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Subsequent to modeling of natural attenuation processes to predict contaminant trends and plume dynamics, monitoring data were used to evaluate the effectiveness of natural attenuation at reducing contaminant concentrations in groundwater at seven fuel-contaminated sites. Predicted and observed contaminant trends at seven sites were compared in order to empirically assess the accuracy of some fundamental model input parameters and assumptions. Most of the models developed for the study sites tended to overestimate plume migration distance, source persistence, and/or the time required for the benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, and xylenes (BTEX) plumes to attenuate. Discrepancies between observed and predicted contaminant trends and plume behavior suggested that the influence of natural attenuation process may not have been accurately simulated. The conservatism of model simulations may be attributed to underestimation of natural source weathering rates, overestimation of the mass of contaminant present in the source area, and/or use of overly conservative first-order solute decay rates.  相似文献   

The present study focuses on the abundance, heavy metal content, and the impact of ecosystem engineering activities of two coal mine site-inhabiting ant species, Cataglyphis longipedem and Camponotus compressus. The abundance of Ct. longipedem increased while that of C. compressus decreased, with increasing soil pollution. Correspondence analysis reveals a close association between soil heavy metal concentrations and Ct. longipedem abundance, but this association is lacking in the case of C. compressus. Cataglyphis ants which occupy stress-characterized niches appear to be pre-adapted to tolerate heavy metal pollution. Higher concentrations of Zn and Mn in Ct. longipedem may contribute to the strengthening of the cuticular structures, necessary for nest excavation in the hard, arid soil and for single load carrying. C. compressus ants appear to be pollution sensitive. Their higher Fe content may be related to metal uptake via plant-derived liquids and species-specific regulatory mechanisms. The metal pollution index and biota-to-soil accumulation factors, calculated by using the ant body metal content of the two species, indicate an overall decrease of soil heavy metal concentrations with increase of the site age, which reflects the degree of pollution related to the mine site age. The concentrations of total and available heavy metals (Fe, Zn, Mn, Pb, and Cu) were significantly lower in the ant nest debris soil as compared to the reference soil. The results of the present study highlight the role of ants as bioindicators and in bioremediation of contaminated soil.  相似文献   

About 60,000 particles in 288 aerosol samples collected during farm work have been characterised with automated particle analysis using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS). Based on EDS-analysis of materials with known composition (potato flour, alpha-quartz, K-feldspar and beta-wollastonite), criteria were developed for classification of particles as: (1) organic, (2) silicon-rich (silica), and (3) other inorganic particles. The reproducibility of the relative mass proportions in dust samples collected during farm work was 0.078 when approximately 200 particles were characterised per sample. Field samples from the farm environment showed clear differences in composition. Generally, inorganic particles dominated the particle mass. The proportion of the organic particle mass was highest for tending of swine and poultry, 55 and 38% respectively. Silica particles amounted to 10 to 20% of the total mass during handling crops, e.g. grain, straw, hay, potatoes, and onions. It seems likely that the results can be used in etiologic studies, but further validation would be needed for quantitative purposes.  相似文献   

Mining has been carried out upstream of Miyun Reservoir, Beijing, for several decades, and has caused metal emissions to the environment, threatening human health. We conducted a soil survey to assess metal contamination in this area and to determine distribution of heavy metals in the particle size. We attempted to determine the possible sources of the metals and the significance of metals in the fine particle fractions to soil risk assessments. Thirty-four soil samples were collected, and eight samples were partitioned into seven size fractions. Most of the metal concentrations in the soils were higher than the background levels in Beijing, and the metal concentrations and total organic matter (TOC) contents generally increased as the particle size decreased. Each metal except Hg significantly positively correlated with the TOC. The metals in the coarse-grained soils were mainly derived from parent materials, but the metals in the fine fractions were mostly anthropogenic. Statistical analyses showed that there were three metal sources: Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb, and Zn had anthropogenic sources; Co, Cr, Ni, and V had mixed anthropogenic and natural sources; and As and Be had natural sources. The trace metals were primarily in the clay and fine silt fractions, and they might pose health risks through the inhalation of resuspended soil particles (PM10 and PM2.5). The elevated accumulation factors, enrichment factors, and ecological risk indices for the metals in the fine fractions suggest that risk assessments should be based on the fine particle size.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the response of three hepatic biomarkers in adult sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax, Linnaeus 1758) caged at a wastewater outlet of an oil refinery with fish caged at a pristine site used as controls. The biomarkers that were investigated were the hepatosomatic index (HSI), 7-ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) activity and glutathione-S-transferase (GST) activity. In addition, we have measured the levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and selected heavy metals (lead, cadmium, mercury, copper and zinc) in sediment samples at the polluted site. Although the polluted site had high environmental levels of PAHs and heavy metals, there was no difference in hepatic EROD activity and HSI between fish caged at the polluted site and controls. On the other hand, GST activity was significantly lower in fish caged at the polluted site compared to controls. Our results point out that the studied biomarkers have limited use in environmental risk assessment studies, at least when caged adult sea bass is used as the sentinel species and complex toxicant mixtures are involved.  相似文献   

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