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Methods to assess ecosystem services using ecological or economic approaches are considerably better defined than methods for the social approach. To identify why the social approach remains unclear, we reviewed current trends in the literature. We found two main reasons: (i) the cultural ecosystem services are usually used to represent the whole social approach, and (ii) the economic valuation based on social preferences is typically included in the social approach. Next, we proposed a framework for the social valuation of ecosystem services that provides alternatives to economics methods, enables comparison across studies, and supports decision-making in land planning and management. The framework includes the agreements emerged from the review, such as considering spatial–temporal flows, including stakeholders from all social ranges, and using two complementary methods to value ecosystem services. Finally, we provided practical recommendations learned from the application of the proposed framework in a case study.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s13280-014-0555-2) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The main aims of the present study, conducted in the framework of the MONIQUA-Egadi Scientific Project, were twofold: first, to make the first step in the development and validation of an ecotoxicological approach for the assessment of marine pollution in coastal environments on the basis of a set of biomarker responses in new sentinel species; and second, to obtain preliminary information on environmental quality in an Italian marine protected area, the Egadi Islands (Sicily). Several cytochrome P450-dependent mixed-function oxidase activities were measured in the following sentinel species: rainbow wrasse Coris julis, gastropod limpet Patella caerulea, and sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus. The results suggest that specimens from the Favignana Harbor may be exposed to P450 inducers, whereas most of the other sites seem to share similar environmental quality. The proposed approach has potential for assessment of environmental quality in marine protected areas.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Land degradation is one of the most serious environmental challenges that profoundly affects ecosystem services (ESs), which further threaten...  相似文献   

This study used pollution roses to assess sulfur dioxide (SO2) pollution in a township downwind of a large petrochemical complex based on data collected from a single air quality monitoring station. The pollution roses summarized hourly SO2 concentrations at the Taishi air quality monitoring station, located approximately 7.8–13.0 km south of the No. 6 Naphtha Cracking Complex in Taiwan, according to 36 sectors of wind direction during the preoperational period (1995–1999) and two postoperational periods (2000–2004 and 2005–2009). The 99th percentile of hourly SO2 concentrations 350? downwind from the complex increased from 28.9 ppb in the preoperational period to 86.2–324.2 ppb in the two postoperational periods. Downwind SO2 concentrations were particularly high during 2005–2009 at wind speeds of 6–8 m/sec. Hourly SO2 levels exceeded the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) health-based standard of 75 ppb only in the postoperational periods, with 65 exceedances from 0–10? and 330–350? downwind directions during 2001–2009. This study concluded that pollution roses based on a single monitoring station can be used to investigate source contributions to air pollution surrounding industrial complexes, and that it is useful to combine such directional methods with analyses of how pollution varies between different wind speeds, times of day, and periods of industrial development.

Implications: The pollution roses summarize SO2 concentrations by wind direction and to investigate source contribution to air quality. Percentile statistics can catch pollution episodes occurring in a very short time at specific wind directions and speeds. The downwind areas have already exceeded regulated 1-hr SO2 standard since the operation of the complex.  相似文献   


Ecological indicators have widespread appeal to scientists, environmental managers, and the general public. Remote sensing is unique in its capability to record variety of spatio-temporal information on land surface with complete coverage, especially with regard to larger spatial scales, which has been proven to be an effective data source to create indicators to rapidly identify regional eco-environment. In this paper, a new index, remote sensing based ecological index (RSEI) based on the pressure-state-response (PSR) framework, was applied to assess regional ecological changes in Fuzhou City of Fujian Province, southeastern China, using Landsat ETM+/OLI/TIRS images. Taking the advantages of being totally free of artificial interference in the calculation using principal components analysis (PCA) to assign weights of each variable, the RSEI can assess the regional ecological status more objectively and easily. The effectivity of the new index was validated by four approaches, including point-based, classification-based, correlation-based, and urban-rural-gradient-based comparisons. The case study showed that Fuzhou has witnessed ecological improvement during the study period, with the value of RSEI increasing from 0.663 in 2000 to 0.675 in 2016. Spatial variation analysis showed that the poor level of RSEI distributed mostly in the central urban areas, and the ecological degradation was attributed to the fast expansion of the built-up area, characterized by increasing greatly in the value of the normalized differential built up and soil index (NDBSI) in such areas.


The distribution of urban ecosystem services (UES) is often uneven across socioeconomic groups, leading to environmental justice issues. Understanding the distribution of UES across a landscape can help managers ensure an equitable distribution of services. While many past studies have focused on the distribution of green spaces in relation to socioeconomic variables, this research analyzes the distribution of UES provided by these green spaces. This research quantified air pollution removal, atmospheric carbon reduction, and surface runoff mitigation provided by urban trees in Strasbourg city (France). The provision of these three UES was studied at the census block scale by creating an index of UES delivery, which was contrasted with a constructed social deprivation index. Our results show that there is no significant association between the delivery of UES and social deprivation. Some deprived populations benefit from high UES delivery. Results also suggest that mapping associations between UES delivery and social deprivation should be integrated with future development plans to enhance the equitable distribution of UES. This study provides insights into the French context where studies about the distribution of UES at a small-area level remain lacking.  相似文献   

Mapping the spatial distribution of soil pollutants is essential for delineating contaminated areas. Currently, geostatistical interpolation, kriging, is increasingly used to estimate pollutant concentrations in soils. The kriging-based approach, indicator kriging (IK), may be used to model the uncertainty of mapping. However, a smoothing effect is usually produced when using kriging in pollutant mapping. The detailed spatial patterns of pollutants could, therefore, be lost. The local uncertainty of mapping pollutants derived by the IK technique is referred to as the conditional cumulative distribution function (ccdf) for one specific location (i.e. single-location uncertainty). The local uncertainty information obtained by IK is not sufficient as the uncertainty of mapping at several locations simultaneously (i.e. multi-location uncertainty or spatial uncertainty) is required to assess the reliability of the delineation of contaminated areas. The simulation approach, sequential indicator simulation (SIS), which has the ability to model not only single, but also multi-location uncertainties, was used, in this study, to assess the uncertainty of the delineation of heavy metal contaminated soils. To illustrate this, a data set of Cu concentrations in soil from Taiwan was used. The results show that contour maps of Cu concentrations generated by the SIS realizations exhausted all the spatial patterns of Cu concentrations without the smoothing effect found when using the kriging method. Based on the SIS realizations, the local uncertainty of Cu concentrations at a specific location of x', refers to the probability of the Cu concentration z(x') being higher than the defined threshold level of contamination (z(c)). This can be written as Prob(SIS)[z(x')>z(c)], representing the probability of contamination. The probability map of Prob(SIS)[z(x')>z(c)] can then be used for delineating contaminated areas. In addition, the multi-location uncertainty of an area A,delineated as contaminated based on the probability map of Prob(SIS)[z(x')>z(c)], can be calculated to assess the reliability of delineation. Multi-location uncertainty refers to the probability of Cu concentrations in several locations, x'(1), x'(2), em leader, x'(m,) in the area A, being higher than the threshold (z(c)) as denoted by Prob(SIS)[z(x'(1))>z(c), z(x'(2))>z(c), em leader, andz(x'(m))>z(c)] or Prob(SIS)[z(A)>z(c)]. The multi-location uncertainty Prob(SIS)[z(A)>z(c)], obtained from the SIS, can be used to assess the reliability of delineation for regions suspected of contamination, (A), which has been delineated as contaminated. Reliance on this information facilitates the decision making process in determining which areas are contaminated and require cleanup action.  相似文献   

As part of the tier 2 of a site-specific risk assessment, this study was the first reporting an intensive in situ application of the bait-lamina assay; two exposure periods (7 and 14 days) were tested during four seasons in ten different sites, within a uranium mine area and at two different depths. The most contaminated sites (by deposition of sludge from the effluent treatment pond) were discriminated after 14 days of exposure because extremely low percentages of feeding activity were recorded. Previous sub-lethal ecotoxicological assays, already had demonstrated that the habitat function of these soils is compromised. Nevertheless, seasonality has proved to have a significant influence on responses. Thus to strength conclusions about the impact of contaminants, the in situ bait-lamina assay should be performed on different annual seasons, at least for temperate regions. It was also found that some environmental parameters (e.g. soil moisture and litter) can act as confounding factors in the bait-lamina assay.  相似文献   

In this paper, a literature review about optical remote sensing (RS) of O3 stress is presented. Studies on O3-induced effects on vegetation reflectance have been conducted since late ‘70s based on the analysis of optical RS data. Literature review reveals that traditional RS techniques were able to detect changes in leaf and canopy reflectance related to O3-induced stress when visible symptoms already occurred. Only recently, advanced RS techniques using hyperspectral sensors, demonstrated the feasibility of detecting the stress in its early phase by monitoring excess energy dissipation pathways such as chlorophyll fluorescence and non-photochemical quenching (NPQ). Steady-state fluorescence (Fs), measured by exploiting the Fraunhofer line depth principle and NPQ related xanthophyll-cycle, estimated through the photochemical reflectance index (PRI) responded to O3 fumigation before visible symptoms occurred. This opens up new possibilities for the early detection of vegetation O3 stress by means of hyperspectral RS.  相似文献   

Managing protected areas effectively requires information about patterns of visitor use, but these data are often limited. We explore how geotagged photos on Flickr, a popular photo-sharing social-media site, can generate hotspot maps and distribution models of temporal and spatial patterns of use in two mountain-protected areas of high conservation value. In Aconcagua Provincial Park (Argentina), two routes to the summit of Aconcagua were used in summer, but most visitors stayed close to the main road, using formal and informal walking trails and the Visitor Centre, while in winter, there was very limited visitation. In Kosciuszko National Park (Australia), alpine walking trails were popular in summer, but in winter, most visitors stayed in the lower altitude ski resorts and ski trails. Results demonstrate the usefulness of social-media data alone as well as a complement for visitor monitoring, providing spatial and temporal information for site-specific and park-level management of visitors and potential impacts in conservation areas.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - In the face of the global haze crisis, exploring the driving force of political factors for controlling minute atmospheric particles has become...  相似文献   

生态系统服务功能在研究道路交通工程的生态影响方面有着重要的作用,尤其是对于存在交通穿越的饮用水水源保护区的生态系统影响评价。以深圳东部某高速公路设置开口为研究对象,计算公路开口带来的生态系统服务功能(包括调节气候、固碳释氧、土壤保持、涵养水源、净化环境、减弱噪声、农业生产直接经济价值、物种保育8个方面)损失。在此基础上,结合环境污染损失、经济社会效益和工程建设费用进行了损益综合分析,以全面评估饮用水水源保护区公路开口的生态系统影响。结果表明,该穿越水水源保护区的高速公路开口设置方案对于生态系统的影响很大,效益损失比为17.51%,方案的生态环境可行性不足,应予以修改完善。  相似文献   

Wijnbladh E  Jönsson BF  Kumblad L 《Ambio》2006,35(8):484-495
Studies of carbon fluxes in marine ecosystems are often done by using box model approaches with basin size boxes, or highly resolved 3D models, and an emphasis on the pelagic component of the ecosystem. Those approaches work well in the ocean proper, but can give rise to considerable problems when applied to coastal systems, because of the scale of certain ecological niches and the fact that benthic organisms are the dominant functional group of the ecosystem. In addition, 3D models require an extensive modeling effort. In this project, an intermediate approach based on a high resolution (20x20 m) GIS data-grid has been developed for the coastal ecosystem in the Laxemar area (Baltic Sea, Sweden) based on a number of different site investigations. The model has been developed in the context of a safety assessment project for a proposed nuclear waste repository, in which the fate of hypothetically released radionuclides from the planned repository is estimated. The assessment project requires not only a good understanding of the ecosystem dynamics at the site, but also quantification of stocks and flows of matter in the system. The data-grid was then used to set up a carbon budget describing the spatial distribution of biomass, primary production, net ecosystem production and thus where carbon sinks and sources are located in the area. From these results, it was clear that there was a large variation in ecosystem characteristics within the basins and, on a larger scale, that the inner areas are net producing and the outer areas net respiring, even in shallow phytobenthic communities. Benthic processes had a similar or larger influence on carbon fluxes as advective processes in inner areas, whereas the opposite appears to be true in the outer basins. As many radionuclides are expected to follow the pathways of organic matter in the environment, these findings enhance our abilities to realistically describe and predict their fate in the ecosystem.  相似文献   

The formation of the North Water in Smith Sound about 4500 years ago, as evidenced by the establishment of bird colonies and human presence, also initiated a long-term anthropogenic agent as part of this High Arctic ecosystem. Different epochs have influenced the human occupation in the area: immigration pulses from Canada and Alaska, trade with meteorite iron throughout the Arctic, introduction of new technologies by whalers and explorers, exploitation of resources by foreigners, political sequestration, export of fox and seal skins and later narwhal products, and recently fishing. Physical drivers in terms of weather and climate affecting the northern hemisphere also impact accessibility and productivity of the ecosystem, with cascading effects on social drivers, again acting back on the natural ecologies. Despite its apparent isolation, the ecosystem had and still has wide ranging spatial ramifications that extend beyond the High Arctic, and include human activity. The challenge is to determine what is internal and what is external to an ecosystem.  相似文献   

The use of small-scale experimental units as a means of evaluating the ecological effects of contaminated sediments was examined at the species, family, mixed and phylum levels of taxonomic resolution. Sediments were taken from various locations representing a range of contaminant loads. Containers with these sediments were placed in situ at a relatively uncontaminated location for 90 days. The containers were retrieved and the abundance of the macrofauna which recruited to the containers was estimated. The results showed that the composition of the benthic communities in the more highly contaminated sediments differed significantly from those in less contaminated sediments. Analyses at the different taxonomic levels showed that all but the phylum level data showed some differences in community structure among sediment types. The study showed that small-scale experiments are useful for examining the effects of contaminants and that higher levels of taxonomic resolution can be used to describe variations in the structure of benthic communities at this spatial scale.  相似文献   

Functional agrobiodiversity (FAB) has severely declined during the last decades. Current efforts to reinforce FAB are mainly focused on single-actor, parcel-based measures, whereas multi-actor landscape approaches are supposed to be more effective. In this paper, we propose a social–ecological framework that structures how different land users at both the parcel and landscape level interact with FAB as a natural resource. Furthermore, we introduce 1 m2 FAB gardens as an interactive multipurpose measurement tool to gather data on ecosystem services in collaboration with land users. The presented action research approach provides new insights on motivations and interests of different land users in FAB and how knowledge exchange can result in a higher motivation to invest in FAB. Using a case study in Flanders, we illustrate the FAB-garden concept and highlight its strengths and necessary considerations to properly complement other research approaches in this social–ecological system.Electronic supplementary materialThe online version of this article (10.1007/s13280-020-01382-0) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were determined in sediment samples collected from 34 locations in Lake Qarun, Egypt to elucidate their concentrations, distribution, possible sources and potential ecological risk. A total of 25 OCPs and 29 PCBs were identified and quantified. OCPs and PCBs were found to be ubiquitous pollutants in the aquatic environment of Lake Qarun, particular near urban areas reflecting the local usage and input of these pollutants. Total concentrations of OCPs and PCBs in sediments ranged from 1.01 to 164.8 ng g?1 and 1.48 to 137.2 ng g?1, respectively. Among OCPs, γ-HCH, heptachlor, aldrin, endrin, p,p′-DDE, oxy-chlordane and endosulfan I and II were the most abundant compounds. The composition of PCB congeners was dominated by the tri-, tetra-, penta- and hexa-chlorinated biphenyls. The ratios of certain metabolites (isomers) to their parent compounds (mixtures) indicated there are still new inputs of lindane, endrin, heptachlor and technical endosulfan to Qarun Lake, while the ratios of (p,p′-DDE + p,p′-DDD)/∑p,p′-DDTs indicate earlier usage of DDT. Contamination levels of PCBs and HCHs can be categorized as moderate to high compared to other urbanized regions worldwide. According to established sediment quality guidelines, γ-HCH, endrin and chlordanes would be more concerned OCP species for the ecotoxicological risk in Lake Qarun.  相似文献   

Despite the large implications of the use of tropical land for exports (“land absorption”) on ecosystem services (ES) and global biodiversity conservation, the magnitude of these externalities is not known. We quantify the net value of ES lost in tropical countries as a result of cropland, forestland and pastureland absorption for exports after deducting ES gains through imports (“land displacement”). We find that net ES gains occur only in 7 out of the 41 countries and regions considered. We estimate global annual net losses of over 1.7 x 1012 international dollars (I$) (I$1.1 x 1012 if carbon-related services are not considered). After deducting the benefits from agricultural, forest and livestock rents in land replacing tropical forests, the net annual losses are I$1.3 and I$0.7 x 1012, respectively. The results highlight the large magnitude of tropical ES losses through international trade that are not compensated by the rents of land uses in absorbed land.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s13280-016-0768-7) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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