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Vast networks of roads cover the earth and have numerous environmental effects including pollution. A major component of road runoff in northern countries is salt (mostly NaCl) used as a winter de-icing agent, but few studies of effects of road salts on aquatic organisms exist. Amphibians require aquatic habitats and chemical pollution is implicated as a major factor in global population declines. We exposed wood frog tadpoles to NaCl. Tests revealed 96-h LC50 values of 2,636 and 5,109 mg/l and tadpoles experienced reduced activity, weight, and displayed physical abnormalities. A 90 d chronic experiment revealed significantly lower survivorship, decreased time to metamorphosis, reduced weight and activity, and increased physical abnormalities with increasing salt concentration (0.00, 0.39, 77.50, 1,030.00 mg/l). Road salts had toxic effects on larvae at environmentally realistic concentrations with potentially far-ranging ecological impacts. More studies on the effects of road salts are warranted.  相似文献   

Concentrations of Na, Cl and total cyanide (simple+complex forms of cyanide) in surface waters adjacent to uncovered, outdoor sand-salt storage facilities were monitored for the calendar year 1988. Runoff of deicing salt from these unprotected sand-salt piles resulted in Cl concentrations up to 13,500 mg liter(-1) in surrounding surface waters indicating substantial leaching of road salt from sand-salt storage lots. The use of sodium hexacyanoferrate (II) as an anti-caking agent in road salt resulted in up to 200 microg liter(-1) total cyanide (CN) in surface waters adjacent to sand-salt piles. Concentrations of Na and Cl were highest during the summer months whereas the concentrations of total CN were highest during the autumn months. The observed concentrations of total CN were less than the calculated maximum concentrations based on total CN content of pure road salt indicating that sodium hexacyanoferrate(II) was being adsorbed during overland flow onto soils and/or sediments of the wetlands. A laboratory adsorption study using five soils and a road salt solution showed that the soils adsorbed from 25 to 83% of the sodium hexacyanoferrate(II) present in the soil-road salt suspensions. The percentage of sodium hexacyanoferrate(II) adsorbed on soils increased with decreasing soil pH.  相似文献   

An aquatic microcosm study was designed to evaluate the direct and indirect effects of a 14 day, 100 μg atrazine/L exposure on periphyton community functional and structural parameters and to determine the recovery rates of these parameters after removing the atrazine input. Direct and indirect effects were evidenced by an immediate and continual decrease in net productivity and by significantly reduced algal densities, decreased diversity, altered species composition and reduced biomass accumulation. There were substantial differences in community recovery rates with net productivity returning to control values within 16 days while little recovery in community structural parameters occurred within the 21-day time period examined.  相似文献   

A comparative study was conducted at three stations on a fourth order Nigerian stream to evaluate the effects of a road and bridge construction on the macrobenthic invertebrates of the bank-root biotope. Siltation and sedimentation appear to be the important factors affecting macroinvertebrates. At station 2, the construction site, there was a considerable reduction in the occurrence and abundance of invertebrate taxa; different groups of invertebrates showed varying responses to perturbational stress; the taxa richness, general diversity and evenness were also low. Irregular fluctuations in diversity and evenness suggested that the benthic community of station 2 was less stable than those of upstream and downstream stations. The concentrated dominance of Ephemeroptera and Coleoptera at station 2, despite low diversity, reflected the ability of a few tolerant taxa to occur there in high abundance. Faunal comparisons of the three stations confirmed the perturbational stress caused by construction activities.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the impact of concentrated pulse (16 microg litre(-1)) of the insecticide permethrin (emulsifiable concentrate) on the macroinvertebrate community of a northern Ontario headwater stream. Post-treatment drift increased by a factor of 2400 within minutes of the arrival of the insecticide. There was a significant (P<0.05) reduction in the abundance of invertebrates in most families as far as 260 m below the point of injection in both kick and artificial substrate samples. Greatest impact was observed in the mayflies, Baetis flavistriga. Heptagenia flavescens, and Epeorus sp., the stonefly, Leuctra tenuis, and the caddisfly, Dolophilodes distinctus. Diptera were not significantly reduced. The number of species occurring 100 m from the point of injection was reduced by 47%, but only by 17% at 260 m. There was no change in the per cent composition of functional feeding groups at any point after treatment. Recovery of most invertebrates was complete within 6 weeks of treatment.  相似文献   

For several years tracer migration experiments are performed at Nagra's Grimsel Test Site in the Swiss Alps as a joint undertaking of Nagra, PNC and PSI. The aim is to develop methods for field experiments at possible sites for nuclear waste repositories and to test radionuclide transport models.A hydraulic dipole field is generated in a well-defined fracture zone in granite. The tracers used are non-sorbing (uranine, 3He, 4He, 82Br, 123I), mildly sorbing (22Na+, 24Na+), and more strongly sorbing (85Sr2+, 86Rb+, 134Cs+, 137Cs+). These experiments have been complemented by extensive laboratory investigations on petrography, on water-rock and nuclide-rock interaction as well as by migration experiments with bore cores.The main questions addressed are: What are the relevant geometric factors and mechanisms for transport, how well can breakthrough curves be extrapolated from one dipole arrangement to another, which parameters are scale dependent, is there a difference in sorption values between laboratory and field experiments or between static and dynamic experiments. Evaluating the experimental results for the non-sorbing uranine and the mildly sorbing tracers sorption, Strontium, we show that a consistent picture of tracer transport, and specifically of tracer sorption, is obtained when exploiting all available experimental information and using not too simplistic models.  相似文献   

Microcosm experiments have been carried out with whole natural meiobenthic communities to look at the effects of TBT sediment contamination on the community structure of the dominant nematode component of the meiobenthos. TBT has a high affinity for aquatic sediments, yet this is the first study of the effects of this contaminant in sediment on natural benthic communities. Three communities were studied from contrasting locations in south-west England: the intertidal of the Lynher estuary (muddy sediment) and the Exe estuary (sandy sediment) and the subtidal (50m depth) at Rame Head off Plymouth (muddy sand). Fresh sediment with natural meiobenthic communities was incubated for 2 months with TBT-contaminated sediment (three dose levels) in bottles. Nematodes were identified and enumerated and subjected to multivariate data analysis. The sandy Exe estuary fauna was significantly affected by TBT-contaminated sediment at all three doses (0.3, 0.6 and 0.9 microg g(-1) dry wt (as Sn) sediment), whereas the offshore fauna from Rame Head was significantly affected only at the highest dose. The muddy Lynher estuary meiofauna was affected (somewhat peculiarly) at the medium dose level only. Meiobenthic nematodes may not be as sensitive to TBT-contaminated sediment as other infaunal benthos but exhibited responses to levels of contamination still persisting in some UK estuaries and harbours. Comparing the effects of TBT with those of copper and zinc in the same laboratory experiments, our observations suggest that the relative impact of TBT on meiobenthic community structure is not as great as these contaminants in marine sediments. Although there are very few observations of TBT toxicity in sediment, it appears that TBT is toxic at much lower concentrations in seawater (ppb) than it is in sediment (ppm).  相似文献   

Laboratory tests of fipronil and its degradation products have revealed acute lethal toxicity at very low concentrations (LC50) of <0.5 microg/L to selected aquatic macroinvertebrates. In streams draining basins with intensive rice cultivation in southwestern Louisiana, USA, concentrations of fipronil compounds were an order of magnitude larger than the LC50. The abundance (rho=-0.64; p=0.015) and taxa richness (r2=0.515, p<0.005) of macroinvertebrate communities declined significantly with increases in concentrations of fipronil compounds and rice-cultivation land-use intensity. Macroinvertebrate community tolerance scores increased linearly (r2=0.442, p<0.005) with increases in the percentage of rice cultivation in the basins, indicating increasingly degraded stream conditions. Similarly, macroinvertebrate community-tolerance scores increased rapidly as fipronil concentrations approached about 1 microg/L. Pesticide toxicity index determinations indicated that aquatic macroinvertebrates respond to a gradient of fipronil compounds in water although stream size and habitat cannot be ruled out as contributing influences.  相似文献   

A baseline survey of macroinvertebrate populations in two mine-water treatment wetlands, one treating a net acidic spoil heap discharge and one a net alkaline ferruginous pumped mine water, was undertaken to assess the potential of these systems to provide habitats for faunal communities. Both wetlands were found to be impoverished in comparison to natural wetlands but did sustain a macroinvertebrate community that could support higher organisms. Wetland size and water quality in terms of pH, conductivity and metal concentrations were found to be important factors in determining the quality of the populations supported. Direct toxicity to organisms was unlikely to be the main cause of lower diversity, but the smothering of organisms via the precipitation of iron hydroxides particularly in the early parts of the treatment systems affected macroinvertebrate communities. The presence of areas of open water within the planted systems was found to be important for providing habitats for macroinvertebrates and this should be both a future design and maintenance consideration for environmental managers.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the history and development of biological water quality assessment using macroinvertebrates in Europe, and critically evaluates each of the principal approaches used. As the biotic approach incorporates the most highly regarded features of the saprobic and diversity approaches, it has received the most attention in recent years. Most modern biotic index and score systems have evolved from the Trent Biotic Index, through a series of refinements and adaptations (i.e. the Extended Biotic Index, Chandler's Score, Indice Biotique) into the two modern systems. These methods are the Biological Monitoring Working Party System, used mainly in Great Britain, and the Belgian Biotic Index Method. The results of these techniques are now influencing policy decisions concerning surface water management in Europe, where macroinvertebrate community assessment are being used as a planning tool for managing water uses, for ambient monitoring, and for evaluating the effectiveness of pollution control measures. New research directions aimed at improving the performance of bioassessment techniques are being explored. These include defining reference communities based on stream typology which can then be used to set water quality objectives, and applying these methods to the assessment of toxic pollution.  相似文献   

Metazachlor is a frequently used herbicide with concentrations in surface waters up to 100 microg L(-1). A long-term mesocosm study was performed in order to investigate effects on stream and pond communities also regarding recovery. Single metazachlor doses of 5, 20, 80, 200, and 500 microg L(-1) were given and the aquatic communities monitored for 140 days. In this paper, special attention is paid to the plankton response and the results of the entire study are summarised. Metazachlor strongly affected the stream and pond mesocosm communities at concentrations higher than 5 microg L(-1). Direct negative effects were most prominent for chlorophytes whereas diatoms and cryptophytes seemed insensitive. The effects on zooplankton were caused by changes in habitat structure due to the strong decline of macrophytes. The slow degradation of metazachlor combined with the absence of recovery in both chlorophytes and macrophytes is likely to cause long-lasting effects on aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Crushed limestone (200 tonnes) was spread in bars on the bed of an acidic brook (mean pH 5.0) in Nova Scotia, Canada. A seasonally variable but significant increase in pH of running water resulted, and a longitudinal pH gradient over the limed section extended to the mouth of the brook. The effectiveness persisted after 3 years, during which pH downstream of the limestone increased an average of 0.4 pH units (range < 0.1-1.3 pH units) along with significantly increased Ca, Mg and acid neutralizing capacity. Total and exchangeable Al were not altered by the limestone and non-exchangeable forms dominated. The interstitial water was nearly neutral (mean pH 7.1) in limestone beds but it was acidic (mean pH 5.4) in gravel beds of the control section upstream. Spawning Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) dug three times more redds in gravel of the limed section than in the control. Salmon fry survived and they were significantly more abundant in the limed section than in the control. The density of juvenile salmon increased over time, indicating a recovery of the population. The density of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) also increased and trout fry were usually more abundant in the limed section than in the control. The observed benefits for salmonids suggest that small-scale application of limestone to stream beds and spawning sites can be used to mitigate the effects of low stream pH.  相似文献   

Peart MR 《Chemosphere》2000,41(1-2):25-31
Hong Kong experiences acid deposition, however, little is known about the potential impact upon aquatic ecosystems. In a small drainage basin observations reveal that despite acid rain runoff, both baseflow and stormflow, was close to neutral in terms of pH. During storm events chemical analysis reveals that calcium (Ca) concentrations tended to rise. It also appears that the input of acid rain may increase aluminium (Al) levels in the stream. Due to the increased levels of Ca and only slight changes in pH acid deposition may not be generating problems in this stream. The presence of mayflies reported elsewhere may further support the results of the chemical study.  相似文献   

Field and laboratory studies were conducted to investigate the persistence of chlordane in the aquatic and terrestrial environment. The laboratory data show that the transformation and loss of the chlordane constituents is dependent on soil characteristics. The overall rate of loss is also dependent on the depth of application, being significantly lower at greater depths. The field data show a strong correlation between urban development and residue concentration levels.  相似文献   

Elevated levels of copper and zinc in sediment have been shown to adversely affect estuarine infauna. We investigated the additivity of the combined effects of copper and zinc on infaunal recolonisation through a manipulative field experiment in Orewa estuary, New Zealand, using defaunated sediment discs treated with these metals. The nature of their combined effects varied among infaunal taxa and the particular variables being examined. Additive effects were detected for species richness, for the mean log abundances of the polychaetes Prionospio sp. and Scoloplos cylindrifer and for the multivariate response of the community as a whole. Antagonistic effects were detected for the mean log abundances of total infauna and the polychaete Heteromastus sp. Characterising the potentially interactive nature of the combined effects of multiple heavy metals is essential in order to build predictive models of future environmental impacts of metal accumulation in estuarine sediments.  相似文献   

Macroinvertebrate communities and environmental variables were assessed seasonally for 1 year in a temporary river in South Portugal receiving an effluent with high conductivity, pH, sulphates, nitrates and low oxygen content. The usefulness of the ordination method canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) and the classification method cluster analysis (UPGMA) were examined to evaluate the perturbation. Macroinvertebrate samples were segregated along the first ordination axis by CCA, which in turn correlated with sulphates and nitrates. CCA produced a two-dimensional distribution of sites similar to the grouping formed by cluster analysis. In general, three or four groups were distinguished. Immediately downstream of the effluent discharge point, only taxa tolerant to low oxygen, high pH and high sulphate and nitrate concentrations were present. Further downstream, sites had a community similar to the reference sampling locations. During flowing conditions the CCA ordination axis 1 was also correlated with several classic measures of water quality (i.e. taxon richness, diversity and biotic indices). In other periods, only the percentage of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (%EPT) and the ratio EPT/(Chironomidae + EPT) were significantly correlated with CCA axis one. This suggests that ordination methods outperform benthic indices in detecting pollution during low flows and segregated polluted from clean/recovered sites in all periods.  相似文献   

Triasulfuron, a member of the sulfonylureas class of herbicides, was tested under laboratory conditions on the collembolan Onychiurus pseudogranulosus. Pure triasulfuron and commercial formulations at different rates (starting from a dose about 5 times the recommended agricultural rate) were tested separately on one-week old juveniles and adults reared in the laboratory. The persistence of the herbicide at the end of the trials lasting 30 and 60 days was verified by HPLC analysis. Laboratory tests indicated that only the rates exceeding 500 times the soil concentration expected soon after field application of the herbicide directly affected the tested species.  相似文献   

As it flows through a dense steelmaking area, the Fensch River does transport iron-rich particles and colloids, displaying high contents in metallic contaminants (Zn, Cr, Pb, Cu, Ni, and As). Chemical analysis using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) was carried out on three compartments—waters, suspended materials, and sediments—along the river linear. The variations of metallic trace element concentrations along the river were shown to be partially related to external inputs (industrial and domestic wastewaters and urban surfaces leaching). However, some discrepancies of element partitioning were evidenced. Pb, Cu, and Mn tend to concentrate in suspended particulate and in dissolved fraction, while Cr and As follow the trend of Fe and concentrate within sediments of the most downstream station, just before the junction with Moselle waters. Zn appears strongly associated to iron-rich particles, resulting in a decrease of its concentration in waters for the last station. Along the Fensch linear, the variation of metal partitioning between water and particulate phases is accompanied with strong modifications of the nature and mineralogy of iron-rich particles, as evidenced by microanalyses using electron and X-ray beams. The combination of bulk analyses using ICP-MS and microanalyses applied to the three compartments allowed us to propose a three-step process “settling–weathering–resuspension” to explain Zn partitioning.  相似文献   

Atmospheric emission inventories are important tools for studying air quality and to set up possible remediation plans in areas characterised by nonattainment of the limit values established by legislation. In industrialised countries a considerable fraction of the emissions is due to road traffic, in particular in urban areas. For this reason emissions from road traffic must be estimated as accurately as possible, a task that can be performed, for the European vehicle fleet, thanks to the availability of the COPERT III methodology. This methodology is powerful and accurate, even if its algorithms can be difficult to apply in a regional emission inventory; moreover the collection of the necessary input data requires a lot of resources and time. This paper describes the road traffic emission inventory estimated for Region Sardinia (Italy) with a bottom-up approach. The estimation has been done by means of a software tool (EMITRA—EMIssions from road TRAnsport) which implements the COPERT III methodology. The resulting emission inventory has been compared against another emission inventory for Sardinia and against emission inventories for other Italian regions, to evaluate its reliability.  相似文献   

Spartina alterniflora plants were collected from salt marshes within New Jersey, South Carolina, and Georgia USA and shipped to The Pennsylvania State University. New plants were grown from rhizomes in six open-top field chambers. Three chambers received charcoal-filtered air, and three received charcoal-filtered air plus 80 ppb ozone, 8 h/day for 65 days. Flower, leaf, and shoot number per plant were recorded weekly. Photosynthetic rates were measured in week 5, and foliar injury was assessed during week 9. Final dry weight of roots, shoots, and rhizomes were determined. While ozone-treated plants from all states expressed symptoms of ozone injury, plants from South Carolina exhibited no effect of ozone on any other measured variable. Plants from the Georgia site showed ozone-induced reductions in all measured variables except leaf dry weight. Ozone-treated plants from New Jersey showed reductions in photosynthetic rate, leaf and shoot number, and root dry weights. Only plants from New Jersey produced flowers, with ozone treatment causing delay in flowering and reduction in the number of flower spikes produced.  相似文献   

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