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对近年来安全生产事故频发的原因进行剖析,找出症结所在,吸取经验教训,切实加强安全生产和事故的防范工作,使悲剧不再重演。  相似文献   

宋海涛  陈德舜 《安全》2001,22(3):38-40,27
龙年已经过去,蛇年刚刚起步。回顾过去的一年,我们在为伟大的祖国所取得的成就而感到欢欣鼓舞的同时,也不能不说,2000年也给我们留下了一些刻骨铭心的惨痛教训,那就是特大安全事故的频频发生,使人民的生命财产蒙受了极大的损失。  相似文献   

1 全国安全生产的基本情况   2 0 0 0年 ,各地区、各部门和广大企业职工认真贯彻落实江泽民总书记和党中央、国务院关于加强安全生产工作的一系列重要指示和全国安全生产电视电话会议精神 ,坚持“安全第一 ,预防为主”的方针 ,强化监督检查 ,狠抓事故预防 ,在安全生产方面做了大量工作 ,工矿企业职工伤亡事故呈下降趋势 ,全国安全生产形势基本保持稳定。   2 0 0 0年 ,全国共发生各类伤亡事故 83万多起、死亡 11.7万人 (详见本刊 2 0 0 1年第 2期第 14页 )。全国工矿企业发生一次死亡 10人以上的重大、特大伤亡事故共计 93起 ,死亡 2 0…  相似文献   

当前,乡镇中小企业如雨后春笋般地蓬勃发展,然而这些企业的安全生产工作亟待加强。由于长期在基层工作,笔者亲眼目睹了不少中小企业在飞速发展的过程中伴随着的惨烈的安全生产事故。这些事故给社会、给企业、职工及家庭带来了损失、痛苦。笔者在参与这些事故的调查处理工作中,对当前中小企业事故频发多发的原因及应对措施进行了如下思考:  相似文献   

2000年国内重特大事故数据   总被引:54,自引:50,他引:4  
简要介绍了2000年全国安全生产的基本情况,对重特大事故进行了不完全统计,把102起重特大事故按事故类型和行业进行了归类分析,从中得出了4个结论。  相似文献   

Occupational accidents still constitute one of the major problems in Turkey, as they do all over the world. Every year, nearly one thousand people die due to occupational accidents and two thousand people are injured, becoming temporarily or permanently disabled. This leads to social and economic problems for these people. As a result, families suffer from occupational accidents socially and psychologically. On the other hand, the economy of the country and the employers are faced with economic loss and work day loss. The aim of this study is to assess the results of occupational accidents occurring between the years 2000 and 2005 in Turkey in terms of various criteria. In this study, a fluctuation in Turkey in the number of occupational accidents between 2000 and 2005 and a downward fluctuation in the number of deaths resulting from occupational accidents have been observed. Permanent disabilities have also shown a falling trend since 2002. Occupational accidents are mostly seen in the sectors of manufacture of metal goods (except for machines), construction, the textile industry, coal mining and manufacture of transportation vehicles, while the deaths of workers and permanently disabled persons due to occupational accidents are mostly seen in the construction sector.  相似文献   

从铁路行车事故的预测问题出发,试图找到稳定有效的方法对铁路行车事故进行预测.首先引入BX数据生成法对原始数据序列进行处理,以弱化原始数据之间的随机性.建立了单因子系统云灰色SCGM(1,1)c模型,揭示铁路行车事故时序变化的发展趋势.参照原始数据的中心趋势曲线,来划分铁路行车事故状态,得到了状态转移概率矩阵.据此计算自相关系数并进行归一化,作为各步马尔可夫链的权重,提出了加权马尔可夫SCGM(1,1)c模型,以修正SCGM(1,1)c模型的预测值,对铁路行车事故总数进行了拟合和预测.结果表明:相比较而言,加权马尔可夫SCGM(1,1)c模型在对铁路行车事故的拟合和预测中均有较好的效果,拟合精度和预测精度分别达到了98.92%和96.36%.  相似文献   

基于预防事故、促进安全的考量,对我国正在起步的压水堆乏燃料干式贮存的潜在事故进行了前瞻性研究。采取预先危险性分析方法,分别对准备、运输和贮存3个工艺区域的潜在事故及其风险因素、触发条件和事故概况进行分析,得出各项事故的危险性等级;再分别对潜在事故进行后果分析和概率分析,得出各类事故的后果类别和概率类别;然后求出各项事故的风险指数,推定出外照射、衰变热移出受阻、起重机械事故所致的放射性物质泄漏和辐射屏蔽减效等4类事故的风险是不可接受的,内照射与极端灾害事件所致的放射性物质泄漏、辐射屏蔽减效和氢气爆炸等4类事故的风险是可接受的,可作为一项基础性的安全防范依据,应用于压水堆乏燃料干式贮存设施的决策、规划、设计、建设及建成后的运行管理。  相似文献   

ESP (Electronic Stability Program) has recently been introduced onto the market in an effort to reduce the number and severity of loss-of-control automobile accidents. This reduction is expected to be particularly evident for accidents on roads with low friction (e.g., wet or icy conditions). This study aimed to evaluate the statistical effectiveness of ESP using data from accidents that occurred in Sweden during 2000 to 2002. To control for exposure, induced exposure methods were used, where ESP-sensitive to ESP-insensitive accidents and road conditions were matched in relation to cars equipped with and without ESP. Cars of similar, or in some cases identical, make and model were used to isolate the role of ESP. As predicted, the study showed a positive effect of ESP in circumstances where road surfaces have low friction. The overall effectiveness was 22.1 (+/-21) percent, while for accidents on wet roads, the effectiveness increased to 31.5 (+/-23.4) percent. On roads covered with ice and snow, the corresponding effectiveness was 38.2 (+/-26.1) percent. In addition, ESP was found to be effective for three different types of cars: small front-wheel drive; large front-wheel drive; and large rear-wheel drive.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to identify components of accidents that cause the most disability and to discover the principal sources of injuries treated in the fracture clinics. Patients attending fracture clinics of the Royal Liverpool University Hospital were interviewed using a portable computer-based questionnaire, the Merseyside Accident Information Model (MAIM). Patients were followed up by telephone interview or letter to enquire about disability continuing after discharge. Disability was measured by the pre-accident to post-discharge changes in scores for 11 normal functions. Of the 1326 patients interviewed, 900 (68%) were successfully followed up and 37% reported disability after discharge. First events ‘tripping’, ‘slipping’ and ‘other underfoot events’ accounted for 433 patients (194 reporting disability), and ‘collapsed/fainted — no other event' for 66 patients (27 reporting disability). Activities at the time of accident most frequently associated with disability involved moving about on foot. Among first event objects, ground surfaces and underfoot hazards were reported in 35%. Sources of injuries included underfoot accidents (48%), sport (13%), and transport accidents (12%.). Underfoot accidents contributed to 58% of patients reporting disability, sport 6% and transport accidents 11%. Underfoot accidents together with ‘collapsed/fainted — no other event’ accounted for 79% of female patients reporting disability and 50% of men. Such data could be used for cost-effective targeting of preventative measures, and to study the effectiveness of accident prevention initiatives.  相似文献   

怎一个“瞒”字了得 2009年年初,最高人民检察院渎职侵权检察厅副厅长宋寒松在接受《法制日报》记者采访时说:“瞒报、谎报事故增多,是2008年重大安全生产事故背后渎职犯罪的特点。”最高人民检察院的统计资料显示,在2008年最高人民检察院介入调查的14起特别重大生产安全事故中,有4起是瞒报、谎报案件。  相似文献   

Statistical analysis of hazardous material accidents (HMAs) in China from 20013 to 2018 related to characteristics and consequences is discussed in this study, revealing different time volatility, spatial distribution and accident consequence features. Yearly, monthly, weekly and hourly levels of HMAs are analysed, and the corresponding factors are discussed. The trends of HMAs are affected by different factors, such as efforts toward safety-specific rectification by the government, holidays, five-day workweek systems and daily traffic peaks. The spatial distribution trends indicate that highway transportation of hazardous materials is mostly short-distance transport. The accidents that occurred on normal road sections account for 82.76% of the total HMAs during transportation. Leaking accidents caused by HMAs account for 79.35% of the total accidents. Countermeasures focusing on improving highway transportation safety for hazardous materials are recommended.  相似文献   

This paper examines effectiveness of a regulatory enforcement organization (Major industrial Accident Prevention Center, MAPC), and a grading system for implementation of the Process Safety Management (PSM) regulation in Korea. A lot of chemical installations have been built in Korea since the 1960s. The frequent occurrence of major industrial accidents had made people's concerns grow. The Korean government enacted PSM regulations in 1996 in order to curb these accidents.However, a key question is how to make sure companies comply with the PSM regulations. In order to improve company’ compliance with PSM regulations the Ministry of Employment and Labor (MOEL) responsible for the regulation introduced a grading management system in 2001 and then established special supervisory centers for enforcement of PSM regulations in 2005. This paper reviews the role and effectiveness of the system in term of PSM enforcement. The author found that the grade-based approach has encouraged employers to implement the requirements of the PSM regulations. MAPCs play an effective role in enhancing enforcement performance. Although the more chemical plants have been established in Korea, the fewer major industrial accidents have occurred since the introduction of the system. The results may be useful for the policy maker to build an effective and efficient enforcement system.  相似文献   

我国工伤事故趋势与安全生产政策干预力度量化关系分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
通过专家咨询讨论设计调研表格,采用德尔菲法对不同类安全生产政策影响度进行了量化分析.在政策干预效力分析的基础上,建立了政策时效干预度计算模型,并采用该模型计算得出1978年以来我国各年度的安全生产政策干预度分值.采用量化统计分析的方法,对1978年-2006年我国工伤事故趋势与安全生产政策干预力度的关系进行了分析,从而为我国安全生产宏观调控政策的制定与实施提供理论指导.  相似文献   

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