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Several characteristics of information used in resource exploration have led to conjectures that the private market will provide a suboptimal amount of such information. A public information provision has been proposed as a remedy, both for problems of underproduction and overproduction of private information. This paper demonstrates that, barring exceptional conditions, public provision of information cannot be guaranteed to be a generic solution to the private information overprovision problem. In fact, an example is developed to demonstrate the possibility that public information exacerbates the private overprovision problem.  相似文献   

公共管理与公众参与策略:于桥水库水质改善项目   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
环境问题是在人类的发展与资源的开发过程中产生的 ,是多种因素综合作用的结果 ,解决任何一个环境问题都将涉及到若干部门和公众 ,决不是一个部门所能完全胜任的。因此 ,采用公共管理与公众参与的模式解决环境问题 ,是改善环境质量的必然途径 ,是一个政府环境管理能力的综合体现。文章阐述了公共管理与公众参与的内涵、目标、目的、基本原则和实施程序等。  相似文献   

At one level Dore and Ward seem intent on immunizing received doctrine. They say that I did not prove that rights violated Nozick's principles of justice, and that I did not prove that missing markets were the problem. More telling, they allege I did not prove that my story was better than the particular story favored by Dore and Ward. That is, they argue that : “ … there is an alternative approach, based on the theory of public economics, which is indeed operational.”3 They then use the bulk of their comment to explain and defend this alternative model. They hope to convince the reader that the model of “public economics” survives intact in the face of my alternative model. To the extent that their model allows one to define the problem away, it is not difficult to see why they find it so compelling.More seriously, Dore and Ward fail to make a coherent argument about the concept of rights and duties and the logic of a particular rights structure that happens to prevail. They seem concerned that my article was tampering with some sacred social construct—the status quo rights structure—and that my article threatened the received wisdom of both “public economics” and Paretian-Walrasian bliss. Indeed, theirs seems to be a genuine fear that if economists release their grip on the certitude of received orthodoxy the floodgates will be open to all manner of bumbling regulators seeking to shift rights and wealth positions across generations. My article is apparently threatening because it seems to suggest that the received wisdom may, at times, be misleading.  相似文献   

The crisis in the early 1990s over conservation of biodiversity in the forests of the Pacific Northwest caused an upheaval in forest policies for public and private landowners. These events led to the development of the Coastal Landscape Assessment and Modeling Study (CLAMS) for the Coast Range Physiographic Province of Oregon, a province containing over two million hectares of forest with a complex mixture of public and private ownership. Over a decade, CLAMS scientists developed regional data bases and tools to enable assessments of the implications of current policies for biodiversity and have begun using these data and tools to test ideas for solving policy problems. We summarize here four main lessons from our work: (1) Regional ecosystem perspectives, while rewarding, are difficult to achieve. Helping policy makers and the public understand biodiversity policies for an entire province can assist in developing more reasoned policies. However, this result is difficult to achieve because needed scientific building blocks generally do not exist, few policy institutions address regional cross-ownership issues, people can find it difficult to take a regional view, and the appropriate region for analysis changes with the policy problem. (2) Interest in environmental policy analysis may come as much from a pursuit of power as a pursuit of understanding. Biodiversity policy analyses are often viewed as weapons in an ongoing political battle. Also, results that might destabilize existing policies generally will not be well received by those in power. (3) The relationship of regional analyses to civic processes remains challenging and unsettled. Communication between citizens and scientists takes real effort. Also, collaborative processes both inspire and constrain regional policy analysis, and scientific work often proceeds at a different pace than these processes. In the end, CLAMS's most important effect on the civic dialogue may be to change how people think about the Coast Range. (4) An important role exists for anticipatory assessments done independently by scientists. Independent review will be especially important as policy analyses shift to management of nonfederal forests. Our future efforts in CLAMS will focus on evaluating ideas for fundamental changes in forest management.  相似文献   

The recent economic meltdown worldwide has reinforced our understanding of the effects of decoupling economic growth, monetary policy, and resources. Concern for peak oil and suggestions that it may have contributed to the global economic woes as well as over concern for the banking fraud may be adding confusion over the underlying causes and sending a misleading message to the public and ultimately to policy makers. Viewing the economy as simply a circulation of money that can be manipulated to increase spending and therefore consume our way out of the current economic situation, is courting disaster by deluding the public that the solution lies in simple adjustments to the current monetary system. Similarly, emphasizing that energy is the problem and that the solution can be found with another energy source is probably counterproductive in the short run and may be disastrous in the long run. The recent nuclear accident in Japan seriously calls into question increased dependence on nuclear energy and renewable energy sources, in the majority, have low net yields and are unevenly distributed worldwide.In this paper we frame the economic system as a subsystem of the larger more encompassing geobiosphere and suggest that within this context, neoclassical economics is unlikely to provide sufficient explanation of the recent economic melt-down. From a biophysical perspective, increasing the amount or speed of money circulation as well as extracting more energy from whatever source is available will only compound the problems and relying on growth as the solution to what ails the global economy is not a desirable nor a tenable solution.  相似文献   

One of the main goals in decision-making for sustainable development is to identify and choose the most sustainable option among different alternatives. This process usually involves a large number of stakeholders with multiple, often conflicting objectives. Facilitating and resolving such difficult decision situations can be complex, so that a more formal and systematic approach to decision-making may be necessary. This paper proposes an integrated multiple criteria decision-support framework specifically developed to provide a systematic, step-by-step guidance to decision-makers. The framework, which is suitable for both corporate and public policy-making in the context of sustainable development, comprises three steps: problem structuring, problem analysis and problem resolution. This paper concentrates on problem analysis and resolution, where decision-makers articulate their preferences for different decision criteria. A suitable Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) technique, such as multi-objective optimisation, goal programming, value-based and outranking approaches, is then used to model the preferences. These techniques are discussed here in some detail, to provide guidance on the choice of the most appropriate MCDA method. Based on the outcome of preference modelling, which estimates the overall 'value' of each alternative being considered, decision-makers can then choose the 'best' or most sustainable option. Such an integrated decision-support framework is useful for providing structure to the debate, ensuring dialogue among decision-makers and showing trade-offs between conflicting objectives. In this way, it may be possible to create shared understanding about the issues, generate a sense of common purpose and, often, resolve 'difficult' decision problems.  相似文献   

One of the main goals in decision-making for sustainable development is to identify and choose the most sustainable option from among different alternatives. This process usually involves a large number of stakeholders with multiple, often conflicting, objectives. Facilitating and resolving such difficult decision situations can be complex, so that a more formal and systematic approach to decision-making may be necessary. This two-part paper proposes an integrated multiple criteria decision-support framework specifically developed to provide systematic, step-by-step guidance to decision-makers. The framework, which is suitable for both corporate and public policy-making in the context of sustainable development, comprises three steps: problem structuring, problem analysis and problem resolution. In this paper, the focus is on problem structuring while Part II concentrates on problem analysis and resolution. Problem structuring includes identification of stakeholders, sustainability issues and indicators relevant for a particular decision problem. Sustainability indicators are used as decision criteria for identifying and choosing the most sustainable option. In the problem analysis step, decision makers articulate their preferences for different decision criteria. A suitable Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) technique, such as multi-objective optimisation, goal programming, value-based and outranking approaches, is then used to model the preferences. These techniques are discussed in Part II, which also gives guidance on the choice of the most appropriate MCDA method. Based on the outcome of preference modelling, which estimates the overall 'value' of each alternative being considered, decision-makers can then choose the 'best' or most sustainable option. Such an integrated decision-support framework is useful for providing structure to the debate, ensuring dialogue among decision-makers and showing trade-offs between conflicting objectives. In this way, it may be possible to create shared understanding about the issues, generate a sense of common purpose, and often, resolve 'difficult' decision problems.  相似文献   

Spoil disposal     
Summary The colliery spoil problem in existing mining areas requires the same attention as that in the new coalfields. The Yorkshire coalfield has particular problems since so much land near collieries has already been tipped on. Suggested short-term and long-term solutions are outlined. Some will be successful, others may not.The Commission on Energy and the Environment has made many recommendations to improve the existing situation in the coalfields. How many of these will the Government support? The National Coal Board promised a high standard of environmental treatment at the Belvoir public inquiry. Will these high standards be reflected in developments on the existing coalfields?Effective day-to-day management can have beneficial results out of all proportion to expenditure. All collieries should match up to the high standards achieved at the better ones. Is there any reason why lagoons should be features of colliery spoil disposal for the next decade? Can colliery spoil be used more extensively as an alternative material in construction? The National Coal Board and the local authorities need a strategic plan for coal development including spoil disposal and in detail need an agreed plan for short-term spoil disposal at each colliery.Commitment and research is needed to look into methods of backstowage — which tackles the problem at source. Can other European experience help in this matter? Fluidised-bed technology may lead to a reduction in spoil. Maximum use will have to be made of local tipping opportunities, whether quarry, voids, opencast coal sites, new land forms or upgrading agricultural land — but they won't happen on their own. Effort and determination will be needed. Long-distance movement of spoil appears expensive. It cannot be financed under the NCB's present system of accounting and certainly not financed by local authorities. Costs may need to be met nationally. The financing of major spoil solutions may well be the major problem in making and progress in any direction — but a national resource such as coal should be developed through a national approach to overall costs.  相似文献   

While scientific understanding of environmental issues develops through careful observation, experiment and modelling, the application of such advances in the day to day world is much less clean and tidy. Merseyside in northwest England has an industrial heritage from the earliest days of the industrial revolution. Indeed, the chemical industry was borne here. Land contamination issues are rife, as are problems with air quality. Through the examination of one case study for each topic, the practicalities of applied science are explored. An integrated, multidisciplinary response to pollution needs more than a scientific risk assessment. The needs of the various groups (from public to government) involved in the situations must be considered, as well as wider, relevant contexts (from history to European legislation), before a truly integrated response can be generated. However, no such situation exists in isolation and the introduction of environmental investigations and the exploration of suitable, integrated responses will alter the situation in unexpected ways, which must be considered carefully and incorporated in a rolling fashion to enable solutions to continue to be applicable and relevant to the problem being faced. This integrated approach has been tested over many years in Merseyside and found to be a robust approach to ever-changing problems that are well described by the management term, “wicked problems”.  相似文献   

The public provisions of free or below cost outdoor recreation sites has resulted in the use of various methods to evaluate the demand. One method is to use travel cost as a price proxy. However, this mechanism does not take into account problems raised by congestion. This paper shows that the use of the travel cost method will always underestimate the true benefits provided by recreation at a site because of the role of congestion. The results are important because they identify a source of bias in measuring benefits of outdoor recreation and suggest how it may be corrected.  相似文献   

Questions around how to conserve nature are increasingly leading to dissonance in conservation planning and action. While science can assist in unraveling the nature of conservation challenges, conservation responses rely heavily on normative positions and constructs to order actions, aid interpretations, and provide motivation. However, problems can arise when norms are mistaken for science or when they stymy scientific rigor. To highlight these potential pitfalls, we used the ethics-based tool of argument analysis to assess a controversial conservation intervention, the Pelorus Island Goat Control Program. The program proponents' argument for restorative justice was unsound because it relied on weak logical construction overly entrenched in normative assumptions. Overreliance on normative constructs, particularly the invocation of tragedy, creates a sense of urgency that can subvert scientific and ethical integrity, obscure values and assumptions, and increase the propensity for flawed logic. This example demonstrates how the same constructs that drive biodiversity conservation can also drive poor decision making, spur public backlash, and justify poor animal welfare outcomes. To provide clarity, a decision-making flowchart we devised demonstrates how values, norms, and ethics influence one another. We recommend practitioners follow 3 key points to improve decision making: be aware of values, as well as normative constructs and ethical theories that those values inform; be mindful of overreliance on either normative constructs or ethics when deciding action is justified; and be logically sound and transparent when building justifications. We also recommend 5 key attributes that practitioners should be attentive to when making conservation decisions: clarity, transparency, scientific integrity, adaptiveness, and compassion. Greater attention to the role of norms in decision making will improve conservation outcomes and garner greater public support for actions.  相似文献   

Crafting Effective Solutions to the Large Carnivore Conservation Problem   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
How problems are defined and redefined largely dictates how they will (or if they can) be solved, especially complex problems such as the challenge of conserving large carnivores in North America. We describe a practical and comprehensive method for analyzing problems within specific human and ecological contexts and for inventing, evaluating, and selecting solutions. We conducted a problem definition exercise for the large carnivore conservation problem and arrived at five key variables that must be addressed in order to protect these threatened species: cultural history, valuation, ecology, management systems, and the policy process. Our analysis maps the broad dimensions of the problem and identifies areas to be targeted by any successful solution strategy. The method we present and our proposed initial definition of the carnivore conservation problem can serve as a springboard for further analysis and policy making at specific sites and at appropriate scales for on-the-ground solutions to this and other natural resource problems.  相似文献   

An Integrated Approach to the Ecology and Management of Plant Invasions   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Plant invasions are a serious threat to natural and managed ecosystems worldwide. The number of species involved and the extent of existing invasions renders the problem virtually intractable, and it is likely to worsen as more species are introduced to new habitats and more existing invaders move into a phase of rapid spread. We contend that current research and management approaches are inadequate to tackle the problem. The current focus is mostly on the characteristics and control of individual invading species. Much can be gained, however, by considering other important components of the invasion problem. Patterns of weed spread indicate that many species have a long lag phase following introduction before they spread explosively. Early detection and treatment of invasions before explosive spread occurs will prevent many future problems. Similarly, a focus on the invaded ecosystem and its management, rather than on the invader, is likely to be more effective. Identification of the causal factors enhancing ecosystem invasibility should lead to more-effective integrated control programs. An assessment of the value of particular sites and their degree of disturbance would allow the setting of management priorities for protection and control. Socioeconomic factors frequently play a larger part than ecological factors in plant invasions. Changes in human activities in terms of plant introduction and use, land use, and timing of control measures are all required before the plant invasion problem can be tackled adequately. Dealing with plant invasions is an urgent task that will require difficult decisions about land use and management priorities. These decisions have to be made if we want to conserve biodiversity worldwide.  相似文献   

Ecological restoration is an increasingly important tool for managing and improving highly degraded or altered environments. Faced with a large number of sites or ecosystems to restore, and a diverse array of restoration approaches, investments in ecological restoration must be prioritized. Nevertheless, there are relatively few examples of the systematic prioritization of restoration actions. The development of a general theory for ecological restoration that is sufficiently sophisticated and robust to account for the inherent complexity of restoration planning, and yet is flexible and adaptable to ensure applicability to a diverse array of restoration problems is needed. In this paper we draw on principles from systematic conservation planning to explicitly formulate the ‘restoration prioritization problem’. We develop a generalized theory for static and dynamic restoration planning problems, and illustrate how the basic problem formulation can be expanded to allow for many factors characteristic of restoration problems, including spatial dependencies, the possibility of restoration failure, and the choice of multiple restoration techniques. We illustrate the applicability of our generic problem definition by applying it to a case study - restoration prioritization on The Irvine Ranch Natural Landmark in Southern California. Through this case study we illustrate how the definition of the general restoration problem can be extended to account for the specific constraints and considerations of an on-the-ground restoration problem.  相似文献   

Compassionate conservation focuses on 4 tenets: first, do no harm; individuals matter; inclusivity of individual animals; and peaceful coexistence between humans and animals. Recently, compassionate conservation has been promoted as an alternative to conventional conservation philosophy. We believe examples presented by compassionate conservationists are deliberately or arbitrarily chosen to focus on mammals; inherently not compassionate; and offer ineffective conservation solutions. Compassionate conservation arbitrarily focuses on charismatic species, notably large predators and megaherbivores. The philosophy is not compassionate when it leaves invasive predators in the environment to cause harm to vastly more individuals of native species or uses the fear of harm by apex predators to terrorize mesopredators. Hindering the control of exotic species (megafauna, predators) in situ will not improve the conservation condition of the majority of biodiversity. The positions taken by so-called compassionate conservationists on particular species and on conservation actions could be extended to hinder other forms of conservation, including translocations, conservation fencing, and fertility control. Animal welfare is incredibly important to conservation, but ironically compassionate conservation does not offer the best welfare outcomes to animals and is often ineffective in achieving conservation goals. Consequently, compassionate conservation may threaten public and governmental support for conservation because of the limited understanding of conservation problems by the general public.  相似文献   

The Challenge and Opportunity of Recovering Wolf Populations   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The gray wolf once inhabited a wide variety of habitats throughout most of the northern hemisphere north of 20°N latitude. Because the animal preyed on livestock and competed with humans for wild prey, it was extirpated from much of its range outside of wilderness areas. Environmental awareness in the late 1960s brought for the wolf legal protection, increased research, and favorable media coverage. The species has increased in both Europe and North America, is beginning to reoccupy semiwilderness and agricultural land, and is causing increased damage to livestock. Because of the wolf's high reproductive rate and long dispersal tendencies, the animal can recolonize many more areas. In most such areas control will be necessary, but the same public sentiments that promoted wolf recovery reject control. If wolf advocates could accept control by the public rather than by the government, wolves could live in far more places. Insistence on government control discourages some officials and government agencies from promoting recovery. The use of large- or small-scale zoning for wolf management may help resolve the issue. Public education is probably the most effective way to minimize the problem and maximize wolf recovery, but the effort must begin immediately.  相似文献   

Urban Fluid Mechanics: Air Circulation and Contaminant Dispersion in Cities   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
Recently, many urban areas of the world have experienced rapid growth of population and industrial activity raising concerns of environmental deterioration. To meet challenges associated with such rapid urbanization, it has become necessary to implement wise strategies for environmental management and planning, addressing the exclusive demands of urban zones for maintaining environmental sustainability and functioning with minimum disruption. These strategies and related public policy must be based on state-of-the-science tools for environmental forecasting, in particular, on mathematical models that accurately incorporate physical, biological, chemical and geological processes at work on urban scales. Central to such models are the mechanics of environmental fluids (air and water) and their transport and transformation characteristics. Although much progress has been made on understanding environmental flow phenomena, a myriad of issues akin to urban flow, the transport phenomena, air and water quality and health issues (epidemiology) remain to be understood and quantified. We propose to initiate a new focus area – Urban Fluid Mechanics (UFM) – tailored to research on such issues. For optimal societal impact, UFM must delve into fundamental and applied fluid flow problems of immediate utility for the development of urban public policy and environmental regulations. Such efforts often entail the use of `whole' systems approach to environmental studies, requiring careful synthesis between crosscutting areas.In this paper, a few topics in the realm of UFM are presented, the theme being the flow and air quality in urban areas. Topics such as the scales of flow, the atmospheric boundary layer, pollutants and their transport and modeling of flow and air quality are briefly reviewed, discussed and exemplified using case studies. Identification of important flow-related issues, rigorous multidisciplinary approaches to address them and articulation of results in the context of socio-political cause calebre will be the challenges faced by UFM.  相似文献   


Goal and Scope

Planning projects concerning the environment often provoke problems due to a lack of transparency of the applied scales and the appropriate evaluation methods. This paper therefore examines the general structure of all valuation processes before describing the character of the economic evaluation method in detail. From this point of view, requirements on planning processes are coming out which are to be achieved if their duty — the provision of public goods — is to be carried out efficiently.


It will be shown that from an economist’s perspective a planning procedure acts as a surrogate of the market in coordinating individual’s preferences. The reasons for the inefficient level of the provision of environmental goods by private producers are their main characteristics: non-rivality and non-excludability; therefore public goods do not possess prices. Thus environmental goods have to be produced by cooperation and planning processes have to guarantee this. The main character of planning procedures is be seen in communication processes which is documented by a narrative study.

Results and Conclusions

Planning projects concerning the environment are strongly contingent on communication processes. Thus, they are also controllable by communication. The interdisciplinary research in communications shows that cooperative behaviour which is required for planning projects that should provide public goods can be benefited by applicative communication technologies. In this juncture (social) norms more and more emerge to act an important part in conveying cooperative behaviour. Especially so called ‘Sozialtechniken’ seem to be able to activate such norms.


From the economist’s point of view planning projects concerning the environment mostly desiderate two things: Firstly, the procedures and methods which are applied to evaluate the regarding environmental goods in many cases suffer from transparency. Secondly, individual’s preferences predominant by the local population and accordingly by the directly involved parties are mostly not acquired adequately to achieve an efficient allocation of environmental goods. Applying more communication technologies to solve these two problems in the future both an increase of efficiency and an increase of the acceptability of such planning projects can be expected.  相似文献   

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