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Accident risks in collection and transport of hazardous wastes in Finland were studied using statistical data, safety analysis and compatibility charts. The study material comprised stationary collection sites for hazardous waste, campaigns for collection of hazardous waste and hazardous waste treatment and transport contractors. Systematic investigations were made of different working situations and methods and the equipment for hazardous waste collection and transport. Several deficiencies in work safety were found. The largest number of accidents occurred in handling drums and barrels. The parts of the body injured were mostly the eyes, back and feet. Besides the normal loading and unloading hazards, there were others connected with the characteristics of hazardous waste itself, which are most pronounced during waste sorting. Two kinds of hazardous waste compatibility charts were prepared: one for stationary collection sites and the other for special collecting campaigns of hazardous waste. The promotion of the strict use of protective equipment and clothing was recommended.  相似文献   

In this work, an estimate of the elevation of airborne lead concentrations via the lead solder contained in domestic electricity installations and an investigation into the effects of human exposure were conducted using a simulation method. The elevation of airborne lead concentrations due to incineration was calculated to be 0.001 µg/m3 maximum. The simulation results of the calculations indicated that blood lead concentrations could reach as high as 10−5 µg/dl. These concentrations could primarily be attributed to the inhalation of airborne lead particles. In addition, we discuss the influences of lead solder disposal on the ecosystem via soil and water.  相似文献   

In Thailand, hazardous waste is becoming a major problem, especially toxic chemicals and heavy metal pollutants discharged from factories. The Industrial Works Department (IWD), which has full responsibility for the control of all factory pollution problems, has initiated a joint hazardous waste treatment programme for handling industrial liquid, sludge and solid hazardous wastes from all factories situated in and around Bangkok and the eastern seaboard region. Four industrial hazardous wastes treatment centres are planned. Secure landfills together with research and development centres will also be provided nearby for the ultimate disposal of the inert-salt sludges. The investment, operation and management of the centres is to be handled by private companies which can generate revenue by charging service fees directly to their customers. Since both governmental and private sectors have no experience in this field, a grant system for a pilot centre has been launched by the Government which has reduced the operating costs by providing land, treatment facilities, infrastructure and secured landfills. The first treatment centre which was officially planned in 1985 was put into operation in July 1988 at Samea Dam, Bangkhuntien District, a western suburb of Bangkok. The construction of all necessary facilities was paid for by the Government. The operation and management of the centre is handled by a private contractor, Siam Control Company (SCC) under a 5-year lease. The users will pay service fees directly to the contractor and the Government will receive a rental and royalty fee from the contractor.  相似文献   

For urban community composting centers, the proper selection and use of bulking agent is a key element in not only the cost but also the quality of the finished compost. Besides wood chips (WC) widely used as BA, readily usable cereal residue pellets (CRP) can provide biodegradable carbon and sufficient free air space (FAS) to produce stabilizing temperatures. The objective of the present project was to test at a community center, the effectiveness of CRP in composting food waste (FW). Two recipes were used (CRP with and without WC) to measure: FAS; temperature regimes, and; losses in mass, water, carbon and nitrogen. Both recipes were composted during three consecutive years using a 2 m3 commercial in-vessel composter operated in downtown Montreal (Canada). For all recipes, FAS exceeded 30% for moisture content below 60%, despite yearly variations in FW and BA physical properties. When properly managed by the center operator, both FW and CRP compost mixtures with and without WC developed within 3 days thermophilic temperatures exceeding 50 °C. The loss of total mass, water, carbon and nitrogen was quite variable for both recipes, ranging from 36% to 54%, 42% to 55%, 48% to 65%, and 4% to 55%, respectively. The highest loss in dry mass, water and C was obtained with FW and CRP without WC aerated to maintain mesophilic rather than thermophilic conditions. Although variable, lower nitrogen losses were obtained with CRP and WC as BA, compared to CRP alone, as also observed during previous laboratory trials. Therefore and as BA, CRP can be used alone but nitrogen losses will be minimized by adding WC. Compost stabilization depends on operator vigilance in terms of aeration. The measured fresh compost density of 530-600 kg/m3 indicates that the 2 m3 in-vessel composter can treat 6.5 tons of FW/year if operated during 7 months.  相似文献   

随着社会文明的高速发展,越来越多的高科技新兴产品进入人们的生活,带给人们更多的方便和享受的同时,也使城市生活垃圾结构发生了很大的改变,废电池、废电冰箱、废电脑等家用电器及其废物的另类生活垃圾成为今天新的环境问题.从环境管理和绿色处理的角度,综合概述了国内外废旧电脑处理的现状,结合国外的发展经验从绿色处理的角度对废旧电脑的处理与处置方法提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

纳米材料在水处理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从纳米光催化氧化技术、纳米膜过滤技术和纳米吸附材料等三方面分别介绍了纳米技术在水处理方面的研究和应用情况.  相似文献   

砷及其砷化物有剧毒,若处置不当,通过土壤、大气和水介质等各种途径进入环境,严重影响人类的生存环境。因此对含砷废料资源化利用和无害化处理一直是环保工作重要研究课题。针对含砷废料来源、稳定性评价方法和资源化综合利用技术进行分析,在此基础上提出含砷废料资源化利用和无害化处置建议。要从根本上建立健全相应的法律法规、标准体系,建立管理网络,培育市场运行体系,强化技术支撑体系,大力推广减量化、资源化、无害化的高新实用技术。  相似文献   

Airborne contaminants in Finnish waste treatment plants were studied at two plants using mainly manual sorting and one incineration plant. Air samples were analysed for mesophilic and thermotolerant bacteria, mesophilic fungi, endotoxin, dust and heavy metals (lead, cadmium). The concentrations of mesophilic bacteria in the working air of the waste treatment plants were under 2 × 104 colony forming units (cfu) m−3 and the concentrations of mesophilic fungi were under 7 × 104 cfu m−3. There was no seasonal variation in the concentrations of bacteria, but the concentrations of fungi were highest in autumn at the waste incineration plant. The concentrations of microbes recorded with two sampling methods, the Andersen and Nuclepore filter methods, differed but were usually of the same order of magnitude. The identified bacteria did not include any potent pathogens. In manual sorting the level of organic dust reached 38 mg m−3, whereas the 8-h hygiene limit value for organic dust is 5mg m−3 and the 15-min hygiene limit value is 10 mg m−3. The endotoxin levels were all below 30 ng m−3 and the concentrations of heavy metals were low.  相似文献   

Mechanochemical treatment to recycling asbestos-containing waste   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Numerous industrial and experimental facilities have been set up, particularly in the last ten years, as a result of studies and researches on treating asbestos-containing waste (ACW) to stabilise it and to enable its reuse. Some of the stabilisation processes reduce the hazards of ACW by imprisoning in a cement or resonoid matrix. Other processes modify the fibrous structure of asbestos and transform it into an inert substance. One such inactivation process is mechanochemical transformation. This new technology is extremely interesting both economically and industrially, especially in view of the European Directive 1999/3/CE of 24/4/99, which provides for the obligatory treatment of all types of waste material before its disposal.  相似文献   

In Japan, waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) that is not covered by the recycling laws are treated as municipal solid waste. A part of common metals are recovered during the treatment; however, other metals are rarely recovered and their destinations are not clear. This study investigated the distribution ratios and substance flows of 55 metals contained in WEEE during municipal waste treatment using shredding and separation techniques at a Japanese municipal waste treatment plant. The results revealed that more than half of Cu and most of Al contained in WEEE end up in landfills or dissipate under the current municipal waste treatment system. Among the other metals contained in WEEE, at least 70% of the mass was distributed to the small-grain fraction through the shredding and separation and is to be landfilled. Most kinds of metals were concentrated several fold in the small-grain fraction through the process and therefore the small-grain fraction may be a next target for recovery of metals in terms of both metal content and amount. Separate collection and pre-sorting of small digital products can work as effective way for reducing precious metals and less common metals to be landfilled to some extent; however, much of the total masses of those metals would still end up in landfills and it is also important to consider how to recover and utilize metals contained in other WEEE such as audio/video equipment.  相似文献   

Municipal services in the Palestinian Authority (PA) areas, including the West Bank and Gaza Strip (WBGS), are facing serious difficulties that have been intensified following the outbreak of the Palestinian uprising in late September 2000. The solid waste management services, being the most essential services provided by the municipalities and village councils, are mostly affected by the ongoing harsh situation and hence proper solutions that take into account the actual amount of generated municipal solid waste and its composition is a pre-requisite for planning proper treatment. Hence, a study was carried out to identify the actual status of solid waste in eight West Bank districts. A social survey was also conducted to collect information concerning the level of public awareness among communities surveyed to the perception of solid waste recycling and reuse. The results of the survey conducted in 2001–2002 were later reviewed during July–October 2008 to assess if the trend of domestic solid waste generation had changed. Based on the survey and post-assessment, it is found that political and economic conditions have both significantly impacted the trend of generated municipal solid waste and since no improvements in either condition are forthcoming, it is concluded that survey results could be used in a planning study. A possible handling of the generated wastes may entail transferring the recyclable waste to Israeli recycling industries, and in constructing three composting plants in different accessible locations in the West Bank.  相似文献   

By mechanical-biological treatment (MBT) of residual municipal solid waste the behaviour of landfills can be significantly improved. After MBT the organic content (COD and BOD5), total organic carbon, and total nitrogen in the leachate, as well as the gas production rate, are reduced to values lower than 90% of the fresh untreated waste. The volume of the stabilized material to be disposed on landfills decreases enormously, by up to 70%. The monitoring effort for a landfill constructed under these conditions is reduced to a minimum and the stabilized material can be used in other ways, as material for reforestation, for cover material or for thermal utilization to produce energy. Environmental conditions are important in MBT, as well as waste characteristics. This paper describes the results of a pilot project of MBT performed in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The results have shown that this technology can be used successfully in developing countries, with economy for the society and important results for the environment.  相似文献   

An in situ compost biofilter was established for the treatment of odors from biostabilization processing of municipal solid waste. The concentrations of total volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in odors and their components were measured. Biofilter media was characterized in terms of total carbon (TC), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), organic matter (OM), pH value and determination of bacterial colony structure. Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) analysis showed that the main components of the produced gas were benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX) along with other alkanes, alkenes, terpenes, and sulphur compounds. The compost biofilter had remarkable removal ability for alkylated benzenes (>80%), but poor removal for terpenes (~30%). Total VOC concentrations in odors during the biostabilization process period ranged from 0.7 to 87 ppmv, and the VOC removal efficiency of the biofilter varied from 20% to 95%. After about 140 days operation, TN, TC, TP and OM in compost were kept almost stable, but the dissolved N, NH4–N and NO3–N experienced an increase of 44.5%, 56.2% and 76.3%, respectively. Dissolved P decreased by 27.3%. The pH value experienced an increase in the early period and finally varied from 7.38 to 8.08. Results of bacterial colony in packing material indicated that bacteria and mold colony counts increased, but yeasts and actinomyces decreased along with biofilter operation, which were respectively, 3.7, 3.4, 0.04 and 0.07 times of their initial values.  相似文献   

Solar energy driven physical, chemical and biological recycling of nutrients is the characteristic of the Earth-Sun system which permits life on earth to continue. Natural recycle of nutrients on Earth may literally require thousands or even millions of years to be complete, but for modern civilization to continue on Earth or in space, mankind must take charge of, and accelerate, the recycle of all essentials of life. In this paper we describe studies of two accelerated recycle systems; a solar powered energy system and an integrated feed lot. Both systems require special infrastructures permitting the accelerated physical, chemical and biological processing to occur. These systems do not integrate respiratory carbon dioxide as must be done in a complete closed ecological life support system (CELSS). The Algatron, a more complete system involving microalgal bacterial waste treatment with water, oxygen and carbon dioxide recycle was designed for use in Space Stations over 20 years ago.  相似文献   

The application of adapted microbial populations immobilized on a porous diatomaceous earth carrier to pre-treat and reduce toxic concentration of volatile organics, pesticides, petroleum aliphatics and aromatics has been demonstrated for several industrial sites. In the pre-treatment of industrial effluents and contaminated ground-waters, these bioreactors have been used to optimize and reduce the cost of conventional treatment systems, i.e. steam stripping, carbon adsorption and traditional biotreatment. Additionally, these systems have been employed as seeding devices for larger biotreatment systems. The cost effective utilization of an immobilized microbe reactor system for water supply regeneration in a microgravity environment is presented. The feasibility of using immobilized biomass reactors as an effluent treatment technology for the biotransformation and biodegradation of phenols, chlorinated halocarbons, residual oils and lubricants was evaluated. Primary biotransformation tests of two benchmark toxicants, phenol and ethylene dichloride at concentrations expected in life support effluents were conducted. Biocatalyst supports were evaluated for colonization potential, surface and structural integrity, and performance in continuous flow bioreactors. The implementation of such approaches in space will be outlined and specific areas for interfacing with other non-biological treatment approaches will be considered for advanced life support, tertiary waste water biotreatment.  相似文献   

Decrease of fossil fuel dependence and resource saving has become increasingly important in recent years. From this perspective, higher recycling rates for valuable materials (e.g. metals) as well as energy recovery from waste streams could play a significant role substituting for virgin material production and saving fossil resources. This is especially important with respect to residual waste (i.e. the remains after source-separation and separate collection) which in Denmark is typically incinerated. In this paper, a life-cycle assessment and energy balance of a pilot-scale waste refinery for the enzymatic treatment of municipal solid waste (MSW) is presented. The refinery produced a liquid (liquefied organic materials and paper) and a solid fraction (non-degradable materials) from the initial waste. A number of scenarios for the energy utilization of the two outputs were assessed. Co-combustion in existing power plants and utilization of the liquid fraction for biogas production were concluded to be the most favourable options with respect to their environmental impacts (particularly global warming) and energy performance. The optimization of the energy and environmental performance of the waste refinery was mainly associated with the opportunity to decrease energy and enzyme consumption.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - The accelerated generation of COVID-19 waste under the Delta-fuelled outbreak placed a sudden burden on waste disposal in Vietnam. To secure the...  相似文献   

A special feature of waste management in Finland has been the emphasis on the source separation of kitchen biowaste (catering waste); more than two-thirds of the Finnish population participates in this separation. Source-separated biowaste is usually treated by composting. The biowaste of about 5% of the population is handled by mechanical-biological treatment. A waste treatment plant at Mustasaari is the only plant in Finland using digestion for kitchen biowaste. For the protection of their employees, the plant owners commissioned a study on environmental factors and occupational hygiene in the plant area. During 1998-2000 the concentrations of dust, microbes and endotoxins and noise levels were investigated to identify possible problems at the plant. Three different work areas were investigated: the pre-processing and crushing hall, the bioreactor hall and the drying hall. Employees were asked about work-related health problems. Some problems with occupational hygiene were identified: concentrations of microbes and endotoxins may increase to levels harmful to health during waste crushing and in the bioreactor hall. Because employees complained of symptoms such as dry cough and rash or itching appearing once or twice a month, it is advisable to use respirator masks (class P3) during dusty working phases. The noise level in the drying hall exceeded the Finnish threshold value of 85 dBA. Qualitatively harmful factors for the health of employees are similar in all closed waste treatment plants in Finland. Quantitatively, however, the situation at the Mustasaari treatment plant is better than at some Finnish dry waste treatment plants. Therefore is reasonable to conclude that mechanical sorting, which produces a dry waste fraction for combustion and a biowaste fraction for anaerobic treatment, is in terms of occupational hygiene better for employees than combined aerobic treatment and dry waste treatment.  相似文献   

调研厦门市家具类大件垃圾处理现状,总结厦门市处理家具类大件垃圾的主要经验。根据厦门市家具类大件垃圾处理的实践,提出适合我国国情的家具类大件垃圾处理框架体系,以期为国内其他城市开展家具类大件垃圾处理工作提供借鉴。家具类大件垃圾处理应遵循3个原则,即前端坚持可持续发展的原则,中端坚持循环利用的原则,终端坚持零遗弃的原则。  相似文献   

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