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介绍了从含金废旧电子元器件及废旧镀金件中回收金的一种简易、快速、可行的新方法。  相似文献   

回收PTA废料生产增塑剂   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄又明 《化工环保》1995,15(3):145-151
介绍了扬子石化公司PTA生产过程中所排各种废料的分离提纯及回收利用,对难以回收的氧化残渣的分离回收和利用作了重点论述。提供了用所回收的TA和混合苯二甲本乡生产剂的工艺流程和工艺参数。  相似文献   

介绍了一种简便实用的含银废料中银回收的化学方法,本法具有工艺简便操作安全、技术条件易控制、污染小、适用性广和经济效益显著等优点.  相似文献   

范恩荣 《化工环保》1999,19(1):25-28
介绍了有机氯废料回收利用和净化处理的几种方法,着重介绍了低温等离子流法、氢化法、高温氯化法、火焰氧化法的工艺原理和工艺过程。  相似文献   

从胶片生产废料中回收银   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了从涂布废水,废胶片、废乳剂中回收银的工艺流程,叙述了工业试验出现的问题和采取的措施。工业试验结果表明,对从上述3种废料中得到的湿银泥,采用培烧-置换-铸锭工艺回收银,回收率大于99%,产品银锭的纯度大于99.9%。  相似文献   

从金属切削废料中回收镍和钴生产硫酸镍和氯化钴   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张银雪 《化工环保》1997,17(1):33-35
以镍钴合金切削废料为原料,通过酸溶、除铁、除铬、镍钴分离等一系列步骤,回收镍和钴,生产硫酸镍和氯化钴,通过试验确定了最佳工艺条件,并对经经济效益进行了分析。  相似文献   

以镍钴合金切削废料为原料,通过酸溶、除铁、除铬、镍钴分离等一系列步骤,回收镍和钴,生产硫酸镍和氯化钴,通过试验确定了最佳工艺条件,并对经济效益进行了分析。  相似文献   

根据Transparency MarketResearch公布的一项最新的市场研究报告显示,到2022年,全球电子废料回收市场预计将以15.7%的年复合增长率上涨至343.2亿美元。  相似文献   

娄玉良  苑士波 《化工环保》1995,15(3):167-170
对氰化钠生产中的聚合废料进行了吸附试验和氰化钠含量分析,试验结果表明,聚合废料中含有28%左右的氰化钠,其中黑褐色杂质可用活性炭吸附脱除。生产规模试验证明,用聚合废料为原料生产的硫氰酸钠,产品质量可达到装置设计指标,满足腈纶装置的使用要求。  相似文献   

近日,由佛山市技术标准研究院承担的国家质检总局科技计划项目“建筑卫生陶瓷工业废料(渣)的回收利用及相关标准研究”顺利通过广东省质量技术监督局组织的专家组鉴定验收。该项目是由佛山市技术标准研究院承担的国家质检总局科技项目,主要通过形成陶瓷废料废渣回收利用现状和途径的研究报告,为政府引导企业节能降耗提供参考的方法依据,并形成相关标准和标准体系,推广绿色陶瓷理念,增加影响力,为企业生产更高附加值的产品提供标准化战略依据。  相似文献   

废杂铜回收利用工艺技术现状及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着社会经济的发展,铜生产和消费的矛盾日益突出。废杂铜作为一种再生资源,其回收利用不仅能够缓解我国铜矿资源缺乏的现状,而且也符合国家当前节能减排和环保的要求。概述了废杂铜的回收分类和生产工艺技术现状,并对今后的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

覆铜板边角料是废弃线路板的一种,通过设计合理的电解工艺制度,对覆铜板废料上金属锡和铜进行退除.该方法无需破碎,可直接电解覆铜板废料,同时退除板上的金属锡和铜,并直接回收得到阴极电解铜产品.该方法与处理废弃线路板常用的机械物理法和化学酸浸法相比,具有成本低、能耗低、操作简单等优势.  相似文献   

Characterization of TV scrap was carried out by using a variety of methods, such as chemical analysis, particle size and shape analysis, liberation degree analysis, thermogravimetric analysis, sink-float test, and IR spectrometry. A comparison of TV scrap, personal computer scrap, and printed circuit board scrap shows that the content of non-ferrous metals and precious metals in TV scrap is much lower than that in personal computer scrap or printed circuit board scrap. It is expected that recycling of TV scrap will not be cost-effective by utilizing conventional manual disassembly. The result of particle shape analysis indicates that the non-ferrous metal particles in TV scrap formed as a variety of shapes; it is much more heterogeneous than that of plastics and printed circuit boards. Furthermore, the separability of TV scrap using density-based techniques was evaluated by the sink-float test. The result demonstrates that a high recovery of copper could be obtained by using an effective gravity separation process. Identification of plastics shows that the major plastic in TV scrap is high impact polystyrene. Gravity separation of plastics may encounter some challenges in separation of plastics from TV scrap because of specific density variations.  相似文献   

Packaging steel is more advantageously recovered and recycled than other packaging material due to its magnetic properties. The steel used for packaging is of high quality, and post-consumer waste therefore produces high-grade ferrous scrap. Recycling is thus an important issue for reducing raw material consumption, including iron ore, coal and energy. Household refuse management consists of collection/disposal, transport, and processing and treatment - incineration and composting being the most widely used methods in Spain. Total Spanish MSW production exceeds 21 million tons per year, of which 28.1% and 6.2% are treated in compost and incineration plants, respectively. This paper presents a comprehensive study of incineration and compost plants in Spain, including a review of the different processes and technologies employed and the characteristics and quality of the recovered ferrous scrap. Of the total amount of packaging steel scrap recovered from MSW, 38% comes from compost plants and 14% from incineration plants. Ferrous scrap from incineration plants presents a high degree of chemical alteration as a consequence of the thermal process to which the MSW is subjected, particularly the conditions in which the slag is cooled, and accordingly its quality diminishes. Fragmentation and magnetic separation processes produce an enhancement of the scrap quality. Ferrous scrap from compost plants has a high tin content, which negatively affects its recycling. Cleaning and detinning processes are required prior to recycling.  相似文献   

从银铅锌废渣中回收硝酸银的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡乔生 《化工环保》2001,21(4):196-199
介绍了用灼烧、浸取、沉淀、溶转和离子交换等方法,从银铅锌废渣中直接回收硝酸银,收率可达80.12%,AgNO3纯度为99.9%。考察了试料粒度、FeCl3质量浓度、溶液酸度、固液比,反应温度及浸取时间对银浸出率的影响。  相似文献   

考察了相比、水相pH、混合时间等因素对LIX84I萃取铜的影响,结果表明:这些因素对铜的萃取率都有一定的影响,最优化的条件是有机相为30%LIX84I+70%煤油、室温、相比=2:1、出口水相pH值=2.0、搅拌速度=910 r/min、萃取级数为3级,每级的时间为3 min.对铜进行三级萃取和一级反萃,可以得到符合电积要求的硫酸铜溶液,萃取率和反萃取率分别可以达到94.6%和97.8%.  相似文献   

随着我国经济社会的快速发展及城镇化水平的提高,作为基础材料的钢铁工业也随之快速发展。介绍了处于废钢产业前端的废钢采集供应、废钢铁应用企业、废钢加工设备制造业等由于钢铁工业的发展而加快转型升级,并对2011年废钢行情的总体趋势进行判断。  相似文献   

The use of cyclic experiments, where the product of one reaction becomes the starting material for the next experiment, was proposed as an effective protocol for waste minimization in an educational lab. A simple, cheap and pollution-free method was developed for recovering silver as nano-silver colloidal dispersion from waste silver chloride in the laboratories of the Faculty of Health, Safety and Environment. Silver nanoparticles of the size 5–18 nm were recovered in the presence of sodium borohydride as a reducing agent and polyvinylpyrrolidone as a stabilizer agent. The nano-silver particles were studied for their formation, structure, stability and size using UV–Vis spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy and dynamic light scattering techniques. The antibacterial assays of nanoparticles showed satisfactory results for Escherichia coli ATCC25922, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213, and Acinetobacter baumanii (Clinical isolate). A laboratory experiment was designed in which students synthesize yellow colloidal silver solution from chemical waste silver chloride and estimate particle size using visible spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Scrap material recovery and recycling companies are confronted with waste water that has a highly fluctuating flow rate and composition. Common pollutants, such as COD, nutrients and suspended solids, potentially toxic metals, polyaromatic hydrocarbons and poly chlorinated biphenyls can exceed the discharge limits. An analysis of the leaching behaviour of different scrap materials and scrap yard sweepings was performed at full-scale, pilot-scale and lab-scale in order to find possible preventive solutions for this waste water problem. The results of these leaching tests (with concentrations that frequently exceeded the Flemish discharge limits) showed the importance of regular sweeping campaigns at the company, leak proof or covered storage of specific scrap materials and oil/water separation on particular leachates. The particulate versus dissolved fraction was also studied for the pollutants. For example, up to 98% of the polyaromatic hydrocarbons, poly chlorinated biphenyls and some metals were in the particulate form. This confirms the (potential) applicability of sedimentation and filtration techniques for the treatment of the majority of the leachates, and as such the rainwater run-off as a whole.  相似文献   

The paper concerns a hydrometallurgical method for selective recovery of copper from low-grade electric and electronic wastes. The following consecutive stages were proposed: smelting of the scraps to produce Cu–Zn–Ag alloy, leaching of the alloy in ammoniacal solution, and selective copper electrowinning. Cu–Zn–Ag alloy was a polymetallic and five-phase system. It was leached in chloride, carbonate, sulfate and thiosulfate solutions. This resulted in the separation of the metals, wherein metallic tin and silver as well as lead salts remained in the slimes, while copper and zinc were transferred to the electrolyte. Copper was selectively recovered from the ammoniacal solutions by the electrolysis, leaving zinc ions in the electrolyte. The best conditions of the alloy treatment were obtained in the ammonia–carbonate system, where the final product was copper of high purity (99.9 %) at the current efficiency of 60 %. Thiosulfate solution was not applicable for the leaching of the copper alloy due to secondary reactions of the formation of copper(I) thiosulfate complexes and precipitation of copper(I) sulfide, both inhibiting dissolution of the metallic material.  相似文献   

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