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本文论述了中性点有效接地高压输电系统发生接地故障时,由于阻性耦合,其附近的通信局(站)地网上的地电位分布,根据不同的接地故障位置选择相应的模型推导出相应的地电位升公式。并提出了通信局(站)的相应防护措施。  相似文献   

Following the export success of the South Korean small modular reactor (SMR), it has been investigated for the marketing strategy of nuclear power plants (NPPs). The information feedback oriented method for the social-business matters, system dynamics (SD), is applied to the assessment of the marketing strategy in which the forecasting skills are performed. Each element has the Boolean value as 0 or 1 in which the values are selected by the random number generation. If the generated values are higher than the designed value decided by the operator, it is 1. Otherwise, it is 0. The networking based dynamical modeling is discussed. The modification of the linear networking is changed by the SD algorithm where the feedback and multiple connections are added to the original network dynamics theory. This new method has shown the complexity of the marketing strategy, especially for the NPPs.  相似文献   

Unlike the situation in the direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) fed with dilute liquid methanol solution, the required water in anode for a DMFC fed with neat methanol is entirely transported from cathode. In this study, the water concentration in anode catalyst layer of such a DMFC operating with fully active mode is theoretically analyzed, followed by the experimental investigations on the effects of air flow rate and operating temperature on cell performance. The results revealed that the air flow rate has a strong impact on cell performance, especially at larger current density. Overmuch air causes rapid decline of cell performance, which results from the dehydration of membrane and lack of water in the anode reaction sites. Raising temperature induces faster reaction kinetics, while undesired stronger water dissipation from the DMFC. In practice, the stable cell resistance can be used as a criterion to help the DMFC to achieve a high and sustainable performance by finely combining the air flow rate and operating temperature.  相似文献   

The most common problems in water distribution systems are corrosion and scaling, which cause both economic and customer health problems. The aim of the present study is to report the relationship between Urmia Lake's drying and the corrosion and scaling potential of groundwater used as drinking water during the spring and summer of 2015. Groundwater samples were collected from all of the catchments of the Urmia Lake basin, and the characteristics of the water were used to determine the corrosive and scaling indices using the Langelier Saturation Index and the Ryznar Stability Index. The results showed that the total dissolved solids measurement of the samples collected from the islands of Urmia Lake was higher than the maximum value of the standard level. In addition, the hardness in 36% of the zones was higher than that of the maximum suggested level. The concentration of calcium was lower than that of the standard, but the rest of the parameters were in the standard level range. Also, the results showed that the water of the Urmia Lake basin tends to be very scaling and corrosive. In order to control the corrosion and scaling caused by groundwater drawn from the catchments around Urmia Lake, measures should be taken to prevent Urmia Lake's drying and to manage the groundwater around this area. It is also suggested that a laboratory study regarding the condition of the distribution system be carried out to adjust the effective parameters, such as the pH.  相似文献   

塔里木河干流区退耕还林(草)改善生态措施探讨   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
在国家实施西部大开发战略,提出退耕还林(草),再造山川秀美的历史机遇面前,针对塔里木河干流区尤其是下游绿色走廊生态环境恶化的现实问题,分析产生问题的具体原因,阐明在合理开发、利用和配置水资源的前提下,退耕还林(草)是改善生态环境的有力措施以及实施退耕还林(草)对改善该区域生态环境的作用和意义,论述退耕还林(草)应掌握和处理好改善生态与经济发展、改善生态与农业结构调整、现代技术应用与传统方式的关系,探讨退耕还林(草)中合理的林草比例及科学的林草结合方式。  相似文献   

Risk is a key topic in the communication between developers of infrastructure projects, permit-granting authorities, and civil society. The nature of risk communication is contested among academics, however. Whereas some scholars conceive of risk communication as a matter of effectively communicating expert knowledge on factual matters to the public, others emphasise the role of symbolic construction and rhetoric. This article analyses how wind farm developers rhetorically construct risks in relation to the environmental impact assessment (EIA) for a large offshore wind farm project. Our analysis is inspired by the New Rhetoric, the theory of argumentation developed by Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca (Traité de l'argumentation – la nouvelle rhétorique, Brussels: Éditions des presses de l'université de Bruxelles, 1958). We suggest that the EIA adopt a dual argumentative strategy. The report associates numerous risks with the project by identifying and cataloguing them; however, these risks are also disconnected from the project by being described as nonexistent, negligible, or manageable. We discuss some implications of considering EIAs, not as accounts of reality, but as loci of production for this reality.  相似文献   

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