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Perfluorocarbon tracers were released continuously from several surface locations and one power plant stack location during the winter (30 days) and summer (50 days) intensive studies as part of Project MOHAVE. Tracers were released in winter from the Mohave Power Plant (MPP) and Dangling Rope, UT, located on the shore of Lake Powell near Page, AZ; and in summer from MPP, the Tehachapi Pass between the Mojave Desert and the Central Valley in California, and El Centro, CA, on the California-Mexico border. At the Tehachapi tracer release site six-hour pulses of a separately identifiable perfluorocarbon tracer were released every four days in order to assess the time for the tracer to clear the monitoring network. Daily 24-hr integrated samples were collected at about 30 sites in four states. Limited tracer concentration data with higher time resolution is also available. Graphical displays and analyses identify several regional transport paths, including a convergence zone in the Mojave Desert, the importance of terrain channeling, especially in winter, and a relationship between 24-hr maximum influence function and distance that may prove useful as a scoping tool and to test regional scale air quality models. In winter, Dangling Rope tracer was routinely transported through the entire length of the Grand Canyon, while in summer, MPP tracer was routinely transported over most of Lake Mead.  相似文献   

Project MOHAVE was a major monitoring, modeling, and data analysis study whose objectives included the estimation of the contributions of the Mohave Power Project (MPP) and other sources to visibility impairment in the southwestern United States, in particular at Grand Canyon National Park. A major element of Project MOHAVE was the release of perfluorocarbon tracers at MPP and other locations during 50-day summer and 30-day winter intensive study periods. Tracer data (from about 30 locations) were sequestered until several source and receptor models were used to predict tracer concentrations. None of the models was successful in predicting the tracer concentrations; squared correlation coefficients between predicted and measured tracer were all less than 0.2, and most were less than 0.1.  相似文献   

Project MOHAVE was initiated in 1992 to examine the role of emissions from the 1580 MW coal-fired MOHAVE Power Project (MPP) on haze at the Grand Canyon National Park (GCNP), located about 130 km north-north-east of the power plant. Statistical relationships were analyzed between summertime ambient concentrations of a gaseous perfluorocarbon tracer released from MPP and ambient SO2, particulate sulfur, and light scattering to evaluate whether MPP's emissions could be transported to the GCNP and then impact haze levels there. Spatial analyses indicated that particulate sulfur levels were strongly correlated across the monitoring network, regardless of whether the monitoring stations were upwind or downwind of MPP. This indicates that particulate sulfur levels in this region were influenced by distant regional emission sources. A significant particulate sulfur contribution from a point source such as MPP would result in a non-uniform pattern downwind. There was no suggestion of this in the data. Furthermore, correlations between the MPP tracer and ambient particulate sulfur and light scattering at locations in the park were virtually zero for averaging times ranging from 24 hr to 1 hr. Hour-by-hour MPP tracer levels and light scattering were individually examined, and still no positive correlations were detected. Finally, agreement between tracer and particulate sulfur did not improve as a function of meteorological regime, implying that, even during cloudy monsoon days when more rapid conversion of SO2 to particulate sulfur would be expected, there was no evidence for downwind particulate sulfur impacts. Despite the fact that MPP was a large source of SO2 and tracer, neither time series nor correlation analyses were able to detect any meaningful relationship between MPP's SO2 and tracer emission "signals" to particulate sulfur or light scattering.  相似文献   

纺织印染废水治理工程设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用混凝沉淀 -酸化水解 -生物接触氧化工艺处理纺织印染废水。工程实践运行表明 ,该工艺处理效果好、运行稳定、投资省  相似文献   

明胶废水治理工程设计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用沉淀-加酸中和-循环性活性污泥法(CASS)生物氧化工艺处理明胶废水。工程实践运行表明,该工艺处理效果好、运行稳定、投资省。  相似文献   

采用“生物接触氧化 +混凝气浮 +生物炭”工艺处理染整废水 ,COD去除率可达到 90 %以上 ,工程实践表明 ,该工艺处理效果好 ,运行稳定 ,投资省 ,处理后出水可达标排放  相似文献   

The purpose of this analysis is threefold. We first examine the extent to which a longer series of data improves our understanding of air pollution on human mortality in the Atlanta, GA, area by updating the findings presented in Klemm and Mason (J. Air Waste Manage. Assoc. 2000, 50, 1433-1439) and Klemm et al. (Inhal. Toxicol. 2004, 16 (Suppl 1), 131-141) with 7.5 additional years of data. We explore estimated effects on two age groups (<65 and 65+) and four categories of cause of death. Second, we investigate how enlarging the geographic area of inquiry influences the estimated effects. Third, because some air quality (AQ) measures are monitored less frequently than daily, we investigate the extent to which AQ measurement frequency can influence estimates of relationships with human mortality. Our analytical approach employs a Poisson regression model using generalized linear modeling in S-Plus to estimate the relationship between daily AQ measures and daily mortality counts. We show that the estimated effects and their associated t values vary by year for nine AQ measures (particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter < or =2.5 microm [PM2.5], elemental carbon [EC], organic carbon [OC], NO3, SO4, O3, NO2, CO, and SO2). Several of the estimated AQ effects show downward trends during the 9-year period of study. The estimated effects tend to be strongest for the AQ measurement during the day of death and tend to decrease with additional lags. Enlarging the geographic area from two to four counties in the metropolitan area decreased the estimated effects, perhaps partly due to the fact that the measurement site is located in one of the two original counties. Estimated effects utilizing data as if the AQ were only measured every 3rd or every 6th day each week or twice per week vary from lower to higher than that estimated with daily measurements, although the t values are lower, as expected.  相似文献   

EXPOLIS is a European multicenter (Athens, Basel, Grenoble, Helsinki, Milan, and Prague) air pollution exposure study. It is the first international, population-based, large-scale study, where personal exposures to PM2.5 aerosol particles (together with volatile organic compounds and carbon monoxide) are being monitored. EXPOLIS is performed in six different centers across Europe, the sampled aerosol concentrations vary greatly, and the microenvironmental samples are not collected with the same equipment as the personal samples. Therefore careful equipment selection, methods development and testing, and thorough quality assurance and quality control (QA & QC) procedures are essential for producing reliable and comparable PM2.5 data. This paper introduces the equipment, the laboratory test results, the pilot results, the standard operating procedures, and the QA & QC procedures of EXPOLIS. Test results show good comparability and repeatability between personal and microenvironmental monitors for PM2.5 at different concentration levels measured across Europe in EXPOLIS centers.  相似文献   

This paper describes the main features of the study 'Natural Resources and Environmental Accounting in the Czech Republic' (NREACR), carried out under the Phare programme during 1998—1999. Within the project, five major methodological areas were specified: NAMEA-type accounting; land cover/land use (LC/LU) accounting; abatement cost curves (air—energy, transport and industry; water—agriculture, industry, housing); economic (monetary) appraisal of natural assets; and dynamic modelling and scenario development. The results of the first four modules can be thought of as elements of a policy support databank that can have many uses, including the information inputs needed for national economy scenario modelling aimed at exploring the potentials, constraints and trade-oils in the setting and evaluation of Czech Republic economic and environmental policy. In this paper, an overview is given of the modular approach adopted for economy—environment accounting and of the main results, followed by discussion of the outlook for further work in the field in the Czech Republic and also potentially for other EU Accession countries.  相似文献   

The precision and accuracy of the determination of particu-late sulfate and fluoride, and gas phase SO2 and HF are estimated from the results obtained from collocated replicate samples and from collocated comparison samples for high-and low-volume filter pack and annular diffusion denuder samplers. The results of replicate analysis of collocated samples and replicate analyses of a given sample for the determination of spherical aluminosilicate fly ash particles have also been compared. Each of these species is being used in the chemical mass balance source apportionment of sulfur oxides in the Grand Canyon region as part of Project MOHAVE, and the precision and accuracy analyses given in this paper provide input to that analysis. The precision of the various measurements reported here is ±1.8 nmol/m3 and ±2.5 nmol/m3 for the determination of SO2 and sulfate, respectively, with an annular denuder. The precision is ±0.5 nmol/m3 and ±2.0 nmol/m3 for the determination of the same species with a high-volume or low-volume filter pack. The precision for the determination of the sum of HF(g) and fine particulate fluoride is ±0.3 nmol/m3. The precision for the determination of aluminosilicate fly ash particles is ±100 particles/m3. At high concentrations of the various species, reproducibility of the various measurements is ±10% to ±14% of the measured concentration. The concentrations of sulfate determined using filter pack samplers are frequently higher than those determined using diffusion denuder sampling systems. The magnitude of the difference (e.g., 2-10 nmol sulfate/m3) is small, but important relative to the precision of the data and the concentrations of particulate sul-fate present (typically 5-20 nmol sulfate/m3). The concentrations of SO2(g) determined using a high-volume cascade impactor filter pack sampler are correspondingly lower than those obtained with diffusion denuder samplers. The concentrations of SOx (SO2(g) plus particulate sulfate) determined using the two samplers during Project MOHAVE at the Spirit Mountain, NV, and Hopi Point, AZ, sampling sites were in agreement. However, for samples collected at Painted Desert, AZ, and Meadview, AZ, the concentrations of SOx and SO2(g) determined with a high-volume cascade impactor filter pack sampler were frequently lower than those determined using a diffusion denuder sampling system. These two sites had very low ambient relative humidity, an average of 25%. Possible causes of observed differences in the SO2(g) and sulfate results obtained from different types of samplers are given.  相似文献   

Literature data for anion diffusion in compacted swelling clays contain systematic inconsistencies when the results of through-diffusion tests are compared with those of out-diffusion or tracer profile analysis. In the present work we investigated whether these inconsistencies can be explained by taking into account heterogeneities in the compacted samples; in particular increased porosities at the clay boundaries. Based on the combined results of out-diffusion, tracer profile analysis and the spatial distribution of the electrolyte anion in the clay, we conclude that the inconsistencies can indeed be resolved by taking into account a heterogeneous distribution of the total and the anion-accessible porosity. This, by definition, leads to a position dependence of the effective diffusion coefficient. Neglecting these effects results in a rather subordinate systematic error in the determination of effective diffusion coefficients of anions from through-diffusion tests with clay thicknesses in the centimetre range. However, stronger errors in terms of absolute values and conceptual interpretation may be introduced in out-diffusion tests and profile analyses of the diffused tracer. We recommend that anion diffusion tests should be accompanied by measurements of the total and anion-accessible porosity as a function of position in the direction of diffusion.  相似文献   

On November 5, 1984, The Dow Chemical Company issued a report entitled: “Point Sources and Environmental Levels of 2378-TCDD on the Midland Plant Site of The Dow Chemical Company and in the City of Midland, Michigan.” This report is based upon the efforts of a 22-person task force who dedicated approx. 21 months of effort to the generation and analysis of over 6000 analytical data points regarding specific CDD/CDF concentrations in the four basic environmental elements of air, earth, fire (incineration), and water. A summarization of this study will be presented which includes methodology, analytical QA-QC criteria, and representative soil analyses, as they pertain to the survey conclusions.  相似文献   

Exposure measurements of concentrations that are non-detectable or near the detection limit (DL) are common in environmental research. Proper statistical treatment of non-detects is critical to avoid bias and unnecessary loss of information. In the present work, we present an overview of possible statistical strategies for handling non-detectable values, including deletion, simple substitution, distributional methods, and distribution-based imputation. Simple substitution methods (e.g., substituting 0, DL/2, DL/ radical2, or DL for the non-detects) are the most commonly applied, even though the EPA Guidance for Data Quality Assessment discouraged their use when the percentage of non-detects is >15%. Distribution-based multiple imputation methods, also known as robust or "fill-in" procedures, may produce dependable results even when 50-70% of the observations are non-detects and can be performed using commonly available statistical software. Any statistical analysis can be conducted on the imputed datasets. Results properly reflect the presence of non-detectable values and produce valid statistical inference. We describe the use of distribution-based multiple imputation in a recent investigation conducted on subjects from the Seveso population exposed to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), in which 55.6% of plasma TCDD measurements were non-detects. We suggest that distribution-based multiple imputation be the preferred method to analyze environmental data when substantial proportions of observations are non-detects.  相似文献   

We study the use of ensemble-based Kalman filtering of chemical observations for constraining forecast uncertainties and for selecting targeted observations. Using a coupled model of two-dimensional sea breeze dynamics and chemical tracer transport, we perform three numerical experiments. First, we investigate the chemical tracer forecast uncertainties associated with meteorological initial condition and forcing error. We find that the ensemble variance and error builds during the transition between land and sea breeze phases of the circulation. Second, we investigate the effects on the forecast variance and error of assimilating tracer concentration observations extracted from a truth simulation for a network of surface locations. We find that assimilation reduces the variance and error in both the observed variable (chemical tracer concentrations) and unobserved meteorological variables (vorticity and buoyancy). Finally, we investigate the potential value to the forecast of targeted observations. We calculate an observation impact factor that maximizes the total decrease in model uncertainty summed over all state variables. We find that locations of optimal targeted observations remain similar before and after assimilation of regular network observations.  相似文献   


According to the literature, it is estimated that outdoor air pollution is responsible for the premature death in a range from 3.7 to 8.9 million persons on an annual basis across the world. Although there is uncertainty on this figure, outdoor air pollution represents one of the greatest global risks to human health. In North America, the rapid evolution of technologies (e.g., nanotechnology, unconventional oil and gas rapid development, higher demand for fertilizers in agriculture) and growing demand for ground, marine and air transportation may result in significant increases of emissions of pollutants that have not been carefully studied so far. As a result, these atmospheric pollutants insufficiently addressed by science in Canada and elsewhere are becoming a growing issue with likely human and environmental impacts in the near future. Here, an emerging pollutant is defined as one that meets the following criteria: 1) potential or demonstrated risk for humans or the environment, 2) absence of Canada-wide national standard, 3) insufficient routine monitoring, 4) yearly emissions greater than one ton in Canada, 5) insufficient data concerning significant sources, fate, and detection limit, and 6) insufficiently addressed by epidemiological studies. A new methodology to rank emerging pollutants is proposed here based on weighting multiple criteria. Some selected emerging issues are also discussed here and include the growing concern of ultrafine or nanoparticles, growing ammonia emissions (due to rapid expansion of the agriculture), increased methane/ethane/propane emissions (due to the expanding hydraulic fracturing in the oil and gas sector) and the growing transportation sector. Finally, the interaction between biological and anthropogenic pollution has been found to be a double threat for public health. Here, a multidisciplinary and critical overview of selected emerging pollutants and related critical issues is presented with a focus in Canada.

Implications: This overview paper provides a selection methodology for emerging pollutants in the atmospheric environment. It also provides a critical discussion of some related issues. The ultimate objective is to inform about the need to 1) address emerging issues through adequate surface monitoring and modeling in order to inform the development of regulations, 2) reduce uncertainties by geographically mapping emerging pollutants (e.g., through data fusion, data assimilation of observations into air quality models) which can improve the scientific support of epidemiological studies and policies. This review also highlights some of the difficulties with the management of these emerging pollutants, and the need for an integrated approach.  相似文献   

The effect of aquatic vegetation (Spyrogira sp. and Zannichellia palustris), light exposure and water quality (secondary-treated wastewater vs. ultrapure water) on the removal efficiency of six antibiotics (sulfonamides and tetracyclines) is studied in laboratory-scale reactors. After 20 d of treatment, 3–59% of sulfonamides were eliminated in the reactors exposed to light. Removal was about 10% in unplanted reactors in darkness. The elimination of tetracycline (TC) and oxytetracycline (OTC) ranged between 83% and 97% in both planted and unplanted reactors. However, in dark unplanted reactors, OTC was largely removed (88%) while only 15% of TC was eliminated. These results suggest that TC was mainly removed by photodegradation whereas biodegradation or hydrolysis process seems to be significant processes for OTC. Sulfonamides were mainly eliminated by biodegradation or indirect photodegradation processes. Pseudo-first order kinetics removal rates ranged from 0.003 and 0.007 d?1 for Sulfamethazine and TC in the covered control reactors to 0.13 and 0.21 d?1 for TC and OTC in the uncovered control reactors, with half-lives from 3 to 350 d. A TC photodegradation product was tentatively identified in uncovered reactors. This study highlights the important role played by light exposure in the elimination of antibiotics in polishing ponds.  相似文献   

Generic water quality guidelines (WQGs) are developed by countries/regions as broad scale tools to assist with the protection of aquatic ecosystems from the impacts of toxicants. However, since generic WQGs cannot adequately account for the many environmental factors that may affect toxicity at a particular site, site-specific WQGs are often needed, especially for high environmental value ecosystems. The Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality provide comprehensive guidance on methods for refining or deriving WQGs for site-specific purposes. This paper describes three such methods for deriving site-specific WQGs, namely: (1) using local reference water quality data, (2) using biological effects data from laboratory-based toxicity testing, and (3) using biological effects data from field surveys. Two case studies related to the assessment of impacts arising from mining operations in northern Australia are used to illustrate the application of these methods. Finally, the potential of several emerging methods designed to assess thresholds of ecological change from field data for deriving site-specific WQGs is discussed. Ideally, multiple lines of evidence approaches, integrating both laboratory and field data, are recommended for deriving site-specific WQGs.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - In recent years, financial development, trade policies, and energy performance have attracted attention due to their behavior on environmental...  相似文献   

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