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Phosphorus-enriched runoff from cropland can hasten eutrophication of surface waters. A soil P level exceeding crop needs due to long-term fertilizer and/or manure applications is one of several potential sources of increased P losses in runoff from agricultural systems. Field experiments were conducted at locations representative of three major soil regions in Wisconsin in corn (Zea mays L.) production systems to determine the effect of tillage, recent manure additions, soil P extraction method, and soil sampling depth (0-2, 0-5, and 0-15 cm) on the relationship between soil test P level and P concentrations in runoff. Runoff from simulated rainfall (75 mm h(-1)) was collected from 0.83-m2 areas for 1 h after rainfall initiation and analyzed for dissolved phosphorus (DP), total phosphorus (TP), and sediment. The DP fraction of the TP concentration in runoff ranged from 5 to 17% among sites with most of the variation in TP due to varying sediment concentration on the well-drained silt loam soils and to soil test P level on the poorly drained silty clay loam soil. In 213 observations across a range of soils and managements, good relationships occurred between soil test P level and DP concentration in runoff for most of the tests and sampling depths used. Recent manure additions and high levels of surface cover from corn residue sometimes masked this relationship. The slope of DP relative to soil test P level was markedly higher on the silty clay loam soil than on the silt loam soils possibly due to soil permeability-infiltration rate differences. Agronomic soil P tests were as effective as environmentally oriented soil P tests for predicting DP concentrations in runoff.  相似文献   

In a field study, soils of four conventional free-range and organic broiler runs were analyzed for N and P concentrations in the years 2000 and 2001. Zones of different use intensity by broilers were identified on the free runs and mean zonal nutrient contents were compared with each other. Intensity of use by birds and spatial distribution of soil nutrient concentrations were found to be related to each other. Fecal N input by broilers resulted in accumulation of soil mineral nitrogen (N(min)) contents down to a 90-cm sampling depth. In highly frequented "hot spots," plant requirement as defined by the German "N-Basis-Sollwert" (110 kg/ha N(min)) for grassland was exceeded in all four cases. This implies an increased environmental risk of ammonia volatilization and nitrate leaching. Fecal P input by broilers resulted in accumulation of plant-available and thus mobile soil P (phosphorus extracted with calcium-acetate-lactate [P(CAL)] and phosphorus extracted with water [P(w)]) in the most intensely used zones. In these areas, soil P contents exceeded 90 mg/kg P(CAL) (upper limit of soil test P defined in Germany for optimum plant yield) by as much as 217 mg/kg, which indicates an enhanced risk of P loss from the soil via runoff or leaching. The conclusion might be drawn that, with regard to nutrient loss from free-run soils, intensive indoor production in a closed system may be more environmentally neutral than conventional free-range or organic production. However, to put this into perspective, the scope of the environmental risk connected with spatially limited point accumulation of nutrients should be considered. Furthermore, an environmental evaluation must also account for the fate and environmental effects of the broiler litter produced inside the broiler house.  相似文献   

Pesticides applied to agricultural soils are subject to environmental concerns because leaching to groundwater reservoirs and aquatic habitats may occur. Knowledge of field variation of pesticide-related parameters is required to evaluate the vulnerability of pesticide leaching. The mineralization and sorption of the pesticides glyphosate and metribuzin and the pesticide degradation product triazinamin in a field were measured and compared with the field-scale variation of geochemical and microbiological parameters. We focused on the soil parameters clay and organic carbon (C) content and on soil respiratory and enzymatic processes and microbial biomass. These parameters were measured in soil samples taken at two depths (Ap and Bs horizon) in 51 sampling points from a 4-ha agricultural fine sandy soil field. The results indicated that the spatial variation of the soil parameters, and in particular the content of organic C, had a major influence on the variability of the microbial parameters and on sorption and pesticide mineralization in the soil. For glyphosate, with a co-metabolic pathway for degradation, the mineralization was increased in soils with high microbial activity. The spatial variability, expressed as the CV, was about five times higher in the Bs horizon than in the Ap horizon, and the local-scale variation within 100 m(2) areas were two to three times lower than the field-scale variation within the entire field of about 4 ha.  相似文献   

China is the largest rice producing and consuming country in the world, but rice production has given way to the production of vegetables during the past twenty years. The government has been trying to stop this land-use conversion and increase the area in rice-vegetable rotation. Important questions that must be answered to determine what strategy is best for society are, “What is the reason behind this conversion?”; “Which system is more productive and which is more sustainable?”; and “How can economic policy be used to adjust the pattern of farmland use to attain sustainable development?” To answer these questions, a combined evaluation of these agricultural production systems was done using emergy, energy and economic methods. An economic analysis clearly showed that the reason for this conversion was simply that the economic output/input ratio and the benefit density of the vegetable production system were greater than that of rice. However, both energy and emergy evaluations showed that long-term rice was the best choice for sustainable development, followed by rotation systems. The current price of rice is lower than the em-value of rice produced from the long-term rice system, but higher than that of rice produced from the rotation system. Scenario analysis showed that if the government increases the price of rice to the em-value of rice produced from the long-term rice system, US$0.4/kg, and takes the value of soil organic matter into account, the economic output/input ratios of both the rice and rotation systems will be higher than that of the vegetable system. The three methods, energy, emergy and economics, are different but complementary, each revealing a different aspect of the same system. Their combined use shows not only the reasons behind a system’s current state or condition, but also the way to adjust these systems to move toward more sustainable states.  相似文献   

The Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive has had an undeniable impact on waste management throughout the European Union. Whereas recycling and recovery targets are the same, member states still enjoy a considerable degree of freedom with respect to the practical organization and management strategies adopted. Nevertheless, in all cases, the industry (which brings packaging material onto the market) should be responsible for the costs associated with packaging waste recycling/recovery (following the extended producer responsibility principle). The current paper compares and contrasts the institutional frameworks and financial costs and benefits of waste management operators for Belgium and Portugal. The unit costs of selective collection and sorting of packaging waste are provided for both countries. In Belgium, the costs of recycling seem to be fully supported by the industry (through Fost Plus, the national Green Dot agency). In Portugal the fairness of the recycling system depends on the perspective adopted (economic or strictly financial). Adopting a strictly financial perspective, it seems that Sociedade Ponto Verde (SPV, the Portuguese Green Dot agency) should increase the transfers to local authorities. However, the conclusions differ for this country if the avoided costs with refuse collection and other treatment are taken into account.  相似文献   

A paired watershed study consisting of agroforestry (trees plus grass buffer strips), contour strips (grass buffer strips), and control treatments with a corn (Zea mays L.)-soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] rotation was used to examine treatment effects on runoff, sediment, and nutrient losses. During the (1991-1997) calibration and subsequent three-year treatment periods, runoff was measured in 0.91- and 1.37-m H-flumes with bubbler flow meters. Composite samples were analyzed for sediment, total phosphorus (TP), total nitrogen (TN), nitrate, and ammonium. Calibration equations developed to predict runoff, sediment, and nutrients losses explained 66 to 97% of the variability between treatment watersheds. The contour strip and agroforestry treatments reduced runoff by 10 and 1% during the treatment period. In both treatments, most runoff reductions occurred in the second and third years after treatment establishment. The contour strip treatment reduced erosion by 19% in 1999, while erosion in the agroforestry treatment exceeded the predicted loss. Treatments reduced TP loss by 8 and 17% on contour strip and agroforestry watersheds. Treatments did not result in reductions in TN during the first two years of the treatment period. The contour strip and agroforestry treatments reduced TN loss by 21 and 20%, respectively, during a large precipitation event in the third year. During the third year of treatments, nitrate N loss was reduced 24 and 37% by contour strip and agroforestry treatments. Contour strip and agroforestry management practices effectively reduced nonpoint-source pollution in runoff from a corn-soybean rotation in the clay pan soils of northeastern Missouri.  相似文献   

On military training ranges, low-order, incomplete detonations deposit RDX (hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine) into surface soils. In this study, we evaluated RDX biodegradation in surface soils obtained from a military training range in Alaska. Two factors were compared: (i) soil water potential during the incubations; and (ii) the use of acetonitrile (ACN) as an RDX carrier to spike samples. Organic solvents have been used in laboratory studies to dissolve slightly water-soluble contaminants before addition to soil. We added ACN to obtain final soil ACN concentrations of 0 mg kg(-1) (0%), 1000 mg kg(-1) (0.1%) and 10 000 mg kg(-1) (1%). We then compared RDX attenuation in the soil under saturated and unsaturated conditions. RDX fell below the limit of detection within 3 wk of study initiation under the saturated condition. A maximum degradation rate of 0.15 mg RDX L(-1) d(-1) was measured. Under the unsaturated condition, 42% of the original RDX was still present at study termination (5 wk). The addition of acetonitrile at 0.1 or 1.0% had no affect on RDX loss in the saturated soil. In the unsaturated soil, however, ACN at 1.0% inhibited RDX loss by as much as 25%. These findings indicate that soil water potential and carrier solvent concentrations can impact the rate and extent to which RDX is attenuated in a surface soil.  相似文献   

Pesticides can volatilize into the atmosphere, which affects the air quality. The ability to predict pesticide volatilization is an essential tool for human risk and environmental assessment. Even though there are several mathematical models to assess and predict the fate of pesticides in different compartments of the environment, there is no reliable model to predict volatilization. The objectives of this study were to evaluate pesticide volatilization under agricultural conditions using malathion [ O,O-dimethyl-S-(1,2-dicarbethoxyethyl)-dithiophosphate], ethoprophos (O-ethyl S,S-dipropylphosphorodithioate), and procymidone [N-(3,5-dichlorophenyl)-1,2-dimethylcyclopropane-1,2-dicarboximide] as test compounds and to evaluate the ability of the Pesticide Leaching Model (PELMO) to calculate the predicted environmental concentrations of pesticides in air under field conditions. The volatilization rate of procymidone, malathion, and ethoprophos was determined in a field study during two different periods (December 1998 and September 1999) using the Theoretical Profile Shape (TPS) method. The experiments were performed on bare silty soil in the Bologna province, Italy. Residues in the air were continuously monitored for 2 to 3 wk after the pesticide applications. The amount of pesticide volatilized was 16, 5, and 11% in December 1998 and 41, 23, and 19% in September 1999 for procymidone, malathion, and ethoprophos, respectively. In both these experiments, the PELMO simulations of the concentration of ethoprophos and procymidone were in good agreement with the measured data (factor +/- 1.1 on average). The volatilization of malathion was underestimated by a factor of 30 on average. These results suggest that volatilization described by PELMO may be reliable for volatile substances, but PELMO may underpredict volatilization for less-volatile substances.  相似文献   

The present study compares the spatial distribution of selected rural land use classes in Italy with two soil indicators (a Soil Quality Index [SQI] and the Maximum potential Water Capacity of the soil [MWC]) at three points in time (1960, 1990 and 2006). Results of the analysis showed that landscape changes reflect a ‘migration’ of both semi-natural (forests, pastures) and agricultural (arable land, vineyards) uses towards areas with lower-quality soils. In particular, the agricultural ‘mosaic’ and shrubland-pasture classes that occupied land in 2006 had significant lower values of both the SQI and MWC compared to 1960. These processes may have implications for the stability of agro-forest ecosystems in the medium term. Due to its versatility, the procedure illustrated represents a monitoring tool for sustainable land management at the regional and country scales.  相似文献   

Soil quality, as a measure of the soil's capacity to function, can be assessed by indicators based on physical, chemical, and biological properties. Here we report on the assessment of soil quality in 21 rice (Oryza sativa) fields under three rice production systems (semi-direct, pre-germinated, and conventional) on four soil textural classes in the Camaqu? region of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The objectives of our study were: (i) to identify soil quality indicators that discriminate both management systems and soil textural classes, (ii) to establish a minimum data set of soil quality indicators and (iii) to test whether this minimum data set is correlated with yield. Twenty-nine soil biological, chemical, and physical properties were evaluated to characterize regional soil quality. Soil quality assessment was based on factor and discriminant analysis. Bulk density, available water, and micronutrients (Cu, Zn, and Mn) were the most powerful soil properties in distinguishing among different soil textural classes. Organic matter, earthworms, micronutrients (Cu and Mn), and mean weight diameter were the most powerful soil properties in assessing differences in soil quality among the rice management systems. Manganese was the property most strongly correlated with yield (adjusted r2 = 0.365, P = 0.001). The merits of sub-dividing samples according to texture and the linkage between soil quality indicators, soil functioning, plant performance, and soil management options are discussed in particular.  相似文献   

Phosphorus loss in runoff from agricultural fields has been identified as an important contributor to eutrophication. The objective of this research was to determine the relationship between phosphorus (P) in runoff from a benchmark soil (Cecil sandy loam; fine, kaolinitic, thermic Typic Kanhapludult) and Mehlich III-, deionized water-, and Fe(2)O(3)-extractable soil P, and degree of phosphorus saturation (DPS). Additionally, the value of including other soil properties in P loss prediction equations was evaluated. Simulated rainfall was applied (75 mm h(-1)) to 54 1-m(2) plots installed on six fields with different soil test phosphorus (STP) levels. Runoff was collected in its entirety for 30 min and analyzed for total P and dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP). Soil samples were collected from 0- to 2-, 0- to 5-, and 0- to 10-cm depths. The strongest correlation for total P and DRP occurred with DPS (r(2) = 0.72). Normalizing DRP by runoff depth resulted in improved correlation with deionized water-extractable P for the 0- to 10-cm sampling depth (r(2) = 0.81). The STP levels were not different among sampling depths and analysis of the regression equations revealed that soil sampling depth had no effect on the relationship between STP and P in runoff. For all forms of P in runoff and STP measures, the relationship between STP and runoff P was much stronger when the data were split into groups based on the ratio of oxalate-extractable Fe to Al. For all forms of P in runoff and all STP methods, R(2) increased with the inclusion of oxalate-extractable Al and Fe in the regression equation. The results of this study indicate that inclusion of site-specific information about soil Al and Fe content can improve the relationship between STP and runoff P.  相似文献   

Irrigation with treated wastewaters as an alternative in countries with severe water shortage may influence the sorption of pesticides and their environmental effects, as wastewater contains higher concentrations of suspended and dissolved organic matter and inorganic compounds than freshwater. We have examined the sorption behaviour of three highly hydrophobic pesticides (the herbicide pendimethalin and the insecticides α-cypermethrin and deltamethrin) on a Mediterranean agricultural soil using the batch equilibration method. We considered wastewater, extracts from urban sewage sludge with different dissolved organic carbon contents, and inorganic salt solutions, using Milli Q water as a control. All pesticides were strongly retained by soil although some sorption occurred on the walls of the laboratory containers, especially when wastewater and inorganic salt solutions were used. The calculation of distribution constants by measuring pesticide concentrations in soil and solution indicated that pendimethalin sorption was not affected whereas α-cypermethrin and deltamethrin retention were significantly enhanced (ca. 5 and 2 times, respectively) when wastewater or salt solutions were employed. We therefore conclude that the increased sorption of the two pesticides caused by wastewater cannot be only the result of its dissolved organic carbon content, but also of the simultaneous presence of inorganic salts in the solution.  相似文献   

This paper uses simulations of a model of a company's decision about the maximum bid value and the optimal investment programme for a resource tract to compare the auction and discretionary systems of licence allocation. The modle includes uncertainty about the size of resource stock and the selling price of extracted resource, as well as risk aversion on the part of the company. It is concluded that an auction system provides the government both with better information about a company's perception of the value of a resource tract and with the potential for considerably higher revenue from its licensing.  相似文献   

Rainfall can transport herbicides from agricultural land to surface waters, where they become an environmental concern. Tile drainage can benefit crop production by removing excess soil water but tile drainage may also aggravate herbicide and nutrient movement into surface waters. Water management of tile drains after planting may reduce tile drainage and thereby reduce herbicide losses to surface water. To test this hypothesis we calculated the loss of three herbicides from a field with three water management systems: free drainage (D), controlled drainage (CD), and controlled drainage with subsurface irrigation (CDS). The effect of water management systems on the dissipation of atrazine (6-chloro-N2-ethyl-N4-isopropyl-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diamine), metribuzin [4-amino-6-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-3-(methylthio)-1,2,4-triazine-5(4H)-one), and metolachlor [2-chloro-N-(2-ethyl-6-methylphenyl)-N-(2-methoxy-1-methylethyl)acetamide] in soil was also monitored. Less herbicide was lost by surface runoff from the D and CD treatments than from CDS. The CDS treatment increased surface runoff, which transported more herbicide than that from D or CD treatments. In one year, the time for metribuzin residue to dissipate to half its initial value was shorter for CDS (33 d) than for D (43 d) and CD (46 d). The half-life of atrazine and metolachlor were not affected by water management. Controlled drainage with subsurface irrigation may increase herbicide loss through increased surface runoff when excessive rain is received soon after herbicide application. However, increasing soil water content in CDS may decrease herbicide persistence, resulting in less residual herbicide available for aqueous transport.  相似文献   

Past agricultural management practices have contributed to the loss of soil organic carbon (SOC) and emission of greenhouse gases (e.g., carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide). Fortunately, however, conservation-oriented agricultural management systems can be, and have been, developed to sequester SOC, improve soil quality, and increase crop productivity. Our objectives were to (i) review literature related to SOC sequestration in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) production systems, (ii) recommend best management practices to sequester SOC, and (iii) outline the current political scenario and future probabilities for cotton producers to benefit from SOC sequestration. From a review of 20 studies in the region, SOC increased with no tillage compared with conventional tillage by 0.48 +/- 0.56 Mg C ha(-1) yr(-1) (H(0): no change, p < 0.001). More diverse rotations of cotton with high-residue-producing crops such as corn (Zea mays L.) and small grains would sequester greater quantities of SOC than continuous cotton. No-tillage cropping with a cover crop sequestered 0.67 +/- 0.63 Mg C ha(-1) yr(-1), while that of no-tillage cropping without a cover crop sequestered 0.34 +/- 47 Mg C ha(-1) yr(-1) (mean comparison, p = 0.04). Current government incentive programs recommend agricultural practices that would contribute to SOC sequestration. Participation in the Conservation Security Program could lead to government payments of up to Dollars 20 ha(-1). Current open-market trading of C credits would appear to yield less than Dollars 3 ha(-1), although prices would greatly increase should a government policy to limit greenhouse gas emissions be mandated.  相似文献   

The possible mechanisms of interactions of electromagnetic fields (EMF) with biological systems are often discussed in bioelectromagnetics in light of thermal versus nonthermal mechanisms. This paper attempts to show the principle difference between the biophysical and engineering approaches to biological mechanisms of EMF initiated bioeffects. While biophysical approach is based on experimentally obtained data on biological responses to the applied EMF, the engineering approach strongly relies on specific absorption rate (SAR) value. With experimental data, comparing effects of low- and high-frequency electromagnetic fields, discussing modulation of radiofrequency (RF) signals, the author demonstrates the superiority of the nonthermal approach. Biological windows, resonance mechanism, and various reported biological effects of geomagnetic fields are also in favor of the nonthermal mechanisms. Finally, one potential nonthermal mechanism involving the role of calmodulin in cellular functions is shown in this paper.  相似文献   

Preplant soil fumigation is an important pest management practice in coastal California strawberry production regions. Potential atmospheric emissions of fumigants from field treatment, however, have drawn intensive environmental and human health concerns; increasingly stringent regulations on fumigant use have spurred research on low-emission application techniques. The objectives of this research were to determine the effects of a new low-permeability film, commonly known as totally impermeable film (TIF), on fumigant emissions and on fumigant distribution in soil. A 50/50 mixture of 1,3-dichloropropene (1,3-D) and chloropicrin (CP) was shank-applied at 314 kg ha in two location-separate field plots (0.4 ha each) in Ventura County, California, in fall 2009. One plot was surface-covered with standard polyethylene (PE) film, and the other was covered with TIF immediately after fumigant application. Data collection included emissions, soil-gas phase concentration profile, air concentration under the film, and soil residuals of the applied fumigants. Peak emission flux of 1,3-D and CP from the TIF field was substantially lower than from the PE field. Total through-film emission loss was 2% for 1,3-D and <1% for CP from the TIF field during a 6-d film covering period, compared with 43% for 1,3-D and 12% for CP from the PE field. However, on film-cutting, greater retention of 1,3-D in the TIF field resulted in a much higher emission surge compared with the PE field, while CP emissions were fairly low in both fields. Higher concentrations and a more uniform distribution in the soil profile for 1,3-D and CP were observed under the TIF compared with the PE film, suggesting that the TIF may allow growers to achieve satisfactory pest control with lower fumigant rates. The surging 1,3-D emissions after film-cutting could result in high exposure risks to workers and bystanders and must be addressed with additional mitigation measures.  相似文献   

Understanding water and nutrient transport through the soil profile is important for efficient irrigation and nutrient management to minimize excess nutrient leaching below the rootzone. We applied four rates of N (28, 56, 84, and 112 kg N ha(-1); equivalent to one-fourth of annual N rates being evaluated in this study for bearing citrus trees), and 80 kg Br- ha(-1) to a sandy Entisol with >25-yr-old citrus trees to (i) determine the temporal changes in NO3-N and Br- distribution down the soil profile (2.4 m), and (ii) evaluate the measured concentrations of NO3-N and Br- at various depths with those predicted by the Leaching Estimation and Chemistry Model (LEACHM). Nitrate N and Br concentrations approached the background levels by 42 and 214 d, respectively. Model-predicted volumetric water content and concentrations of NO3-N and Br- at various depths within the entire soil profile were very close to measured values. The LEACHM data showed that 21 to 36% of applied fertilizer N leached below the root zone, while tree uptake accounted for 40 to 53%. Results of this study enhance our understanding of N dynamics in these sandy soils, and provide better evaluation of N and irrigation management to improve uptake efficiency, reduce N losses, and minimize the risk of ground water nitrate contamination from soils highly vulnerable to nutrient leaching.  相似文献   

Arsenic contamination is of concern due to its effect as a carcinogen. Understanding the distribution of arsenic in urban soils is important for establishing baseline concentrations from which anthropogenic effects can be measured. The soil cleanup target level (SCTL) for arsenic in Florida (0.8 and 3.7 mg kg(-1) in residential and commercial areas, respectively) is lower than in most states and is near the arsenic background concentrations in Florida soils. The objective of this study was to characterize the distribution of arsenic in the soils of two Florida cities, Gainesville and Miami. More than 200 soil samples were collected from three land-use classes in each city (residential, commercial, and public land), digested with USEPA Method 3051a, and analyzed with graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Arsenic concentrations varied greatly in Gainesville, ranging from 0.21 to approximately 660 mg kg(-1) with a geometric mean (GM) of 0.40 mg kg(-1) (after discarding outliers), which was significantly lower than the GM of 2.81 mg kg(-1) in Miami, although Miami samples ranged only from 0.32 to approximately 110 mg kg(-1). Arsenic concentrations in 29 and 4% of the Gainesville soil samples and 95 and 33% of the Miami samples exceeded the Florida residential and commercial SCTL, respectively. This study is the first to provide information on arsenic distribution in urban soils of Florida, and the data are useful for assessing arsenic contamination and determining the need for remediation.  相似文献   

In the development of oxy-fuel combustion, reburning of nitrogen oxides, recycled with the flue gases, has been investigated for primary NOx control. Reduction of between 50 and 80% of the recycled nitrogen oxides has been measured. The present work evaluates the performance of gaseous and solid fuels as agents for reduction of nitrogen oxides by comparing experimental and modelling work performed at Chalmers University of Technology with different fuels. It is shown that the reduction is similar during propane and lignite firing, but that the lignite has slightly higher reduction efficiency. Differences in combustion temperature and heterogeneous effects are possible explanations.  相似文献   

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