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Triclosan (TCS) is an antimicrobial agent widely used in many personal care products. This study investigated the occurrence of TCS in effluents, biosolids and surface waters, and its fate in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). The aqueous concentrations of TCS in nineteen effluents from Australian WWTPs ranged from 23 ng/L to 434 ng/L with a median concentration of 108 ng/L, while its concentrations in nineteen biosolids ranged from 0.09 mg/kg to 16.79 mg/kg on dry weight basis with a median concentration of 2.32 mg/kg. The removal rates for TCS in five selected WWTPs were found to range between 72% and 93%. Biological degradation was believed to be the predominant removal mechanism for TCS in the WWTPs. However, adsorption onto sludge also played a significant role in the removal of TCS in the WWTPs. TCS at concentrations up to 75 ng/L was detected in surface waters (outfall, upstream, and downstream) from five rivers receiving effluent discharge from WWTPs. Preliminary risk assessment based on the worst-case scenario showed that the TCS concentrations in surface waters might lead to risks to aquatic organisms such as algae. Based on the TCS levels in the biosolids, application of biosolids on agricultural land may also cause adverse effects in the soil environment.  相似文献   

The study reported and analyzed the current state of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in urban China from the perspective of treatment technologies, pollutant removals, operating load and effluent discharge standards. By the end of 2013, 3508 WWTPs have been built in 31 provinces and cities in China with a total treatment capacity of 1.48 × 108 m3/d. The uneven population distribution between China's east and west regions has resulted in notably different economic development outcomes. The technologies mostly used in WWTPs are AAO and oxidation ditch, which account for over 50% of the existing WWTPs. According to statistics, the efficiencies of COD and NH3–N removal are good in 656 WWTPs in 70 cities. The overall average COD removal is over 88% with few regional differences. The average removal efficiency of NH3–N is up to 80%. Large differences exist between the operating loads applied in different WWTPs. The average operating loading rate is approximately 83%, and 52% of WWTPs operate at loadings of < 80%, treating up to 40% of the wastewater generated. The implementation of discharge standards has been low. Approximately 28% of WWTPs that achieved the Grade I-A Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant (GB 18918–2002) were constructed after 2010. The sludge treatment and recycling rates are only 25%, and approximately 15% of wastewater is inefficiently treated. Approximately 60% of WWTPs have capacities of 1 × 104 m3/d–5 × 104 m3/d. Relatively high energy consumption is required for small-scale processing, and the utilization rate of recycled wastewater is low. The challenges of WWTPs are discussed with the aim of developing rational criteria and appropriate technologies for water recycling. Suggestions regarding potential technical and administrative measures are provided.  相似文献   

The occurrence of four anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, ibuprofen, ketoprofen and naproxen), an antiepileptic drug (carbamazepine) and a nervous stimulant (caffeine) in influent and effluent samples from four wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in Seville was evaluated. Removal rates in the WWTPs and risk assessment of the pharmaceutically active compounds have been studied. Analytical determination was carried out by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with diode array (DAD) and fluorescence (Fl) detectors after sample clean up and concentration by solid phase extraction. All pharmaceutically active compounds, except diclofenac, were detected not only in wastewater influents but also in wastewater effluents. Mean concentrations of caffeine, carbamazepine, ketoprofen and naproxen ranged between 0.28-11.44 microg l(-1) and 0.21-2.62 microg l(-1) in influent and effluent wastewater, respectively. Ibuprofen was present in the highest concentrations in the range 12.13-373.11 microg l(-1) and 0.78-48.24 microg l(-1) in influent and effluent wastewater, respectively. Removal rates of the pharmaceuticals ranged between 6 and 98%. Risk quotients, expressed as ratios between the measured environmental concentration (MEC) and the predicted no effect concentrations (PNEC) were higher than 1 for ibuprofen and naproxen in influent wastewater and for ibuprofen in effluent wastewater.  相似文献   

Chemical (gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, GC-MS) and biological (E-Screen assay) analyses were used to determine the concentrations of 15 endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) and estrogen equivalent (EEq) in grab and passive samples from five municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in South East Queensland, Australia. EEq concentrations derived by E-Screen assays for the grab samples were between 108-356 ng/L for the influents and < 1-14.8 ng/L for the effluents with the exception of one effluent sample which was at 67.8 ng/L EEq. The EDC concentrations and EEq values for the passive samples were several times lower than those of the grab samples: a decrease probably caused by, but not limited to biofouling, low flow rate, biodegradation and temperature which can progressively reduce the uptake of compounds into the sampler. At this stage, grab sampling is the most reliable method for field monitoring; nevertheless, passive sampler is a useful sampling tool but the method requires more research to ensure that the information obtained can be interpreted appropriately. Although alkylphenols and phthalates were detected at higher concentrations in the wastewater samples as compared to natural hormones, the environmental risk may be negligible as their estrogenic potencies are several orders of magnitude lower than that of the natural estrogens. In most wastewater samples, the natural estrogens contributed to 60% or more of the EEq value. Removal efficacy of most estrogenic and xenoestrogenic compounds from the conventional activated sludge or biological nutrient removal (BNR) WWTPs monitored in this study was in the range of 80-> 99%. The efficiency of the WWTPs in removing estrogenic activity was > 95%. The EEqs of the E-Screen and those calculated from the results of extensive chemical analyses using the estradiol equivalency factors were comparable for most of the WWTPs samples.  相似文献   

A method was developed for the simultaneous determination of almost 40 pharmaceuticals; including antidepressants, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, analgesics, hypolipidemics, α- and β-blockers, an anti cancer drug, anti-fungal agents, an opiate, an antibiotic, an anti-coagulant, a diuretic, an anti-anginal and an anti-diabetic compound. This was used to assess the contribution of pharmaceuticals originating from hospital effluents to one of Oslo city's wastewater treatment works. Some pharmaceuticals were found to contribute to more of the wastewater loading than others. 11% of the propranolol entering the wastewater treatment works stems from hospital effluent, approximately 2% of the atenolol, carbemazepine, metaprolol and atorvastatin, and for several other compounds the contribution is less than 1%.This assessment shows that point sources discharges from hospitals typically make a small contribution to the overall pharmaceutical load when compared to municipal areas, however this varies from substance to substance and is not the case when a drug's use is primarily hospital based.  相似文献   

In this study, occurrence of 66 PPCPs (pharmaceuticals and personal care products) in liquid and solid phases of sewage sludge was elucidated. The extraction methods for the PPCPs from sludge were newly developed employing Pressurized Liquid Extraction (PLE) and Ultrasonic Solvent Extraction (USE). As an appropriate method, PLE using water (pH2), PLE using methanol (pH4), and USE using mixture of methanol and water (1/9,v/v, pH11) was found most effective because total recovery of most of the PPCPs indicated 40 to 130%. The developed extraction method with previously developed method for liquid phase analysis was applied to field survey at wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in Japan. 56 compounds were detected from the primary sludge and 61 compounds were detected from the excess sludge. The concentration was ranged between several ng/g and several μg/g. Solid-water distribution coefficient (Log Kd) ranged between 0.9 L/kg (Caffeine) and 3.7 L/kg (Levofloxacin) for primary sludge and between 1.4 L/kg (Sulpirid) and 4.3 L/kg (Mefenamic acid) for excess sludge.  相似文献   

The presence of nitrogenous organic compounds in raw water sources for municipal supplies is of environmental concern because many of them exert significant chlorine demand, while some produce complex stable mutagenic products upon chlorination or are precursors to haloform formation. Seven N-organic compounds have been identified in municipal water concentrates (adenine, 5-chlorouracil, cytosine, guanine, purine, thymine, and uracil) at concentrations ranging from 20 to 860 μg/L. Eight compounds (adenine, cytosine, purine, pyrrole, thymine, tryptophan, tyrosine, and uracil) have been found in filtrates from cultures of either Anabaena flos aquae or Oscillatoria tenuis. Calculated CHCl3 levels which might have formed at pH 7 in the water supplies were well below the maximum contaminant level (MCL) of 0.1 mg/L proposed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) for total trihalogenated methanes. Calculated levels of CHCl3 which might have been formed under more alkaline conditions, however, were more than 10% of the MCL and were therefore significant. Calculated levels of combined forms of chlorine yielding falsely positive tests for free chlorine in some samples were slightly less or exceeded the 0.5 mg/L free chlorine residual generally taken as an acceptable level of disinfection. The demonstration of a parallel increase in organic nitrogen content with population density in two laboratory grown blue-green algal cultures, and the finding of elevated organic nitrogen values in a water supply sample collected during the occurrence of a blue-green algal bloom, suggested that summer algal bloom occurrence can add considerably to the organic nitrogen content and the trihalomethane potential of water supplies.  相似文献   

The discovery of antibiotics is considered one of the most significant scientific achievements of the 20th century, revolutionizing both human and veterinary medicine. However, antibiotics have been recently recognized as an emerging class of environmental contaminants since they have been massively administrated in humans and animals and persist in the environment through a complex vicious cycle of transformation and bioaccumulation. The diffusion of antibiotics in the environment, particularly in natural water systems, contributes to the development and global dissemination of antibiotic resistance. This phenomenon is one of the most important challenges to the health care sector in the 21st century. As a result, studies on the occurrence, fate, and effects of antibiotics in European aqueous environments have increased in the last years. Nevertheless, their potential aquatic ecotoxicity and human toxicity via environmental exposure routes remain unknown. Consequently, antibiotics are not regulated through the current European environmental water quality standards, which requires evidence concerning their widespread environmental contamination and intrinsic hazard. In this context, this literature review summarizes the state of knowledge on the occurrence of antibiotics in the different aqueous environmental systems across the Europe, as reported since 2000. Relating this subject to antibiotic consumption and their dynamic behavior in the environment, the acquired insights provide an improved understanding on aquatic pollution by antibiotics to outline the European scenario. Moreover, it addresses challenges, prospects for future research, and typical topics to stimulate discussion.  相似文献   

Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are a class of organic compounds that are persistent in the environment due to their stable carbon-fluorine backbone, which is not susceptible to degradation. Research suggests these chemicals may exert an immunotoxic effect. The aim of this study is to investigate the associations between four PFASs – perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS), perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA), and perfluorohexane sulfonic acid (PFHxS) – with food sensitization and food allergies in adolescent participants (ages 12–19 years) in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2005–2006 and 2007–2010, respectively. We performed multivariate logistic regression to analyze the association between individual PFASs with food sensitization (defined as having at least 1 food-specific IgE level  0.35 kU/L) in NHANES 2005–2006 and food allergies (self-reported) in NHANES 2007–2010. Serum PFOA, PFOS, and PFHxS were statistically significantly associated with higher odds to have self-reported food allergies in NHANES 2007–2010. When using IgE levels as a marker of food sensitization, we found that serum PFNA was inversely associated with food sensitization (NHANES 2005–2006). In conclusion, we found that serum levels of PFASs were associated with higher odds to have self-reported food allergies. Conversely, adolescents with higher serum PFNA were less likely to be sensitized to food allergens. These results, along with previous studies, warrant further investigation, such as well-designed longitudinal studies.  相似文献   

Sulfonamides (SAs) have become one of the antibiotic families most frequently found in all kind of environmental waters. In the present work, the presence of 16 SAs and one of their acetylated metabolites in different water matrices of the Ebro River basin has been evaluated during two different sampling campaigns carried out in 2007 and 2008. Influent and effluent samples from seven wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), together with a total of 28 river water samples were analyzed by on-line solid phase extraction-liquid chromathography-tandem mass spectrometry (on-line SPE-LC-MS/MS). Sulfamethoxazole and sulfapyridine were the SAs most frequently detected in WWTPs (96-100%), showing also the highest concentrations, ranging from 27.2 ng L(-1) to 596 ng L(-1) for sulfamethoxazole and from 3.7 ng L(-1) to 227 ng L(-1) for sulfapyridine. Sulfamethoxazole was also the SA most frequently detected in surface waters (85% of the samples) at concentrations between 11 ng L(-1) and 112 ng L(-1). In order to assess the effectiveness of the wastewater treatment in degrading SAs, removal efficiencies in the seven WWTPs were calculated for each individual SA (ranging from 4% to 100%) and correlated to the corresponding hydraulic retention times or residence times of the SAs in the plants. SAs half-lives were also estimated, ranging from to 2.5 hours (sulfadimethoxine) to 128 h (sulfamethazine). The contribution of the WWTPs to the presence of SAs depends on both the load of SAs discharging on the surface water from the WWTP effluent but also on the flow of the receiving waters in the discharge sites and the dilution exerted; WWTP4 exerts the highest pressure on the receiving water course. Finally, the potential environmental risk posed by SAs was evaluated calculating the hazard quotients (HQ) to different non-target organisms in effluent and river water. The degree of susceptibility resulted in algae>daphnia>fish. Sulfamethoxazole was the only SA posing a risk to algae in effluent water, with an HQ>7.  相似文献   

Current understanding of the thyroid disruptive properties of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs), particularly in aging populations, is limited. The objectives of this study were to (i) assess associations between thyroid function, as measured by serum thyrotropin (thyroid stimulating hormone, TSH), free thyroxine (fT4), total thyroxine (T4), and total triiodothyronine (T3), and serum perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) in an aging population and (ii) determine if other persistent organic pollutants with thyroid disruptive properties including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) modify such associations. We conducted a cross-sectional study of 87 men and women 55 to 74 years of age, without clinically-diagnosed thyroid disease, who resided in upper Hudson River communities in New York. Geometric means (standard deviations) of serum PFOS and PFOA were 31.6 (1.7) ng/mL and 9.17 (1.72) ng/mL, respectively. Multivariable linear regression analyses indicated that one interquartile range difference in PFOS corresponded to 4% and 9% increases in fT4 and T4 respectively. We detected statistical interactions between PFOA and age for effects on fT4 and T4; joint increases in PFOA and age were associated with increases in fT4 and T4, of 3% and 7%, respectively. We also detected statistical interactions between PFOS and total PCBs for the effect on T3 and between PFOA and total PBDEs for the effect on TSH. Our results suggest that PFASs are associated with subtle alterations in thyroid hormone levels in this population, and that these associations are likely to vary by age, and levels of PCBs and PBDEs.  相似文献   

Glutaraldehyde (GA), an aliphatic dialdehyde disinfectant, and surfactants, one of the major components of detergents, are widely used in hospitals in order to eliminate pathogenic organisms causing nosocomial infectious diseases. After their use, disinfectants and surfactants reach the wastewater network together. The discharge of chemical compounds from hospital activities into wastewater is also a well-known problem, causing pollution of water resources and constituting an ecological risk for aquatic organisms. In this study, the chemistry and toxicology of GA and surfactant mixtures were reviewed in order to estimate their fate in aquatic ecosystems. Furthermore, their joint effects on aquatic organisms were experimentally assessed in the laboratory. A simple model of the additive joint action of toxicants was used to determine combined acute toxicity effects on the bacteria luminescence and Daphnia mobility of three mixtures containing GA at 1.5 x EC50 24 h [in mg/L] on Daphnia and anionic, cationic and nonionic surfactants at twice their critical micellar concentration (CMC). The mixture of GA and a cationic surfactant gave an EC50 30 min on Vibrio fischeri of 0.158%, with a concentration of 0.04 mg GA/L and 1.04 mg CTAB/L, which provided an additive action. The interaction between GA and an anionic surfactant on V. fischeri produced an antagonistic joint action with an EC50 30 min of 3.95%, containing 1.06 mg GA/L and 33.2 mg SDS/L. A synergistic action with an EC50 30 min of 8.4% on V. fischeri was observed for the mixture containing GA and a nonionic surfactant. Antagonistic interactions were observed for the joint action between GA and the surfactants studied on Daphnia. The mixture of GA and CTAB was more toxic (EC50 24 h=0.02%) than the two other mixtures (EC50 24 h GA+SDS=6%; EC50 24 h GA+TX 100=10%). This study provides new data on the toxicity of certain hospital pollutants entering the aquatic environment and detected in surface and groundwaters. It is necessary to study the joint effects of GA and surfactant mixtures following chronic and sublethal standard bioassays in order to estimate the contribution of the additive joint action models in assessing the environmental risk of hospital wastewater (HW).  相似文献   

Concern over the occurrence of artificial sweeteners (ASWs) as well as pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in the environment is growing, due to their high use and potential adverse effects on non-target organisms. The data for this study are drawn from a nationwide survey of ASWs in sewage sludge from 40 representative wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) that receive domestic (WWTPD), industrial (WWTPI), or mixed (domestic plus industrial; WWTPM) wastewaters in Korea. Five ASWs (concentrations ranged from 7.08 to 5220 ng/g dry weight [dw]) and ten PPCPs (4.95–6930 ng/g dw) were determined in sludge. Aspartame (concentrations ranged from 28.4 to 5220 ng/g dw) was determined for the first time in sewage sludge. The median concentrations of ASWs and PPCPs in sludge from domestic WWTPs were 0.8–2.5 and 1.0–3.4 times, respectively, the concentrations found in WWTPs that receive combined domestic and industrial wastewaters. Among the five ASWs analyzed, the median environmental emission rates of aspartame through domestic WWTPs (both sludge and effluent discharges combined) were calculated to be 417 μg/capita/day, followed by sucralose (117 μg/capita/day), acesulfame (90 μg/capita/day), and saccharin (66 μg/capita/day). The per-capita emission rates of select PPCPs, such as antimicrobials (triclocarban: 158 μg/capita/day) and analgesics (acetaminophen: 59 μg/capita/day), were an order of magnitude higher than those calculated for antimycotic (miconazole) and anthelmintic (thiabendazole) drugs analyzed in this study. Multiple linear regression analysis of measured concentrations of ASWs and PPCPs in sludge revealed that several WWTP parameters, such as treatment capacity, population-served, sludge production rate, and hydraulic retention time could influence the concentrations found in sludge.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes recent data on the occurrence of major organic compounds (benzene, toluene, xylenes, styrene, acetaldehyde, formaldehyde, naphthalene, limonene, α-pinene and ammonia, classified by the European Commission's INDEX strategy report as the priority pollutants to be regulated) and evaluates accordingly cancer and non-cancer risks posed by indoor exposure in dwellings and public buildings in European Union (EU) countries. The review process indicated that significant differences in indoor air quality exist within and among the countries where data were available, indicating corresponding differences in sources and emission strength of airborne chemicals, identified or not. Conservative exposure limits were not exceeded for non-carcinogenic effects, except for formaldehyde; for carcinogenic agents the estimated risks were up to three orders of magnitude higher than the one (10(-6)) proposed as acceptable by risk management bodies. However, the risk assessment evaluation process faces crucial difficulties, either due to the relative paucity of indoor air quality measurements in many EU countries, or by the lack of sampling consistency in the already existing studies, indicating the need for additional measurements of indoor air quality following a harmonized sampling and analytical protocol. Additionally, uncertainties embodied in the cancer potency factors and exposure limit values impose further difficulties in substance prioritization and risk management.  相似文献   

Regional Environmental Change - Alien invasive species cause significant impacts on ecosystems and economies, but the impacts on human well-being and livelihoods are less well known. Negative...  相似文献   

Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) is often used for disinfecting hospital wastewater in order to prevent the spread of pathogenic microorganisms, causal agents of nosocomial infectious diseases. Chlorine disinfectants in wastewater react with organic matters, giving rise to organic chlorine compounds such as AOX (halogenated organic compounds adsorbable on activated carbon), which are toxic for aquatic organisms and are persistent environmental contaminants. The aim of this study was to evaluate the toxicity on aquatic organisms of hospital wastewater from services using NaOCl in pre-chlorination. Wastewater samples from the infectious and tropical diseases department of a hospital of a large city in southeast of France were collected. Three samples per day were collected in the connecting well department at 9 a.m., 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. during 8 days from 13 March to 22 March 2001, and a mixture was made at 6 p.m. with the three samples in order to obtain a representative sample for the day. The toxicity test comprised the 24-h EC50 on Daphnia magna and a bioluminescence assay using Vibrio fischeri photobacteria. Fecal coliforms and physicochemical analyses such as total organic carbon (TOC), chloride, AOX, total suspended solids (TSS) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) were carried out. Wastewater samples highlighted considerable acute toxicity on D. magna and V. fischeri photobacteria. However, low most probable numbers (MPN), ranging from <3 to 2400 for 100 ml, were detected for fecal coliforms. Statistical analysis, with a confidence interval of 95%, gave a strong linear regression assessed with r=0.98 between AOX concentrations and EC50 (TU) on daphnia. The identification of an ideal concentration of NaOCl in disinfecting hospital wastewater, i.e. its non-observed effect concentration (NOEC) on algae and D. magna, seems to be a research issue that could facilitate the control of AOX toxicity effects on aquatic organisms. Therefore, it would be necessary to monitor the biocide properties of NaOCl on fecal coliforms at various doses and its toxicity effects on aquatic organisms.  相似文献   

Contamination of Barcelona harbor sediments was assessed by the quantitative determination of butyltins (TBT, DBT and MBT) and surfactant intermediates, namely linear alkylbenzenes (LABs) and nonylphenols (NPs), as markers of urban and industrial wastewater contamination, respectively. Degradation indexes of TBT and LABs were calculated. Tributyltin predominated in the whole area over its degradation products, ranging from 98 to 4702 ng Sn/g. These elevated concentrations reveal a persistent historical contamination and a moderate degradation (BT(deg)). Moreover, the high LAB concentrations (1.2-53.1 microg/g) compared to the relatively low NP levels (3.8-72.0 ng/g) suggest a predominance of urban over industrial wastewater inputs, although a significant correlation (r(2) = 0.82, N = 12, P = 0.001) between LABs and NPs was found. Stormwater runoff and combined sewer overflows (CSO) were likely the most possible sources for both surfactant intermediates. The high degradation index values obtained for LABs could indicate an improvement in the wastewater management reducing its recent discharge into the Barcelona harbor area.  相似文献   

The Creys-Malville nuclear plant, located on the left bank of the Rh?ne, was shut down in 1998. The facilities are currently in their initial stage of dismantling. In order to establish a baseline for tritium in the vicinity of the site prior to the main dismantling phase, we carried out a monitoring program between 2002 and 2005 in the main terrestrial and aquatic compartments of the local environment. Tritium levels in the groundwaters and in the Rh?ne waters correspond to the regional tritium concentration in precipitation. The data obtained for the terrestrial environment are also in good agreement with the regional background and do not show any specific signature linked to the nuclear plant. The various aquatic compartments of the Rh?ne (fish, plant, sediment) are significantly enriched in tritium both upstream and downstream of the power plant: although Tissue-Free Water Tritium concentrations are in equilibrium with the river water, the non-exchangeable fraction of organic bound tritium in plants and fishes shows values which outpace the river water background by one to two orders of magnitude, and up to four to five orders of magnitude in the sediments. This tritium anomaly is not related to the nuclear plant, as it is already present at the Swiss border 100km upstream of the site. Although fine particles of tritiated polystyrene entering the composition of the luminous paints used by the clock industry have been suspected on several occasions, the exact nature and the origin of this tritium source remain unknown and require further investigations.  相似文献   

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