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This paper discusses asbestos regulations that are not part of Superfund and examines how these regulations can help to identify, evaluate and manage the risk associated with Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) at hazardous waste cleanup sites. Unless one knows where to look for ACM at hazardous waste sites, it may go undetected even after all the traditional sampling is done. Although EPA is currently developing a policy for evaluating risk from asbestos exposure at certain Superfund sites, information from existing regulations can be used to manage hazards associated with asbestos exposure at hazardous waste sites. This paper also identifies where to find governmental agency personnel and consultants who may be retained for site-specific help.  相似文献   

The objective of this critical review is to address soil remediation techniques at uncontrolled hazardous waste sites with regard to the following areas: 1) important regulatory and technical issues and information needs concerning soil remediation at uncontrolled hazardous waste sites; 2) approaches for selection of remediation techniques; and 3) the current state of knowledge regarding soil remediation techniques, including applications and limitations. The areas identified above are addressed with regard to current information, selected milestone publications, and specific applications of technologies to provide a synthesis of the topic. The information concerning current issues, approaches, and soil remediation techniques presented was critically reviewed in order to: 1) identify deficiencies in current approaches; 2) develop a conceptual framework for remediation; and 3) recommend improved approaches for selection of remediation technologies.  相似文献   

Small mammals were trapped, tagged and recaptured in 0.45 ha plots at six hazardous industrial waste disposal sites to determine if populations, body mass and age structures were different from paired control site plots. Low numbers of six species of small mammals were captured on industrial waste sites or control sites. Only populations of hispid cotton rats at industrial waste sites and control sites were large enough for comparisons. Overall population numbers, age structure, and body mass of adult male and female cotton rats were similar at industrial waste sites and control sites. Populations of small mammals (particularly hispid cotton rats) may not suffice as indicators of environments with hazardous industrial waste contamination.  相似文献   

The Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) is a Department of Energy (DOE) facility. To assess the impact of the site activities and releases on ecological receptors, the INEEL implemented a phased approach for conducting ecological risk assessments (ERAS). This approach applies an iterative, 'tiered' process, in which conservative preliminary assessments support progressively more refined assessments. The first phase is the screening-level ERA, which is a 'preassessment' performed at the Waste Area Group (WAG) level. This paper will address innovative methods, at the screening level, used to address systematically the complexity of the INEEL site, including adaptations of existing ERA methodologies to accommodate the functional grouping approach.  相似文献   

Screening-level ecological risk assessments are commonly conducted to identify those contaminants and receptors on which to focus future phases or tiers of the ecological risk assessment process. Most screening assessments are performed using a suite of individual species subjected to intensive evaluation of exposure (endpoint species) and selected for their appropriateness for serving as representatives or 'indicators' for all other species. As site complexity and the number of contaminants of concern increase, it becomes more difficult to assure with confidence that the potential for significant effects has been adequately assessed through an appropriate choice of endpoint species. As an alternative, functional groups demonstrating biological similarity and similar potential for contaminant exposure were developed for INEEL screening-level ecological risk assessments using taxonomic, trophic and habitat parameters. Data for individual species within each group are then integrated to address the potential for risk of adverse effects from contaminant exposure for the group as a whole.  相似文献   

The Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) has implemented a phased approach to ecological risk assessment (ERA). The first step in this process is a screening-level ERA at each facility. Basic to this approach was the development of ecologically based screening levels (EBSLs), defined as concentrations of chemicals in soil (or other media) that are not expected to produce any adverse effects on selected ecological receptors under chronic exposure conditions (analogous to preliminary remediation goals or soil screening levels). EBSLs are calculated by rearrangement of standard exposure equations to solve for soil concentration when chemical intake rate is set at a developed toxicity reference value (TRV). A TRV is defined as a chronic dose that is likely to be without appreciable risk of deleterious effects. This definition was extended to define TRVs and ultimately EBSLs for the functional groups used in the INEEL screening-level ERAS.  相似文献   

The distribution of PCDD/F and a selection of heavy metals in the surrounding area of the Hazardous Waste Incinerator (HWI) at Schwabach has been determined. The PCDD/F concentrations measured in soil, grass and lettuce samples are compared to modeling studies realized by the TÜV Bayern.  相似文献   

The production and emission of chlorinated aromatics from a hazardous waste incinerator were shown to be influenced by the operating conditions.  相似文献   

Transparent decisions are widely sought by parties interested in and affected by cleanup activities at government-owned facilities. In an approach to transparency, this paper uses decision paths and timelines to compare three decisions at the US Department of Energy Hanford site. A regulatory decision strategy, consisting of seven sequential (linear) steps, is used as the basis for the analysis. We find that the decision path is different for each case, although the timeframe associated with the main steps is similar. Also, although decision steps are evident in each case study, the decision process unfolds in cycles rather than following the linear path typically described to stakeholders. Finally, we observe a stronger emphasis on the information-gathering step than on other steps in the decision process. These findings suggest that new ways of representing decision situations are needed if transparency is to be achieved.  相似文献   

德国的工业危险废物管理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
工业危险废物管理已是当务之急。德国有较成功的经验,文章介绍了德国对工业危险废物管理的过程和处理方法,供决策管理部门和同行借鉴。  相似文献   

Natural attenuation assessment data, collected at a Superfund site located in Louisiana, USA, are presented. The study site is contaminated with large quantities of DNAPL waste products. Source characterization data indicated that chlorinated ethene and ethane compounds are the major contaminants of concern. This case study illustrates the steps involved in implementing the U.S. EPA's [U.S. EPA, 1998. Technical protocol for evaluating natural attenuation of chlorinated solvents in ground water, by Wiedmeier, T.H., Swnason, M.A., Moutoux, D.E., Gordon, E.K., Wilson, J.T., Wilson, B.H., Kampbell, D.H., Hass, P.E., Miller, R.N., Hansen, J. E., Chapelle, F.H., Office of Research and Development, EPA/600/R-98/128] monitored natural attenuation (MNA) screening protocol at this chlorinated solvent site. In the first stage of the MNA assessment process, the field data collected from four monitoring wells located in different parts of the plume were used to complete a biodegradation scoring analysis recommended by the protocol. The analysis indicates that the site has the potential for natural attenuation. In the second stage, a detailed conceptual model was developed to identify various contaminant transport pathways and exposure points. The U.S. EPA model and BIOCHLOR was used to assess whether the contaminants are attenuating at a reasonable rate along these transport paths so that MNA can be considered as a feasible remedial option for the site. The site data along with the modeling results indicate that the chlorinated ethene and chlorinated ethane plumes are degrading and will attenuate within 1000 ft down gradient from the source, well before reaching the identified exposure point Therefore, MNA can be considered as one of the feasible remediation options for the site.  相似文献   

危险固体废物焚烧残渣的稳定化处理研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用常规危险固体废物稳定剂Na3 PO4、Na2S、腐殖酸以及工业固体废物电石渣对台州典型危险固体废物焚烧残渣进行稳定化处理.以残渣中污染最严重的重金属Pb、Ni、Cu、Zn的去除率为衡量指标,进行稳定化时间优化试验.结果表明,Na3 PO4、电石渣可在7d后达到较好的稳定化效果,且随着时间的延长效果稳定;而Na2S和...  相似文献   

Decision-makers require useful tools, such as indicators, to help them make environmentally sound decisions leading to effective management of hazardous wastes. Four hazardous waste indicators are being tested for such a purpose by several countries within the Sustainable Development Indicator Programme of the United Nations Commission for Sustainable Development. However, these indicators only address the 'down-stream' end-of-pipe industrial situation. More creative thinking is clearly needed to develop a wider range of indicators that not only reflects all aspects of industrial production that generates hazardous waste but considers socio-economic implications of the waste as well. Sets of useful and innovative indicators are proposed that could be applied to the emerging paradigm shift away from conventional end-of-pipe management actions and towards preventive strategies that are being increasingly adopted by industry often in association with local and national governments. A methodological and conceptual framework for the development of a core-set of hazardous waste indicators has been developed. Some of the indicator sets outlined quantify preventive waste management strategies (including indicators for cleaner production, hazardous waste reduction/minimization and life cycle analysis), whilst other sets address proactive strategies (including changes in production and consumption patterns, eco-efficiency, eco-intensity and resource productivity). Indicators for quantifying transport of hazardous wastes are also described. It was concluded that a number of the indicators proposed could now be usefully implemented as management tools using existing industrial and economic data. As cleaner production technologies and waste minimization approaches are more widely deployed, and industry integrates environmental concerns at all levels of decision-making, it is expected that the necessary data for construction of the remaining indicators will soon become available.  相似文献   

In January 1999, wastewater influent and effluent from the pretreatment plant at the Stringfellow hazardous waste disposal site were sampled along with groundwater at six locations along the groundwater contaminant plume. The objectives of this sampling and study were to identify at the compound class level the unidentified 40-60% of wastewater organic contaminants, and to determine what organic compound classes were being removed by the wastewater pretreatment plant, and what organic compound classes persisted during subsurface waste migration. The unidentified organic wastes are primarily chlorinated aromatic sulfonic acids derived from wastes from DDT manufacture. Trace amounts of EDTA and NTA organic complexing agents were discovered along with carboxylate metabolites of the common alkylphenolpolyethoxylate plasticizers and nonionic surfactants. The wastewater pretreatment plant removed most of the aromatic chlorinated sulfonic acids that have hydrophobic neutral properties, but the p-chlorobenzene-sulfonic acid which is the primary waste constituent passed through the pretreatment plant and was discharged in the treated wastewaters transported to an industrial sewer. During migration in groundwater, p-chlorobenzenesulfonic acid is removed by natural remediation processes. Wastewater organic contaminants have decreased 3- to 45-fold in the groundwater from 1985 to 1999 as a result of site remediation and natural remediation processes. The chlorinated aromatic sulfonic acids with hydrophobic neutral properties persist and have migrated into groundwater that underlies the adjacent residential community.  相似文献   

Male cotton rats (Sigmodon hispidus) were studied at three industrial waste sites near Houston, Texas, to determine whether various morphological, biochemical, and histopathological indices provided evidence of contaminant exposure and toxic insult. Only modest changes were detected in cotton rats residing at waste sites compared with reference sites. No single parameter was consistently altered, except hepatic cytochrome P-450 concentration which was lower ( [Formula: see text] ) at two waste sites, and tended to be lower ( [Formula: see text] ) at a third waste site. Elevated petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations were detected in rats at one waste site, but contaminant burdens of rats from the other sites were unremarkable. Unlike rats captured in summer, those trapped in winter exhibited hepatocellular hypertrophy and up to a 65% increase in liver: body weight ratio, cytochrome P-450 concentration, and activities of aniline hydroxylase, aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase, and glutathione S-transferase. Although genotoxicity has been previously documented in cotton rats residing at two of the waste sites, biomarkers in the present study provided little evidence of exposure and damage.  相似文献   

Municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill leachate contains a number of aquatic pollutants. A specific MSW stream often referred to as household hazardous waste (HHW) can be considered to contribute a large proportion of these pollutants. This paper describes the use of the LandSim (Landfill Performance Simulation) modelling program to assess the environmental consequences of leachate release from a generic MSW landfill in receipt of co-disposed HHW. Heavy metals and organic pollutants were found to migrate into the zones beneath a model landfill site over a 20,000-year period. Arsenic and chromium were found to exceed European Union and US-EPA drinking water standards at the unsaturated zone/aquifer interface, with levels of mercury and cadmium exceeding minimum reporting values (MRVs). The findings demonstrate the pollution potential arising from HHW disposal with MSW.  相似文献   

在不同经济社会发展情况下,危险废物的风险源危险性和风险受体脆弱性存在很大差异。因此,城市对危险废物采取的风险防控和应急措施应该因城市而异。然而,目前我国大部分城市对危险废物的管理仍然是全过程从严管理,并未建立基于风险评估的环境管理体系。本研究以城市为边界,从危险废物的风险源危险性、风险受体脆弱性和风险防控与应急能力3个维度构建评估指标体系,然后在层次分析法的基础上,采用等比例分配法对指标进行赋权,并运用线性加权法合成经过正向化处理的指标评分值,从而得出危险废物城市环境风险评估结果。通过计算3个维度评分值的耦合度,可以确定风险防控与应急能力维度与风险源危险性维度和风险受体脆弱性维度的匹配程度。运用该方法对深圳市开展案例研究,结果表明,深圳市在“无废城市”建设试点期间,主要通过提升风险防控与应急能力,将危险废物城市环境风险值降低了20.7%;并且风险防控与应急能力维度与风险源危险性维度和风险受体脆弱性维度的匹配度较高,属于高风险高能力城市。因此,建议深圳市在下一步工作中,继续完善涉危险废物项目环境准入审查,严格评估危险废物再利用安全,不断加强信息化手段在环境监管中的应用,避免涉危险废物突发环境事件的发生,全面降低危险废物对城市造成的环境风险。  相似文献   

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