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介绍了电梯各装置的功能,电梯的安全装置回路,及其故障检查方法。  相似文献   

电梯与电梯安全   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王文奇 《安全》2003,24(2):36-39
1 电梯的种类、结构组成及基本要求 电梯是一种沿两根垂直(或垂直倾斜度小于15度)的刚性导轨从一个高度运行至另一个高度的升降装置。按用途分类,电梯可分为乘客电梯、载货电梯、客货电梯、病床电梯、观光电梯和特种电梯等;若按运行速度又可分为低速电梯(额定速度V≤1m/s)、快速电梯(1m/s相似文献   

对电梯的电气安全装置的设置及拉制要求进行了讨论。并就如何符合规范提出了自已的观点。  相似文献   

某单位一台集选控制的货梯发生了开门走车的故障。幸未造成人身伤亡事故。有关人员查找故障原因,发现既不是层门电气联锁短接引起的,也不是门锁继电器(接触器)触点粘连造成的,费尽周折找到的原因是:电梯机房一块窗户玻璃破损,前一天下雨.雨水飘进了机房,致使靠近窗户的线槽积水,引起门锁回路电气短路.使电梯层门电气联锁保护电路失效。这起故障反映出使用单位在电梯管理上的不善,尤其是在电梯机房的管理上。  相似文献   

客货两用电梯是工矿企业普遍使用的运载工具,既方便又实用。但是,由于设计的原因,电梯不在的楼层,也可以打开梯门,近几年来,人员坠落到电梯井下的伤亡事故屡屡发生。几年前,人民美术印剧厂一位副厂长就因此摔伤致残;1988年10月,统计局印刷厂一名青工坠井身亡;我厂也先后有两人不慎摔到井下。为了避免上述事故的发生,我们研制出一种跑梯门安全装置。经过实用,证明了它的可靠性,杜绝了伤亡事故的发生。 这种装置的原理和构造比较简单(见图1、2)。当电梯不在本层时,行程开关处于闭合佣态 电磁铁通电吸合,B制电磁钩钩住本层电梯外门,使门不能打…  相似文献   

随着社会经济的飞速发展,城市规模的不断扩大,作为现代化程度标志之一的高楼建筑越来越多,电梯在人们生活中的重要性日显突出,社会对其管理、产品质量、安全性能的要求也越来越高,国务院专门出台了《特种设备安全监察条例》,电梯检测检验中的技术规范,标准要求,维护保养对  相似文献   

电梯作为楼宇交通工具,已经成为在高层建筑里工作和生活的人们不可或缺的重要工具。作者通过在电梯检验过程中发现的故障,对电梯维保的困境以及解决办法作了一些思考。  相似文献   

电梯制动器是电梯的重要安全部件。制动器工作的可靠性直接影响到电梯的安全运行。本文针对一起电梯制动器延时抱闸故障的案例,探析制动器驱动电路中的续流回路对制动器电磁响应时间的影响。  相似文献   

对两起电梯超载滑落故障的原因进行了分析,并提出了预防建议。  相似文献   

电梯随着我国房地产业的快速发展也快速发展起来,电梯的使用变得日益普遍。电梯在日常使用中出现故障也日益引起人们的注意,也是电梯生产者、使用者及管理者关注的主要问题,如何减少电梯运行过程中的故障是摆在电梯业内人士的重要课题。本文就电梯故障致因及对策提出一些看法,供电梯业内人士参考。  相似文献   

煤矿液压提升机的安全功能与安全隐患分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
液压提升机是较为复杂的机电液一体化产品 ,是煤矿井下作业提升物料和运送人员的关键设备 ,素有矿井咽喉之称。液压提升机的防爆、提升过程中的超速、过卷保护、液压系统的高、低压保护及升降与制动工作协同性是其安全性设计的核心与关键。笔者概要介绍了液压提升机的主要安全保护功能 ,分析并探讨了液压提升机存在的安全隐患与对策  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Traditionally, health safety and environmental (HS & E) investments have been viewed as expensive but necessary. HS & E professionals had a difficult task of providing data showing that these investments can also contribute to business success. An ORC task force developed a way for traditional financial analysis methods to be applied to HS & E investments and decisions. METHOD: The result of the task force effort is the software called the ORC Return on Health, Safety and Environmental Investments (ROHSEI), a supporting tool to provide a comprehensive look at health, safety or environmental investment projects and their potential financial impacts. RESULTS: Since its development, more than 200 companies, government agencies, and educational institutions have been trained in the ROHSEI process and software. CONCLUSIONS: HS & E professionals who are able to evaluate and communicate the business value of health, safety and environmental efforts will improve understanding of the impacts HS & E projects and contribute to better decision making by their organizations.  相似文献   

以系统论、信息论、控制论为指导思想,结合安全系统工程现场实践,对开发、完善安全控制论的理论体系及其应用等方面研究成果作了简要介绍,包括安全控制论的数学模型,安全系统的控制方式,安全计量及其在安全评价等方面的应用.  相似文献   

城市重大危险源安全规划方法及程序研究   总被引:16,自引:6,他引:16  
城市重大危险源是影响城市安全水平的一个重要因素,对城市重大危险源的规划和整治是提高城市安全水平的一个重要途径.本文在"十五"国家科技攻关计划课题"城市公共安全规划与应急预案编制及其关键技术研究"第一专题"城市公共安全规划技术、方法与程序研究"的研究成果基础上,提出了城市重大危险源安全规划的一般性方法和技术要点,以期为城市重大危险源安全规划的编制提供技术指导.  相似文献   

冶金生产过程中产生的粉尘对电气设备危害极大,如造成电气设备短路,电气开关按触不良,通风不良等。采取了定期清扫粉尘,定期检查开关设备的触头及接线,提高电气设备的抗尘能力等措施后,取得明显效果。  相似文献   

PROBLEM: Injuries are the leading cause of death for adolescents in the United States. METHODS: This study longitudinally examined three psychological mediators of injury among 3,081 youths in agricultural settings: (a) safety consciousness, (b) dangerous risk taking, and (c) safety knowledge. These variables are examined within a nomological network of contextual variables. RESULTS: Cross-sectional results revealed that safety consciousness and dangerous risk taking were the strongest predictors of reported injury at Time 1 and Time 2. Safety knowledge had an unexpected negative association with injury, albeit weak. As predicted, participating in safety activities was positively associated with safety consciousness, and time spent working was strongly associated with safety knowledge. Furthermore, self-esteem had both positive and negative safety outcomes, suggesting a more complex functioning. Males exhibited fewer safety cognitions than females as predicted. Longitudinal data also revealed that injury at Time 1 and dangerous risk taking were the strongest predictors of Time 2 injury. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: Results from this study emphasize the importance of assessing dangerous risk-taking perceptions when attempting to predict future injuries.  相似文献   

谈安全评价及其方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
概括了安全评价的定义和作用,详细地论述了两种定量的安全评价方法——指数法和概率法,简单介绍了我国安全评价工作的发展和存在的问题。  相似文献   

为探究金属矿井下粉尘孔粒径特征,以阜山金矿为例,系统研究其进风巷粉尘(IAD)、回风巷粉尘(RAD)的孔粒径分布(PSD)情况.首先,利用激光粒度分析仪与扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、低温液氮吸附仪分别测试粉尘粒径与孔参数,然后利用分形理论计算并分析其粒度分形维数与孔分形维数.结果 表明:RAD粒径比IAD粒径小,两者最可...  相似文献   

安全管理决策支持系统及其最新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
安全管理是企业管理的重要组成部分,是实现安全生产的有力保证.决策支持系统是实现安全管理定性与定量分析有机结合的有效手段.该文结合安全管理,简要阐述了决策支持系统产生的背景、内容和发展趋势.介绍了作者在企业安全管理决策支持系统研制方面的主要结果和进一步工作的构想.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of a nationwide response to emerging airbag-related deaths among children. This response, implemented in 1996, focused on moving children to a rear seat and increasing proper restraint usage. METHOD: Fatality trends from 1992 through 1996 and from 1996 through 2003 were examined for younger children (ages 0-3) and for older children (ages 4-12). RESULTS: Prior to 1997, a steady reduction in unrestrained deaths (among younger children) was offset by increases in restrained deaths (among younger and older children), increases in rear-seat deaths (among younger children), and increases in front-seat deaths (among older children). After 1996, there were significant decreases in fatalities in both age groups, with larger and more immediate reductions among the younger children. The largest reductions were immediately after 1996, when younger-child deaths declined by 16%, and after 1999, when deaths among both age groups declined by about 16%. CONCLUSIONS: The immediate reduction in front-seat deaths among younger children, particularly infants, appears to have been closely associated with the nationwide public information efforts implemented in 1996. Later reductions in front-seat and unrestrained deaths, among both younger and older children, were likely associated with the combination of legislative, enforcement, and public information programs, which increased after 1999. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: The findings suggest that a large expenditure of resources by public and private-sector organizations after 1996 resulted in the prevention of hundreds of deaths among young children. In addition, the results provide insights with regard to the categories of deaths most affected by such programs and issues that deserve additional attention.  相似文献   

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