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王传德  王翠兰 《安全》2010,31(6):13-14,17
文章介绍了民用爆炸物品包装纸箱抗压强度。根据抗压强度估算瓦楞纸板边压强度,继而推算纸板各层原纸横向环压强度之和的估算方法,使用原纸配伍方法可在保证纸箱质量的前提下根据市场实际实现成本最小化。可供民爆生产企业确定纸箱技术标准,控制采购成本方面参考。  相似文献   

浅谈网络安全策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于计算机网络表现的脆弱性使网络容易受到各种攻击,所以网络信息的安全和保密是一个非常重要的问题。本文从计算机网络安全策略出发,对解决计算机网络安全策略原则及网络的安全技术进行了综述。  相似文献   

无领导小组讨论(leaderless group discussion,以下简称LGD)是指运用松散型群体讨论的形式.快速诱发人的特定行为.并通过对这些行为的定性描述、定量分析以及人际比较.来判断被评价者个性特征的人事评价方法。  相似文献   

生产设备是企业生产系统中的重要组成部分,也是企业安全生产体系中的一个子系统。我们依据国家有关法律、法规在对企业建设项目(工程)进行劳动安全卫生预评价时,都必须对生产设备的安全卫生选型配套设计等方面进行安全可靠性评价,为了确俣生产设备在投入使用后能实现安全、高效运行,避免因设备的不安全因素而导致人身伤亡或设备损坏事故,企业和设计部门都应该十分重视生产设备的安全卫生选型配套设计问题。为此,作者提出生产设备的安全卫生选型配套设计中的一些原则和要求,供有关人员参考。  相似文献   

化工过程开发中本质安全化设计策略   总被引:2,自引:6,他引:2  
本质安全化设计是预防人为失误及设备失效、降低化工过程风险应优先采用的技术。在比较传统设计方法与本质安全化设计方法的基础上,讨论了化工过程开发各阶段实现本质安全的机会,认为在开发初期,实施本质安全化的成本低,难度小;通过分析可行性研究、工艺研究、概念设计、基础设计、工程设计等阶段本质安全化设计的影响因素、设计目标和设计方法,探索化工过程开发中本质安全化设计策略,提出了化工过程本质安全化设计流程。通过工艺过程本质安全设计、工艺流程的简化和优化、不同设计方案的本质安全度评估等措施,可提高化工过程本质安全水平。  相似文献   

王钢  陈红兵  李德英 《安防科技》2006,(12):39-40,44
本文分析了建筑设备监测系统(BAS)的功能需求及设计任务,介绍了BAS系统的设计原则,探讨了BAS系统设计的关键问题.结果表明,BAS系统具有许多不可比拟的优势.  相似文献   

随着我国社会经济的快速发展,工业现代化水平也不断提升。煤化工行业是我国社会经济的重要支柱产业,对于社会的发展有着较大的影响。但是煤化工工程本身存在较高的生产风险,一旦出现安全事故,必然会造成巨大的损失。完善的消防设计是防范风险的重要措施,目前已经在国内强制实施,因此对于煤化工工程消防设计的研究具有重要的现实意义。本文主要针对煤化工工程消防设计中存在的问题展开分析,并进一步提出改进措施,旨在确保煤化工工程的生产安全,减少意外事件的发生。  相似文献   

浅谈消防应急照明系统的设计与设置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了消防应急照明系统的设计与设置,通过对其进行可行性分析,提出了设计、设置和在现代社会中的重要意义.  相似文献   

该文提出了一种在设计初期进行化工过程本质安全化设计的策略。首先进行危险物质与危险能量两类共计11种危险类型的危险辨识。针对辨识出的危险类型,通过与相应的临界条件比较进行快速的危险评价,对于不可接受的危险必须采取本质安全化措施,可接受的危险可有选择性地进行本质安全化设计。在设计初期可以使用的本质安全化原则主要是消除、最小化、替代和缓和,针对11种危险类型可以应用不同的本质安全化设计模型,以使实际进行本质安全化设计时更加简单与快捷。该文把提出的本质安全化设计策略应用到一个甲苯硝化制硝基甲苯的工艺,形成了多种本质安全化措施,可以用来在设计初期消除或减少危险。  相似文献   

涂装作业场所使用的油漆和溶剂一般是易燃易挥发的液体,因而此类场所的火灾爆炸危险很大.一旦发生事故,将会造成巨大的财产和人员损失.本文针对此类场所火灾爆炸事故的特点,分析对比了各种消防系统对此类场所火灾爆炸事故的控制能力,提出了超细干粉灭火系统相对于其他消防系统对于控制此类场所火灾爆炸危险的优点,同时也对探测器的选型进行了讨论,并结合实例进行了超细干粉灭火设备在涂装作业场所的应用设计.  相似文献   

Hazard identification and risk assessment are key aspects in process plant design. They are often applied in the final stages of the process at whatever the cost, unless financial constraints are imposed. However, a much better solution would be to introduce risk analysis earlier by including it in earlier stages of the design process, such as when the cost of a plant and the cost of any accidents that may occur are estimated. In this paper, an optimization methodology is proposed, in which both cost and risk (with a deterministic approach) are taken into account, to improve on the current situation. If a decision variable is chosen, an objective function will be established that makes it possible to analyze variations in overall costs, including the cost of the investment and the cost of accidents. This leads to an optimum situation in which costs are kept to a minimum. Of course, this optimization is subject to constraints, the greatest of which is the fact that risk must not exceed tolerated threshold levels. The procedure is explained and two examples, one involving a toxic release and the other a BLEVE/fireball, are used to illustrate it.  相似文献   

针对应急演练准备的目标、任务及其实现问题,从演练需求分析入手,以演练策划设计、演练管理架构搭建、演练设计文件编制及演练现场准备为要点,深入剖析演练相关情景设置、要素匹配、统筹协调、模拟处置、现场布局等各项演练准备的内容要点及方式方法,总结提炼演练准备设计基本路径,并以所承担C县食物中毒事件应急演练设计验证其可行性。本研究廓清了突发事件应急演练准备设计基本要求及其实现路径,对切实增强演练管理的科学性、规范性和高效性提供了借鉴参考。  相似文献   

Large infrastructure projects such as new roads, railways and nuclear plants have often suffered from public opposition, causing significant delays and costs. In many cases poor engagement between the supporters of construction and the public have contributed to this. Therefore, this paper proposes a novel design framework with the aim of improving public engagement at an early design stage. Following a modified quality function deployment (QFD) process, it enables incorporation of public preferences into the design process, thus helping to improve the social acceptability of large infrastructure projects and reduce costs related to opposition and delays. The application of the framework is illustrated by a case study related to design of nuclear power plants.  相似文献   

矿井设计阶段要准确掌握矿井的开采条件,针对存在的危险有害因素在工程上采取必要的措施。优化矿井的开采巷道,合理选择开采工艺、通风系统等,促进矿井生产高效,为安全高效矿井建设奠定条件。  相似文献   

Computer-aided molecular design (CAMD) technique is a powerful tool for the design of molecules that meet a set of desirable properties. In most of the CAMD problems, the molecular physical and thermodynamic properties are often selected as the target properties, while safety and health aspects were not taken into consideration. However, certain chemical substances may cause adverse effects to human's health after prolonged and repeated exposure. Therefore, in order to ensure that the generated molecule does not bring harm and health-related risks to the consumers, it is crucial to incorporate both inherent safety and health into the existing CAMD techniques. In this work, a novel chemical product design methodology has been developed to integrate both safety and health aspects into the CAMD framework presented by a single optimisation model. The measurement of safety and health indicators are based on the molecular properties that have impact on both of these aspects. Each property is assigned with an index or penalty value based on the degree of potential hazards. A molecule with a higher index value has a higher hazard level and vice versa. Hence, a molecule that satisfies the target properties and has a low penalty value will be selected as the most reasonable choice. This new approach ensures that a product that possesses the desirable properties, and at the same time meets the safety and health criteria, is produced. A case study on the solvent design for gas sweetening process has been carried out to determine the optimal molecule.  相似文献   

桥梁工程规划设计阶段施工安全风险评估的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究表明,有相当大比例的工程事故原因可以追溯到规划设计的不当。将工程的规划设计纳入施工安全管理全过程,就是将事故防控的"关口前移"和"源头管理"的创新思路。本研究以桥梁工程领域为例,探讨了我国在规划设计阶段进行施工安全风险评估的发展思路,包括:完善基础理论、将工程实践和立法推动相结合、从在建工程的施工安全现状反推其规划设计等,为提升我国工程建设施工安全提供借鉴。崇启大桥及泰州大桥工程实践表明,安全是可"构建"的,通过施工风险评估,能够改善规划设计,降低施工安全的风险,从而减少施工过程人员的伤亡或健康危害。  相似文献   

The accident rate in the chemical process industry (CPI) has not been decreasing although majority of accident causes have been identified and could have been prevented by using existing knowledge. These recurring accidents show that the existing knowledge has not been used effectively. In this paper, accident knowledge learned from earlier accident analyses are utilized to predict the common design errors during chemical plant design. An accident prevention approach throughout process design life cycle is proposed for a safer design consideration where designers are guided to identify common design errors, accident contributors and critical points to look for. The accident prevention approach has been applied to analyze the BP Texas City Refinery Explosion and Fire tragedy.  相似文献   

为提高轮式装甲车防护地雷的能力,寻找能够实现最佳防护效果的装甲结构形式,利用ANSYS/LS-DYNA软件平台,对不同的装甲结构在爆炸载荷作用下的响应进行仿真计算。首先探究多层圆管排列方式对冲击吸能的影响,得出密排圆管结构的抗冲击能力强于齐排和交叉排列的方式。然后在爆炸载荷下对由双层密排圆管组成的夹芯层防护结构进行数值计算,并对比试验结果,验证了所建立计算模型数值模拟结果的有效性。最后由数值计算结果确定了最佳的防护结构。数值模拟和试验结果表明,防护结构的面密度增大,防护效果明显改善;相同面密度的防护结构中圆管的直径越大,圆管的压缩行程越大,防护效果越好。  相似文献   

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