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以风险管理理论指导应急管理体系建设   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
通过对风险管理的识别、评估、控制、恢复四个过程的分析,对风险管理理论有了新的认识。基于这一认识,结合国家应急管理体系建设的要求和企业应急管理工作实际,对应急管理体系建设内容进行了阐述。以风险管理理论指导,以风险识别为前提,以事件管理为对象,以加强应急预警和提高响应能力为重点,增强应急预案编制的针对性和实用性,从而使应急管理由事故救援向事故预防的全过程转变,应该作为应急管理体系研究的重要内容和发展方向。本文还对事故管理、事件管理进行了分析,阐明了事件、事故管理的联系与区别,进而提出安全管理应该从关注事故管理向开展事件应急,进而强化危机管理的工作思路,对应急管理体系建设研究有很好的指导作用。  相似文献   

阐述了适用于长输油气管线安全生产事故应急救援全过程的事故监测预警平台的整体结构和实现要点,主要从长输油气管线的工作运行和事故特点出发,结合安全生产事故应急救援过程中各环节的业务需求,提出监测预警平台的建设目标和适用范围,对平台的需求进行分析,并进一步对平台的构建思路进行讨论。其中重点从应急预防、应急准备、应急响应和应急恢复四个阶段的应急任务和需求入手,提炼出长输油气管线安全生产事故监测预警平台在"后端应急指挥中心"、"现场应急指挥中心"及"移动指挥所"等多个位置和场景下的建设目标和功能框架,并对平台设计与实现过程中可能涉及到的平台总体结构设计、平台软硬件及网络支撑环境、平台数据采集传输与共享模式等方面进行了简要描述。  相似文献   

2006年中国城市饮用水源突发污染事件统计及分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
统计分析了我国2006年1月1日至12月31日发生的城市饮用水源突发污染事件,以揭示2005年松花江污染和哈尔滨停水重大事件之后,中国城市水源突发污染事件发生的规律、危害、应急响应状况以及总体情况和变化趋势,检验近1年来中国城市水源突发污染事件应急机制的有效性和科学性.从发生日期、地点、污染物种类、事件简况、应急反应5个方面对75起突发污染事件的统计分析表明:1)2006年突发污染事件总体呈数量增多、危害增大的趋势;2)危险化学品和各类工业污水仍是主要污染物;3)交通事故、工厂泄漏事故和突然排污仍是主要风险源;4)41.3%的事件威胁到了城市供水系统安全运行,造成城市几小时或多天停水,带来严重的社会影响;5)92%的突发污染事件得到了应急响应,但应急时间远大于国家规定的1h,应急预案在快速性和有效性方面还需改进.  相似文献   

1985-2005年中国城市水源地突发污染事件不完全统计分析   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
对1985-2005年中国城市水源地突发污染事件进行了统计分析,以从总体上揭示这些事件的发生规律及其对城市水源地和供水安全的危害.采用文献检索方法,通过对1985-2005年<中国环境报>、<人民日报>、新华网等报刊和网络的检索,从发生日期、地点、污染物种类、事件简况4个方面统计中国城市水源地突发污染事件,经整理和筛选后共列出102起.这些突发污染事件的分析结果表明:1)中国城市水源地突发污染事件总体上呈数量逐年增多,危害增大的趋势;2)化学品和污水是主要污染物;3)河道交通事故和工厂泄漏事故是主要风险源;4)突发污染事件一般都造成了比较严重的经济社会影响,但缺乏相应的应急管理机制和应急部门;5)3个典型突发污染事件造成重大经济社会损失并引发社会高度关注,凸现了构建中国城市水源地突发污染事件应急机制的重要性和迫切性.  相似文献   

近年来我国环境污染事件频发,工业活动安全生产事故成为环境污染事件的主要诱因.在分析欧美与日本等化学品监管、工业活动安全与环境风险控制和污染事件应急管理体系经验的基础上,针对我国当前化学品职业健康防控欠缺、工业活动安全与环境监管权责不清、企业环境风险防范重点不突出、事故应急尚未形成合力等问题,围绕化学品监管、企业环境风险应急报告编制、安环联动风险防控与事故应急体系建设等提出了对策建议.  相似文献   

城市重大危机事件演化的动力学模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立了城市重大危机事件的"事件链",并分析了"事件链"中各状态的相互关系。基于SEIS传染病模型的思想,提出了一类城市重大危机事件的动力学模型。分别在不考虑外部因素对事件链的影响和考虑外部因素对事件链的影响的情况下,对事件从正常状态到危机状态沿时间的发展趋势和规律进行了分析,并对解进行Lyapunov稳定性分析以及计算机模拟仿真。研究表明:系统自身的修复能力和外部因素对系统的影响是控制危机事件的重要因素。  相似文献   

<正>杭州市应急安全文化建设现状应急安全文化理念不断确立。制定杭州市应急文化三年建设方案,从政府、应急系统、重点行业和企业、公共社会四个层面确立相应的应急安全文化理念。党委政府牢固树立“两个至上”应急文化理念,应急管理部门积极打造“应急铁军、安全先锋”应急作风品牌,重点行业和企业着力强化“安全就是效益”应急安全导向,公共社会积极营造“共治共享”应急安全氛围。  相似文献   

2007-2008年中国城乡饮用水源突发污染事件统计及分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在文献[1,2]的基础上,通过查阅影响力较大的报刊和网站资料,统计了我国2007年1月1日至2008年12月31日期间发生的城乡饮用水源突发污染事件,分析了以2007年太湖蓝藻事件、2008年阳宗海污染事件为代表的近2年中国城乡水源突发污染事件及其应急情况的新特点.从发生日期、地点、污染物种类、事件简况、应急反应5个方面对187起突发污染事件进行统计分析,研究表明:1)2007-2008年突发污染事件依然呈现数量增多、危害增大、风险源增多的趋势;2)各类工业污水和危险化学品仍是主要污染物;3)突然排污、交通事故、工厂泄漏仍是主要风险源,但是自然灾害(如冰冻灾害、地震)也能导致少数严重的突发污染;4)43.3%的事件威胁到城市供水系统安全运行;5)75.9%的突发污染事件得到了应急响应,但响应时间仍然较长;6)大多数突发污染事件缺乏全面、客观、及时的信息披露与跟踪报道.  相似文献   

4月23日,中国中化集团公司举行了代号为"猛虎"的应急演习,这是集团总部层面的首次大规模应急演习,表现了中化集团建设本质安全型企业的决心。中国中化集团股份有限公司采用了"事件推进+桌面模拟"相结合的方式,经过高度"时间压缩"事件来推动演习。  相似文献   

为加强油气管道企业基层站队安全文化建设,北京管道公司建立了以PDCA循环为核心的陕京特色自主管理安全文化模式,包含安全精神文化、安全物质文化、安全制度文化和安全行为文化,并应用于公司的安全文化建设。确立了“有感领导、全员参与”的安全文化理念;养成了基层员工“有指令、有监护、有执行、有反馈”的良好行为习惯;促进了安全制度文化建设;员工主动发现问题数量逐年提高,公司事故(事件)发生数量明显下降。可为油气管道行业安全文化建设提供借鉴。  相似文献   

为研究我国南海高温高压井钻完井、测试损失工时事件规律,对2009—2018年中国南海高温高压探井钻井日志进行分析,汇总501起海上高温高压井钻完井损失工时事件,并将其划分为复杂情况及事故停工、自然停工、修理停工3大类进行研究。结果表明:复杂情况及事故停工事件数与年份无明显关联,但与地质资料准确度关系密切,修理停工事件数随年份呈现震荡下降趋势;复杂情况及事故停工总损失工时最多,其中卡钻损失工时占比最高;修理停工总损失工时最少,其中钻井设备故障损失工时占比最高;灾难天气、洋流或地质活动是造成损失工时最多的原因,不安全行为是单起事件平均损失工时最多的原因,设备老化是修理停工最主要原因。研究结果可为后续高温高压井钻完井非生产时间成本估计模型提供数据基础。  相似文献   

Process industries involve handling of hazardous substances which on release may potentially cause catastrophic consequences in terms of assets lost, human fatalities or injuries and loss of public confidence of the company. In spite of using endless end-of-the-pipe safety systems, tragic accidents such as BP Texas City refinery still occur. One of the main reasons of such rare but catastrophic events is lack of effective monitoring and modelling approaches that provide early warnings and help to prevent such event. To develop a predictive model one has to rely on past occurrence data, as such events are rare, enough data are usually not available to better understand and model such behavior. In such situations, it is advisable to use near misses and incident data to predict system performance and estimate accident likelihood. This paper is an attempt to demonstrate testing and validation of one such approach, dynamic risk assessment, using data from the BP Texas City refinery incident.Dynamic risk assessment is a novel approach which integrates Bayesian failure updating mechanism with the consequence assessment. The implementation of this methodology to the BP Texas City incident proves that the approach has the ability to learn from near misses, incident, past accidents and predict event occurrence likelihood in the next time interval.  相似文献   

为治理煤矿瓦斯爆炸事故隐患,管控其风险大小,基于证据对瓦斯爆炸事故隐患进行了系统辨识,利用逻辑图分析了隐患之间的耦合关系和风险演化路径;从事件发生的可能性、事件自身的严重性以及受体的暴露程度3个方面对瓦斯爆炸风险进行表征,并提出三维风险矩阵对事故风险进行分级评价。该方法可以为瓦斯爆炸事故隐患辨识、风险分析、风险评价以及设计事故预防措施提供借鉴。  相似文献   

为表征航空旅客运输事故征候演化机理,提出事故征候贝叶斯网络的建模方法.基于事故征候中致因事件、结果事件及分类标准的定义,以7265起事故征候案例为样本,利用事件提取算法,识别事故征候叙述文本中的致因事件,利用改进的最大最小爬山算法实现网络建模;依据事件提取的测试集验证与结构学习的交叉验证,检验建模算法的准确性与有效性;...  相似文献   

通过现场的调研与事故树分析相结合的手段对某厂聚乙烯醇车间聚合罐区火灾爆炸事故的危险因素进行了识别与分析.以该罐区可能发生的火灾爆炸事故作为顶上事件,对可能引发顶上事件的21个基本事件及一个条件事件构建事故树,利用最小割集、最小径集及结构重要性计算手段进行事故风险程度分析,从而确定醋酸乙烯暴聚是聚合罐区的首要危险源,而促发醋酸乙烯暴聚的物料长时间停留、气相氧含量过高、温度控制失效、阻聚剂含量不足等四个基本事件是导致聚合罐区火灾爆炸事故的最危险因素.本文对以上聚合罐区发生火灾爆炸事故的风险因素进行详细定性分析,并在此基础上有针对性的提出了相应的安全预防控制措施.同时,该聚合罐区的事故树分析结论也可以为同类别化工单位罐区的日常运行、设计改造、维护保养等工作提供理论依据.  相似文献   

基于突变理论的公共场所集群事件预警分级   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对公共场所集群事件,利用突变理论对其预警级别进行研究。选择2005—2008年发生的具有比较典型的集群事件为样本;考虑公共建筑饱和度、人群情绪指标、建筑管理指标和安全事故隐患等因素建立指标体系;运用尖点突变和蝴蝶突变模型进行突变级数的分析和评价,得到预警分级突变级数的大致范围;并运用一个公共场所集群事件发生时预警级别判断的实例进行说明。实例表明,利用突变理论模型,可以为公共场所管理者在人群安全监控决策方面提供初步的预警信息。  相似文献   

Faults due to human errors cost the petrochemical industry billions of dollars every year and can have adverse environmental consequences. Unquantified human error probabilities exist during process state transitions performed each day by process operators using standard operating procedures. Managing the risks associated with operating procedures is an essential part of managing the overall safety risk. Additional operator training and safety education cannot eliminate all such faults due to human errors; therefore, we propose an operating procedure event tree (OPET) like analysis with branches and events specifically designed to perform risk analysis on operating procedures. The OPET method adapts event trees to analyze the risk due to human error while performing operating procedures. We consider human error scenarios during the procedure and determine the likely consequences by applying dynamic simulation. The modified event tree provides an estimate of the error frequencies.Operating procedure steps were developed, and potential operator faults were determined for two typical equipment switching procedures found in chemical plant operations. Then, dynamic simulation using Aspen HYSYS software was applied to determine the overpressure related consequences of each fault. Finally, the error frequencies resulting from those scenarios were analyzed using operating procedure event trees. We found that a typical ethylene plant gas header would overpressure with 0.6% frequency per manual dryer switch. Since dryer switches occur from every few days up to once per shift, these results suggest that dryer switching should be automated to ensure safe and environmentally friendly operation. Process dryer switching performed manually by operators opening and closing gate valves can be automated with control valves and a distributed control system. A sample distillation column was found to overpressure with 0.85% frequency per manual reflux pump switch.  相似文献   

Introduction: Voice communication may enhance performance during monotonous, potentially fatiguing driving conditions (Atchley & Chan, 2011); however, it is unclear whether safety benefits of conversation are outweighed by costs. The present study tested whether personalized conversations intended to simulate hands-free cell phone conversation may counter objective and subjective fatigue effects elicited by vehicle automation. Method: A passive fatigue state (Desmond & Hancock, 2001), characterized by disengagement from the task, was induced using full vehicle automation prior to drivers resuming full control over the driving simulator. A conversation was initiated shortly after reversion to manual control. During the conversation an emergency event occurred. Results: The fatigue manipulation produced greater task disengagement and slower response to the emergency event, relative to a control condition. Conversation did not mitigate passive fatigue effects; rather, it added worry about matters unrelated to the driving task. Conversation moderately improved vehicle control, as measured by SDLP, but it failed to counter fatigue-induced slowing of braking in response to an emergency event. Finally, conversation appeared to have a hidden danger in that it reduced drivers' insights into performance impairments when in a state of passive fatigue. Conclusions: Automation induced passive fatigue, indicated by loss of task engagement; yet, simulated cell phone conversation did not counter the subjective automation-induced fatigue. Conversation also failed to counter objective loss of performance (slower braking speed) resulting from automation. Cell phone conversation in passive fatigue states may impair drivers' awareness of their performance deficits. Practical applications: Results suggest that conversation, even using a hands-free device, may not be a safe way to reduce fatigue and increase alertness during transitions from automated to manual vehicle control.  相似文献   

空中交通管制雷达管制训练分类考核方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析当前我国管制员雷达培训考核环节中存在的问题,提出一种新的雷达管制培训的考核方法——检查单式考核,根据管制过程所涉及的各个环节以及航空器在空中的运行状态,对雷达管制培训实施分类考核。并结合一个进近雷达管制考核表的实例,分析其检查单式考核表的设计思想,详细说明其考核表记录和考核结果量化的步骤和方法。  相似文献   

Blowout is one of the most serious accidents in the offshore oil and gas industry. Accident records show that most of the offshore blowouts have occurred in the drilling phase. Efficient measures to prevent, mitigate, and control offshore drilling blowouts are important for the entire offshore oil and gas industry. This article proposes a new barrier-based accident model for drilling blowouts. The model is based on the three-level well control theory, and primary and secondary well control barriers and an extra well monitoring barrier are established between the reservoir and the blowout event. The three barriers are illustrated in a graphical model that is similar to the well-known Swiss cheese model. Five additional barriers are established to mitigate and control the blowout accident, and event tree analysis is used to analyze the possible consequence chains. Based on statistical data and literature reviews, failures of each barrier are presented. These failures can be used as guidance for offshore drilling operators to become aware of the vulnerabilities of the safety barrier system, and to assess the risk related to these barriers. The Macondo accident is used as a case study to show how the new model can be used to understand the development of the events leading to the accident. The model can also be used as an aid to prevent future blowouts or to stop the escalation of events.  相似文献   

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