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A Mesolithic assemblage from the Ciliverghe Hill(Brescia-Northern Italy).The flintindustry from Ciliverghe is attributed to a Late Mesolithic Castelnovian complex which flourished inNorthern Italy between the first half of the Ⅵ and the second half of the Ⅴ millennium bc.A similarassemblage had already been recovered from Monte Netto di Poncarale,an isolated hill rising fromthe northern Po Plain.  相似文献   

The Early Bronze Age settlement at Ostiano S.Salvatore is located on afluvial terrace at the confluence of the rivers Oglio and Mella.The site produced evidenceof an archaeological layer,pits and post holes.The prehistoric structures yielded pottery and flint artefacts attributable to a local aspectof the Polada Culture,while no Middle Bronze Age potsherds or handles,arise ad ascia forinstance,have been found so far.The chronological sequence of the pits seems to be asfollows:5,3,Ⅳ,Ⅰ,Ⅱ and Ⅲ.Pits 1 and 4 might be contemporary to each other.Theyonly produced a small amount of potsherds.Better results will be available when thestudy of all the structures will be completed.The faunal remains show that a well balanced economy was practised at the site.Cattle,sheep/goat and pig,in descending order,were the animals killed for meat.A scarcehunting activity is attested by red deer and roe deer bones.These data slightly differfrom those from the other Po Plain EBA sites from where there is evidence of a prevailingpig economy.Cereals were also cultivated as revealed by the presence of burnt seeds andsickle blades made from flint.People at Ostiano S.Salvatore also collected wild plants.A few pieces of daub indicate that the buts had wooden and clay wails.The greatvariety of vessels produced by the pits might suggest that pottery was locally made.Onthe contrary the flint artefacts are very rare,being composed of 28 tools only.The bronzeimplements are extremely scarce.We actually do not know whether this is due to thedistance of the site from the ore veins or to the various activities practised at differentsites complementary to each other.The EBA settlement closed to S.Salvatore is Cella Dati which also produced a few MBAsherds.  相似文献   

The material discussed here was found during the excavation of a seriesof pits at S.Salvatore.Ostiano(Cremona).This area is adjacent to area 2.the faunal data of which has been discussed elsewhere(Clark 1980).Faunalmaterial was not found in all of the pits in this group,being absent inpits 6 and 7.There was a total of 230 fragments of bone recovered of which 45.6%  相似文献   

SUMMARY-The Author describes a flint industry found on the Würmian soils of thesouthern coast of Lake Iseo.The flint industry is attributed to a Late Mesolithic TrapezeComplex.Some considerations on the Mesolithic period in Lombardy conclude the article.PREMESSALa stazione mesolitica oggetto della presente nora è ubicata sul culmi-  相似文献   

Loess and slope deposits at the edge of the Carvanno Travertine(Val Degagna-Brescia).Sedimentary processes and soil development between the Upper Pleistocene and the Holocene.The Au-thors describe a sequence some 4 metres thick composed of slope and loess deposits which lies at analtitude of 360 metres,20 metres above the Torrente Agna.The series belongs to a polyciclic soil compo-sed of 4 lithostratigrapbic units which,from the bottom to the top,are as follows:—slightly weathered loess(Ⅳ C1);—red clayey soil sediments(Ⅲ B2)resulting from the erosion of a more ancient paleosol of《TerraRossa》type,developed during the Middle Pleistocene at the top of the Carvanno Tarvertine;—undisturbed loess and loess displaced by gelifluction(Ⅱ B21t/Ⅱ B23t);—recent colluvial deposits(A1+B1).The sequence was deposited between the Upper Pleistocene and the Holocene.During the Upper Pleisto-cene the loess deposition,alternated with colluvial and gelifluction phases,was caused by cold-humidclimatic conditions.During the postglacial,the loess was affected by weathering which lead to the deve-lopment of an alfisol.The mieromorphological analysis evidenced several stages in the postglacial soilforming process.First,in unstable geomorphological conditions,complex cutans(scheletans-matransiltans)covered the walls of the soil pores.In a later period,as a result of landscape stability,laminated andbirefringent ferri-argillans were mainly deposited.The deposition of the upper colluvial cover(A1+B1)and the coarse fills of tlie underlying horizons were produced by a degradational phase due to the defore-station of the area in historical times.The undisturbed argillans of the A1+B1 horizons indicate thatthe clay illuviation is still active in the area.  相似文献   

The Authors examine the flint assemblages from two Early Neolithc pits excavated at thecentral Po Valley site of Campo Ceresole,dated between the end of the seventh and the beginning of the sixthmillennium B P.The assemblages,obtained from flint of Alpine origin,are characterized by a strong blade indexand by the presence of a high number of bladelets struck from subconical cores.On a typological basis theretouched instruments include Burins on a side notch,straight Borers,trapezoidal and rhombic Geometricsand Bladelets with a sinuous profile.The Microburin technique is well represented.The study of the microweartraces compares tool form and function.It shows that the majority of the tools had been used on wood or hardmaterials such as bone or antler.The assemblage is also characterized by a high degree of resharpening andreuse.Perhaps most interestingly,the tools bearing《sickle》gloss improve our understanding of the use of plantmaterials during the Early Neolithic.  相似文献   

Geology and pedo-stratigraphy of the Ciliverghe hill(glacial deposits,pedogenesis,and loess sedi-mentation along the Alpine fringe during the Pleistocene).-Ciliverghe hill consists of Pleistocene continentaldeposits.The lowest units(CIL 1 and CIL 2).composed of till and related fluvioglacial deposits.representthe oldest moraine ridge of the Garda lake moraine system.These units are covered with angular unconfor-mity,by glacio-lacustrine marls(CIL 3),by fluviatile gravels supplied from a local source(CIL 4)and by flu-vio-glacial gravels(CIL 5)including Central-Alpine rocks.In the upper unit a rubefied,strongly weatheredpalaeosol is developed.At the top of the sequence there is a polygenetic cover of loess consisting of at leastthree distinct layers intercalated with pedogenetic horizons.The uppermost loess which includes mouste-rian artifacts dates back to the Late Pleistocene,Five glacial stages are therefore recorded in the Ciliverghesequence,probably spanning the whole glacial Pleistocene.The stratigraphical and morphological develop-ment of the Ciliverghc hill has been tectonicallv controlled due to the activity of buried tectonic structures.  相似文献   

The archaeological structures of the Early Bronze Age settlement of Ostiano San Salvatore(Cremona-Northern Italy).-The Author presents the results of eight excavation campaigns carried out at the EarlyBronze Age Polada Culture settlement of Ostiano San Salvatore.The site lies on the left bank of the old bedof the River Mella at its confluence into the Oglio.The archacological structures brought to light concern a)pits with almost sterile filling and well definedpostholes:b)deep pits probably connected with pottery making activities:c)cylindrical silos:d)waste pitscontaining pottery and bones.Even though all the site was inhabited throughout the Early Bronze Age period,a considerable number ofstructures has been put into chronological order on the basis of the materials descovered.Thus we knowthat the settlement began at the start of the Early Bronze Age.Traces of the middle period of the same ageare evident while the late moments in the development of the Polada Culture are scarcely attested.Eco-nomy of the site was mainly based on cattle rearing and cereals cultivation.  相似文献   

Physical/chemical characteristics of the waters of the gulf of Salò(Lake Garda).Thephysical/chemical characteristics of the waters of the gulf of Salò(Lake Garda),have been analysedfor a year.Four stations have been selected and the water was drawn from different depths.The resultsshow a rather good situation.The pollution index is low,possibly due to lake-bottom currents.Theworst situation was observed at the innermost station(number 3).  相似文献   

The Author describes the Mesolithic assemblage recovered along the shores of a small inter-morainic basin located a few kilometres southeast of Lonato in the province of Brescia.It is mostly attribu-ted to the Castenovian,Early Atlantic period,even though typologically earlier types such as hypermicrolithicscalene triangles and lunates are present in the surface collection.A short discussion on the other finds andstations today known in the area concludes the article.  相似文献   

The Autor describes the results of a research on the possible continuation of the Inzino faultdown to the lower Val Trompia.In his opinion its origin is probably not later than the middle Miocene.Italso gave rise to an overcut valley which widened during the Mcssinian.The dcep thickness of the alluvialconglomerates,as verified by the wells recently drilled north of Brescia,is ascribed to a strong subsidenceof the area south of the Nave-Gussago fault during the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Chthonius s.str.from the Lombard Pre-Alps(Arachnida,Pseudoscorpio-nes,Chthonüdae).In this note the new species Chthonius (C.)comottii is described.The Author,on the basis of specimens col-lected at 6 stations in the communes of Bergamo and Varese,recognizes the existence of two《ecologicalraces》of the new species that he unformally names《A》and《B》.In its complex the new entity appearsquite definable according to the usual canons of the chelonethological methodology;the A.however turnsparticular attention to a structure(generally interpreted as sensorial and by him recorded as《sensorialtooth》).present on the movable chelal finger,of which he emphasizes the interest as diagnostic complemen-tary character.Moreover it is briefly described a specimen of Chthonius ischnocheles reductus Beier from Corfù and therecords for Italy of this subsp,are recognized to be erroneous.  相似文献   

Archaeobotanical remains from the Early Neolithic site of Campo Ceresole(Vhò di Piadena,Cremona)and other Neolithic sites of the Po Valley(Northern Italy).The Authors present the results of theanthracological identifications carried out on the remains brought to light during the excavations at the lateseventh millennium BP site of Campo Ceresole(Cremona).The commonest species of the Early Neolithicbelong to Fraxinus and Quercus,while the domestic cereals include Triticum monococcum,Triticum aestivumand Hordeum sp.The charcoals from the Roman canals demonstrate the spread of Carpinus,a species thatmakes its appearance during the Subboreal.A similar situation is that of the Middle Neolithic Square MouthedPottery site of Casatico di Marcaria(Mantua)where oak predominates,and that of Rivarolo Mantovano,aslightly later site of the same Culture,the charcoals from which almost exclusively belong to Quercus.Theincreasing number of analyses is improving our knowledge on the forest cover of different archaeologicalperiods and regions of Northern Italy.  相似文献   

Diazinon Fate and Toxicity in the Tajan River (Iran) Ecosystem   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract This study surveyed the behavior of diazinon pesticide in the water column of the Tajan River and its potential effects on river biota. The Tajan River is located on the southern basin of the Caspian Sea in Iran and diazinon enters the river from rice fields almost every year between the months of June and October. The sampling plan of flowing water was plotted in a 3-week period on five sites along the river and also at the end of tributaries. Samples were collected seven times during a 6-month period; they were analyzed for diazinon residues and some physicochemical characteristics. Total diazinon concentration range was between 0.01 and 46.99?μg/L in sampling stations. The calibrated AQUATOX model was applied to simulate fate processes and ecotoxicity of diazinon in the Tajan River. The model demonstrated that the diazinon residues in the Tajan River reacted to three major degradation processes (microbial, hydrolysis, and photolysis) and sedimentation; however, the river discharge played the m...  相似文献   

A Terlago, nel sito tardopaleolitico-mesolitico ancora in corso di scavo, sono emersedelle 《strutture》 che rispecchiano con ogni probabilità tratti dell'originario assetto abitativo. L'industrialitica riflette condizioni di giacitura sostanzialmente indisturbate. Indizi sulle modalità, insediative sonostati ricavati da resti effettivamente rilevati in situ e mediante una procedura d'indagine topografica theriguarda essenziahnente la ripartizione spaziale dell'industria, nello scavo ed in fase di elaborazione dati.In base alle ricerche relative all'area ispezionata, sono stati riconoscinti due importanti spazi d'uso, pro-babilmente contemporanei: A (《officina litica》) e B (《unità abitativa a grattatoi》). Sono probabilmentefrutto di uno o più intensivi momenti di frequentazione. In questo senso Terlago riproduce un modelloiusediativo a carattere semipermanente, tipo 《campo base》. A sostegno di ciò, può essere determinanteil rinvenimento di un'《impronta》, anche se piuttosto labile, di una 《paleosuperficie》 connessa ad un《margine》 di rondo capanna ed a due probabili pali. Elementi the proverebbero I'esistenza di una struttu-ra di protezione sostenuta da pall, pertinente all'《unità abitativa B》. Excavations at the Late Paleolithic-Mesolithic site of Terlago (Trento, Northern Italy).Evidence of settlement structures. Some archaeological structures have recently been discovered at thesite of Terlago still in course of excavation. The flint assemblage comes from an undisturbed situation.Evidence of settlement structures derives from many flint tools recorded in situ thanks to a topographicreconstruction of the spacial distribution of the assemblages, both during the excavation and the laborato-ry study of the artefacts. Two main areas have been identified, namely: A (workshop) and B (settlementstructure with end scrapers). They both probably originated from one or more intensive period of settle-ment. According to the available data, Terlago can be interpreted as a 《base camp》. This opinion ispointed out by the discovery of traces of a palaeosurface nearby the edge of a hut floor and two posts.This might demonstrate the presence of a protective barrier on posts related to structure B.  相似文献   

A few sherds recovered in the area investigated by F.Rittatore Vonwiller were collected bylocal amateurs at Castelnuovo di Teolo in the Euganean Hills(Padua-North Eastern Italy).The potsherdsare attributed to the《Impressed and Incised Style》of the Square Mouth Pottery Culture which flourishedin North Eastern Italy at the end of the IV millennium bc.Some Chassey type sherds might indicate tradeactivities between the two different traditions.An italian aspect of this latter Culture,called Lagozza,is knownto have covered all Northern Italy at the beginning of the III millennium bc.  相似文献   

When service ducts and cables are required to pass through the structural beams,it is a common practical solution to use composite beams with rectangular or circular openings.The fire safety standards in many countries have recommended design methods for composite beams without openings,while the design method for composite beams with web openings is not addressed yet.Due to the complicated distribution of temperature and stress around the openings in the web of the steel beam,extra complexity has been introduced in determination of the structural capability of the beam and the failure mode in fire.These failure modes generally occur at lower limiting temperatures than the solid beam with same size.It is recognized that the thickness of a reactive coating required to provide a given fire resistance to a composite beam with web openings is affected by the beam’s web thickness,opening configuration,the degree of the beam asymmetry and the structural utilization factor,as well as the nature of the proprietary fire protection itself.Therefore it is necessary that such beams are structurally evaluated taking into account all possible modes of structural failure under both ambient and fire conditions.It is also necessary for additional thermal data to be measured around the web openings and on the web posts from fire tests.The additional thermal data will be used in conjunction with a structural model to determine limiting temperatures of beams with web openings.Steel Construction Institute(SCI)has produced a structural analysis model referenced as report RT1356,which divides a composite beam with web openings into different stress blocks,and then analyses the global bending,vertical shear,local Vierendeel bending,web-post buckling etc.The Association for Specialist Fire Protection(ASFP)recommended the test protocol in the Yellow Book,to determine the temperature distribution around the openings and web post.This paper will discuss a series of fire tests having been carried out in the laboratory of EXOVA Warringtonfire to establish temperature distribution in composite beams with web openings.Test result shows that the distribution of temperature is product specific and strongly affected by opening configuration and opening distance.EXOVA Warringtonfire has also developed a sophisticated calculator,ThermCalc,for analyzing temperature and structural following the method presented in RT1356.Using ThermCalc,parametric study has been carried out,and the effect of load utilization factor,opening size,opening distance,slab depth,decking configuration etc.was investigated.  相似文献   

The eastern part of Qinghai Province is situated at the interface of the Loess Plateau and theQinghai-Xizang Plateau,while the northern part is located in the inland of the Qinghai-XizangPlateau.The Province has a high altitude,complicated topography and atrocious environment,suffers from serious soil erosion,and isafflicted with various frequent,widespread geological dis-asters that cause great damages.The impacts of human economic activities have intensified thisfeature.According to inco…  相似文献   

L'Autore descrive un'industria litica mesolitica proveniente da un dossosituato sul Monte Netto (Poncarale - Brescia). In base all'esame degli strumenti, l’industriaviene assegnata ad un complesso Mesolitico Recente a Trapezi.The Author describes a lithic industry found on Monte Netto (Poncarale,Brescia). On the basis of the typology of flint artifacts, the lithic industry is ascribed toa Late Mesolithic Trapeze complex.  相似文献   

Some remarks on the morphology of the cave 《Masera》 2213 Lo-Co (Como, Italy) The Masera cave is a temporary overflow spring situated on the eastern side of the western branch ofthe Como Lake. The cave hydrology has already been studied in a previous work (Cappa 1970). Only themorphology and the structure of the cave are considered in the present paper. It appears from the structural analysis that the cave develops mainly along the bedding-planes with adip N 5°E and with a lesser frequency at the junction of groups of joints. The general morphology of the ca-ve is rather uniform because it is a bedding-cave with a quadrangular cross-section. The morphology of de-tails, on the contrary, is very rich with different forms. Among these the most interesting are:— Bedding plane anastomoses and ceiling channels whose genesis is related to breakdown events. The chan-nels are very frequent and cross the ceiling of passages disappeaning into the rock wall.— Underground karren due to water during floods.— Scallops showing the existence of fast flowing water.— Glacial and alluvial deposits which partially filled the cave for long times.— Ripple-marks and other beach features due to flood waters.— Different kinds of dendritic surge marks and erosional rills.— Thin deposits of manganese on pebbles and formations. Sometimes these films are partially eroded. From the morpho-structural analysis some information on the speleogenesis and the recent evolutionof the cave during the Quaternary is obtained. According to the results reported in this paper the Masera cave(m 329 above sea level) appears to be already existing before the occurrence of the Quaternary glaciations.The glaciations had a minor influence on the cave morphology.  相似文献   

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