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One hundred and fourteen samples of amniotic fluid taken before 15 weeks of gestation were cultured for cytogenetic studies. The results of culturing these early amniotic fluid (EAF) samples were compared with the results of culturing 114 standard amniotic fluid (SAP) samples taken after 15 weeks of gestation matched for maternal age and received in the laboratory within the same week. Cell culture was successful in all 114 of the EAF samples and in 111 SAP samples. There was no significant difference in the days to harvesting and days to reporting in the two groups. Three samples of SAP failed to grow and two EAF samples produced tetraploid karyotypes, so that in these five cases amniocentesis had to be repeated. These problems were attributed to toxicity of a fungicide used in the culture medium. Pseudomosaicism was noted in two EAF samples and one SAP sample; and maternal cell contamination was noted in one EAF and one SAP sample. Thus, culturing and karyotyping cells harvested from EAF and SAP are similar, indicating that EAF samples from 12–14-week pregnancies could be used for prenatal diagnosis.  相似文献   

We report a series of 350 patients submitted to transabdominal chorionic villus sampling (CVS). A technique using two ultrasound-guided needles and a suction pump was used. In most cases, the procedure was performed between 9 and 13 weeks. Twenty-one pregnancies were selectively terminated; nine spontaneous abortions followed the procedure and one fetal loss after 28 weeks was recorded; 153 pregnancies are in progress and 169 delivered fetuses are alive and well. Transabdominal biopsy is a feasible and effective technique for CVS.  相似文献   

Three hundred and thirty-nine cases of multiple gestation underwent prenatal diagnosis by amniocentesis. The spontaneous abortion rate (to 28 weeks) in this group was 3.57 per cent compared with our singleton abortion rate of 0.60 per cent. The perinatal mortality rate (PMR) and prematurity rate were not different from the singletons, and compared favourably with the PMR reported in the literature for multiple gestations which did not undergo any intervention during pregnancy. This increased abortion rate following amniocentesis may only represent the increased natural loss rate in multiple gestations, and not indicate any increased risk added by the procedure.  相似文献   

Over a four-year period, 140 pregnancies with different malformations detected by ultrasound were examined cytogenetically. Gestational age ranged from 13 to 36 weeks. Twenty-six fetuses (18.6 per cent) had abnormal karyotypes, including trisomies, triploidy, monosomy X, and structural anomalies. Similar malformations were found in fetuses with different chromosomal anomalies, indicating that the types of malformations are not specific for particular chromosomal anomalies. Chromosomal analysis was performed on amniotic fluid culture and by direct karyotyping of placental biopsies. Direct karyotyping is suggested to be the most rapid approach, especially if sonographic anomalies are detected close to the 24th week of gestation, shortly before delivery, and in cases of significant oligohydramnios.  相似文献   

Two premature triplet pregnancies underwent repeated treatment aimed at acceleration of individual fetal lung maturity while administering intravenous tocolytic treatment. From the early third trimester, repeated amniocenteses were used for intra-amniotic administration of thyroxine to each sac, while the individual fetal lung maturation rate was determined by surfactant microviscosity until lung maturity was achieved.  相似文献   

Chorionic villus sampling was performed between 7 and 12 weeks gestation in 1000 patients, 935 of whom intended to continue after fetal diagnosis. Transcervical and Transabdominal aspiration techniques were used providing a sampling success rate of 99 per cent. Anatomical and clinical contraindications to transcervical aspiration were pointed out, and the complementary role of the transabdominal approach evaluated. In the 615 concluded pregnancies an overall abortion rate of 4.1 per cent was observed. A significant association between fetal loss and number of catheter insertions was demonstrated. Bacterial inoculation by catheter insertion and colonization of uterine cavity was suspected as the cause of chorionamnionitis diagnosed in two cases (0.2 per cent) after CVS. Bleeding was the most frequent early complication (12.0 per cent) following chorionic aspiration, but was not significantly related to pregnancy wastage. Late complications, i.e. premature rupture of membranes (0.8 per cent), preterm delivery (6.3 per cent), perinatal losses (1.2 per cent), placental disorders (1.6 per cent), and congenital defects (2.6 per cent) did not exceed the expected values. Normal intrauterine growth patterns were ultrasonically estimated by cross-sectional and longitudinal studies, while the weight at birth was normally distributed in the range of the general population.  相似文献   

Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) of chromosome-specific probes to interphase nuclei can rapidly identify aneuploidies in uncultured amniotic fluid cells. Using DNA probe sets specific for chromosomes 13, 18, 21, X, and Y, we have identified 14 fetuses where the hybridization pattern was consistent with a triploid chromosome constitution. In each case, the identification of fetal abnormalities by ultrasound examination initiated a request for rapid determination of ploidy status via prenatal FISH analysis of uncultured amniocytes. FISH produced a three-signal pattern for the three autosomes in combination with signals indicating an XXX or XXY sex chromosome complement. This hybridization pattern was interpreted to be consistent with triploidy. Results were reported to the physician within 2 days of amniocentesis and subsequently confirmed by cytogenetics. These cases demonstrate the utility of FISH for rapid prenatal identification of triploidy, particularly when fetal abnormalities are seen with ultrasonographic examination.  相似文献   

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