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正肇庆瓷土矿资源较为丰富,但多年来,肇庆市瓷土矿开采形式粗放,一些矿山企业在开发过程中不注意环境保护,不依法履行矿山生态环境治理恢复义务,致使矿山及周边地区生态环境破坏严重,同时,因瓷土矿运输超限超载现象也直接造成公路损毁。为规范瓷土矿开发秩序,今年肇庆对全市瓷土矿进行全面整治,要求矿山企业要因地制宜、结合实际加快改造升级、逐步达到绿色矿山建设要求。  相似文献   

文章结合宜昌市露天矿山开采和修复现状,重点分析了湖北长江三峡地区露天矿山存在的生态环境问题。结果表明:矿山企业主体责任缺失,环境治理水平总体较低;废弃资源循环利用率低,生态修复效果欠佳;开采作业粗放,地质安全隐患突出;部门监管缺失,存在违法开采现象;制度、人才、资金等保障不足。在调研国内矿山生态修复政策规范及典型经验的基础上,提出露天矿山生态修复的对策措施,包括压实矿山企业主体责任,统筹推进污染治理、生态修复、资源循环和地灾防治;坚持自然修复和人工修复相结合,精准施策,提升废弃资源循环利用水平;实行党政同责、一矿一策,加强矿山源头管控和日常监管;强化执法监管和绿色准入,加大教育帮扶力度,探索实行矿山行业“双碳”约束;强化要素保障,创新露天矿山生态修复的体制机制。  相似文献   

华东地区矿产资源开发现状   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
全区有各种类型矿山企业近2.3万个,矿产开发从业人员近180万人,资源开发涉及的矿种多,数量大。但是华东地区不同类型矿产开发存在较大差异。本文对华东地区不同类型矿产的开发状况包括不同类型矿山数量、规模、矿山企业类型、选矿及开采方式等进行了系统分析,指出华东地区矿产资源开发存在的问题,提出了该区矿产资源开发规划建议。  相似文献   

随着露天煤矿的开发和利用,矿山的环境问题已经引起社会上的广泛关注和思考。本文针对露天煤矿开采对生态环境的破坏与影响,从开采设备的选取、合理运输系统确定、数字矿山的建立、资源的合理利用等多个方面阐述了解决露天煤矿环境问题的方法.从而使矿山企业走上绿色、环保、高效的可持续发展道路。  相似文献   

抚顺矿业集团有限责任公司老虎台矿是一个拥有百年开采历史的井工矿井,矿井位于抚顺煤田中部。该矿曾先后荣获全国"五一"劳动奖状、全国安全生产先进单位、全国煤炭工业节能减排先进企业等荣誉称号。老虎台矿坚持依法从严治矿、科技兴矿发展战略,以构建和谐矿山为己任,企业经济效益不断攀升,是  相似文献   

美国矿床(山)环境地球化学研究动态及我国对策   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
矿床的开采所引发的环境问题越来越引起人们的重视,矿床环境地球化学研究成为一个重要研究领域。自20世纪90年代以来,美国在此领域取得了一些重要研究成果,文章对美国在矿床环境地球化学作用、矿床的地球化学背景和基准值、矿山(床)酸性排水和特殊矿床的环境效应等方面的最新研究成果进行总结,旨在为我国开展这方面的工作提供参考资料。作者建议我国应适时启动矿床(山)环境地球化学研究,特别是研究全国地球化学扫面资料在矿床环境方面的应用、流域性矿集区环境地球化学作用及其与生态关系、矿山环境治理(矿山复垦或矿山酸性排水降解)中地球化学作用机理等。  相似文献   

矿山企业在资源开采中对生态环境破坏严重,这不仅与生态文明建设极不协调,也难以确保可持续性发展.因此,本文提供了对矿山生态环境保护和恢复治理的指导思想和目标措施,旨在于共同加快对环境的保护恢复且见到成效.  相似文献   

小型煤矿环境地质问题及防治对策--以湖南涟源地区为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
湖南涟源地区煤矿多属小型矿山,但小煤矿的开采同样会引起诸多环境地质问题,如瓦斯灾害、煤矿水灾、地裂缝与矿坑疏干排水引起的地面岩溶塌陷、煤矸石堆放破坏土石环境等,这些问题需要评估和解决.笔者针对上述问题进行了成因分析、规律探讨,并对每项环境问题提出了保护与治理方案.  相似文献   

正河钢集团滦县司家营铁矿有限公司(以下简称"司家营铁矿"),隶属于河钢集团矿业有限公司,成立以来,先后被原国土资源部评为"矿产资源节约与综合利用专项优秀矿山企业"(荣获2000万元奖励资金)、获"矿产资源节约与综合利用先进适用技术推广应用示范矿山"等荣誉称号,被中国矿业联合会评为全国绿色矿山学习观摩基地,被中国钢铁工业协会和中国冶金矿山企业协会联合评选为"第四届全国冶金矿山十佳厂矿"荣誉称号,是河北省十佳绿色矿山、河北省园林式单位、河北省工业旅游示范点、河北省模范职工之家、河北省设备管理创新成果评估卓越贡献企业,并被评为非煤矿山安全生产标准化二级企业、河北省先进企业质量文化奖。  相似文献   

绿色矿山是我国能源开采行业发展的必经之路,绿色矿山不仅满足了我国可持续发展的战略需求,也为能源开采行业的发展,提供了更加科学的途径,促进了矿企的健康发展.文章主要对能源开采带来的问题进行分析,并结合绿色矿山建设的现状,提出环保技术在绿色矿山建设中应用的措施.  相似文献   

Small-scale mining (SSM) has had unprecedented growth in Zambia during the past decade. The sector now produces a variety of commodities, especially gemstones, building and industrial minerals. From a structural and technical perspective, SSM is conducted on a very rudimentary level using basic tools such as picks and shovel, and occasionally, mechanized equipment. The environmental degradation caused by SSM is also growing with the intensification of activities in the country. Meanwhile, institutions responsible for managing the environment are unable to effectively carry out regulatory and monitoring mandates due to inadequate resources. Although current legislation appears to be adequate in many respects, time has now come to amend the Mines and Minerals Act (1995) so that it becomes mandatory for all mining activities, including small-scale mines, to submit environmental impact assessment reports before a license to mine or explore can be granted. Strategies to eliminate illegal mining, enhancement of miners’ technical skills, and mine responsibly must also be placed high on the agenda. This paper focuses on the major issues affecting cleaner production in the Zambian SSM sector including, environmental complications, pertinent mining environmental legislation, and the institutions involved. It concludes by suggesting possible interventions to minimize environmental impacts in the sector.  相似文献   

Although small-scale mining provides a wealth of socioeconomic benefits to the rural inhabitants of developing countries, there is often total disregard for the environment industry-wide. This paper focuses upon some of the key environmental issues in the Indian small-scale mining industry. The geo-environmental factors constraining the mining of the Himalayan limestone, magnetite, phosphate, and polymetallic sulphur ore deposits are discussed, and the environmental impacts of small-scale operations working prospective deposits are detailed. The paper further examines the schematics of the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) adopted for small-scale mines in India. It is concluded, however, that widespread environmental improvement can only be achieved industry-wide if additional mining cooperatives are formed, and the Indian Government, through their Department of Environment, oversees the implementation of effective mitigation practices for small scale-mines, particularly at the university level.  相似文献   

Climate is an important component of the operating environment for the Canadian mining sector. However, in recent years mines across Canada have been affected by significant climatic hazards, several which are regarded to be symptomatic of climate change. For the mining sector, climate change is a pressing environmental threat and a significant business risk. The extent to which the mining sector is able to mitigate its own impact and adapt to climate change will affect its long-term success and prosperity, and have profound economic consequences for host communities. This paper draws upon case studies conducted with mining operations in Canada involving in-depth interviews with mining professionals and analysis of secondary sources to characterize the vulnerability of the Canadian mining industry to climate change. Five key findings are discussed: i) mines in the case studies are affected by climate events that are indicative of climate change, with examples of negative impacts over the past decade; ii) most mine infrastructure has been designed assuming that the climate is not changing; iii) most industry stakeholders interviewed view climate change as a minor concern; iv) limited adaption planning for future climate change is underway; v) significant vulnerabilities exist in the post-operational phase of mines. This paper argues for greater collaboration among mining companies, regulators, scientists and other industry stakeholders to develop practical adaptation strategies that can be integrated into existing and new mine operations, including in the post-operational phase.  相似文献   

India is among the top ten mineral producing nations in the world and its economy depends on the value of minerals produced. Although mineral production has increased significantly since the country’s independence, what continues to be overlooked in is the contribution of resident small-scale mines to national mineral output. Approximately 90% of India’s mines are operating on a small-scale, employing some 0.5 million people. However, because of their rudimentary and highly migratory nature, these operations feature poor environmental management practices and safety conditions. This paper examines the unique techno-economic and socio-cultural characteristics of selected small-scale mining regions in India. It furthermore underscores the need for cleaner production in these regions, and outlines a series of legislative measures pertinent to the industry. The paper concludes by identifying educational- and training-related initiatives, which, if undertaken, could facilitate additional environmental improvement at sites.  相似文献   

《Journal of Cleaner Production》2006,14(12-13):1085-1095
Responsible Life Cycle Management (LCM) of mines has received much attention in the South African legislation. However, there is currently a mis-alignment between the mining industry and the various government authorities pertaining to the issue of mine closure or end-of-life management. The main reasons for this are unclear and unformulated approaches to rehabilitation with a subsequent legacy of unsuccessful mine closures that have wrongly been issued by the government from a sustainability perspective; this has posed an excessive economical burden for the mining industry. In this paper, a Mine Closure Model (MCM) based on project management principles, including risk management and concurrent engineering, is proposed to manage the closure process and assist the governing body with the effective evaluation of closures and the issuance of certificates. Mine closure or rehabilitation objectives can be achieved whilst managing the resources (of industry) optimally and aligning the closure process to meet the end requirements of stakeholder groups.  相似文献   

Non-metallic mineral resources, albeit very important to meet the needs of the Brazilian population and for exportation, are ill-favored by governments and ignored by the public. Most of this mining is performed by small-scale companies and informal operations that cause extensive and widespread environmental damages. In addition to examining the current state of the industry and its environmental impacts, this paper outlines a series of initiatives for improving (environmental) performance. The suggestions made include improved coordination among public entities responsible for the control of the mining sector; the undertaking of environmental management and reclamation initiatives; research and diffusion of mining and environmental technology; the development and implementation of appropriate licensing procedures for small-scale mines; and the reviewing of environmental impact evaluation and enforcement procedures, and improved regional planning. It is concluded, however, that the proposals will only become a reality if the necessary political actions are taken, and are supported by adequate financing and technical assistance.  相似文献   

我国属于淡水资源贫乏国家的行列,特别在一些矿区,缺水现象尤为严重.与此同时.若矿井水经井下水泵提升到地面以后,未经处理就直接外排,一方面造成了水资源的严重浪费,加剧了水危机,另一方面也造成了矿区周边环境的严重污染.因此,研究的主要内容就是如何合理有效地利用这部分水,使它变废为宝,既提高水资源的利用率,又改善周边环境,迭到矿区的可持续发展.  相似文献   

安徽省绿色矿山建设标准,遵循行业标准的基本要求,针对安徽矿业发展实际,采用开采方式合并矿种的新分类,分为露天开采金属矿绿色矿山建设要求(DB 34/T 3249-2018)、露天开采非金属矿绿色矿山建设要求(DB 34/T 3248-2018)、井采煤矿绿色矿山建设要求(DB 34/T 3247-2018)、地下开采金属矿绿色矿山建设要求(编制中)。新构建的标准体系简洁清晰,突出了采矿、选矿和生态修复等多环节。关键技术指标更加精准,编制完成并颁布实施的3项标准,新增了14项定量指标和90项定性指标,其中14项定量指标高于行业标准。标准颁布实施两年来,引领了安徽省绿色矿山建设,经济、社会和生态效益显著,为相关管理办法和标准的制定提供技术依据。  相似文献   

矿山的开采为国家带来了很多资源和经济效益,但同时也引发了很多地质灾害,如何减少和避免灾害的发生是一件至关重要的事.本文以云南省龙井沟铜矿矿山地质灾害危险性评估为例,对类似小型矿山地质灾害危险性评估的方法和主要技术问题进行探讨,力求为类似小型矿山的地质灾害评估提供一点借鉴之处.  相似文献   

The rudimentary nature of small-scale gold mining activities often generates a legacy of extensive degradation and deplorable social conditions, both during and after activities have ceased. Small-scale mining usually involves the extraction of secondary gold from placer deposits (alluvial, colluvial or elluvial), which can be liberated and treated using gravity methods. In the Guianas, the most popular form of small-scale gold mining is referred to as “land dredging”, a combination of hydraulicking and suction dredging. This method requires application of large volumes of water for both mining and mineral processing; in most cases, there are no containment structures for the waste tailings generated. Mercury, a dangerous pollutant, is the preferred method employed by small-scale miners for gold recovery. Gold extraction using mercury is comprised of the following four stages: (1) amalgamation, (2) separation of amalgamation, (3) removal of excess mercury, and (4) burning of the remaining amalgam to produce a gold sponge. Mercury can be released into the environment at each stage, which makes the promotion of mercury-free alternatives imperative.Technical alternatives for small-scale gold mining, however, must be thoroughly evaluated, pre-tested, modified accordingly and successfully transferred. Moreover, technology must be inexpensive, relatively simple and easy to adapt, while allowing a rapid rate of return. WWF-Guianas is working with the regulatory agencies and other relevant stakeholders of the Guianas to reduce the environmental footprints caused by small-scale mining. The major aspects of this program are to develop the capacity and regulatory mechanisms within the local government, to promote mercury-free technology, and monitor mercury in the environment. This paper reviews the alternative technologies being investigated by the WWF-Guianas for use in the small-scale gold mining industry.  相似文献   

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