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对有毒有害物质的正确检测在化学事故应急救援中显得十分重要,尤其是对那些发生化学事故后尚难断定的有毒有害化学物质,查明毒物的种类就更有意义。根据《简氏核生化防护年鉴》2001年版提供的资料,目前因际上对有毒有害物质的现场快速检测总结起来有以下十种技术,即:  相似文献   

突发事件,如火灾、危化品泄漏、有限空间事故等,具有高风险、紧迫、要求快速响应的特点,往往不能通过采取常规性防护程序来降低风险,因而个体防护装备常是首选的预防保护性措施。本文介绍了消防和应急救援人员面临的安全与健康风险,针对消防和应急救援人员在应急响应过程中使用个体防护装备暴露出来的问题,提出创新型的个体防护装备应用建议,为进一步确保应急人员的生命安全与职业健康提供有效参考。  相似文献   

对有毒有害物质的正确检测在化学事故应急救援中显得十分重要,尤其是对那些发生化学事故后尚难断定的有毒有害化学物质,查明毒物的种类就更有意义.根据<简氏核生化防护年鉴>2001年版提供的资料,目前国际上对有毒有害物质的现场快速检测总结起来有以下十种技术,即:  相似文献   

大多数化学品具有有毒、有害、易燃、易爆等特点,在生产、储存、运输和使用过程中因意外或人为破坏等原因发生泄漏、火灾爆炸,极易造成人员伤害和环境污染的事故。制订完备的应急预案,了解化学品基本知识,掌握化学品事故现场应急处置程序,可有效降低事故造成的损失和影响。本讲主要探讨危险化学品发生泄漏、火灾爆炸、中毒等事故时现场应急抢险和救援。  相似文献   

危险化学品事故发生后,参与事故救援的应急人员穿戴合适的个体防护装备,受到事故影响的公众采取恰当的避难方式,是防止事故继续造成人员伤亡的关键.通过分析国内外应急人员防护标准的差异,探讨呼吸防护用品、化学防护服选择的主要影响因素和程序,提出了根据有害环境的危害程度、应急人员的职责选择个体防护装备的原则.研究国外在避难方式上...  相似文献   

从消防监管的角度给出了道路运输易燃易爆危险品的火灾危险性分级标准,分析了典型泄漏事故后果场景和常见的泄漏规模类型.介绍了美国消防协会NFPA471、应急响应手册ERG2008危险品运输事故初期区域的确定方法,并提出了基于影响半径的危险品道路运输火灾事故现场应急区域和人员疏散范围的确定方法.提出对于易燃易爆危险品道路运输事故应急区域的确定,在初期可优先采用ERG 2008提供的初期隔离距离与防护距离进行先期处置,然后根据运输危险品的类型、运输量和影响区人员总数进行定量评估分析,以确定适当的应急区域范围.依据运输道路场所环境和事故场景特点,快速而合理的确定事故应急隔离区和疏散区,可较科学地应对突发性灾难事故,采取快速应急响应措施,优化消防警力配备.该文研究提出的方法和研究结论,可为危险品道路运输消防应急力量优化调度,现场指挥员采取有效措施开展抢险救援行动提供技术支持,有利于现场事故应急处置和人员快速安全疏散.  相似文献   

化学品泄漏初期应对程序与方法研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
提出了化学品泄漏初期应对的概念,并对其内容和方法进行了阐述.化学品泄漏事故发生后,只要知道泄漏物质、泄漏量大小和风向,就可以快速确定现场管制区域、现场救援和救护人员的个体防护需求,以及人员疏散方案,从而可以在第一时间内采取有效措施,减少事故造成的人员伤亡、财产损失和环境破坏.  相似文献   

化学事故应急救援中的防护问题与救援的质量和救援人员自身安全等密切相关。国内外多起化学事故都有应急救援人员在实施救援过程中发生数人中毒的报道,特别是那些已经采取了防护措施的人员因防护不当也不同程度地出现中毒症状。由此可见,化学事故应急救援中的防护问题应该引起我们的高度重视。在救援中,务必做到充分准备,学会正确的防护方法,以保证救援人员顺利执行任务及保障自身安全。  相似文献   

个体呼吸防护装备作为重要应急物资在自然灾害、公共卫生事件和安全生产事故应急处置中起到重要作用,能有效阻挡粉尘、飞沫、病毒等气溶胶颗粒物进入肺部,保障人员健康。本文首先总结了世界范围内个体呼吸防护装备的发展历史,其次分析了3种主要个体呼吸防护装备的工作原理与优缺点,重点研究了个体呼吸防护装备呼吸阻力、过滤效率、密合程度、佩戴舒适性和视野等5个性能评价指标的重要性及主要影响,最后提出了个体呼吸防护装备高效低阻、佩戴舒适、可生物降解、重复使用、智能调控等5个发展方向,应加强研制更安全、更舒适、更智能、更可靠的个体呼吸防护装备,最大程度保证作业人员和救援人员的职业健康和生命安全。  相似文献   

在常温下呈气态的有毒有害物质可能发生泄漏事故的环境风险评价中,其预测结果的应用可引入有毒有害物质的毒理学资料,确立对预测结果适合的评估指标,对泄漏事故影响范围内的危害程度进一步分级明确,有针对性地提出合理可行的应急减缓措施,为项目的风险管理工作提供了科学的依据.  相似文献   

化学品突发性事故预测的不确定性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍化学品突发性事故预测的不确定性概率统计和模糊数学分析方法。对参数和模式的不确定性分别进行了讨论,计算机系统包括化学品常用数据库、事故识别模块,事故后果分析模块和不确定性分析模块,对液氯泄漏排放事故、液化气(丙烷)两相闪蒸爆炸和管道煤气(CO)泄漏伤害模式实例进行了分析。对连续源和瞬时源的讨论说明泄漏时间的确定对事故分析极为重要。  相似文献   

应急评估及其方法研究是建立水源地突发性污染事件应急机制的关键环节之一.在综合评价现有相关应急评估方法的基础上,根据水源地突发性污染事件的风险源不确定性、受体易损性以及需快速反应性等特征,提出了对突发性污染事件的危害影响程度进行应急评估的"时间特征指数"方法.选取了泄漏物质危害性、泄漏量、泄漏位置、流速和风速5项评估指标,计算得出能够反映突发性污染事件对取水口危害威胁性的综合指数.对上海市黄浦江上游水源地一起突发性污染事件进行了案例评估,结果表明该方法具有一定的科学性和可行性.  相似文献   

The problem of toxic smoke in case of an accident with fire scenario is particularly severe in long tunnels and immediate effects from combustion product exposure often include fatalities. Notwithstanding extensive studies on fire simulation in tunnel, there is still a substantial lack of information on the different toxic products from combustion of light or heavy vehicles. In particular, there is a need for reliable test methods suitable to provide toxic products yields connected to defined accidental fire scenarios. In this paper, experimental runs in a laboratory scaled tunnel, simulating accidental fires of different heat release rates allowed firstly to characterize the thermal profiles in pool and car fires and to compare results by an analytical pool fire model. Results were compared as well with those obtained in a real scale tunnel, so as to quantitatively assess the scaling effect. A series of experiments was performed simulating an accidental scenario including pool fire from collision between a light vehicle and a HazMat heavy vehicle. An extensive set of experimental data allowed performing with good accuracy and reproducibility a complete characterization of toxic gases from car model fires, together with carbon monoxide and oxygen trends. The results obtained under different heat release rates allowed evidencing the dependence of the yields of toxic gases upon the considered scenario. Based on the intrinsic toxicity data of identified compounds, it is possible to draw practical conclusions, useful to assess the potential hazard associated to exposure to toxic smoke in road tunnel.  相似文献   

The rapidly growing capacity and scale of the world's petrochemical industries have forced many plants to have an even larger amount of hazardous substances. Once a serious leak occurs, the outcome of the effect zone could be very large or even uncontrollable just like the Bhopal disaster. In order to assess the risk of a cross-regional damage, this study aims to develop a model that can combine the benefits of both CFD model of the microscale simulation and the Gaussian dispersion model of the mesoscale simulation.The developed integrated model is employed on a toxic chemical tank leak accident of a process plant within an industrial park in order to explore the consequences and the risk of the toxic gas dispersion on three different scopes; one is the accident site, the second is the long-distance transmission route of the mesoscale area and the third is a target city. According to the simulation's results, it is obvious that the complexity of the structure surrounding the leaking tank will eventually affect the maximum ground concentration, the cloud shapes and cloud dilution rate, while the released gas is under dispersion. On the other hand, since the simple Gaussian dispersion model doesn't consider the above impacts, its calculation results will have many differences as compared to the realistic situation. This integrated model can be used as a tool for estimating the risk on a microscale or mesoscale areas and it can produce better results when an environmental impact analysis is required for a larger hazardous chemical process.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the diffusion of evacuation advisory warnings during regional evacuations for accidents that release toxic vapors. Investigations results on the propagation of evacuation advisory warnings in the ‘4.16’ chlorine release and the explosion accident at Chongqing Tianyuan Chemical Factory in China, and a comparison analysis of the evacuation notification process of six typical leakage accidents are presented in this paper. After conducting the evacuation notification investigation on the ‘4.16’ accident, in which 401 valid questionnaires were collected from people who should have evacuated during the accident, the methods and channels of the evacuation notification, the notification efficiency, and the actual response efficiency of the recipients after the issuing of the evacuation advisory warnings were analyzed. A comparison analysis of the evacuation notification process is performed by analyzing six typical leakage accidents, and basic principles of evacuation notification for a regional evacuation for toxic vapor release accidents are proposed.  相似文献   

毒气泄漏事故在高含硫气田及化工园区频繁发生,一旦发生事故,周边公众迅速进行疏散是应急的首要任务。我国很多地区制定了疏散方案,但是如何评估疏散的安全性和可行性,是亟待解决的问题。分析了我国泄漏事故特点和周边居民情况,对以往评估方法缺陷进行了剖析,提出基于动态毒性负荷分析的安全疏散评估方法。该方法在毒气扩散的精确3d模拟及疏散模拟的基础上,用差分法对人员行走过程中的毒性负荷Pc进行的计算,最终得出相应的致死概率Pr,并通过一个实例验证该方法的可行性。结果表明,运用该方法能够详尽、准确规划疏散区域、搬迁区域和避难区域。  相似文献   

The article reports the results of different methods of modelling releases and dispersion of dangerous gases or vapours in cases of major accidents from road and rail transportation in urban zones. Transport accidents of dangerous substances are increasingly frequent and can cause serious injuries in densely inhabited areas or pollution of the environment. For quantitative risk assessment and mitigation planning, consequence modelling is necessary.

The modelling of dangerous substance dispersion by standard methods does not fully represent the behaviour of toxic or flammable clouds in obstructed areas such as street canyons. Therefore the predictions from common software packages as ALOHA, EFFECTS, TerEx should be augmented with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models or physical modelling in aerodynamic tunnels, and further studies are planned to do this.

The goal of this article is to present the results of the first approach of modelling using these standard methods and to demonstrate the importance of the next development stage in the area of transport accident modelling of releases and dispersions of dangerous substances in urban zones in cases of major accident or terrorist attacks.  相似文献   

通过分析意外伤害保险的市场现状、消费者的保险行为及潜在的意外伤害保险市场需求,提出了意外伤害保险的销售策略。  相似文献   

危险化学品突发泄漏事故应急决策系统的开发与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了危险化学品突发泄漏事故应急决策系统的开发及其在实际中的应用,以危险化学品数据库为基础,建立泄漏介质查找系统,方便查找泄漏介质,并根据所查找泄漏介质提供相应的应急决策方案。以"苯"泄漏为例,危险化学品突发泄漏事故应急决策系统根据操作人员提供的现场数据,自动生成苯泄漏的应急决策方案,方案内容包括带压密封夹具图、作业用工器具、安全保护用品、密封注剂选择、现场操作方法、现场急救方法、苯泄漏物处置预案、苯泄漏的消防及国家法规信息支持。危险化学品突发泄漏事故应急决策系统能够便捷的协助用户安全、迅速、有效地处置各种危险化学品,有效的预防因危险化学品泄漏引起的火灾、爆炸、环境污染及人身伤亡等特重大事故的发生,降低危险化学品泄漏事故所造成的危害。  相似文献   

丙烯槽车特大泄漏事故的应急处置方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
如何快速有效地处置危险化学品槽车突发泄漏事故,目前还是一个世界性的难题。本文介绍了吉林市6.26丙烯槽车特大泄漏事故发生后的报警、接警、启动应急预案、现场侦察、现场警戒、禁绝火源、交通管制、紧急疏散、喷雾稀释、着装防护、丙烯的特性、健康危害、急救措施等。阐述了夹具捆绑法带压堵漏的机理,提供了丙烯泄漏槽车的勘测数据、夹具设计思路、夹具制造图纸、现场应急处置方法及现场照片。本案例表明,只要有可靠的安全措施及特殊的技术手段,危险化学品槽车泄漏事故是可以进行应急处置的,实现控制、降低、消除泄漏,避免灾害性事故的发生。文中方法同样适用于铁路槽车泄漏事故的应急处置。  相似文献   

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