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控制论在高校教学管理中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在现代管理学理论被广泛应用的今天,提高管理的质量,更好地达到管理的目标,必须实施有效的甚至高效的控制。本文将通过对控制论在高校教学管理中实施有效控制的前提条件和最佳类型进行论述。以使教学管理工作者更好地实施控制,真正达到提高教学管理质量的目的。  相似文献   

高校深入学习实践科学发展观活动的开展,要求在加强教育教学管理工作中逐步确立科学发展观,以系统的管理理论为基础,坚持以人为本、凸显观念创新和机构创新的管理思想,切实提高高校党政领导驾御全局、领导学校可持续快速发展的能力。  相似文献   

高校内部审计存在的问题与对策的初步探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前高校内部经济活动发生了很大变化,内部的经济管理也变得更加复杂。如何有效的保证教育资金合理运用,保证内部经济活动健康、有序的开展,教育审计有着举足轻重的作用。本文分析了高校内部审计存在的问题,初步探讨解决的对策。  相似文献   

收集和处理信息是高校党政办公室的重要工作,也是高校党政办公室的重要职能。在市场经济条件下,信息工作在高校管理工作中起着越来越重要的作用。做好信息工作,要求高校党政办公室工作人员不断提高自身素质,努力做到信息收集“全”,提供“精”,利用“准”,反馈“快”。  相似文献   

建立社会主义市场经济体制,是一场前无古人的事业,它必然要触及到政治、经济、思想意识、文化等许多方面的问题,给人们的思想带来深刻的影响和复杂多样的变化。高校作为培养人才的重要基地和社会主义精神文明建设的前沿阵地,正面临着市场经济的挑战。当前,社会主义市场经济体制的逐步确立和运行对高校的思想政治工作提出了新  相似文献   

党政办公室在高校的发展与建设中承担着组织、协调、服务、督办等重要的职能与作用.面对新形势、新任务、新要求,党政办公室要跟上时代的步伐,就必须不断开拓进取,建立一种新的、现代的、更加先进的工作理念、工作方式、工作机制,充分调动工作人员的创造性和积极性,提高高校党政办公室工作的效率,建设一流部门,争创一流业绩.  相似文献   

从高校共青团工作面临的新的机遇和挑战出发,就高校共青团组织在构建和谐社会中的主要任务进行探讨,对构建和谐社会进程中共青团工作所面临的问题进行剖析,从而提出了在构建社会主义和谐社会进程中创新青年工作的几点建议,其中包括共青团思想政治工作中工作思路、工作内容、工作手段、工作机制的创新,培育团队的创新能力和大力加强团员青年群体创新能力的开发等推动共青团工作创新的方法.  相似文献   

从明晰高校办公室工作职责、高校办公室主任应具备的能力、创新高校办公室管理模式三个方面,阐述了高校办公室工作的基本规律。通过在高校办公室多年的工作积累,总结出了高校办公室主任八方面的工作技巧。  相似文献   

基于“90后”大学生特点的高校辅导员工作方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济全球化和信息网络技术的发展,为高校大学生的思想政治工作既提供了机遇,也带来了诸多挑战。面对9"0后"思想叛逆、社会意识淡薄、功力倾向严重等现象,高校辅导员思想政治工作要引导学生融入校园精神文明建设,加大心里健康教育并正确运用网络。  相似文献   

高校迎评促建工作很重要,需要各部门、各方面共同努力.校友会工作在迎评促建中可以提高学校社会认知度,总结办学特色,推进教学改革与优化专业设置,营造校园文化,拓宽毕业生就业渠道等各方面的作用.因此,我们在迎评促建中要重视校友会的工作,并充分发挥其作用.  相似文献   

Summary Assessing the desirability of large scale resource development is an extremely complicated process. In the past, the presumption has been that economic criteria were decisive. Lately, however, we have accepted the idea that social and environmental factors will affect the design and procedures of development, and, in extreme cases, may even indicate the abandonment of a project. Public input and formal environmental and social impact assessment have been accepted in principle, and the challenge is to incorporate them within an orderly and expeditious governmental decision process. This is a case study of such a process for Esso Resources Canada Limited's proposed heavy oil project at Cold Lake, Alberta, Canada. P. S. Elder was Gold Medallist and Law Review Editor upon graduating from the Faculty of Law, University of British Columbia (1965). Following his call to the Bar and graduate work at the University of London (London School of Economics), he was an aide to various Canadian federal cabinet ministers (1967–70) and taught law at the University of Western Ontario (1970–73). In 1973 Professor Elder joined the Faculty of Environmental Design, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada where he teaches legally related subjects. He has written widely in environmental law and policy, and public participation. In his free time Elder engages in municipal and provincial politics  相似文献   

杨力  陶子政 《四川环境》2004,23(3):47-50
京珠高速粤境北段通过区地形地质复杂,该区是广东植物种类、植被类型最丰富的地区,生态系统比较脆弱。本文通过总悬浮颗粒物数据分析了高速公路施工阶段所造成的扬尘污染,并且对改善高速公路施工期的环境大气质量提出了建议。  相似文献   

长庆气田甲醇污水水质特点分析   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
长庆气田天然气开采加工过程中产生的甲醇污水水质复杂,区域差异大,只有正确认识甲醇污水水质特点,才能有针对性地进行甲醇污水处理工艺设计及运行管理,确保系统平稳、安全运行。文章分析了靖边气田、榆林气田、苏里格气田甲醇污水水质特点,对以上气田水质进行综合比较。应根据含醇污水水质特点,随着水质的变化进行相应的工艺调整。  相似文献   

燃煤烟气中的氮氧化物(NOX)脱除,国际上主要采用SCR法,但SCE催化剂制备工艺技术是制约我国脱硝技术产业化的瓶颈。对催化剂配方和成型工艺进行优化和创新研制的TZ型板式催化剂填补了国内空白。  相似文献   

日趋严重的环境问题已成为世界性的问题,环境污染与人类生存、社会的发展和进步出现了尖锐的矛盾,已引起世界各国政府的高度关注。要解决环境问题,必须从教育入手,特别是在中小学中加强环境教育。怎样对学生进行环境教育呢?本文从三个方面进行了探讨,一是以讲座形式对学生进行环境教育;二是组织学生进行课外活动或参观;三是请有关专家对学生进行专题报告。学生通过这些活动可了解到化学物质对环境污染所造成的严重后果,了解到环境问题是和每个人息息相关的,保护环境是每个人义不容辞的责任,这将使中学化学教育在加强环境保护教育中起到应有的作用。  相似文献   

Summary In the spring of 1981, Tufts University and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature began teaching the World Conservation Strategy to environmentalists working at the local level. The fourteen-week course that they offered was the first of a series of initiatives to increase public awareness of the need for local action toward the solution of global environmental problems. The success of the first course has encouraged other groups to adapt it to their own social and ecological settings, but there is a pressing need for even more public education. While several aids to teaching the World Conservation Strategy are now being developed to give local conservation educators access to the Strategy, the initiative for bringing the World Conservation Strategy to the public should continue to come from these local leaders. Frank Thibodeau is an environmental biologist and policy analyst with MA and PhD degrees from Tufts University. He is currently a Research Associate in the Department of Urban and Environmental Policy at Tufts, preparing a book on the World Conservation Strategy as a foundation for local environmental initiative under the auspicies of IUCN and the World Wildlife Fund. In addition to his writing and teaching related to the Strategy, he maintains an active research program examining the development of national and international strategies for the preservation of genetic diversity. Hermann H. Field, an urban planner and Fellow of the American Institute of Architects, was director of the Planning Office of the Tufts-New England Medical Center in downtown Boston for 12 years. In 1972 he initiated and then directed a new graduate department of Urban and Environmental Policy at Tufts University. Since 1978 he has been Professor Emeritus in Environmental Planning there. In addition to continued involvement in his department he is active on a range of levels in conservation from the local to the international, including membership on IUCN's Commission on Environmental Planning.  相似文献   

In this paper, a two-dimensional numerical calculation algorithm for water-quality modeling is presented. The algorithm is designed specifically for river systems with complicated geometric conditions. When velocity field data of the river are not available, the numerical calculation algorithm for the water-quality modeling can be used to project river-water quality by using a topographic map of the river course and a finite element method. The calculation results of the water-quality model can show the concentration fields of various pollutants. The water-quality model was applied to a case-study in the Hengyang City section of Xiangjiang River in Hunan Province, China. The river under consideration is winding and has an isle between two branches. In 1995, Chinese government secured a World Bank loan to conduct a Waterways Project in the study region. It was expected that construction works in the river section might affect water quality. Given that the project would change the hydrological regime of the river system and discharges, and so would affect water quality, there would be a need for model results that would predict the water-quality impacts of the Waterways Project. In particular, the study intended to apply the model to identify changes in river-water quality associated with the construction of Dayuandu navigation key project. It is hoped that the numerical calculation algorithm for the water-quality modeling presented in this paper can also be applied to other shallow rivers with similar topographical conditions.  相似文献   

Intellectual concern with the National Forest Management Act of 1976 has followed a course emphasizing the planning aspects of the legislation associated with the development of forest plans. Once approved, however, forest plans must be implemented. Due to the complex nature of the ecological systems of interest, and the multiple and often conflicting desires of user clientele groups, the feasibility and costs of implementing forest plans require immediate investigation. For one timber sale on the Coconino National Forest in Arizona, forest plan constraints were applied and resulting resource outputs predicted using the terrestrial ecosystem analysis and modeling system (TEAMS), a computer-based decision support system developed at the School of Forestry, Northern Arizona University, With forest plan constraints for wildlife habitat, visual diversity, riparian area protection, and soil and slope harvesting restrictions, the maximum timber harvest obtainable was reduced 58% from the maximum obtainable without plan constraints.Former Graduate Student at Northern Arizona University.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The last decade has seen accelerated interest in international hydropolitics. Yet, the international politics of the world's fresh water are highly complicated, some might even say byzantine. This paper discusses some of these complications, the background to them, and the place of fresh water in recent environmental initiatives, particularly in UNCED. It proposes a way forward for the future in order to improve international cooperation to assist in averting the coming water crisis.  相似文献   

Summary Whereas linear and exponential growth have become relatively familiar metaphors, second-order growth processes, as exemplified by autocatalytic chemical reactions, have not yet entered the vernacular. Derek J. de Solla Price has discussed sigmoid growth, but described it as a three-phase process. It is shown here that these three phases are more apparent than real, with initial slow growth, intermediate rapid growth and ultimate saturation all characteristic of the same second-order process. A model, arrived at by the superposition of several sigmoid curves, is proposed for the periodic critical decision points which occur during the course of a career or the life time of an organization. These decision points correspond to a trifurcation, leading to renewed sigmoidal growth, saturation, or a rapid phase-out.Dr Arthur L. Loeb is Senior Lecturer on Visual and Environmental Studies, Curator of the Teaching Collection in the Carpenter Centre for the Visual Arts, and Acting Master of Dudley House, Harvard University. He was born in The Netherlands and educated in the United States at the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard University. His doctorate is in Chemical Physics, but through his research contact with Gyorgy Kepes, M. C. Escher and R. Buckminster Fuller, he has been able to embrace the whole spectrum of design. His 40 or so publications show his expertize as well as his exceptional ability in combining the compatible aspects of the arts and the sciences. Prior to his appointment at Harvard University he has been an Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Staff Scientist at the Kennecott Copper Company.  相似文献   

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