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正四氯化碳(carbon tetrachloride,CCL4)又名四氯甲烷,常温常压下为无色透明、易挥发、不易燃的油状液体,有类似氯仿的微甜气味。分子量为153.84,沸点76.8℃,微溶于水,可与乙醇、乙醚、氯仿及石油醚等混溶。四氯化碳曾广泛用作溶剂、灭火剂、有机物的氯化剂、香料的浸出剂、纤维的脱脂剂、粮食的蒸煮剂、药物的萃取剂、有机溶剂、织物的干洗剂,金属切削中的润滑剂等,也可用来合成氟里昂、  相似文献   

这是一个浮躁的时代,不看别的,看看城市的交通乱象就会有体会。特别是上下班的高峰期,交通往往乱成一锅粥,抢行的、逆行的、闯红灯的、乱按喇叭的,汽车、摩托车、电动车、自行车、行人,各不相让,个个勇往直前。或许不是人人都在赶时间,但人人都不愿甘居人后,于  相似文献   

近年来,盐城市国民经济快速发展,初步形成了汽车、纺织、机械、医药、化工、烟花爆竹、煤矿、建材、食品等多门类的产业群体,中小企业多、民营企业多、新生代企业多、高危企业多。企业安全保障体系相对薄弱:加之盐城地处水网地区,城市快速扩张,水上安全、道路桥梁和建筑施工安全的压力较大:此外,我市还有全省最长的海岸线,  相似文献   

张征 《中国安防》2014,(6):29-31
在当前的大数据时代下,移动互联、社交网络、数据分析、云服务等应用的迅速普及,对数据中心提出了革命性的需求,存储基础架构已经成为IT核心之一,政府、军队军工、科研院所、航空航天、大型商业连锁、医疗、金融、新媒体、广电等各个领域的新兴应用层出不穷。数据的价值日益凸显,已经成为不可或缺的资产。  相似文献   

据报道,在日前举行的餐饮专题营养研讨会上,专家提出,无论从营养角度还是从美食口味角度,刚刚宰杀的时刻都不是肉食食用的最佳时机。营养学研究表明,刚刚宰杀的鸡、鸭、鱼、猪、羊、牛等家禽、家畜,由于体内组织仍然继续进行着一系列物理、化学变化,大致可分为僵硬、后熟、自溶、腐败几个阶段,这一系列变化既有阶段性,又有连贯性。  相似文献   

正在当前的大数据时代下,移动互联、社交网络、数据分析、云服务等应用的迅速普及,对数据中心提出了革命性的需求,存储基础架构已经成为IT核心之一,政府、军队军工、科研院所、航空航天、大型商业连锁、医疗、金融、新媒体、广电等各个领域的新兴应用层出不穷。数据的价值日益凸显,已经成为不可或缺的资产。传统的数据中心无论是在性能、效率还是在投资收益、安全等方面,  相似文献   

安大夫答:生理期期间应避免吃生冷、寒凉以及咸辣的食物,如冰淇淋、梨、辣椒、肉桂等,多喝一些温热并且促进血液循环的饮料,如红糖水、姜茶等。摄取具有补血功能的食物,如红枣、莲子、川贝等,可将它们熬成滋补粥,睡前饮用,不但能促进血液循环、减轻经期不适,还能补血养气、使肤色红润。另外,体内铁、钙、锌等微量元素的缺乏。也是造成生理期肤色暗淡无光的原因,可以口服或注射适量微量元素补充身体所需。  相似文献   

今天的中国正经历着世界上最大的城镇化进程。截至2019年初,北京、上海、广州、深圳、重庆、成都、武汉已经成功跻身超大城市的行列;天津、南京、郑州、杭州、沈阳等紧随其后,跨入特大城市的队伍。无论是超大城市、特大城市,还是大城市、中等城市、小城市,人口、建筑、财富、生产等要素高度集中,城镇化率迅速提升,是一个突破自然法则、打破资源平衡的过程,它所蕴含的城市系统脆弱性和各种风险乃至危机愈益显现。城市公共安全面临着严峻复杂的形势。  相似文献   

正智能楼宇也叫智能建筑,是指以建筑物为平台,兼备信息设施系统、信息化应用系统、建筑设备管理系统、公共安全系统等,集结构、系统、服务、管理及其优化组合为一体,向人们提供安全、高效、便捷、节能、环保、健康的建筑环境"。智能楼宇安防集成技术是现代建筑技术、安防技术、信息技术、自动化技术、电子技术等诸多方面相结合的产物,它以信息采集的数字化、信号传输的网络化、处理计算机化、管理决策的信息化和智能化为特征,是城市楼宇智能化的核心和关键。云计算、大数据等新一代信息技术的落地,为大规模的智能楼宇系统和智能楼宇安  相似文献   

赵永春 《安全》2002,23(1):22-25
意外灾害事故是人们常说的天灾人祸,包括交通事故伤、空难、海难;火灾、爆炸、塌方、意外坠落、意外撞击、地震、洪水、泥石流,还可加上溺水、触电、中暑、中毒等以及他杀、自杀.通常交通事故占了相当大的比例.意外事故造成的伤害多为严重创伤、多发伤、复合伤,许多人同时受伤又叫群伤、成批伤.造成的伤亡和伤残的比例很高.北京地区近10年来,大的意外事故没有发生,但是中小意外事故连绵不断.1992年昌平旅游直升机坠毁事故、1995年汽车与火车相撞事故、1996年化工厂泄漏事故等等,以及京石高速公路、京津高速公路的大型车祸,动辄死伤十几人、甚至几十人,给人们的生命财产造成严重损失.  相似文献   

Each year more people die from diseases caused by work than are killed in industrial accidents. Therefore, methods are needed to evaluate occupational health hazards as early as possible when the process is still under development. A method for estimating inhalative exposures and risks in petrochemical and related plants is presented. The method is simple and suffices with the limited data availability during the early design stages.The steps of the method, which utilizes preliminary process flow diagrams are as follows: first the fugitive emissions and process plot areas are estimated based on precalculated process modules representing the typical process sections (such as a distillation unit). Chemical concentration in the air is then calculated based on the wind velocity probability and the estimated process cross-sectional area. For this purpose a typical wind velocity distribution in the area is used. The worker risk of exposure to chemicals is evaluated either based on the concentration in air by using the hazard quotient method or calculating the carcinogenic chemicals intake and the resulting risk of cancer. The values are compared to the benchmarks.As a result the process route health characteristics such as fugitive emissions rate, critical wind speed, chemical concentration in air and intake amount as well as the corresponding risk of exposure are produced. By using statistical meteorological data, health risks of occupational exposure can be estimated more realistically as probabilities. The approach is capable of comparing alternative processes to select the concept which is inherently occupationally healthier. Using this method, the exposure problems of a process can be identified earlier and proper decisions can be made early in process development or predesign stage.The concentration-based method is demonstrated by a case study of six competing manufacturing routes for methyl methacrylate (MMA). The C3 is found to be the most harmful alternative to health. Both concentration-based and intake-based methods are applied. The study indicates that the intake-based risk estimation benchmark is stricter than the exposure limit-based benchmark for carcinogens.  相似文献   

介绍了职业安全卫生管理体系(OHSMS)标准化实施进程及发展前景,论述了OHSMS的基本原理和特点,阐述了企业建立OHSMS的意义及企业实施OHSMS的必要性和可行性。  相似文献   

The main purpose of hazard and operability (HAZOP) analysis is to identify the potential hazards in the process design which nowadays is generally developed through a computer aided design (CAD) package. Due to the time and effort consuming nature of HAZOP, it is not done in every engineering firm for every design project. To make HAZOP an integral part of process design, an integration framework is proposed in this paper to seamlessly integrate the commercial process design package Smart Plant P&ID (SPPID, Intergraph) with one of the HAZOP expert systems (named as LDGHAZOP) developed by authors. This integration makes it possible to perform HAZOP analysis easily at anytime of the whole lifecycle of a chemical plant as long as the process design is available, which might help the improvement of design quality. One industrial case study is used to illustrate the ability of the integrated system.  相似文献   

炸药及火工品可靠性与安全性评定方法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
可靠性的评定结果是否可信,直接关系到炸药及火工品的使用安全性和作用可靠性。但是,现有炸药及火工品可靠性评定方法却存在着达不到置信度要求、评价结果偏于危险的缺点。为此,提出了一种确定炸药及火工品安全度和可靠度的高精度方法,并给出了应用实例。该方法不仅可信程度高,而且适用于小样本情况,尤其是在利用了以往试验数据后,既可提高安全性和可靠性评定的精度,又可大大节省试验的费用及时间  相似文献   

对目前在电气安全方面广泛应用的保护接地和保护接零技术进行了分析,指出其各自的局限性与特点,重点讨论了漏触电保护装置的工作原理,并就其在实际中的应用进行了阐述。  相似文献   

针对安全生产标准化建设存在的问题,结合金川集团的实际情况,提出了"将安全生产标准化纳入企业安全文化范畴进行建设"。实现升级跨越建设的思路是围绕"零伤害"的安全生产方针,以矿山采矿盘区为单位建立安全标准化组织机构,开展"安全三区"危险源辨识和风险管控,在此基础上建立安全物质标准文化、安全管理标准文化和安全行为标准文化,结合安全文化"五阶段"塑培模式,打造安全自律型和本质安全型的标准化员工队伍,通过"匹配化"与"对标管理"的方式保证安全标准化持续改进模式。实践经验对金属非金属矿山安全生产标准化创建活动具有参考意义。  相似文献   

This paper mainly deals with an old psychological theme, i.e., the impact of comprehensive reference systems such as belief systems and culture on safety and accident prevention. It is hypothesized that an understanding of the beliefs people hold about risks and the causes of accidents, as well as their perceptions of risk targets and the need for safety, are important prerequisites for effectively managing risk and designing preventive measures. This viewpoint is posited to be highly crucial today, especially in this era of globalization where workers from different backgrounds are relocating, and increasingly complex technology is being exported. Illustrations are given for both developing and developed countries. Different factors are shown to cause bias in accident explanation and risk perception. Among these, people’s beliefs about their own ability to cope and also their culture are described as important factors. Both defensive explanations of accidents and illusory or biased risk perception are shown to influence safety assessments and to have important implications for defining the best preventive actions and for writing relevant preventive communications.  相似文献   

The improvement of safety in the process industries is related to assessment and reduction of risk in a cost-effective manner. This paper addresses the trade-off between risk and cost related to standby safety systems. An age-dependent unavailability model that integrates the effects of the test and maintenance (T&M) activities as well as component ageing is developed and represents the basis for calculating risk. The repair “same-as-new” process is considered regarding the T&M activities. Costs are expressed as a function of the selected risk measure. The time-averaged function of the selected risk measure is obtained from probabilistic safety assessment, i.e. the fault tree analysis. This function is further extended with inclusion of additional parameters related to T&M activities as well as ageing parameters related to component ageing. In that sense, a new model of system unavailability, incorporating component ageing and T&M costs, is presented. The testing strategy is also addressed. Sequential and staggered testings are compared. The developed approach is applied on a standard safety system in nuclear power plant although the method is applicable to standby safety systems that are tested and maintained in other industries as well. The results show that the risk-informed surveillance requirements differ from existing ones in technical specifications, which are deterministically based. Moreover, the presented approach achieves a significant reduction in system unavailability over a relatively small increase of total T&M costs.  相似文献   

安全评价单元正确划分的目的是为了简化评价工作又避免评价漏项;也是为了提高不同定性、定量评价方法的应用准确性;更是为了得出单元危险度的比较概念,突出评价对象的系统危害特征,同时不夸大整体危险性。从而提高评价精确度,以合理估算安全投入,以及强化对策措施的针对性。笔者围绕评价单元确定过程出现的问题进行理论分析,促进安全评价技术研究交流,以提高该技术的实用性和有效性。  相似文献   


Macroergonomics, which emerged historically after sociotechnical systems theory, quality management, and ergonomics, is presented as the basis for a needed integrative methodology. A macroergonomics methodology was presented in some detail to demonstrate how aspects of microergonomics, total quality management (TQM), and sociotechnical systems (STS) can be triangulated in a common approach, in the context of this methodology, quality and safety were presented as 2 of several important performance criteria. To demonstrate aspects of the methodology, 2 case studies were summarized with safety and quality performance results where available. The first case manipulated both personnel and technical factors to achieve a “safety culture” at a nuclear site. The concept of safety culture is defined in INSAG-4 (International Atomic Energy Agency, 1991). as “that assembly of characteristics and attitudes in organizations and individuals which establishes that, as an overriding priority, nuclear plant safety issues receive the attention warranted by their significance.” The second case described a tire manufacturing intervention to improve quality (as defined by Sink and Tuttle, 1989) through joint consideration of technical and social factors. It was suggested that macroergonomics can yield greater performance than can be achieved through ergonomic intervention alone. Whereas case studies help to make the case, more rigorous formative and summative research is needed to refine and validate the proposed methodology respectively.  相似文献   

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