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阐述了环境影响评价中大气污染物本底值对评价结果的影响 ,提出了现有污染源对各控制点的浓度贡献值应该包括污染源对各控制点的浓度值和控制点大气环境因子本底值等内容 ;并对大气污染物本底值及其计算方法提出独到见解  相似文献   

Fence for traffic noise control sometimes causes adverse effect on air pollution. Thus in this study, performance of porous fence as a tool for control of both air pollution and noise pollution was evaluated. A two-dimensional numerical model for flow and pollutant concentration and an analytical model for traffic noise were utilized in the analysis of a double-decked road structure with fences only at ground (Case 1) and at both ground and upper deck (Case 2). Porous fences were assumed only at the ground level since the solid fences at the upper deck usually leads to desirable result on air pollution. Effects of the variable porosity on air quality and noise level near road were evaluated. Obtained results showed: (1) flow pattern in leeward of fence was drastically changed at 40–50% porosity in Case 1 and 50% in Case 2. The porosity larger than 40% excluded presence of a circulation behind the fence. (2) Effect of porous fence on air pollution was different in Cases 1 and 2. In Case 1, the porous fence generally resulted in the reduction of air pollution at the ground level; on the other hand, in Case 2, it rather led to increase of the concentration. (3) Traffic noise level was also largely changed by the porosity of the fence; an example of simultaneous evaluation of the effects of porous fence on both air and noise pollution in Case 1 showed that the fence of 60% porosity leads to reduction of air pollution by 20% compared with solid fence case, and reduction of noise pollution by 4–6% in dB compared with no fence case, at l m high and 10 m from the road.  相似文献   

This study assesses the level of background radiation for Canakkale province of northwestern Turkey. Radon concentrations in indoor air were determined using CR-39 nuclear track detectors and 222Rn activity was found to be 167 Bq m???3 (equivalent to an annual effective dose of 4.2 mSv). Measurements of outdoor gamma radiation (of terrestrial and cosmic origin) in air were performed using plastic scintillators, and the average absorbed gamma dose rate was found to be 66.4 nGy h???1 (corresponding to an annual effective dose of 81.4 μSv). The radionuclide activity concentrations in soil samples collected from the study area were measured through gamma-ray spectrometry, and the average activities were determined as 94.55, 110.4, and 1,273 Bq kg???1 for the natural radionuclides 238U, 232Th, and 40K, respectively, and 19.39 Bq kg???1 for the fission product 137Cs. The natural radioactivity sources resulted in an annual effective dose of 184 μSv. The radioactivity levels of drinking water samples were measured as 0.0599 Bq l???1 for gross-alpha activity and 0.0841 Bq l???1 for gross-beta activity using a low-background counting technique (equivalent to an annual effective dose of 12.25 μSv). The results of this study show that the activity levels of radon in air, radionuclides in soil, and alpha activities in drinking water are higher compared to the data available for other Turkish cities and the world averages. On the other hand, the outdoor gamma dose rates in air and beta activities in drinking water are within natural limits.  相似文献   

Water-soluble inorganic ions in aerosol samples have been studied. The sample collection took place during summer in 2003 at a European background site which is operating within the framework of the European Monitoring and Evaluation Program. Gent type PM10 stacked filter unit (SFU) samplers were operated in parallel on a day and night basis to collect particles in separate coarse (2.0-10 microm) and fine (<2.0 microm) size fractions. Particulate masses were measured gravimetrically; the filters from one of the SFU samplers were analyzed by particle-induced X-ray emission spectrometry (PIXE) and instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). Filters from the other SFU sampler were analyzed by ion chromatography (IC) for major inorganic anions (MSA-, NO2(-), NO3(-), Cl-, Br-, SO4(2-), oxalate) and cations (Na+, K+, NH4(+), Mg2+, Ca2+). The water-soluble inorganic ions measured were responsible for 44% and 16% of the total fine and coarse particulate mass, respectively. In the fine size fraction, the main ionic components were SO4(2-) and NH4(+) accounting for about 90% of fine ionic mass. In the coarse fraction the main ionic components were Ca2+ and NO3(-), followed by SO4(2-). Significant day and night difference in the mass concentrations was observed only for fine NO3(-). The molar ratios of fine NH4(+) to SO4(2-) indicated their complete neutralization to (NH4)2SO4. According to the cation-to-anion ratios the coarse particles were alkaline, while the fine particles were slightly acidic or neutral. By comparing the corresponding concentrations obtained from PIXE/INAA and IC, we determined the water-extractable part of the individual species. We also investigated the effect of long-range transported air masses on the local air concentrations, and we found that the air quality of this background monitoring station was affected by regional pollution sources.  相似文献   

The activity of six extracellular enzymes involved in the degradation of dissolved organic carbon compounds was measured in two highly urbanised and two minimally impacted streams east of Melbourne, Australia, using 4-methylumbelliferyl-substrates. Small-scale temporal variation in enzyme activity was determined by repeatedly sampling the same point in the water column, while the effect of flow was determined by sampling in regions of higher and lower flow in both stream types. Replicate samples showed that enzyme activity was not significantly different over small (minutes) time scales. On five of six sampling occasions the enzyme activity was unaffected by flow. On one sampling occasion in a minimally disturbed stream, the difference between the high- and low-flow regions was statistically significant (ANOSIM, Global R= 0.78, P= 0.03). Enzyme activity profiles (activities of the suite of enzymes) of the streams in urbanised catchments were different to those in minimally disturbed catchments. The measurements made in four different streams showed high reproducibility over short time periods (minutes) which lends greater credibility to analogous spatial studies. Although these results determined that small-scale temporal variability was not significant, and that the effects of flow were generally minimal, it is recommended that spatial and temporal variability in the stream be at least considered before any studies measuring extracellular enzyme activity in stream waters are carried out. Such an approach will lead to conclusions from measurements that are not likely to be confounded by variables such as flow rate or time.  相似文献   

水质变化灰色预测方法的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以某地地表水高锰酸盐指数年平均浓度的变化为例,结合新近的一些研究成果,介绍GM(1,1)模型衍生出来的几种线性回归求解法。  相似文献   

Using observations from two remote sites during July 2004 to March 2005, we show that at Akdala (AKD, 47° 06′ N, 87° 58′ E, 562 m asl) in northern Xinjiang Province, there were high wintertime loadings of organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC), and water-soluble (WS) ${\rm SO}_{4}^{2-}$ , ${\rm NO}_{3}^{2-}$ , and ${\rm NH}_{4}^{+}$ , which is similar to the general pattern in most areas of China and East Asia. However, at Zhuzhang (ZUZ, 28° 00′ N, 99° 43′ E, 3,583 m asl) in northwestern Yunnan Province, the aerosol concentrations and compositions showed little seasonal variation except for a decreasing trend of OC from August to autumn–winter. Additionally, the OC variations dominated the seasonal variation of PM10 (particles ≤10 μm diameter) level. Chemical characteristics combined with transport information suggested sea salt origin of ionic Na?+?, Mg2?+?, and Cl??? at ZUZ. At AKD, ionic Ca2?+?, Mg2?+?, Na?+?, and Cl??? primarily originated from salinized soil. Furthermore, the WS Ca2?+? contributions (5.4–6%) to the PM10 mass during autumn, winter, and early spring reflected a constant dust component. The results of this study indicated that both sites were regionally representative. However, the representative regions and scales of these background sites may vary seasonally as the regional atmospheric transport patterns change. Seasonal variations in the background aerosol levels from these two areas need to be considered when evaluating the regional climate effects of the aerosols.  相似文献   

The study assessed the radiological risks associated with the presence of natural and artificial radionuclides in the Bory Stobrawskie forests (PL). Using the conversion factors given by UNSCEAR and the measurements results of (232)Th series, (238)U series, (40)K, and (137)Cs specific activities in the 10-cm soil layer the values of absorbed dose (D) and the annual effective dose equivalent derived from terrestrial gamma radiation (E) were calculated. The calculated dose was compared with doses directly measured on the area studied.  相似文献   

北京大气颗粒物中有机碳和元素碳的浓度水平和季节变化   总被引:22,自引:4,他引:18  
分析了北京市两个采样点十三陵站(清洁对照点)和天坛站(居民生活区)的110个大气颗粒物样品有机碳和元素碳的测定数据,结果表明两站点具有明显的季节变化特征.一号站OC质量浓度年均值为22.0μg/m3,EC为3.6μg/m3,五号站OC质量浓度年均值为41.5μg/m3,EC为7.8μg/m3.OC百分含量秋季高,反映出活跃的大气化学反应和严峻的污染形势,春季低表现了风沙气候的影响.城区的EC百分含量冬季增高则是燃煤贡献所致.对1998年1月份和9、10月份的数据进行了实例分析.结果表明稳定的天气条件和北京特殊的地貌容易导致空气污染事件.有机物污染是1998年北京秋季空气污染的一个特征.  相似文献   

An aerosol time-of-flight mass spectrometer (ATOFMS) was used to determine, in real time, the size and chemical composition of individual particles in the atmosphere at the remote inland site of Eskdalemuir, Scotland. A total of 51,980 particles, in the size range 0.3-7.4 microm, were detected between the 25th and 30th June 2001. Rapid changes in the number density, size and chemical composition of the atmospheric aerosol were observed. These changes are attributed to two distinct types of air mass; a polluted air mass that had passed over the British mainland before reaching Eskdalemuir, interposed between two cleaner air masses that had arrived directly from the sea. Such changes in the background aerosol could clearly be very important to studies of urban aerosols and attempts at source apportionment. The results of an objective method of data analysis are presented. Correlations were sought between the occurrence of: lithium, potassium, rubidium, caesium, beryllium, strontium, barium, ammonium, amines, nitrate, nitrite, boron, mercury, sulfate, phosphate, fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine and carbon (both elemental and organic hydrocarbon) in both fine (d < 2.5 microm) and coarse (d > 2.5 microm) particle fractions. Several previously unreported correlations were observed, for instance between the elements lithium, beryllium and boron. The results suggest that about 2 in 3 of all fine particles (by number rather than by mass), and 1 in 2 of all coarse particles containing carbon, consisted of elemental carbon rather than organic hydrocarbon (although a bias in the sensitivity of the ATOFMS could have affected these numbers). The ratio of the number of coarse particles containing nitrate anions to the number of particles containing chloride anions exceeded unity when the air mass had travelled over the British mainland. The analysis also illustrates that an air mass of marine origin that had travelled slowly over agricultural land can accumulate amines and ammonium.  相似文献   

The low degradation rate of two-phase olive mill wastes (TPOMW) during composting and after soil application is a characteristic feature of these materials. The aim of this work was to evaluate the relationship between the lignocellulosic fraction of TPOMW and the organic matter (OM) degradation rate in three agricultural soils amended with four TPOMW composting mixtures at different degree of stabilisation and prepared with different bulking agents and N sources. The mineralisation kinetics of TPOMW composting mixtures in soil reflected a large amount of slowly mineralisable C even in the starting mixtures (I and T1) where this fraction represented up to 85% of the total potentially mineralisable C pool. The effect of rich lignocellulosic composition was confirmed by the study of the DTS (50% dry TPOMW + 50% sheep manure) mixtures prepared with dry TPOMW, which had undergone partial degradation in a storage pond for one year before composting. These DTS samples showed a more similar kinetic behaviour in soil than the more transformed composting mixtures as reflected in the principal component analysis (PCA) diagram, where they were grouped in the same quadrant dominated by the lignin/holocellulose ratio. Soils amended with mature composts evolved very low amounts of C (between 2 and 6% of the added C) after two months of incubation, which highlights the suitability of these materials as a suitable C source for the soil to promote long term soil C stabilisation.  相似文献   

The 1990's time series in Hong Kong for various components oftotal suspended particulate matter (TSP) and PM10 have beenanalyzed in order to assess two distinct types of anthropogenicinput. The first of these relates to the immense reclamation andconstruction activities for new developments and airportconstruction. The concentrations of crustal components inPM10 (= TSP – PM10) were found to peak at the time ofthis maximum activity. A second type of anthropogenic input,ambient lead from petrol vehicles, has decreased in Hong Kongand now represents a regional background. Ambient bromine nowarises mainly from the seasalt source.  相似文献   

上海市水体富营养化及洗涤剂中磷的影响研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对上海市水体污染状况进行调查研究,结果表明,上海市主要水体苏州河和黄浦江有机污染日益严重,其中苏州河TP 0.6mg/L、TN 10.06mg/L,黄浦江TP 0.23mg/L、TN 4.03mg/L,超标较严重,存在发生富营养化的条件,根据国内外经验和上海的相关资料估算,洗涤剂中的磷占总磷负荷的6.82%。  相似文献   

降水背景值与酸雨定义研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
选择太平洋、印度洋、大西洋、北冰洋、内陆丽江玉龙雪山山麓背景降水H+、Ca2+、Mg2+、SO2-4、NO-3等降水化学组分的背景统计值,研究组分与H+的相关性,从而提出定义海洋降水pH48、内陆50为酸雨,以及背景值是一个区间值的理论依据  相似文献   

Tawa River is the biggest left bank tributary of the Narmada, the largest west-flowing river of the Indian peninsula. Central India enjoys a tropical climate, is highly urbanized, and the river flow is mostly controlled by monsoon; a large part of the population depend on rivers for their livelihood. Spatial and temporal variations in the hydrochemistry of the Tawa River were studied based on seasonal sampling along the course of the river and its tributaries. The study is important because not much data exist on small size rivers and the river processes spell out correctly in smaller basins. The monsoon season accounts for more than 70 % of river water flow. The basin is characterized by silicate lithology; however, water chemistry is controlled by carbonate-rich soils and other weathering products of the silicate rocks, as indicated by the high (Ca?+?Mg)/(Na?+?K) ratios (>3.8). The values of the Na-normalized ratios of Ca2+, Mg2+, and HCO3 ? suggest that both the carbonate and silicate lithology contribute to the hydrochemistry. On average, 42 % of HCO3 ? in the Tawa River water is contributed by silicate weathering and 58 % from carbonate lithology. The water remains undersaturated with respect to calcite during the monsoon and post-monsoon seasons and supersaturated during the pre-monsoon season. A significant influence of mining in the basin and other industrial units is observed in water chemical composition.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the response of groundwater level and well yields in the Halacli aquifer to climate variations in Central Anatolia, Turkey. The Halacli aquifer is a typical aquifer due to its vulnerability to the climate variations. The aquifer is shallow and its recharge area is small. The waters from rains and snow melts can rapidly infiltrate down to the groundwater body because the vadose zone is thin and formed from coarse material. Therefore, the groundwater system responds to the short-term recharges by raising its level. Although any exploitation did not occur, the groundwater levels have declined from 1989 to 1997. However, the groundwater levels began rising when the exploitation started in the summer of 1998. After the year 2000, although the amount and duration of yearly exploitation was constant, fluctuations of water level continued. Fluctuation of groundwater levels and well yields bewilders the water users and imperils the sustainable water management in the study area and also in arid and semi-arid regions of Turkey. In order to overcome this problem, behavior of groundwater level and discharges of the wells must be recorded and the water users must be informed about the current conditions and the possible trend in the future of the system.  相似文献   

Lantana camara, an aromatic shrub, native to tropical America, was introduced into India for ornamental hedging, but later escaped and became a serious invasive weed. This study assessed the quantitative and qualitative status of plant community richness and diversity in areas invaded by L. camara in the Siwalik Hills (Himachal Pradesh, India), and explored allelopathy as a possible mechanism of interference. We measured species diversity, richness and evenness of the vegetation in areas invaded and uninvaded by L. camara. Allelopathic effects of L. camara rhizosphere soil and litter were assessed against two native plants—Achyranthes aspera (a herb) and Albizia lebbeck (a tree). Density, biomass and indices of diversity, richness and evenness were reduced by L. camara, indicating a significant alteration in composition and structure of native communities. Seedling growth of the test species was reduced in L. camara rhizosphere- and litter-amended soil. The inhibitory effect was ameliorated by the addition of activated charcoal, indicating the presence of organic inhibitors (quantified as phenolics) in the soil. Lantana invasion greatly reduces the density and diversity of the vegetation in the invaded area, and chemical interference of its litter plays an important role in invasion.  相似文献   

We identified factors that are important determinants of body burdens (breast milk levels) of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dioxins (polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs)) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). PCBs, PCDD/Fs and PBDEs were analysed in breast milk from up to 325 first-time mothers in Uppsala, Sweden, who delivered between 1996 and 2006. Hierarchical clustering was used as a method for identification of groups of compounds with common sources of exposure and similar toxicokinetics. Based on correlations between levels of single compounds/congeners in breast milk, distinctly separated clusters were formed, strongly dependent on structural similarities of the organohalogen molecules. In a multiple regression model, levels of PCBs (except PCB 28), PCDD/Fs and BDE-153 were positively associated with age of the mother and weight loss after delivery and inversely associated with pre-pregnancy BMI (body mass index) and weight gain during pregnancy. Higher levels of mono-ortho PCB TEQ, non-ortho PCB TEQ and BDE-153 in milk were found among women with high physical activity. Women who were breastfed during infancy and grew up on the Baltic coast of Sweden, with high availability of contaminated fish from the Baltic sea, had higher levels of PCBs and PCDD/Fs in breast milk indicating that exposure early in life from breast milk and contaminated fish may still affect body burdens at the time of pregnancy. The importance of current consumption of fatty Baltic fish as a source of exposure was supported by the positive association with breast milk levels of mono-ortho PCB TEQ, PCDF TEQ and BDE-153. The results show that, in contrast to the lower brominated PBDE congeners, the hexa-brominated BDE-153 resembles the chlorinated compounds with regards to determinants in breast milk. This suggests that some of the PBDEs may have toxicokinetic properties and that are similar to the PCBs and PCDD/Fs. Our results show that a few simple advices to women regarding weight changes in connection with pregnancy and consumption of contaminated fatty fish during the whole lifetime may lower the levels of dioxins in breast milk by up to 60%.  相似文献   

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