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A comprehensive, spatially resolved (0.25°×0.25°) fossil fuel consumption database and emissions inventory was constructed, for India, for the first time. Emissions of sulphur dioxide and aerosol chemical constituents were estimated for 1996–1997 and extrapolated to the Indian Ocean Experiment (INDOEX) study period (1998–1999). District level consumption of coal/lignite, petroleum and natural gas in power plants, industrial, transportation and domestic sectors was 9411 PJ, with major contributions from coal (54%) followed by diesel (18%). Emission factors for various pollutants were derived using India specific fuel characteristics and information on combustion/air pollution control technologies for the power and industrial sectors. Domestic and transportation emission factors, appropriate for Indian source characteristics, were compiled from literature. SO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion for 1996–1997 were 4.0 Tg SO2 yr−1, with 756 large point sources (e.g. utilities, iron and steel, fertilisers, cement, refineries and petrochemicals and non-ferrous metals), accounting for 62%. PM2.5 emitted was 0.5 and 2.0 Tg yr−1 for the 100% and the 50% control scenario, respectively, applied to coal burning in the power and industrial sectors. Coal combustion was the major source of PM2.5 (92%) primarily consisting of fly ash, accounting for 98% of the “inorganic fraction” emissions (difference between PM2.5 and black carbon+organic matter) of 1.6 Tg yr−1. Black carbon emissions were estimated at 0.1 Tg yr−1, with 58% from diesel transport, and organic matter emissions at 0.3 Tg yr−1, with 48% from brick-kilns. Fossil fuel consumption and emissions peaked at the large point industrial sources and 22 cities, with elevated area fluxes in northern and western India. The spatial resolution of this inventory makes it suitable for regional-scale aerosol-climate studies. These results are compared to previous studies and differences discussed. Measurements of emission factors for Indian sources are needed to further refine these estimates.  相似文献   

A spatially resolved biomass burning data set, and related emissions of sulphur dioxide and aerosol chemical constituents was constructed for India, for 1996–1997 and extrapolated to the INDOEX period (1998–1999). Sources include biofuels (wood, crop waste and dung-cake) and forest fires (accidental, shifting cultivation and controlled burning). Particulate matter (PM) emission factors were compiled from studies of Indian cooking stoves and from literature for open burning. Black carbon (BC) and organic matter (OM) emissions were estimated from these, accounting for combustion temperatures in cooking stoves. Sulphur dioxide emission factors were based on fuel sulphur content and reported literature measurements. Biofuels accounted 93% of total biomass consumption (577 MT yr−1), with forest fires contributing only 7%. The national average biofuel mix was 56 : 21 : 23% of fuelwood, crop waste and dung-cake, respectively. Compared to fossil fuels, biomass combustion was a minor source of SO2 (7% of total), with higher emissions from dung-cake because of its higher sulphur content. PM2.5 emissions of 2.04 Tg yr−1 with an “inorganic fraction” of 0.86 Tg yr−1 were estimated. Biomass combustion was the major source of carbonaceous aerosols, accounting 0.25 Tg yr−1 of BC (72% of total) and 0.94 Tg yr−1 of OM (76% of total). Among biomass, fuelwood and crop waste were primary contributors to BC emissions, while dung-cake and forest fires were primary contributors to OM emissions. Northern and the east-coast India had high densities of biomass consumption and related emissions. Measurements of emission factors of SO2, size resolved aerosols and their chemical constituents for Indian cooking stoves are needed to refine the present estimates.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that geological emissions of methane are an important greenhouse-gas source. Remarkable amounts of methane, estimated in the order of 40–60 Tg yr?1, are naturally released into the atmosphere from the Earth's crust through faults and fractured rocks. The main source is natural gas, both microbial and thermogenic, produced in hydrocarbon-prone sedimentary basins and injected into the atmosphere through macro-seeps (onshore and offshore mud volcanoes and other seeps) and microseepage, an invisible but pervasive flux from the soil. This source is now evaluated for Europe on the basis of a literature survey, new field measurements and derived emission factors. The up-scaling criteria recommended by the EMEP/CORINAIR guidelines are applied to the local point and area source data.In Europe, 25 countries host oil and/or natural gas reservoirs and potentially, or actually, emit geological methane. Flux data, however, are available only from 10 countries: the onshore or offshore petroliferous sectors of Denmark, Italy, Greece, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom and Black Sea countries (Bulgaria, Ukraine, Georgia). Azerbaijan, whose emissions due to mud volcanism are known to be relevant, is included in the estimate.The sum of emissions, regional estimates and local measurements, related to macro-seeps leads to a conservative total value of about 2.2 Tg yr?1. Together with the potential microseepage fluxes from the petroliferous basins, estimated on the basis of the Total Petroleum System concept (around 0.8 Tg yr?1), the total European seepage is projected to 3 Tg yr?1. This preliminary figure would represent, in terms of magnitude, the second natural methane source for Europe after wetlands. The estimate will have to be refined by increasing the number of seepage measurements both on lands, where there is high potential for microseepage (e.g., Germany, Hungary, Romania, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Georgia) and in coastal marine areas (the North Sea, the Black Sea, offshore Greece and Italy) where emission factors and the extent of the underwater seeping area are not completely known.  相似文献   

To evaluate the tropical wetlands contribution to the methane (CH4) burden better, field campaigns were performed during 2004 and 2005 near the Miranda River, in five sites inside the Brazilian Pantanal region. The CH4 fluxes were determined using the static chamber technique. Environmental variables that may affect CH4 emissions, as the water depth, the water and air temperatures were also measured. The overall average of the 320 individual CH4 flux measurements made between March/2004 and March/2005 was 142±314 mg CH4 m−2 d−1, which is a value near the ones observed in other tropical flooded regions. About 47% of the fluxes measurements presented nonlinear increases in the chamber concentrations, which were assumed to be linked to CH4 losses through bubbles. The bubble flux represented about 90% of the total CH4 losses in the measurements and ranged from 1 to 2187 mg CH4 m−2 d−1 with an average of 292±410 mg CH4 m−2 d−1 (median: 153 mg CH4 m−2 d−1). The diffusive flux ranged from 1 to 124 mg CH4 m−2 d−1, with an average of 10±17 mg CH4 m−2 d−1 (median: 5 mg CH4 m−2 d−1). The fluxes from lakes were smaller than those observed in the floodplains, where the flooding was more dependent on the seasonal cycle. The diffusive flux showed a slight, but not statistically significant seasonal variation, following the seasonal variation of the flooding of the Pantanal region. A rough estimative of the total annual CH4 emission shows that the contribution of the Pantanal is about 3.3 Tg CH4 yr−1, which represents about 3.3% of the total CH4 emissions estimated to be originated in wetlands ecosystems. It may be a conservative estimate, which may present a large interannual variation, since it was obtained during one of the lowest flood of the Pantanal in recent years.  相似文献   

Gaseous methane (CH4) emissions from a swine waste holding lagoon were determined periodically during the year. Micrometeorological techniques were used in order that emission rates from the lagoon were measured under ambient conditions with little disturbance to the natural environment. During the cold winter measurement period, CH4 fluxes were linearly related to lagoon water temperature below 22°C (r=0.87). During warmer measurement periods, both water and air temperatures and windspeed affected emissions rates. In general, flux rates followed a diurnal pattern with greater fluxes during the day when both temperature and windspeed were greatest. Mathematical models using air and water temperature and windspeed factors could explain 47 to 75% of the variation in fluxes. Daily emission rates ranged from 1 to 500 kg CH4 ha−1 d−1. The average flux for the year was 52.3 kg CH4 ha−1 d−1 which corresponded to about 5.6 kg CH4 animal−1 yr−1 from the primary lagoon.  相似文献   

Methane emissions from a flock of 14, 1-year old sheep grazing on a grass and legume pasture were measured using a micrometeorological mass-balance method and a sulphur hexaflouride (SF6) tracer technique. The former measured the mean emission, over 45 min intervals, from all the sheep within a fenced 24 m×24 m enclosure, from the enrichment of methane (CH4) in air as it passed over the sheep. The tracer technique measured emissions from a subset of 7 individual animals over 24 h periods from measurements of CH4 and SF6 concentrations in air exhaled by the sheep, and from the known rate of release of SF6 from small permeation tubes placed in the animals’ rumens. Both methods gave highly similar results for 4 out of 5 days. When the species composition of dietary intake was steady during the last two days of measurement, the mean emission rate from the mass-balance method was 11.9±1.5 (SEM) g CH4 sheep-1 d-1, while the rate from the tracer technique was 11.7±0.4 (SEM) g CH4 sheep-1 d-1. These rates are for sheep with mean live mass of 27 kg, with a measured dry matter intake of 508 g sheep-1 d-1 and pasture dry matter digestibility of 69.5%. There was close agreement between these measurements and estimates from algorithms used to predict methane emissions from sheep for the Australian National Greenhouse Gas Inventory.  相似文献   

We reconstructed the historical trends in atmospheric deposition of nitrogen to Cape Cod, Massachusetts, from 1910 to 1995 by compiling data from literature sources, and adjusting the data for geographical and methodological differences. The reconstructed data suggest that NO3-N wet deposition to this region increased from a low of 0.9 kg N ha−1 yr−1 in 1925 to a high of approximately 4 kg N ha−1 yr−1 around 1980. The trend in NO3-N deposition has remained since the early 1980s at around 3.6 kg N ha−1 yr−1. In contrast, NH4-N wet deposition decreased from more than 4 kg N ha−1 yr−1 in the mid 1920s to about 1.5 kg N ha−1 yr−1 from the late-1940s until today. Emissions of NOx-N in the Cape Cod airshed increased at a rate of 2.1 kg N ha−1 per decade since 1910, a rate that is an order of magnitude higher than NO3-N deposition. Estimates of NH3 emissions to the northeast United States and Canada have decreased slightly throughout the century, but the decrease in reconstructed N-NH4+ deposition rates does not parallel emissions estimates. The trend in reconstructed total nitrogen deposition suggests an overall increase through the century at a rate of 0.26 kg N ha−1 per decade. This overall increase in deposition may expose coastal forests to rates of nitrogen addition that, if exceeded, could induce nitrogen saturation and increase nitrogen loads to adjoining estuaries.  相似文献   

The deposition of the base cations calcium, magnesium and potassium from the atmosphere needs to be quantified in the calculation of the total deposited acidity in the critical loads approach. Of these base cations, calcium has been found to be the most important in terms of mass deposited. However, the sources of calcium to the atmosphere are not well understood. Recently, the first spatially disaggregated inventory of industrial calcium emissions for Europe was presented by Lee and Pacyna (1998) who estimated a total European emission of 0.7–0.8 Mt yr-1. However, it is thought that wind blown dust from soils contributes a substantial fraction to the deposition of calcium. In this work, the source strength of calcium from arid regions within the EMEP modelling domain was estimated using the global mineral dust emission data base of Tegen and Fung (1994) and an estimation of the calcium content of soils. This results in a “natural” calcium emission of 6 Mt yr-1. A long-range transport model, TRACK, was used to calculate the wet and dry deposition of calcium arising from these industrial and natural sources to the UK which resulted in a total deposition of 29–30 kt yr-1. Of this annual deposition, 0.6–0.7 kt arises from cement manufacturing, 0.02–0.03 kt from iron and steel manufacturing, 0.8–0.83 kt from a large point source power generation, and 28 kt from power generation from a small boiler plant. The natural emissions of calcium from arid regions result in a deposition of calcium to the UK of 0.5 kt yr-1. The measured wet deposition of calcium to the UK is 89 kt yr-1 and the estimated dry deposition 14 kt yr-1. The short-fall in the modelled deposition of calcium is thus of the order of 70 kt yr-1, which is suggested to arise from wind-blown dust from agricultural land in the UK and mainland Europe. The estimated emissions, and thus modelled deposition are rather uncertain, such that estimating deposition of calcium attributable to agricultural soil emissions by differencing has a large uncertainty. However, this is the first such study of its kind for Europe and represents a first step towards understanding the sources of calcium and their contribution to mitigating deposited acidity from acidifying pollutants such as sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and ammonia.  相似文献   

Analysis of time series and trends of nitrous oxide (N2O) and halocompounds weekly monitored at the Mediterranean island of Lampedusa are discussed. Atmospheric N2O levels showed a linear upward growth rate of 0.78 ppb yr?1 and mixing ratios comparable with Northern Hemisphere global stations. CFC-11 and CFC-12 time series displayed a decline consistent with their phase-out. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) replacing compounds and SF6 exhibited an increasing temporal behaviour. The most rapid growth rate was recorded for HFC-134a with a value of 9.6% yr?1. The industrial solvents CCl4 and CH3CCl3, banned by the Montreal Protocol, showed opposite trends. While CH3CCl3 reported an expected decay of ?1.8 ppt yr?1, an increasing rate of 5.7 ppt yr?1 was recorded for CCl4 and it is probably related to its relatively long lifetime and persisting emissions. Chlorinated halomethanes showed seasonality with a maximum in early April and a minimum at the end of September. Halon-1301 and Halon-1211 displayed a decreasing trend consistent with industry emission estimates.An interspecies correlation analysis gave positive high correlations between HCFC-22 and HFC-134a (+0.84) highlighting the common extensive employment as refrigerants. Sharing sources inferred the high coupling between CH3Cl and CH3Br (+0.73) and between CHCl3 and CH2Cl2 (+0.77). A singular strong relationship (+0.55) between HFC-134a and CH3I suggested the influence of an unknown anthropogenic source of CH3I.Constraining of source and sink distribution was carried out by transport studies. Results were compared with the European Environment Agency (EEA) emission database. In contrast with the emission database results, our back trajectory analysis highlighted the release of large amounts of HFC-134a and SF6 from Eastern Europe. Observations also showed that African SF6 emissions may be considerable. Leakages from SF6 insulated electrical equipments located in the industrialized Northern African areas justify our observations.  相似文献   

Concentrations of a suite of trace elements (Al, Ag, As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, Sr, V, Zn) were measured in aerosol and precipitation samples collected at a coastal site in New Castle, NH, from August 1996, through July 1997. Metal concentrations in aerosol and precipitation exhibit a high degree of temporal variability over the annual cycle, varying by approximately one order of magnitude or less for aerosol metals and by ∼2–3 orders of magnitude in precipitation. Estimates of the total annual atmospheric deposition of metals to the Gulf of Maine range from ∼103 kg yr−1 for Ag, ∼104–105 kg yr−1 for the majority of metals, and ∼106 kg yr−1 for the crustal elements Al and Fe.  相似文献   

A budget for the methane (CH4) cycle in the Xilin River basin of Inner Mongolia is presented. The annual CH4 budget in this region depends primarily on the sum of atmospheric CH4 uptake by upland soils, emission from small wetlands, and emission from grazing ruminants (sheep, goats, and cattle). Flux rates for these processes were averaged over multiple years with differing summer rainfall. Although uplands constitute the vast majority of land area, they consume much less CH4 per unit area than is emitted by wetlands and ruminants. Atmospheric CH4 uptake by upland soils was ?3.3 and ?4.8 kg CH4 ha?1 y?1 in grazed and ungrazed areas, respectively. Average CH4 emission was 791.0 kg CH4 ha?1 y?1 from wetlands and 8.6 kg CH4 ha?1 y?1 from ruminants. The basin area-weighted average of all three processes was 6.8 kg CH4 ha?1 y?1, indicating that ruminant production has converted this basin to a net source of atmospheric CH4. The total CH4 emission from the Xilin River basin was 7.29 Gg CH4 y?1. The current grazing intensity is about eightfold higher than that which would result in a net zero CH4 flux. Since grazing intensity has increased throughout western China, it is likely that ruminant production has converted China's grazed temperate grasslands to a net source of atmospheric CH4 overall.  相似文献   

Measurements of ammonia (NH3), nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) were made from 11 outdoor concrete yards used by livestock. Measurements of NH3 emission were made using the equilibrium concentration technique while closed chambers were used to measure N2O and CH4 emissions. Outdoor yards used by livestock proved to be an important source of NH3 emission. Greatest emission rates were measured from dairy cow feeding yards, with a mean of 690 mg NH3-N m−2 h−1. Smaller emission rates were measured from sheep handling areas, dairy cow collecting yards, beef feeding yards and a pig loading area, with respective mean emission rates of 440, 280, 220 and 140 mg NH3-N m−2 h−1. Emission rates of N2O and CH4 were much smaller and for CH4, in particular, emission rates were influenced greatly by the presence or absence of dung on the measurement area.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the secondary organic aerosol (SOA) response to changes in biogenic volatile organic compounds (VOC) emissions in the future atmosphere and how important will SOA be relative to the major anthropogenic aerosol component (sulfate), the global three-dimensional chemistry/transport model TM3 has been used. Emission estimates of biogenic VOC (BVOC) and anthropogenic gases and particles from the literature for the year 2100 have been adopted.According to our present-day model simulations, isoprene oxidation produces 4.6 Tg SOA yr−1, that is less than half of the 12.2 Tg SOA yr−1 formed by the oxidation of other BVOC. In the future, nitrate radicals and ozone become more important than nowadays, but remain minor oxidants for both isoprene and aromatics. SOA produced by isoprene is estimated to almost triple, whereas the production from other BVOC more than triples. The calculated future SOA burden change, from 0.8 Tg at present to 2.0 Tg in the future, is driven by changes in emissions, oxidant levels and pre-existing particles. The non-linearity in SOA formation and the involved chemical and physical feedbacks prohibit the quantitative attribution of the computed changes to the above-mentioned individual factors. In 2100, SOA burden is calculated to exceed that of sulfate, indicating that SOA might become more important than nowadays. These results critically depend on the biogenic emissions and thus are subject to the high uncertainty associated with these emissions estimated due to the insufficient knowledge on plant response to carbon dioxide changes. Nevertheless, they clearly indicate that the change in oxidants and primary aerosol caused by human activities can contribute as much as the change in BVOC emissions to the increase of the biogenic SOA production in the future atmosphere.  相似文献   

In coastal Antarctica, freezing and thawing influence many physical, chemical and biological processes for ice-free tundra ecosystems, including the production of greenhouse gases (GHGs). In this study, penguin guanos and ornithogenic soil cores were collected from four penguin colonies and one seal colony in coastal Antarctica, and experimentally subjected to three freezing–thawing cycles (FTCs) under ambient air and under N2. We investigated the effects of FTCs on the emissions of three GHGs including nitrous oxide (N2O), carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4). The GHG emission rates were extremely low in frozen penguin guanos or ornithogenic soils. However, there was a fast increase in the emission rates of three GHGs following thawing. During FTCs, cumulative N2O emissions from ornithogenic soils were greatly higher than those from penguin guanos under ambient air or under N2. The highest N2O cumulative emission of 138.24 μg N2O–N kg?1 was observed from seal colony soils. Cumulative CO2 and CH4 emissions from penguin guanos were one to three orders of magnitude higher than those from ornithogenic soils. The highest cumulative CO2 (433.0 mgCO2–C kg?1) and CH4 (2.9 mgCH4–C kg?1) emissions occurred in emperor penguin guanos. Penguin guano was a stronger emitter for CH4 and CO2 while ornithogenic soil was a stronger emitter for N2O during FTCs. CO2 and CH4 fluxes had a correlation with total organic carbon (TOC) and soil/guano moisture (Mc) in penguin guanos and ornithogenic soils. The specific CO2–C production rate (CO2–C/TOC) indicated that the bioavailability of TOC was markedly larger in penguin guanos than in ornithogenic soils during FTCs. This study showed that FTC-released organic C and N from sea animal excreta may play a significant role in FTC-related GHG emissions, which may account for a large proportion of annual fluxes from tundra ecosystems in coastal Antarctica.  相似文献   

The emissions of VOC from freshly cut and shredded Grevillea robusta (Australian Silky Oak) leaves and wood have been measured. The VOC emissions from fresh leaf mulch and wood chips lasted typically for 30 and 20 h respectively, and consisted primarily of ethanol, (E)-2-hexenal, (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol and acetaldehyde. The integrated emissions of the VOCs were 0.38±0.04 g kg−1 from leaf mulch, and 0.022±0.003 g kg−1 from wood chips. These emissions represent a source of VOCs in urban and rural air that has previously been unquantified and is currently unaccounted for. These VOCs from leaf mulch and wood chips will contribute to both urban photochemistry and secondary organic aerosol formation. Any CH4 emissions from leaf mulch and wood chips were <1×10−11 g g dry mass−1 s−1.  相似文献   

A method is developed to estimate wet deposition of nitrogen in a 11×14 km (0.125°Lon.×0.125°Lat.) grid scale using the precipitation chemistry monitored data at 10 sites scattered over South Korea supplemented by the routinely available precipitation rate data at 65 sites and the estimated emissions of NO2 and NH3 at each precipitation monitoring site. This approach takes into account the contributions of local NO2 and NH3 emissions and precipitation rates on wet deposition of nitrogen. Wet deposition of nitrogen estimated by optimum regression equations for NO3 and NH4+ derived from annual total monitored wet deposition and that of emissions of NO2 and NH3 is incorporated to normalize wet deposition of nitrogen at each precipitation rate class, which is divided into 6 classes. The optimum regression equations for the estimation of wet deposition of nitrogen at precipitation monitoring sites are developed using the normalized wet deposition of nitrogen and the precipitation rate at 10 precipitation chemistry monitoring sites. The estimated average annual total wet depositions of NO3 and NH4+ are found to be 260 and 500 eq ha−1 yr−1 with the maximum values of 400 and 930 eq ha−1 yr−1, respectively. The annual mean total wet deposition of nitrogen is found to be about 760 eq ha−1 yr−1, of which more than 65% is contributed by wet deposition of ammonium while, the emission of NH3 is about half of that of NO2, suggesting the importance of NH3 emission for wet deposition of nitrogen in South Korea.  相似文献   

Due to the high temporal and spatial variability of N2O fluxes, estimates of N2O emission from temperate forest ecosystems are still highly uncertain, particularly at larger scales. Although highest N2O emissions with up to 7.0 kg N ha−1 yr−1 were mainly reported for soils affected by stagnant water, most of the reported gas flux measurements were performed at forest sites with well-aerated soils yielding mostly to low mean annual emission rates less than 1.0 kg N ha−1 yr−1. This study compares N2O fluxes from upland (Cambisols) and temporally water-logged (Gleysols, Histosols) soils of the Central Black Forest (South-West Germany) over a period of 2 yr. Mean annual N2O fluxes from investigated soils ranged between 0.2 and 3.9 kg N ha−1 yr−1. The fluxes showed a large variability between the different soil types. Emissions could be clearly ranked in the following order: Cambisols (0.26–0.75 kg N ha−1 yr−1)<Gleysols (1.37–2.68 kg N ha−1 yr−1)<Histosol (3.66–3.95 kg N ha−1 yr−1). Although the Cambisols cover two-thirds of the investigated area, only about half of the overall N2O is emitted from this soil type. Therefore, regional or national N2O fluxes from temperate forest soils are underestimated if soils characterised by intermediate aeration conditions are disregarded.  相似文献   

Steppe ecosystems are regarded as an important sink of atmospheric methane (CH4) and grazing is hypothesized to reduce CH4 uptake. However, firm experimental evidence is required to prove this hypothesis. Using a fully automated, chamber-based measuring system, we conducted continuous high-frequency (at a 3-h interval) measurements of CH4 uptake in a Leymus chinensis steppe, which is a typical grassland ecosystem in Inner Mongolia, China. Two management regimes were investigated: ungrazed since 1999 (UG99) and winter-grazed since 2001 (WG01). Measurements were carried out continuously during the periods of June–September 2004, May–September 2005 and March–June 2006. During all of these periods, significantly lower mean CH4 uptake (±S.E.) at WG01 (28±0.7 μg C m−2 h−1) as compared to UG99 (56±1.0 μg C m−2 h−1) (p<0.01) was found. Total CH4 uptake during the growing seasons (May–September) 2004 and 2005 at WG01 and UG99 was quantified as 1.15 and 2.15 kg C ha−1, respectively. Annual rates of CH4 uptake were approximately 1.91 (WG01) and 3.58 kg C ha−1 (UG99), respectively. These results indicate that winter-grazing of steppe significantly reduced atmospheric CH4 uptake by ca. 47%. The winter-grazing practice may have inhibited CH4 uptake by (a) increasing the likelihood of physiological water stress for CH4-consuming bacteria during dry periods, (b) decreasing gas diffusion into the soil and, (c) reducing the populations of CH4 oxidizing bacteria. These three mechanisms could have collectively or independently facilitated the observed inhibitory effects. Our results suggest that grazing exerts a considerable negative impact on CH4 uptake in semi-arid steppes at regional scales. Notwithstanding, further studies involving year-round, intensive measurements of CH4 uptake are needed.  相似文献   

To understand the effect of water level on CH4 emissions from an invasive Spartina alterniflora coastal brackish marsh, we measured CH4 emissions from intermittently and permanently (5 cm water depth) inundated mesocosms with or without N fertilizer added at a rate of 2.7 g N m?2. Dissolved CH4 concentrations in porewater and vertically-profiled sediment redox potential were measured, as were aboveground biomass and stem density of S. alterniflora. Mean CH4 fluxes during the growing season in permanently inundated mesocosms without and with N fertilizer were 1.03 and 1.73 mg CH4 m?2 h?1, respectively, which were significantly higher than in the intermittently inundated mesocosms. This response indicates that prolonged submergence of sediment, up to a water depth of 5 cm, stimulated CH4 release. Inundation did not greatly affect aboveground biomass and stem density, but did significantly reduce redox potential in sediment, which in turn stimulated CH4 production and increased the CH4 concentration of porewater, resulting in higher CH4 emission in the mesocosm. Our data showed that the stimulatory effect of shallow, permanent inundation on CH4 emission in S. alterniflora marsh sediment was due primarily to an improved methanogenic environment rather than an increase in plant-derived substrates and/or the number of gas emission pathways through the plant’s aerenchymal system.  相似文献   

We estimate the contributions from biomass burning (summer wildfires, other fires, residential biofuel, and industrial biofuel) to seasonal and annual aerosol concentrations in the United States. Our approach is to use total carbonaceous (TC) and non-soil potassium (ns-K) aerosol mass concentrations for 2001–2004 from the nationwide IMPROVE network of surface sites, together with satellite fire data. We find that summer wildfires largely drive the observed interannual variability of TC aerosol concentrations in the United States. TC/ns-K mass enhancement ratios from fires range from 10 for grassland and shrub fires in the south to 130 for forest fires in the north. The resulting summer wildfire contributions to annual TC aerosol concentrations for 2001–2004 are 0.26 μg C m−3 in the west and 0.14 μg C m−3 in the east; Canadian fires are a major contributor in the east. Non-summer wildfires and prescribed burns contribute on an annual mean basis 0.27 and 0.31 μg C m−3 in the west and the east, highest in the southeast because of prescribed burning. Residential biofuel is a large contributor in the northeast with annual mean concentration of up to 2.2 μg C m−3 in Maine. Industrial biofuel (mainly paper and pulp mills) contributes up to 0.3 μg C m−3 in the southeast. Total annual mean fine aerosol concentrations from biomass burning average 1.2 and 1.6 μg m−3 in the west and east, respectively, contributing about 50% of observed annual mean TC concentrations in both regions and accounting for 30% (west) and 20% (east) of total observed fine aerosol concentrations. Our analysis supports bottom-up source estimates for the contiguous United States of 0.7–0.9 Tg C yr−1 from open fires (climatological) and 0.4 Tg C yr−1 from biofuel use. Biomass burning is thus an important contributor to US air quality degradation, which is likely to grow in the future.  相似文献   

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