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取消初沉池的污水处理厂,粒径小于200 μm细微无机颗粒物将直接进入生化池,或悬浮或沉积,进而影响生化池的运行。以山地城市某污水处理厂为例,跟踪监测了夏季2个月的6次降雨过程中旋流沉砂池进出水无机颗粒物的粒径和浓度,并同期测定了生化池活性污泥浓度以及污泥MLVSS/MLSS比值。研究发现:旱季旋流沉砂池进出、水中的无机颗粒物平均粒径分别为65.25 μm及54.14 μm,浓度均值分别为146 mg·L-1及128 mg·L-1,无机颗粒去除率12.33%;降雨旋流沉砂池进出、水中的无机颗粒物峰值平均粒径分别为140.48 μm及94.54 μm,峰值平均浓度分别为2 167 mg·L-1及1 591 mg·L-1,无机颗粒去除率26.58%;旋流沉砂池对粒径≥200 μm颗粒的去除较稳定,对细微无机颗粒物的去除效率约10%。研究进一步发现,降雨中颗粒物浓度分别与雨前晴天数及平均雨强呈线性正相关关系。通过核算生化池无机颗粒物的物料平衡关系,得知研究期间生化池累积无机颗粒物总量410.25 t,其中399.45 t沉积在底部,其余悬浮于活性污泥混合液中。活性污泥MLVSS/MLSS由0.52降至0.40,MLVSS由1 410 mg·L-1降至930 mg·L-1,污泥活性下降,系统运行效能受到影响。  相似文献   

介绍了美国某污水处理厂的处理工艺流程、主要构筑物构成及其设计参数,通过对该污水处理厂一年内运行效果的调研,分析评价了该污水厂的进出水水质指标;该水厂工艺流程对TSS、BOD5、COD、NH3-N、TP和浊度的年平均去除率分别可以达到97.7%、97.7%、93.5%、82.6%、95.2%和97.9%,各项出水水质均优于我国《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB18918-2002)一级A标准,通过对该水厂工艺的介绍和分析,为我国污水厂的建设及改造升级提供了一定的参考依据.  相似文献   

卢伟  朱曜曜  魏彬  杜蓉  汪力 《环境工程学报》2023,17(9):2813-2819
以华中地区某污水处理厂 (设计规模:25×104 m3·d−1) 为例,分析城镇污水处理厂的节能降碳的有效措施。该厂在2021年底实施了系列节能高效运行和工艺优化创新措施,取得显著降碳效果。措施包括:采用节能高效设备、生化池按需曝气、光伏发电等节约电耗措施,以及强化生物除磷、优化化学除磷、多点配水节约碳源、智能加药等。对比分析该污水处理厂2022年的运行数据与2019—2021年的数据。年平均吨水电耗、吨水消耗碳源、吨水消耗除磷剂分别由0.192 kW·h·m−3、5.010 mg·L−1 、4.199 mg·L−1降至0.161 kW·h·m−3、0 mg·L−1、2.980 mg·L−1。污水处理厂年消耗电费、药费等直接运行成本节约39.6%, 间接碳排放强度减少20.3%。相关举措可为类似污水处理厂的从运行管理角度实现减污降碳协同增效提供参考。  相似文献   

张羽  孙力平  钟远 《环境工程学报》2016,10(4):1681-1687
城市污水处理厂作为城市污水处理的重要承担者,其处理能力不足势必会对下游水体产生严重影响,也给水体的再生利用带来了难度,污水处理厂的去除效率变得尤为关注。以2014年3-12月天津市某污水处理厂氮的监测数据为基础,对其脱氮效率进行了评价。结果表明:污水处理厂脱氮效率偏低,总氮平均去除率为55.61%,且出水仅达到二级排放标准(GB 18918-2002),水厂进水C/N、水温对总氮的去除效率影响很大;水厂氨氮的平均去除率为87.40%,其去除率受进水NH4+-N浓度影响很大,水厂对高浓度的进水NH4+-N(大于70 mg/L)去除效率偏低,而进水NH4+-N小于60 mg/L时,出水NH4+-N基本能满足一级A排放标准(GB 18918-2002);水厂出水的亚硝态氮含量很高,其主要受溶解氧和C/N的影响;水厂对有机氮的去除效果不佳,需要采用深度处理技术。  相似文献   

污水有机组分表征是高负荷活性污泥法(HRAS)模型建立的基础。针对经典活性污泥1号模型不适用于HRAS这一问题,提出了相应的双水解模型,即将污水有机组分中水解型有机物分为快速水解型与慢速水解型2种,发现两者水解动力学参数具有明显差异。对原水氧利用速率进行参数拟合,通过灵敏度和共线性分析,估计了快速生物降解型有机物、快速水解型有机物、慢速水解型有机物以及异养菌等4种污水有机组分,探讨了污水有机组分与增加HRAS碳源捕获率的关系。结果表明:以上4种有机组分均可被准确识别,共线性指数γK低于经验限值,各组分比例分别为13.9%、11.6%、12.6%和12.8%;从污水组分角度来说,提高HRAS碳源捕获率的3个方向分别为:反应器中的异养菌尽可能将快速生物降解型有机物和快速水解型有机物同化生成细胞物质;避免絮体污泥中的慢速水解型有机物过量水解;抑制异养菌衰减,减少内源呼吸产物的产生。双水解模型对污水有机组分成功表征有助于HRAS的设计、运行及优化。  相似文献   

石艳玲 《环境工程学报》2016,10(9):5331-5336
利用GC-MS分析了某化工园区污水厂一期(化工)进水中的有机物组分,并通过活性污泥呼吸抑制实验评估其微生物毒性及对现有生化处理系统的影响。在此基础上,对Fenton试剂后置深度处理和前置预处理2个方案开展比较研究。结果表明,一期进水含多种难降解有机物,对生活污泥表现出微生物毒性,但对园区污水厂污泥无明显呼吸抑制作用。Fenton试剂后置处理生化出水,当进水COD-1,在pH为3.5左右,H2O2投加量为5 mmol·L-1,Fe2+/H2O2摩尔比为1:2的条件下,出水COD可稳定低于60 mg·L-1,处理成本不含污泥处置费低于1.8元·t-1水,难降解组分从18种减少为4种。而Fenton试剂前置预处理化工废水时,废水B/C在几种Fenton药剂组合下均未能达到0.3以上,无法得到理想的可生化性提高效果。因此推荐该化工园区污水厂采用Fenton试剂后置处理工艺为主的提标改造方案。  相似文献   

通过对某污水处理厂循环活性污泥法工艺(cyclic activated sludge technology, CAST)中选择池、缺氧池和好氧池中氮组分和污泥浓度进行测定,结合污泥活性、同步硝化-反硝化(simultaneous nitrification and denitrification, SND)速率及饱食-饥饿(feast-famine)批次实验,评价该处理工艺的脱氮性能。结果表明,好氧池内同步硝化-反硝化和沉淀过程中的内源反硝化(endogenous denitrification, ED)脱氮对总氮去除的贡献占据主导,分别为(35.50±4.15)%和(62.86±4.13)%,而缺氧池反硝化(DEN)脱氮贡献仅为(1.64±0.05)%;溶解氧(dissolved oxygen, DO)浓度对CAST工艺脱氮性能有极大影响,控制好氧池中DO浓度为1~1.5 mg·L−1时可获得最佳脱氮效果,CAST工艺的TN去除率可达84.51%;饱食-饥饿批次实验证明,饥饿时长为36 h时对乙酸(HAc)的吸收能力最强,可达每1 g VSS消耗0.173 g HAc,依此可推算出CAST工艺的最佳回流比为45%。  相似文献   

活性污泥对污水中重金属的去除机制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
活性污泥对污水中重金属的去除分为表面吸附和胞内吸收。表面吸附指细胞外多聚物、细胞壁上的离子基团对金属离子的吸附,其特点是快速、可逆,和能量代谢无关。胞内吸收通过金属离子和细胞表面的透膜酶、水解酶相结合而实现,速度较慢。pH值、泥龄、污泥浓度、自由配位体浓度和金属浓度等因素都对污泥的去除金属能力产生影响。  相似文献   

随着大量污水处理厂的建成投运,中国污水处理事业的重心必然会从以建设为主转向建设与运行并重,运行管理将发挥越来越重要的作用。文中以南京市某城镇污水处理厂为例,分析该污水处理厂运行过程COD、NH^3-N排放超标问题,并提出对策(健全配套污水收集管网,提升工艺参数DO、NO^3-、NO^2-的控制水平,规范运行台账管理等),以期为其他城镇污水处理厂的运行管理提供参考。  相似文献   

运转经验表明,活性污泥处理厂原水的水质、水量是随季节、时间的变化不断上下波动的。这一波动将导致处理系统偏离设计时选定的工作点,引起处理厂出水水质的变化。在不加控制的情况下,当进水负荷的变化幅度超过处理系统的自适应能力时,就会造成处理效果的严重恶化。因此,为了使处理系统保持稳定运转,必须根据原水水质、水量的变化情况及时调整处理系统的工作条件,对处理系统实施有效的控制。  相似文献   

污水处理厂污泥的再利用集成技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将武汉市污水处理厂的剩余活性污泥在不同pH、不同时间下水解,测定水解液的蛋白质含量、重金属离子含量、氨基酸的种类及含量;将水解液制备成蛋白质泡沫灭火剂并测定其灭火参数;将所剩残渣干燥并测定热值,按5%的比例与煤混合压制成蜂窝煤,并测定热值。实验表明,所制备灭火剂的各项指标符合国家标准,所制备蜂窝煤减少了黄泥的使用,增强了蜂窝煤的热值,燃烧试验证明是完全可行的,该集成技术可实现污泥减量化、无害化和资源化利用。  相似文献   

A method was developed to determine the dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) reduction rate in activated sewage sludge at nearly natural conditions. Linearity of microbially produced dimethyl sulphide with incubation time and sample size was shown. Apart from a fast, sensitive and highly reproducible automatic analysis of dimethyl sulphide, simultaneous determination of mineralisation, respiration and phenol degradation rates was possible. The DMSO reduction rate of samples taken from a municipal sewage plant ranged between 2 and 3 μmol/(g dry matter · h), respiration and mineralisation rates between 30 and 80 μmol/(g · h). Added13C6-phenol was completely degradated after 96 h of incubation. A half-life of 14 h was calculated assuming first order decay. Dose response curves were obtained by incubating samples for 2, 6, 25, and 96 hours after addition of pentachlorophenol. At an incubation time of 6 h, the EC50 values ranged from 20 mg/L (DMSO reduction) to 30 mg/L (phenol degradation) up to 180 mg/L (respiration and mineralisation). Increasing the incubation time to 96 h resulted in a lower EC50 of 9 mg/L for DMSO reduction, whereas it increased to 500 mg/L for respiration and mineralisation.  相似文献   

Model continuous activated sludge (CAS) plants (Husmann units) were used to study the fate of two commercial, alcohol ethoxylate (AE) surfactants during aerobic sewage treatment. The surfactants were produced by the ethoxylation of an essentially linear C(12-15) alcohol (NEODOL 25) with an average of 7 (C(12-15)EO7) or 3 (C(12-15)EO3) moles of ethylene oxide (EO). Recent analytical developments made it possible to measure levels of AE that included the free alcohol and EO1 oligomers across the CAS system, from the influent feed, on the activated sludge, through to the effluent. Measured concentrations of AE (as C(12-15)EO(0-20)) in the synthetic sewage feeds to the test CAS plants lay in the range 11-13 mg/l. During stable operation at 20 degrees C, an average of 5 microg/l AE were present in the C(12-15)EO7 CAS plant effluent, giving a removal (bioelimination) of >99.9%. When levels of AE on the sludge, and polyethylene glycols (PEGs--an expected biodegradation intermediate) in the effluent and on the sludge were also taken into account, biodegradation was considered to be responsible for >98.7% of the observed removal. During operation at a winter temperature (10 degrees C), an average of 26 microg/l AE were present in the C(12-15)EO7 CAS plant effluent, giving a removal of 99.8%. Biodegradation was estimated to be responsible for >97.2% of the observed removal. During operation at 20 degrees C, an average of 7 microg/l AE were present in the C(12-15)EO3 CAS plant effluent, giving a removal of >99.9%. No analysis for PEG was performed in this case but the low level of AE on the sludge (0.2 mg/g dry solids) suggested that biodegradation was responsible for most of the observed removal. Neither surfactant had any adverse effect on the sewage treatment efficiencies of the CAS plants in terms of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) removal, nitrification or biomass levels.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to study the fate and toxicity of triclosan (TCS) in activated sludge systems and to investigate the role of biodegradation and sorption on its removal. Two continuous-flow activated sludge systems were used; one system was used as a control, while the other received TCS concentrations equal to 0.5 and 2mgl(-1). At the end of the experiment, 1mgl(-1) TCS was added in the control system to investigate TCS behaviour and effects on non-acclimatized biomass. For all concentrations tested, more than 90% of the added TCS was removed during the activated sludge process. Determination of TCS in the dissolved and particulate phase and calculation of its mass flux revealed that TCS was mainly biodegraded. Activated sludge ability to biodegrade TCS depended on biomass acclimatization and resulted in a mean biodegradation of 97%. Experiments with batch and continuous-flow systems revealed that TCS is rapidly sorbed on the suspended solids and afterwards, direct biodegradation of sorbed TCS is performed. Regarding TCS effects on activated sludge process, addition of 0.5mgl(-1) TCS on non-acclimatized biomass initially deteriorated ammonia removal and nitrification capacity. After acclimatization of biomass, nitrification was fully recovered and further increase of TCS to 2mgl(-1) did not affect the performance of activated sludge system. The effect of TCS on organic substrate removal was minor for concentrations up to 2mgl(-1), indicating that heterotrophic microorganisms are less sensitive to TCS than nitrifiers.  相似文献   

Pharmaceutical substances have been detected in sewage effluents as well as receiving waters in many parts of the world. In this study, the occurrence and removal of a number of drug compounds were studied within a large sewage treatment plant in the south of England. Samples were processed using solid phase extraction and analysed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The results demonstrate that ibuprofen, paracetamol, salbutamol and mefenamic acid were present in both the influent and effluent of the works while propranolol-HCl was not found above the limit of quantification in any sample. Elimination rates were circa 90% for each compound but several hundred nanograms per litre were still present in the final effluent.  相似文献   

污水处理厂污泥干化焚烧处理可行性分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
李博  王飞  严建华  池涌 《环境工程学报》2012,6(10):3399-3404
以绍兴污水处理厂脱水污泥为研究对象,通过实验分析了污泥进行干化焚烧处理的可行性。对污泥泥质进行分析,采用桨叶式污泥干化机对污泥的热干化特性、干化过程污染排放特性进行研究,使用流化床污泥焚烧试验装置对污泥焚烧工况及焚烧过程中污染物的排放特征进行研究,结果表明,绍兴污水处理厂脱水污泥的泥质特征与大多数污水污泥类似,灰分较高、发热量较低,需干化后才可实现稳定燃烧;污泥在小型桨叶式污泥干化机内的干化速率最高达到0.6kg/(m2·min),并随污泥干化的进行而逐渐降低;干化过程产生的常规污染气体中氨气浓度最高,可达170 mg/Nm3;污泥干化冷凝水的COD高达820 mg/L,氨氮等指标也很高。污泥干化系统的设计需充分考虑污泥热干化过程中气体和液体污染物的排放,设置相应的处理设施。污泥干化至含水率30%时,可在不投加辅助燃料的情况下实现流化床焚烧炉内的焚烧处理,干化污泥焚烧时需关注烟气中常规污染气体和重金属的控制,焚烧灰渣浸出毒性未超过国标限值。  相似文献   

研究利用甘蔗渣作为廉价原材料制备微生物絮凝剂并探讨其对城市污泥的脱水性能。按0.5%最佳接种量接种,并利用发酵罐进行批式发酵培养,培养60 h后的发酵液具有最佳絮凝效果,投加量为5.0 mg/L时较优,污泥脱水率从75.60%提高到84.2%,污泥含水率从95.82%降至76.21%。此时絮凝剂粗产量为1.16 g/L。培养108 h后,发酵液仍具有显著的絮凝效果,能使污泥含水率维持在76.81%左右。补料发酵实验表明,恒pH培养会抑制微生物分泌絮凝剂,最佳絮凝效果为72 h的发酵液,投加量5.0 mg/L,污泥含水率降至76.47%。通过补料以及不控制pH后,发酵液絮凝效果迅速上升,投加不同量的发酵液使污泥的含水率保持在76.22%~75.60%之间。综合来说,补料在能减少原料浪费的同时也可以有效地提高絮凝剂的絮凝效果。  相似文献   

Triclosan is an antimicrobial agent which is widely used in household and personal care products. Widespread use of this compound has led to the elevated concentrations of triclosan in wastewater, wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and receiving waters. Removal of triclosan and formation of triclosan-methyl was investigated in activated sludge from a standard activated sludge WWTP equipped with enhanced biological phosphorus removal. The removal was found to occur mainly under aerobic conditions while under anoxic (nitrate reducing) and anaerobic conditions rather low removal rates were determined. In a laboratory-scale activated sludge reactor 75% of the triclosan was removed under aerobic conditions within 150 h, while no removal was observed under anaerobic or anoxic conditions. One percent of the triclosan was converted to triclosan-methyl under aerobic conditions, less under anoxic (nitrate reducing) and none under anaerobic conditions.  相似文献   

刘风  马鲁铭 《环境工程学报》2012,6(11):3899-3904
开展了污水处理厂出水回用于污泥焚烧烟气净化的实验研究。生化出水净化吸收污泥焚烧烟气的效果与气水比、进气浓度、进水pH、进水碱度和水温等因素有关。研究结果表明,气水比10∶1,进水pH为7条件下,生化出水能够有效吸收污泥焚烧烟气中的各种污染物质,出气中气体污染物低于《生活垃圾焚烧污染控制标准》(GB18485-2001)的排放限值要求,吸收后出水各指标均低于《污水综合排放标准》(GB8978-1996)中污染物排放限值的要求。该工艺脱硫效率可达90%,具有系统简单可靠、以废治废、不产生二次污染等优点。  相似文献   

城市污水处理厂提高污泥浓度的理论与实践   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在城市污水处理厂运行中,通过提高污泥回流比实现提高污泥浓度是有限的.分点进水高效脱氮除磷(ECOSUN-IDE)工艺改变了传统的进水方式,在活性污泥系统中进行分点进水,大幅度提高了污泥浓度,从而改进了城市污水处理厂脱氮除磷效率.  相似文献   

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