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Due to their marine ecology and life-history, marine mammals accumulate some of the highest levels of environmental contaminants of all wildlife. Given the increasing prevalence and severity of diseases in marine wildlife, it is imperative to understand how pollutants affect the immune system and consequently disease susceptibility. Advancements and adaptations of analytical techniques have facilitated marine mammal immunotoxicology research. Field studies, captive-feeding experiments and in vitro laboratory studies with marine mammals have associated exposure to environmental pollutants, most notable polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), organochlorine pesticides and heavy metals, to alterations of both the innate and adaptive arms of immune systems, which include aspects of cellular and humoral immunity. For marine mammals, reported immunotoxicology endpoints fell into several major categories: immune tissue histopathology, haematology/circulating immune cell populations, functional immune assays (lymphocyte proliferation, phagocytosis, respiratory burst, and natural killer cell activity), immunoglobulin production, and cytokine gene expression. Lymphocyte proliferation is by far the most commonly used immune assay, with studies using different organic pollutants and metals predominantly reporting immunosuppressive effects despite the many differences in study design and animal life history. Using combined field and laboratory data, we determined effect threshold levels for suppression of lymphocyte proliferation to be between < 0.001–10 ppm for PCBs, 0.002–1.3 ppm for Hg, 0.009–0.06 for MeHg, and 0.1–2.4 for cadmium in polar bears and several pinniped and cetacean species. Similarly, thresholds for suppression of phagocytosis were 0.6–1.4 and 0.08–1.9 ppm for PCBs and mercury, respectively. Although data are lacking for many important immune endpoints and mechanisms of specific immune alterations are not well understood, this review revealed a systemic suppression of immune function in marine mammals exposed to environmental contaminants. Exposure to immunotoxic contaminants may have significant population level consequences as a contributing factor to increasing anthropogenic stress in wildlife and infectious disease outbreaks.  相似文献   

Statistical analysis of water quality parameters including trace metal speciation was undertaken with a view to seeing the interrelationship between different variables and also to identify probable source components in order to explain the pollution status of Chennai Ennore coastal environmental system. Factor analysis has been used in the present work. This is essentially a data reduction technique and will suggest how many variates are important to explain the observed variances in the data. The possible variances in the water quality parameters may be due to either sources of anthropogenic origin or natural variances due to the season or due to different biogeochemical processes that are taking place in the system. When this analysis was carried out with our data on water quality parameters in the above coastal environmental system, we found that the prominent factor or the first factor called the eutrophication factor explained 24.51% of the total variance (comprised of variables like DO, pH, SS, ammonia-N, phosphate and silicate). The second factor called the copper contamination factor explained 10.61% (comprised of variables like labile Cu, total Cu and particulate Cu) and the third factor called metal removal factor explained 10.11% (comprised of variables like particulate Zn, particulate Pb and water temperature) of the variances, respectively. Although there are four more factors, they are all having variances less than 10%. From this study, it is seen that eutrophication is the main source component of pollution to the surface waters of this estuary and its adjacent coastal waters compared to dissolved trace metals.  相似文献   

The use of ultra filtration in trace metal speciation studies in sea water   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During this work, size fractionation technique "ultra filtration" is used in speciation studies of trace elements in the coastal sea water. Filtration is the most commonly used method to fractionate trace metal species, but often only "dissolved" and "particulate" fraction. The purpose of the present study is to determine colloidal and suspended particulate concentrations of Fe, Zn, Cu, Ni, and Mn in sea water. Suspended particulate matter were separated in three different size groups namely (>2.7 microm, <2.7->0.45 microm and <0.45->0.22 microm) by suction filtration using cellulose acetate and nitrate filter membranes. Thereafter to concentrate the solution with colloidal particle <0.22 microm-1.1 nm (0.5 k Nominal Molecular Weight cut-off Limit {NMWL}), the solution obtained from filtration through <0.22 microm, is sequentially passed through the ultra-filtration membranes having pore diameters of 14 nm (300 k NMWL), 3.1 nm (50 k NMWL), 2.2 nm (30 k NMWL), 1.6 nm (10 k NMWL) and 1.1 nm (0.5 k NMWL) by using Stirred Ultra-filtration Cells, operating in concentration mode. The concentration of Fe, Zn, Cu, Ni, and Mn were measured in suspended and dissolved fraction by ion chromatography, ICP-AES and Atomic Absorption Spectrometer. The salinity of the solution in various dissolved fractions of sequential filtration varies between 30.89-34.22 parts per thousand. The maximum concentrations of colloidal Zn, Cu, Ni and Mn in dissolved fraction were in <2.2->1.6 nm fraction. In case of Fe, colloidal fractions <2.2->1.6 nm and <1.6-<1.1 nm shows higher concentration. The concentration of Zn, Cu, Ni and Mn increase with decrease in size in suspended particulate matter, while the reverse is observed in case of Fe. This size separation data that specifies the partitioning of metals between dissolved and suspended solid phases is necessary for developing physically based models of metal transport in aquatic system.  相似文献   

This study investigated the use of a screening procedure to provide a ranking index (RI) for characterizing polynuclear aromatic (PNA) species in atmospheric samples. The ranking procedure employs a cost-effective and rapid screening technique based on synchronous luminescence spectroscopy. The efficacy and usefulness of the ranking procedure are demonstrated by comparing the RI values with data expressed in terms of the benzene-soluble standard, benzo[a]pyrene values, and the total content of fourteen PNA compounds.  相似文献   

Daily intake of lead, cadmium, aluminium, radiocaesium, DDT and metabolites, and lindane in the whole-day food rations collected in hospital canteens in Kraków, ?ód?, Olsztyn and Poznań in winters of 1993-1994, 1995 and 1996 were determined. The diets contained almost 40 microg of cadmium, corresponding to 70% of PTWI, and compared to the levels recognised as safe (ADI or PTWI) small amounts of the other contaminants. The highest content of Pb, Cd, Al and lindane was determined in the diets collected in Kraków, that of radiocaesium in ?ód?, and DDT level was the highest in Poznań. The whole-day food rations from Olsztyn, situated in a region called "green lungs of Poland", were not statistically less contaminated than the diets from the other towns. The Pb and radiocaesium levels decreased significantly with time.  相似文献   

The transfer of radio nuclides into the different compartments of the environment are widely studied and leads to the elaboration of transfer models in order to evaluate potential impact onto the environment and humans. Accurate experimental data are needed to validate these models for all types of matrices (air, water, sediments, soils, biota and food...). Among these radionuclides, 238Pu, 239Pu, 240Pu and 241Pu, are often mentioned. They have been released into the environment by nuclear weapon tests, nuclear facilities, reactors or satellite accidents. These different sources have different 240Pu/239Pu ratios and therefore this ratio is used to provide information on the source of contamination into the environment. The most conventional analytical tools used for plutonium isotope determination are liquid scintillation and alpha spectrometry, and thermal ionisation mass spectrometry (TIMS) is still considered as the primary method for determination of plutonium isotope ratios. During the last decade, mass spectrometers equipped with plasma ion sources and sector field analysers were developed and can offer now another alternative method for the accurate determination of isotope content and ratios of long-lived radionuclides in environmental samples. This paper presents and discusses the results obtained for 239Pu, 240Pu and 241Pu content and isotope ratios by sector field ICP-MS in different environmental matrices.  相似文献   

Ion track filters (ITFs) are produced by physiochemical treatments to thin films of polymers and mica irradiated by heavy ions. These ITFs have many applications in the fields of science and technology. In the present investigation, the developed ITFs from polycarbonate films have been used to filter bacteria of various types in water. It is observed that the electric conduction through these filters depends upon the concentration of contaminants and pore diameter of filters. Filtration experiments were carried out using both single and multipore filters. Other applications related to environment surveillance have also been reported.  相似文献   

Although the assessment of circulatory levels of retinoids has become a widely used biomarker of exposure to environmental pollutants, the adverse effects caused by imbalance of the retinoid metabolism and signaling in wildlife are not known in detail. Retinoids play an important role in controlling such vital processes as morphogenesis, development, reproduction or apoptosis. Unlike other signaling molecules, retinoids are not strictly endogenous but they are derived from dietary sources of vitamin A or its precursors and thus they are sometimes referred to as 'dietary' hormones. Some environmental pollutants that affect embryogenesis, immunity or epithelial functions were also shown to interfere with retinoid metabolism and signaling in animals. This suggests that at least some of their toxic effects may be related to interaction with the retinoid metabolism, transport or signal transduction. This review summarizes in vivo and in vitro studies on interaction of environmental complex samples, pesticides, polychlorinated dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls, polycyclic aromatic compounds and other organic pollutants with physiology of retinoids. It sums up contemporary knowledge about levels of interaction and mechanisms of action of the environmental contaminants.  相似文献   

Trace metals (Fe, Mn, Cu, Co, Ni. Pb, Cd and Cr) analyses in particulate matter and sediments were carried out at 16 different stations in the Godavari mangrove ecosystem covering the three regions viz., Kakinada (KKD) bay, Goutami-Godavari estuary (GGE) and Coringa and Gaderu mangrove environments (CGME). Higher concentrations of trace metals in particulate matter and in sediments were noticed in the mangrove environment compared to the KKD bay and GGE region. The significant correlations observed between several couples of metals in different regions as well as between numbers of heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Zn) with Total Suspended Matter (TSM) in particulate organic matter could be an indication of the role of the complexation with organic matter in the distribution pattern of these metals. Further significant correlations between organic carbon (OC) and Cr, Co, Pb, Cu and Mn in sediments of all the three regions indicate that organic matter acts as a metal carrier. The values of Pollution Load Index (PLI) were low and varied between 0.34 and 0.68 in KKD bay, 0.47 and 0.49 in GGE and, from 0.62 to 1.03 in CGME area, which indicate that the estuarine ecosystem is not of pollution concern under the present scenario.  相似文献   

Concentrations of organochlorine contaminants (OCs) and associations between OCs and fitness components were examined in great black-backed gulls (Larus marinus) in three colonies along the coast of northern Norway. In one of the colonies, data were collected in two subsequent seasons. Concentrations of four OCs (HCB, oxychlordane, DDE and PCB) were measured in blood (n=260) and fitness components (reproductive variables and adult return rate between breeding seasons) were recorded. In the first year, in two of the colonies, body condition and reproductive performance among the gulls were poor compared to the third colony, suggesting spatial variation in environmental conditions, especially food availability. However, in the third colony, body condition and reproductive performance were even better in the second season; i.e. environmental conditions varied temporally. OC residues were higher in the colonies where environmental conditions were poor, but much of this variation was explained by differences in body condition among colonies. Moreover, concurrent with improved body condition from one season to the next, the concentrations of OCs were halved. In the two colonies where environmental conditions were poor, female OC residues were negatively related to egg-laying date, egg size and nesting success, and in the colony where the concentrations of OC were highest, gulls with elevated DDE residues had low probability of returning between breeding seasons. In comparison, in the colony where environmental conditions were better in the first year, other types of adverse relationships between OCs and fitness components were found; i.e. chicks from females with high OC concentrations were in poor condition at hatching, suggesting maternal transfer of OCs to the eggs, and males with high OC residues had poor nesting success and chick survival, suggesting OC-mediated behavioural changes. With improved environmental conditions and lower OC concentrations in the second season, no significant adverse relationships between OCs and fitness components were found. This study thus suggests that there are complex interrelationships between both concentrations and ecological effects of OCs, and the environment, indicating that effects of OCs in nature may only be assessed after considering environmental variation.  相似文献   

In May 2016, a fire occurred in one of the largest landfills in Europe (Seseña, Toledo, Spain), where 70,000–90,000 tons of tires had been illegally accumulated for > 15 years. Because of the proximity of population nuclei and the duration of the episode (> 20 days), we conducted a preliminary human health risk assessment study just after the tire fire. Samples of air and soil were collected in 3 areas surrounding the landfill (El Quiñón, at only 500 m, and Seseña Nuevo and Seseña Viejo, both at 4 km), as well as in background sites. In addition, samples of crops (barley, wheat, cabbage and lettuce) were also obtained from local farmers. The concentrations of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and a number of trace elements (As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Sn, Tl, and V) were analyzed in all the samples. The concentrations of all the target pollutants, excepting PAHs, were relatively similar at the different sampling zones, irrespective of the distance to the landfill. In turn, a significant increase of PAHs was noted near the tire landfill, with air levels up to 6-times higher than those found at 4 km (134 vs. 19.5–22.7 ng/m3). Similarly, PAH concentrations in lettuce were relatively higher than those typically found in monitoring programs of food safety. Because of the increase of airborne PAHs, cancer risks due to exposure to environmental pollutants for the population living at El Quiñón, near the landfill, were between 3- and 5-times higher than those estimated for the inhabitants of Seseña. After this preliminary study, further investigations, focused only on PAHs, but more extensive in terms of number of samples, should be conducted to assure that PAHs have been progressively degraded through time.  相似文献   

Results of a recent intercomparison on the determination of trace elements in simulated air filter samples are reported. A large scatter of results is obtained for some elements and systematic differences between laboratories are observed. The performance of different methods, in particular neutron activation analysis and atomic absorption spectrophotometry, used by the various laboratories is discussed (air filter analysis; intercomparison; trace elements; control charts).  相似文献   

A technique for the isolation of thorium (Th), plutonium (Pu), americium (Am), uranium (U) and strontium (Sr) isotopes from various environmental matrices has been adapted from a previously published method specific to water samples (Maxwell, 2006). Separation and isolation of the various elemental fractions from a single sub-sample is possible, thereby eliminating the need for multiple analyses.The technique involves sample dissolution, concentration via calcium phosphate co-precipitation, rapid column extraction using TEVA™, TRU™ and Sr-Spec™ resin cartridges, alpha spectrometry for Th, Pu, U and Am and Cerenkov counting for Sr.Various standard reference materials were analysed and chemical yields are in the range of 70-80% for Th, Am, U and Sr and 50-60% for Pu. Sample sizes of up to 10 L for water, 5 g for dry soil and sediment and 10 g for dry vegetation and seaweed can be processed using this technique.  相似文献   

The northern aplomado falcon (Falco femoralis septentrionalis) disappeared from south Texas in the 1940s. Due to great success in the release of captive-reared aplomado falcons in south Texas, there are currently more than 40 established nesting pairs in the region. Addled eggs from aplomado falcons nesting in northern Chihuahua and south Texas were analyzed to determine organochlorine (OC) and inorganic element contaminant burdens and their potential association with egg failures and effects on reproduction. Among the OCs, DDE [1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethylene] was present at the highest concentrations (range 262-21487 ng/g wet weight) followed by polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs, range 88-3274 ng/g ww). DDE was greater (P=0.03) in eggs from El Sueco (Chihuahua, Mexico) than in those from Matagorda Island (Texas, USA). DDE concentrations in eggs of aplomado falcons from El Sueco were elevated; however, reproductive success in the two Chihuahuan populations did not seem to be affected by DDE. DDE and metals in potential avian prey of the aplomado falcon from Matagorda Island were very low and below levels in the diet at which some negative effects might be expected. Except for mercury (Hg), metal concentrations in eggs were fairly low and were not different among locations in Chihuahua and south Texas. Hg was somewhat elevated and was greater (P<0.001) in Texas than in the Chihuahua locations. Periodic monitoring of Hg concentrations in addled eggs of aplomado falcons in south Texas is recommended to continue evaluating potential negative effects on their recovery.  相似文献   

Aiming to determine the plutonium amount as well as its isotopic composition, in particular, in swipe samples for safeguards purposes, an analytical method was developed with a plutonium separation step based on extraction chromatography using 2 cm TEVA columns and detection with quadrupole ICP-MS applying an ultra-sonic nebulizer coupled with membrane desolvation system. The method was successfully applied to New Brunswick plutonium certified reference materials as well as to Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory round robin samples, based on the round robin samples provided by the Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements (Belgium), as part of the Regular European Interlaboratory Measurement Evaluation Programme (REIMEP), campaign 16 (isotopic abundances of plutonium in plutonium nitrate samples), with a total plutonium amount between 1 and 0.25 ng per sample. After the introduction of an additional separation step, it was also possible to carry out precise and accurate total plutonium, (240)Pu/(239)Pu, (241)Pu/(239)Pu and (242)Pu/(239)Pu atom ratios determination in sediment sample showing its applicability to environmental samples in general, reaching a detection limit equivalent to 5 mBq(239)Pu kg(-1).  相似文献   

The accumulation of dust pollution on the photovoltaic (PV) module can have a significant effect on the productivity and efficiency of PV systems in different locations in the world. Dust which accumulated over time on the PV module and is based on weather conditions led to the reduction in the effectiveness of solar cells. The aim of this research was to experimentally investigate the effect of the natural dust and the effects of environmental parameters on PV performance. The experiments were conducted to propose a model for the current, voltage, power and efficiency and to simulate the effect of environmental parameters on PV performance. The natural dust investigated consisted of different compounds: SiO2 (45.53 %), CaO (24.62 %), Al2O3 (10.83 %), Fe2O3 (10.46 %), MgO (6.33 %), K2O (0.87 %), TiO2 (0.45 %), SO3 (0.24 %), MnO2 (0.21), Cr2O3 (0.23 %), SrO (0.13 %) and NiO (0.09 %). It was found that the most accurate correlation is a polynomial from seventh degree for current, voltage, power and efficiency, fourth degree for solar radiation and temperature, cubic degree for humidity and wind velocity. The coefficients of general model are 0.6343, 0.0110, 0.0 and 0.0001 for PV module, respectively, with 0.0011 fitting factor. The proposed model has been validated using models in the literature.  相似文献   

Phosphate rock samples collected from the Dange Formation within the Sokoto basin were analyzed for trace element constituents using instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) and X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRFA) techniques, while natural activity concentrations due to 235U, 232Th, and 40K were determined by gamma-ray spectrometry. The analytical results show that the average concentrations of some toxic elements (As, Sb, Cr, and Zn) in phosphate rocks are not appreciably different from that in agricultural soils. However the U and Th contents are enriched significantly in comparison. The results were used to assess the environmental toxicity of heavy metals and radiation hazard attributable to the direct application of phosphate rock as fertilizer.  相似文献   

A flow extraction system with on-line and off-line flame atomic absorption spectrometric (FAAS) detection was developed to speed up, facilitate, and improve the accuracy of sequential extraction for metal speciation in solid materials. A flow extraction system with off-line detection was more advantageous than the on-line detection. In the proposed system, extraction was performed in a closed extraction chamber where extractants were flowing through sequentially. The extract from each extraction was collected in 4-10 fractions to obtain a total of approximately 180 ml for subsequent FAAS determination. The system is simple, easy to construct and operate. It has less risk of contamination and human error. A widely used three-step sequential extraction scheme was used to evaluate the novel system by analyzing Ca, Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn in a certified reference material. The extraction time for three-step sequential extraction of soil sample was 4 h. The analytical results for Ca, Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn of a soil certified reference material using the proposed system were compared with those of the conventional batch extraction.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the contribution of anthropogenic pollution to toxic metal residues (Cd, Pb and As) in cattle in an industrialized area of Asturias (northern Spain), and investigated possible implications of toxic metal exposure for metabolism of essential metal elements (Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn). Samples of liver, kidney, muscle and blood from animals aged 9-12 months were obtained from an industrialized area (78 calves) and from a rural area (92 calves). Samples were acid-digested, and levels of metals determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Cadmium and lead contents in the liver and kidney were moderately and significantly higher in calves from the industrialized area (Cd: liver 29.6, kidney 161; Pb: liver 38.1, kidney 38.3 microg/kg wet weight) than in calves from the rural area (Cd: liver 22.9, kidney 96.4; Pb: liver 20.7, kidney 15.9 microg/kg kg wet weight). Although these toxic metals were only moderately raised, our results suggest that they may nevertheless have interfered with trace element metabolism, as reported previously for severely polluted regions. Notably, copper levels in calves from the industrialized area were generally low, and nearly half of these animals showed tissue copper levels indicating risk of copper deficiency.  相似文献   

Within the last two years, great progress has been made in the field of personal air quality monitors. Improvements in pump design, miniaturization, adsorption techniques, and new collection principles have produced about a dozen sensitive monitors capable of being used by the general public to measure their normal everyday exposure to many toxic or carcinogenic compounds. This article reviews recent progress in this field, particularly as it relates to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency programs.  相似文献   

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