von Bertalanffy was much better supported than the logistic growth model and predicted that dwarf crocodiles grow from 19.4 cm total length at birth to 32.9 cm in the first year and 45.3 cm by the end of their second year. Based on the minimum size of females observed with hatchlings, reproductive maturity was estimated to be at nine years. These size benchmarks are believed to represent thresholds for important demographic parameters; improved estimates of age, therefore, will increase the precision of population projection models. The modeling approach that we present can be applied to other species and offers significant advantages when multiple sources of data are available and traditional aging techniques are not practical.  相似文献   

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