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Ecological Footprint Analysis (EFA) is an environmental accounting system that provides an aggregate indicator which is both scientifically robust and easy to understand by non-experts. Although based on the lifestyle consumption of natural resources, recent improvements in the methodology now allow the application of EFA to a final product. Thus the resulting footprint value represents the environmental cost of all of the activities required to create, use and/or dispose of a particular product. The application of EFA to agricultural systems is still uncommon and examples in the fruit sector rare. In this work a detailed application of EFA to a commercial nectarine orchard in Piedmont (Italy) is presented. In contrast to previous studies, we considered not only the one-year field operations, but also the whole lifetime of the orchard. The calculation was conducted for six different orchard stages: (ST1) nursery propagation of the young plants; (ST2) orchard establishment, (ST3) young trees producing low yields, (ST4) mature trees at full production, (ST5) declining trees with low yields, and finally (ST6) orchard removal. The environmental costs at each stage are presented and related to each other on the basis of the relative footprint value. Results highlight the importance of applying EFA to the entire lifecycle of orchard production: ST4 accounted for the majority of costs at 65% followed by ST2, ST3 and ST5 at or near 10%, whilst the costs of ST1 and ST6 were negotiable. Thus it is the type of ST4 production used which can have the greatest impact on EFA values. 相似文献
In this article, the concept of Integrated (Substance) Chain Management (ISCM) is discussed. The definition of ISCM, motives for ISCM, conditions for implementation, different points of view and a five-step model are dealt with. In addition, a number of possible barriers on the road to ISCM are discussed. The model is applied to a stonewool-producing company in the Netherlands. This company set up a recycling project in the form of a briquetting factory. The substance-flow sheets show that after implementing the briquetting factory, almost all process wastes are used in the factory and that fewer virgin materials have to be used. From an economic point of view, production in a more sustainable fashion is very unattractive: production costs per ton of stonewool product rose as a consequence of the use of the briquettes as an input. The barriers connected to ISCM are mainly economic and regulatory. Solutions for the Rockwool company may include engaging in environmental product stewardship and a realignment of the government policy towards dumping re-usable and non-separated building and construction waste. 相似文献
There has been much debate on the topic of whether stricter environmental regulations can promote environmental performance and economic performance at the same time. Different researchers have used different indicators to measure environmental performance and economic performance in their empirical studies. However, it is a surprise that few studies have checked the relationship between environmental regulation and eco-efficiency, as the latter is widely regarded as a quite powerful tool of considering ecology and economy together.In this study the background is the implementation in 2003 of the Stricter Discharge Standard (SDS) in Shandong Province’s Pulp and Paper Industry (SPPI), compared to the national standards of China. The stricter regulations were intended to promote corporate change from passive management to active control and from end-of-pipe treatment to cleaner production. This study investigated the eco-efficiency trends of SPPI from 2001 to 2008 in three fields: water efficiency, energy efficiency and environment efficiency. A “de-linking” and “re-linking” tool was used to attain a further evaluation. The study showed that with the implementation of stricter regulation most of the efficiency indicators (except CO 2 emission and energy consumption) had achieved significant improvements, and the overall environmental performance trends of SPPI showed it to be more sustainable. However, the study also found that it was not enough to address a single indicator in the environmental regulation of the pulp and paper industry. More holistic eco-efficiency indicators need to be further considered and introduced to the industry as the next step to create true sustainable development. 相似文献
如何定量研究可持续发展是目前国际上研究的热点问题,生态足迹分析法即是一种用于定量研究和判断一个国家或地区的可持续发展状况的新方法。文章应用生态足迹的方法,以辽宁省2006年-2008年统计年鏊资料为依据,对2005年-2007年的生态足迹进行了计算和研究,纵向比较分析了这3年辽宁省生态足迹的变化规律及其原因。研究结果表明:辽宁省2005年-2007年3年的人均生态赤字分别为2.718hm^2,2.8942hm^2,3.1348hm^2,呈现逐年上升趋势,生态赤字表明辽宁省的人类负荷超过了其生态承载力,不利于可持续发展。其影响因素为化石能源消耗大、耕地面积减少、建筑用地逐渐增加等。最后提出了减少辽宁省生态赤字的对策。 相似文献
The aim of the present study was to produce biodiesel from mixtures of cooking oil and provide a possible environmental solution for the region of Campinas (state of São Paulo, Brazil) based on the theory of environmental cost accounting (ECA). Cooking oil collected from homes in Campinas was mixed with ethanol at a ratio of 7:1 and transesterified at 60 °C for one hour for the obtainment of biodiesel using NaOH as a catalyst. The results of the physicochemical analyses demonstrated that the biodiesel possessed characteristics close to those required by Brazilian standards. A recent survey carried out in the city of Campinas revealed that residents are not concerned with the increased of environmental impact and ecological costs in the region caused by the disposal of used cooking oil, which is discarded in sewers and soil. Urgent action is recommended, beginning with raising awareness among the population and the implementation of a policy to determine the storage, periodic collection and use of cooking oil for the production of biodiesel. This fuel could be used for buses, trucks and machines or sold to fuel distributors, offering a savings of US$ 0.8 to 4.5 millions. Campinas could then gain environmental credits and become a sustainable city. Moreover, used cooking oil constitutes low-cost biodiesel with no consumption of raw materials and will reduce worldwide criticism directed at Brazil regarding the use of oleaginous plants for biodiesel production. 相似文献
The role of water pricing for managing water resources is widely recognized in many areas of the world because of the increasing scarcity of water resources, a high competition between water uses and environmental degradation. Based on the analysis of cost of water, this paper explores which types of cost should be reflected in the water pricing enhancing the sustainability of water resources. The principle of full cost pricing in which the cost should include supply cost, opportunity cost and externalities is proposed as a means to achieve the sustainability of water resources. In a case study of Beijing, low water price is analyzed as one reason for unsustainable water consumption. Thus water pricing justified is necessary and pressing. It is proposed to justify water price in phased manner and eventually towards full cost pricing. The assessment of impacts on water resources by raising water price shows water pricing could alleviate the conflict between water supply and demand. This paper concludes that water pricing can play an effective role in enhancing the sustainability of water resources in Beijing. 相似文献
宁夏引黄灌区是水污染严重地区之一,大部分排水沟水质属于劣五类,主要污染物是硝态氮与铵态氮.猪粪还田试验共有3个处理:传统施肥+空白(CK)、传统施肥+猪粪还田4500 kg/hm 2(T1)和传统施肥+猪粪还田9000 kg/hm 2(T2).采用树脂芯法测定了30,60,90cm土层的硝态氮淋失量.结果表明,30cm土层处,猪粪还田没有明显增加土壤硝态氮淋失.与对照(15.96±0.41) kg/hm 2相比,T1(16.85±0.40) kg/hm 2与T2(17.01±0.46) kg/hm 2没有达到显著差异(P>0.05);60cm土层处理与对照也没有达到显著差异;90cm土层处的猪粪处理与对照达到显著差异,处理之间没有差异.猪粪还田有利于土壤有机质和总氮提高,30cm土层,与对照相比,T1和T2的有机质增加0.95g/kg和1.41g/kg,分别提高7.50%和11.13%;总氮增加0.06和0.16g/kg,分别提高7.72%和22.04%.猪粪还田提高了作物产量,水稻增产12.26%~11.56%,冬小麦产量提高9.32%~12.52%. 相似文献
Small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) form the core of societal and economic development. However, most people query on the implementation and performance of environmental management. In this paper, the manufacturing SMEs in Northern China with different pollution levels are studied to explore the main forces (e.g., government, society, market, and enterprise itself) driving SMEs for promoting environmental management. It focuses on the correlation between environmental management and economic performance for SMEs at different pollution levels. The results show that SMEs of different pollution levels have significant differences in the relationship of driving forces and performance. First, for SMEs with high-pollution levels, social and market driving forces and government incentives are revealed having a significant effect on their environmental performance. Driving forces from within the enterprise itself and the market provide a positive effect on the economic performance, while social forces have a negative effect. Second, for SMEs with light pollution, social and market driving forces, and government assistance play a supporting role on corporate environmental performance improvement. It is also found that the driving force of the enterprise itself does not have a significant effect on the environmental performance for SMEs with different pollution levels. In addition, the environmental performance and economic performance for SMEs with high or light-pollution levels are positively correlated. Further, it shows that the environmental performance is moderately correlated with financial indices, but not significantly with the non-financial indices. 相似文献
Life cycle assessment was carried out using IMPACT2002+ to estimate the environmental impact of coated white board production, which is common in China. Normalized results showed that the potential impacts of respiratory inorganics, terrestrial ecotoxicity, global warming, and non-renewable energy had a dominant contributions to overall environmental impact. Specifically, emissions from chemical and energy production processes exhibited higher potential impact (more than 80% of the total contribution) on the environment than that of emissions generated from transport, landfill, wastewater treatment, and paper plants infrastructure. Energy recovery from black liquor and energy generation based on natural gas are key factors in reducing overall environmental potential impact. The current paper presents improvements on the environmental performance of a coated white board production site in China. 相似文献
Based upon a survey on household electronic and electrical equipment, this paper provides information on the public's perception of the local environmental quality, environmental awareness and environmental performance, and of their willingness to pay for improving environmental quality and making green purchases. The results indicate that Ningbo residents are not satisfied with the local environmental quality, and they would like very much to share environmental responsibility. About 64% of the respondents are aware of Chinese environmental labeling. Nearly 70% and 80% of the respondents are willing to pay for environmental improvement and to purchase environmentally friendly products, respectively. The amount of household electrical and electronic equipment has increased dramatically and most of them are phased out within their product lifetimes. Of all the respondents, 61% chose to reuse and recycle waste electrical and electronic equipment. 相似文献
This paper reviews the factors influencing the development and sustained operation of regional industrial symbiosis (IS) networks and discusses the roles a coordination body can play to alter these factors so as to catalyse the development and functioning of such networks. These are analysed within the context of experiences gained in the early stages of three regional IS programmes under development in the UK, and of the recently launched national IS programme (NISP) that they are part of. It is stated that the policy framework in the UK has elements supportive of such networks to evolve, and the regional public bodies are favouring their development. Based on differences among studied cases, it is argued that the nature of companies’ operations and industrial history in the regions, the extent of peer pressure, the positioning of the coordinating body in the region, and its approach to awareness raising and recruitment have major influence on the progress of the programmes. Finally, the paper emphasises the importance of aligning the characteristics of emerging operations with the longer-term sustainability requirements. If accepted, this challenge assigns additional responsibilities to the coordinating parties. 相似文献
基于生态弹性力、承载媒体的支撑力和承载对象的压力3个方面,选取气候条件、水文情况、地物覆被、资源供给、环境治理、社会发展、资源耗损、环境污染、人口压力和经济增长10个影响因素,构建了包含35项指标的长三角地区生态承载力指标体系,使用层次分析法(AHP)和主成分分析法(PCA)确定评价因子的主、客观权重,以苏州市为例,开展生态承载力评价和障碍因子分析。结果表明:苏州市2011—2018年的生态承载力指数总体趋势平稳,承载力水平处于中承载状态;生态弹性力子系统经历了弱稳定—高稳定—中稳定的演变过程,承载媒体的支撑力子系统经历了低支撑—中支撑—较强支撑—中支撑的演变过程,承载对象的压力子系统经历了较低压—中压—较高压的演变过程。结合苏州市生态承载力障碍因子分析发现,承载媒体的支撑力是苏州市生态承载力的主要影响层,因素层中主要障碍因子有水文情况、环境治理和环境污染,指标层中主要障碍因子有工业烟尘排放量、城区区域环境噪声、工业废水排放量和人均水资源量。研究成果客观反映了苏州市生态承载力状况,对苏州市可持续发展提出合理的对策和建议,可为长三角地区生态承载力研究提供一定借鉴。 相似文献
The outcome of recent international climate negotiations suggests we are headed toward a more fragmented carbon market, with multiple emission trading and offset programs operating in parallel. To effectively harmonize and link across programs, it will be important to ensure that across offset programs and protocols that a “ton is a ton”. In this article, we consider how sample offsets projects in the U.S. carbon market are treated across protocols from five programs: the Clean Development Mechanism, Climate Action Reserve, Chicago Climate Exchange, Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, and the U.S. EPA's former program, Climate Leaders. We find that differences among protocols for landfill methane, manure management, and afforestation/reforestation project types in accounting boundary definitions, baseline setting methods, measurement rules, emission factors, and discounts lead to differences in offsets credited that are often significant (e.g. greater than 50%). We suggest opportunities for modification and harmonization of protocols that can improve offset quality and credibility and enhance prospects for future linking of trading units and systems. 相似文献
矿山公园建设是矿山生态环境修复治理的重要途径,评估土壤修复效果对矿山公园建设运营及游客旅游安全具有重要意义。在湖南M矿山公园非硬化地面采集地表0~30 cm旱土土壤样品66个,测定其中重金属Mn、Cr、Zn、Pb、As、Cu、Ni、Hg的浓度,采用综合污染指数法、潜在生态危害指数法及健康风险评估模型对矿山公园土壤修复后污染状况、潜在生态风险和人类健康风险三方面进行评价。结果表明:M矿山公园土壤中各金属浓度平均值从高到低依次为Mn>Cr>Zn>Pb>As>Cu>Ni>Hg,其中,Cr、Mn、Cu、As和Pb的平均值分别是湖南省土壤背景值的1.23、1.80、1.12、2.05和1.34倍。土壤重金属污染指数为0.51,处于安全级别。各重金属元素单因子潜在风险指数均处于低生态风险级别,重金属综合潜在风险指数均值为81.64,处于低生态风险级别,不存在潜在生态风险。儿童和成人的非致癌风险总值分别为2.46×10−1和7.43×10−2,不会造成非致癌风险;总致癌风险指数为1.38×10−7,不存在致癌风险。经过生态修复后的M矿山公园不存在土壤重金属生态健康风险,适于各类人群开展旅游休闲活动。 相似文献
当前研究者往往是把生态用地质量评价同人居环境质量评价各自分隔开来进行研究,而没能很好的把二者结合起来.本研究将生态辐射的概念引入人居生态环境评价中,利用GIS技术构建了生态辐射模型,并以深圳市龙岗区为例进行了分析.在生态辐射模型中将城市用地分为生态用地和建设用地两类,以建设用地作为人居用地来进行研究.对不同大小的生态用地斑块提出不同的服务半径,作为生态用地的辐射范围,其大小决定于生态用地的斑块大小和土地类型.模型计算结果显示,生态用地分布较为均匀的坪地街道,其森林覆盖率虽然比大鹏街道要低,但生态辐射强度值却略高于后者,这说明本研究建立的生态辐射模型有一定的合理性,能够反映生态用地分布均匀程度对人居环境的影响,为人居生态环境研究提供了新的思路. 相似文献
利用渭河典型支流千河流域千阳水文站控制区域20个气象站2006—2013年的小时降水以及同期水文站的流量和水位数据,基于泰森多边形法、三参数幂函数法、一元非线性回归模型以及概率分布模拟等方法确定了千河流域不同等级洪水发生时对应的面雨量阈值,同时也计算了不同重现期的致洪临界面雨量。研究表明:三参数幂函数模型对水位与流量的关系模拟精度较高,模型能够模拟典型年份发生的洪水;典型控制断面流量主要受前9 h累计降水影响;当汛期水位由901 m升高至超标准水位时,千阳水文站控制流域的致洪临界面雨量增加了将近50 mm,而相应的洪峰流量相差1418.51 m~3·s~(-1);对数皮尔逊Ⅲ型分布能够很好地模拟洪峰流量的概率分布;10—100年重现期下,控制断面水位增加高达2 m。 相似文献
Hydroelectricity has been rated to have a large water footprint (WF) on global average. We assessed the WF of hydroelectricity by three different methods using New Zealand as a case study. The first (WF-1) and second (WF-2) methods only consider the consumptive water use of the hydroelectricity generation system, while our third method (WF-3) accounts for the net water balance. Irrespective of the method, the WF of New Zealand’s hydroelectricity was found much smaller than the commonly cited international value of 22 m 3 GJ −1. Depending on the method, the national WF ranged from 1.55 m 3 GJ −1 (WF-3) to 6.05 m 3 GJ −1 (WF-1). The WF- 3 considers the net water balance including rainfall, which is the key driver for replenishing water resources. It provides meaningful information that helps our understanding of the differences of the WF in locations, which are diverse in terms of water resource availability. We highlight the effects of local climatic differences and the structural specifics of a hydroelectricity scheme on the WF. The large variation in the WF of hydropower across New Zealand illustrates the inappropriateness of using global average values. Local values, calculated using our hydrologically rational method, must be used. 相似文献
依据PSR概念模型,建立了景观尺度的区域生态健康评价指标体系.以2004年SPOT5影像及其派生数据作为基础信息源,在遥感和GIS技术支持下获取了生态健康评价相关宏观生态指标,评价的指标体系划分为5个等级.采用空间单元网格(2km×2km)作为评价单元,借助GIS的空间分析功能制作出各单项指标和综合指标的空间分布图,并完成对区域生态健康自综合评价.得到了区域生态健康的空间分布,综合评价结果划分为很健康、健康、亚健康、不健康和疾病5个等级.结果表明,生态健康处于亚健康及其以下类型的面积占整个区域的52.76%,生态系统退化有在整个研究区域蔓延的趋势. 相似文献
TwofeedbackloopscontrolwaterresourceconsumptionwithinYaobaOasis.OnefeedbacklooptakeseffectwhentheYaobacommunityhasperceivedthereductionofwaterresources.Thesecondtakeseffectwhenthedeteriorationofwaterqualityisperceived .However,thesetwofeedbackloopsaren… 相似文献
生态环境准入清单源于“三线”划定管控成果的集成,是具体到每个环境管控单元落实底线思维和生态环境保护硬约束落地的重要出口。生态环境准入清单如何在实际环境管理工作中做到能用、适用、管用,值得深思和探讨。湖南省以园区管控单元为特色,在全国率先发布并全面实施生态环境准入清单体系。以湖南省为例,系统阐述生态环境准入清单编制原则、技术思路与清单实践的特点和落地应用实效,总结问题,提出优化生态环境准入清单的思考与建议:1)明确“三线一单”的法律地位和层级定位,找准功能定位,形成由多部门协同推动的态势;2)强化生态环境准入清单的目标支撑作用,保证科学适用;3)规范生态环境准入清单形式,协同多要素管控;4)引入配套机制,指导“三线一单”的动态更新。 相似文献